Sins Among Royals
Chapter 32

Indie ran, tripped and stumbled around the lake. Her muscles ached, her limbs felt like they would fall off and she huffed and puffed trying to suck air into her lungs if this was what it would take to her to be able to challenge Victor then she was headed down a long, painful road.

Before long she saw the end in sight and stumbled towards the finish line. Wade ran up behind her with a smile on his face. “What do you say to running around a second time?” He jumped and ran on the spot as he watched Indie collapse to the ground near where they started.

“You go on without me, I’ll just take a little rest.” She spread herself against the ground and stared up at the sky.

Wade couldn’t hide the grin from his face, “you have a flair for the dramatic don’t you?” He chuckled then shook his head. She really looked like she was suffering. “Come on,” he sighed as he wiped the slight sweat from his brow, “Let’s get you back up to the house. Master Noah will punish me if I put you through much more.”

Pulling the weights off of his limbs he moved to help Indie who hadn’t moved at all. “So when are we training next?” Indie asked hopeful that it wouldn’t be too soon.

“This evening we’ll go for another run.” Wade muttered as he helped Indie removable weights from her limbs.

“Tonight? Please tell me that’s some sick joke and instead get to sit in bed with pizza and movies?” Indie pleaded with an unsympathetic Wade.

“The more you train the more you condition your body into learning how to handle pain and the more strength you build.” He pulled her to a sitting position as he removed the weights from her ankles. “You actually did quite well. I usually get new recruits to run without weights to see what they are capable of.” Another smile pressed itself against his lips quickly, “I already knew what you were capable of so adding weights right away was always going to be an improvement.” He sat there looking her over for a minute. “You already look stronger,” he grinned as he took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

She leaned against him with all her weight and as tired as she was she noticed that he’d barely broken a sweat. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How is it that I’m over here dying like a fat pig and you aren’t even panting?” She asked in disbelief. “Are all guards machines like you?”

Wade threw his head back and laughed. His dark hair fell across his forehead, sticking slightly. “We are all hired and kept for a reason Indie. We’re not just pretty faces you know.” He looked down at her and winked, “although being good looking fools possible enemies into thinking we either don’t know much or aren’t very strong.” flicking his hair out of his face he smiled broadly, “it works in our favor all the time.”

Indie laughed awkwardly. It sounded quite terrifying that they’d be so deceptive. “So anything for the upper hand I guess?” She commented quickly before she could even think of the words coming out of her mouth.

Turning his attention to her they walked side by side back towards the bag he had for the weights, “I wouldn’t say anything for an upper hand but we do have to learn quickly what works to our advantage.” Throwing all the weights at the bag he quickly stuffed them into the sack before opening his training bag and pulling out two bottles. He tossed one to Indie who caught it awkwardly but eagerly. “Everything we do is to benefit the royal family and to keep them safe. I may not always agree with what they do but for the most part they aren’t that bad.”

Indie sucked the water from the bottle like she’d never tasted it in her life. The thirst quenching water cooled as she swallowed it and that made her weak in the knees. Wade gave her an amusing stare as she easily guzzled half a bottle, “Just a bit thirsty then?” He laughed as he picked up his bag and waited for Indie.

Throwing the bottle at him Indie frowned. “Shut up, I’ve never been almost killed by a slave driver before. I’m more parched than the Atacama desert,” Indie replied quickly. Just thinking about it made her thirsty again as she jumped to her feet.

She noticed that her panting had subsided and her muscles weren’t as sore. She even felt a little better.

“The what desert?” Wade responded cluelessly.

“The Atacama? Driest desert in the world,” her words still received a blank stare from Wade, “It’s in South America?” She watched as his brow furrowed as he thought silently. “Do you know what never-ending your head looks like it’s gonna explode if you think too hard.”

“Hey no need to be rude!” Wade protested quickly.

“Says the man who’s been insulting me all morning,” Indie retorted without missing a beat.

The pair walked back towards the cliff in silence for a while. The further they walked the better Indie felt.

“Have you found anyone else?” Indie asked suddenly. She didn’t know what compelled her to ask the question but she watched Wade as his face ran through a range of emotions quickly.

The pain that eventually settled across his face made Indie regret her question. He smiled suddenly but she saw the pain in his eyes, it was a part of a person that could never lie. “I have found comfort in others,” he started, “but I have not found another.”

Silence again fell between them as Wade walked rigidly. His shoulders held high and in a very stiff position.

“Will you tell me about her?” Indie asked as Wade turned towards her with a scowl on his face. “Your mate I mean. What was she like, what did she look like?”

Watching carefully Indie saw a wave of remembrance wash over him. He seemed haunted. The sadness lightened a little as they walked but it wasn’t till they reached the bottom of the cliff before he spoke again.

“She was a ray of sunshine,” with that his face lit up and the memories of his mate drove away all grey clouds around him. “Her name was Hazel and she had beautiful big brown eyes and a smile that could chase away the darkest storm.” She watched him as he relaxed more with the words he spoke. “She was gentle and kind and always had time to talk to people or help anyone that needed it.”

Indie loved the way he spoke about Hazel and the look on his face as he recounted memories was something precious. “How long were you together?” She asked curiously.

