Sins Among Royals
Chapter 59

Everyone paused as Indie stiffened at the sound of Madeline’s voice.

“Why have we stopped?” Astra whispered, her voice carried softly to Indies ears.

“It’s the Verena of my area,” Indie replied through gritted teeth. Madeline was the last person she wanted to see. Ever

Collective gasps rang out through the group of women, “Oh Hunter! You poor boy!” Naira offered her condolences, none of them would wish a person like that on their worst enemy.

Before long Barnard appeared with a very excited looking Madeline in tow. Everyone fell silent as their gaze landed upon a far too made up young woman who looked as if she were dressed to walk a red carpet in Hollywood.

Her eyes quickly zeroed in on Hunter as she waved rather enthusiastically at him, “Oh Hunter dear! Be a darling and fetch my bags from the car.” She smiled sweetly, maliciously. “There are quite a few. Be sure not to drop anything alright?”

All those present cringed with a mixture of disgust and pain. Hunter sighed and dropped what he was doing, “Fine.” He was her mate, he couldn’t well just leave her to her own devices.

“Hold on just a minute!” Indie yelled as she stepped towards Madeline.

“Oh Indie. Show me to my room would you? I want to freshen up.” She had barely been present five minutes and Indie wanted to kill her.

“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to Madeline but you better check your attitude,” Indie stepped slowly, purposefully towards Madeline. She counted each step in her head and stared down at her with all the hatred and revulsion she could find within her. It was an easy thing to do given Madeline was the source of all of Indies anger. “You won’t be staying in the castle,” Indie informed her quickly. “You will be staying in a hotel down in town which you will be paying for with your own money.”

Madeline gasped as her mouth hung open in mid air, she was visibly, and rather dramatically shocked. “I beg your pardon! Who do you think you are talking to?” She screamed at Indie as her brow furrowed and crumpled in anger.

“Okay you seem to be having a hard time understanding, let me break it down into terms you understand.” Indie began as she cleared her throat, “I did not invite you, you will not be gifted a pack of your own, you are not welcome to lodge in the castle and if you speak to me like a peasant again I know a vampire in the dungeons that would love to make a meal out of you,” Indie watched as all colour drained from Madeline’s features, she swallowed hard and her eyes glazed over.

Indie felt someone standing at her side and as she turned her head slightly she was more than surprised to see Willow, Naira and Luna all standing around her protectively.

“If you ever speak to our queen in such a disrespectful manner again I will rip your throat out. Do you understand?” Willow smiled maliciously at Madeline, they all knew Willow would deliver on that promise. She was the better trained of the group and given who her father was it had to be a given.

“Actually Hunter I’ve changed my mind,” Madeline laughed nervously as she backed away, “You stay and help and I’ll.....I’ll come back another time.” Turning on her heel Madeline all but ran from the castle leaving an amused group of young women in her wake.

“Rip your throat out?” Naira asked suddenly as everyone broke out into a fit of giggles.

“What?” Willow protested quickly, “she is clearly lacking in brain cells and we all know the only way to hammer something in is with brutality and threats.”

The triplets couldn’t help but laugh loudly, “you are your father’s daughter Willow!” Giggled Nova.

“That was actually quite freakish,” grinned Astra.

“Please never do it again! There was a serious demonic tone to that voice,” Darla demanded quickly, she was rarely heard by the others when everyone was gathered but she made sure to speak up this time. The chill that invaded her body at Willow’s threat was not so easy to ignore.

“Fine! You girls are such.....girls sometimes,” Willow teased as they resumed what they were doing.

By nightfall the entire patio was covered in white streamers and flowers, there were white and gold balloons tethered everywhere and a general hum of contented accomplishment filled the air around them.

A small stage and podium stood out on the grounds with many rows of wooden, folding seats set up in front of it.

“It really looks like someone is going to get married tomorrow. Why the white and gold again?” Willow questioned Darla quickly.

“Well,” the short little pocket rocket began with a cheeky grin. “I was going to make it pink and white but you’re a total feminist and I just knew that if everything was pink I would never hear the end of it.”

“I actually can’t argue with that,” the usually fiery Willow responded with a broad smile. Though there were times when the girls did not see eye to eye they were usual considerate of each other’s feelings.

“And I know Naira’s favourite colour is gold.” Darla shrugged as she put the finishing touches to one of the tables that had been dotted around the kitchen end of the patio.

“I think that’s it Indie!” Naira clapped enthusiastically. They had all managed to do a lot of work in the short amount of time they had. It pleased everyone.

“I guess we all need to go get some beauty sleep. You most of all Darla,” Astra teased quickly. “I can see your hair extensions falling out.”

“At least I can fix my ugly hair,” Darla fired back with bite. She hated being picked on.