“We actually grew up just down the street from each other. She was a couple of years younger than me so we didn’t really know each other but when she turned for the first time was when we found each other.” The pair began their climb up the path cut into the side of the cliff. “We’d been together for only a week. Where we grew up was not very close to Blackwood but Master Noah had heard reports of Hunters in the area. Unfortunately no one passed the information to us that lived there and while Hazel and I were out in a field having a picnic we were attacked,” it broke Indies heart to hear about how Wade had lost his mate but she had asked the question and now had to suffer through his pain.

“They were all over us before we knew what was happening. I managed to shift but her still being new to the process took longer. They began shooting and I was driven off. Master Noah and his men arrived shortly after and managed to kill or capture most of the hunters.” Indie felt the pain in his voice without having to turn and look at him as their pace slowed considerably.

“When I found her it was too late. She’d been shot multiple times with a bullet no one had ever before seen. Do you know what she said to me before she died?”

Stopping in her tracks Indie turned to look at him. The seriousness on his face was intense. She shook her head and watched as Wade pushed passed her gently. “She told me that she loved me and that it wasn’t my fault.”

“It wasn’t your fault. How could you have known?” She questioned him with a gentle voice. How could he have known hunters were near? How could he have known what they were capable of?

“I was so angry with Master Noah for abandoning you on the island because I will never forgive myself for abandoning Hazel in that field to die. I left her there and saved myself.” His pain was immense as anger raged beneath the surface. It now made sense to her why they had been so angry about Noah leaving her on the island but Wade’s story was different.

“And if you stayed you both would have died! Wade you can’t carry that burden with you, she said it wasn’t your fault. She forgave you. What if it was the other way around and she survived? What if you died?” Indie tried to reason with him. “If she was left to wander the world alone without you you’d still be blaming yourself.”

While she found it distressing that the thought of one true mate surviving the other she didn’t want to see Wade in so much pain. He seemed like a decent, good man and for him to place such a burden on his shoulders didn’t seem right.

“I suppose you’re right,” he conceded as they reached the tunnel at the top of the path. What would sadden him more? Though both possibilities brought much sadness and anger he would have hated knowing that Hazel would be alone in the world. Opening the door to the small shed they stepped out onto the grounds of Craggy Bluff.

Indies pain long forgotten as she worried and fretted over Wade.

“If you would like this evening off we can pick up training again in the morning?” Wade asked her quickly as he stood a fair distance from her.

“Um,” Indie began a little speechless. “Sure? I guess we can go again in the morning.” She realized that perhaps she had asked too much of Wade emotionally just like he had asked too much of her physically.

He tipped his head in her direction slightly before turning and heading off towards the guard quarters.

Turning awkwardly towards the home Indie went straight to her room. To her surprise the lights were on and someone was in the bathroom. Taking a deep breath in she noticed that it wasn’t Poppy but instead it was Noah. What was he doing?

Indie closed the door behind her and removed her shoes. Sitting on the bed she felt disgusting and wished Noah would hurry up and leave. After a few minutes he emerged from the bathroom surprised to see her there.

“Oh you’re done?” He asked quickly. “I was hoping I’d be gone by the time you got back.” He shifted his weight from one leg to the other awkwardly as Indie watched him.

“What are you doing in there?” She questioned him curiously as she looked at what he was wearing. “Are those sweat pants?” She smiled mischievously. Indie couldn’t help but stare. He seemed so casual all of a sudden.

“I didn’t know these things were so comfortable.” He smiled innocently.

“Are those mine?!” Indie shrieked loudly.

To say Noah looked embarrassed was an understatement, “believe it or not I went to the store and purchased these myself.” Indie grinned, he seemed rather pleased with himself.

“Are you done in there?” She motioned towards the bathroom as Noah jumped to the side.

“Oh yes,” he replied quickly as he motioned for Indie to join him.

Looking at him oddly she jumped off of the bed and walked towards the open door with him behind her.

“I hope you don’t mind. I thought you might like a soak in the tub after your first training,” he responded almost shyly.

Indie was in awe, the antique claw foot bathtub was filled with water. Rose petals floated on the water and there was an antique trolley sitting next to it with candles and various soaps. It smelled beautiful and Indie couldn’t wait to jump in. “You did this for me?” She turned and asked him with great surprise.

He shrugged his shoulders trying to keep his cool, “it’s the least I could do after the way I’ve treated you recently.”

As much as Indie didn’t want to like it she couldn’t help it. She absolutely loved it.

Noah turned to leave before remembering something important, “oh before I forget. Willow called to see if we would attend her party this weekend. Would you like to go?” He asked gently. “I didn’t want to make any decisions for you.”

Indie was both confused and in awe. What had happened to Noah to suddenly make him so considerate? Had he realised that he’d been treating her poorly? Had he finally overcome his attachment to Medea? Indie didn’t know what it was but she was grateful for it.

Nodding her head she smiled in return. “If Poppy and Leo can come with us?” Though she appreciated Noah’s kindness he still had a long way to go to make her feel completely comfortable and at ease around him.

“If that is what you wish then that is what will happen.” He bowed gently before turning and walking out. Noah felt good about what he had just done but he was no fool. Seeing Indie smile at him however was worth the small effort he went through to get things Poppy said she liked.

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