“Alright ladies just calm down and roll it back. I think it’s bed time for everyone.” Naira demanded quickly. “Let’s get security to take us back to the hotel. I think we could all do with a good night’s sleep.” At the mention of sleep a seemingly endless yawn travelled through the group.

“I’m with you on that one. Goodnight Indie. See you bright and early for hair and makeup.” The girls all left together leaving Indie and Poppy to themselves.

The castle again grew quiet as the warm sound of friendly chatter and banter faded with each step the small group of women took towards the main entrance. After a few minutes it faded and the only sounds to be heard were that of car doors opening and closing before the girls were swiftly carried off down the hill and back into town to their waiting mates.

Indie stretched and yawned as Poppy joined her, “do you think Madeline understands now?” She asked quickly.

With shake of her head a grim frown forced on Indies lips as Hunter joined them too. “I don’t think she’d ever understand.” Indie responded with a sigh. “Just say the word Hunter and we can find you a new mate.”

The two girls turned when they heard Hunter growl. It was low and soft but it was intended to get their attention. “Would you have rejected Noah if he didn’t change?”

The question was a blow to Indie. She knew Noah’s behaviour had been unacceptable and his treatment of her when the two first found each other was cruel but the thought of rejecting him never crossed her mind.

“No,” Indie responded as she ground her jaw, she didn’t like the question and she especially didn’t like the way he asked.

“Exactly. So for you to say that to me is unfair.” He turned to his sister completely and frowned, “Mom told me we all get one mate in life. She said we were extremely unfortunate to have the mates you and I do but she also said that we are not given things in life that we can’t handle.” His words brought Indie back down to earth and made her realise that the words her brother spoke were true. “There is a side to Madeline I quite like. When other people aren’t around she is actually sweet and funny and kind but.....” He trailed off a little as a frown pressed hard against his brow. “She told me once that she wasn’t the son her father wanted and wished for and so when he passes on the Alpha title it won’t go to her.”

Realisation dawned on Indie and Poppy as the blond spoke up, “so her attitude is to compensate for her shitty life at home?”

“I think she’s been doing it for so long that she doesn’t know how to turn it off. That’s probably also the reason she thought she’d be gifted a pack.” Hunters serious face soon broke as a grin sliced across his lips, “I still think it’s funny that she tried to boss you around Indie and I hope she doesn’t do anything like that again. Willow sounded serious about the throat thing,” he frowned again and looked at Indie. “You were joking about the vampire weren’t you?”

Indie walked off with a scoff, “I’m going to bed now.” She stretched and yawned as she walked off towards her room.

Poppy laughed, “come on Hunter. You need some beauty sleep and I need some loving from my lion.” Indie couldn’t help but chuckle at Poppy. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Finding her way quickly to her room Indie showered and changed and when she emerged she spotted Noah sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked up at her and smiled.

“Hey,” Indie breathed softly as she walked towards him.

Noah held a small box in his hands, two fingers on either corner as he turned it around and around. “I have something for you,” he held it out for her to take and as she drew closer Indie wrapped her fingers around the case.

She sat next to him and pulled her feet up off of the ground. Her fingers danced over the top of the lid quickly, “Is it an engagement ring?” She asked before pulling open the lid. Inside lay a small, delicate gold band with a tiny diamond at its center.

“It’s a promise ring.” Noah took the box from her gently and removed the ring from its cushioned surrounded and slipped it onto her ring finger. “It is a promise I make to you that you will be my wife. It is a promise that my love for you is strong and never ending. It is a promise that my heart belongs to you from now until forever and that I can never be with any other.”

Indie felt a shiver run through her body as Noah sat there staring at her finger adorned with the simplicity of the promise ring he’d been saving.

She leaned towards him, closing the gap between them. “I love you Noah,” she sighed happily. Never before had Indie muttered the words of love to anyone but her parents and her heart swelled with pride and adoration for the man that sat nervously beside her.

Noah let the words sink in before his met with Indies gaze. Her eyes were sparkling and burning with a fire he had never seen before. She leaned closer and closer till finally their lips met. Indie wrapped her arms around Noah’s shoulders and he in turn wrapped his around her waist.

Noah pulled Indie onto his lap and immediately regretted his decision. He wanted her more than he’d wanted anything in his life and he was struggling to contain himself.

He pulled away and sighed, “I shouldn’t. I won’t be able to stop myself if we keep going.”

Indie frowned and pouted before an idea formed in her head. She leaned close to Noah and whispered, “just because we can’t have set doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.” A smiled curled her lips as she nibbled on his earlobe.

“You aren’t going to suggest strip poker or something equally excruciating are to?” Noah groaned. He imagined all the ways she could tease him but in no way expected what happened next.

“Poker? What’s that?” Indie joked as she reached between his legs and began stroking. “I was thinking of something else.” Indie smiled mischievously as Noah relaxed into the bed. He had not been expecting it at all.

“I may be a virgin but I’m not clueless.” she smiled wickedly.

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