Sins Among Royals
Chapter 78

The sun began its ascent in the sky, signalling a new day in Blackwood castle. Noah and Indie woke while it was still dark, a somber mood had settled over everyone. It was the day they would farewell the old king and queen.

Andrew and Nathaniel had retrieved Victor’s body and had cleared the dungeons of all prisoners before it was sealed. Ebony’s body had been cremated, her ashes thrown into the river. Noah felt no sorrow, no pain for his oldest sister. She deserved nothing.

Raif’s body had been recovered and returned to his family who live near the home he and Ebony once shared. It was a somber day.

The pair descended the staircase to the ground floor, silence washed over them. When they reached the kitchen the pair were greeted with a rather frantic Barnard who was flustered to say the least.

“What’s the matter?” Noah queried him quickly as he poured himself a cup of strong coffee.

“Master,” Barnard paused and frowned deeply, “it is Sebastian....I woke this morning to find a note on my nightstand. Sebastian has run off it seems.”

Noah could see the man’s obvious distress but it drew a smile to his lips at the thought of why Sebastian left.

“He seems to think there are other survivors from the vampire attack on his people.” The butler paused and pulled the note from his pocket. He held it out to Noah who was more than a little confused.

“The attack was so long ago, surely if there were survivors they would have made themselves known to Sebastian already?” But as the words left Noah’s lips he remembered the exile that Sebastian had been subjected to before the decimation of his people. Perhaps they all thought he’d been killed? Noah let his gaze wander over the paper before him and frowned.

“I care very little that he is actually gone Master Noah,” the butler began again, “my concern is that i have no other to share the in the daily running of the castle.” Barnard looked extremely deflated and quite saddened that Noah couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You will have a replacement by mid week Barnard. Try not to worry.” Noah reassured the man quickly. It didn’t seem to ease the concerned look on the man’s face however.

Barnard excused himself and began fluffing about the castle all the while muttering nonsense beneath his breath.

Indie and Noah walked towards the formal dining room where breakfast had been set up for those that still remained in the castle. The servants ate in their allocated space before anyone else in the castle so they were ready to tackle their daily tasks when guests began filtering into the formal dining area to eat.

Indie quickly spied Poppy and Amber at one end of the table, Leo and Wade were nowhere to be found. Taking a seat next to the girls Indie felt a little awkward. It didn’t take her long to forget that awkwardness however as Poppy looked more than a little sorry. “What?” Indie filled the silence with a simple question.

“So I know why Noah is sending Leo away,” Poppy suddenly seemed excited by what she had to tell her best friend.

Indie did her best to feign surprise, “Oh really?” She asked as she reached for a piece of toast.

“Dammit!” Poppy grumbled. “You already know.”

Indie couldn’t help but feel a bit of astonishment, “How can you tell?” She asked with an incredulous gasp.

A giggle sounded from Poppy’s lips. “When you are trying to avoid something you know about you do this thing with your eyes that’s kind of creepy.”

To Indies dismay Amber nodded along with Poppy. “I haven’t known you for as long but even i know what she’s talking about.”

Both Amber and Poppy giggled as a frown formed on Indies brow and soon spread to the rest of her face, “what do you mean?” Indie was curious as to what her friends meant but also found herself wondering if it was so obvious. She knew that in awkward times she averted her gaze but she didn’t think it was that obvious.

The amused glances between Amber and Poppy only worked to anger Indie more but before she could demand answers they were willfully given to her.

“Okay,” Poppy shrugged her shoulders. “So when you find something uncomfortable to talk about you tend to look at some random thing as if it is suddenly the most interesting, exotic thing you have ever seen. You do it all the time.” Poppy emphasised as she rolled her eyes. She had long lost count of how many times Indie had ignored her to focus on a pebble on the ground or turn to look in the complete opposite direction. Poppy found it rather baffling.

“It isn’t that obvious,” Indie tried to defend herself and failed as a realisation struck her. She really did do what Poppy said but she didn’t think anything bad of it. “Okay so maybe I do it” She challenged her best friend quickly. “You press yourself against people when you get really excited about something.” Indie then turned her attention to Amber, “and you!” She quieted herself as she realised the words she was about to say may not have been in Amber’s best interests. “Stop rubbing your stomach! People only do that if they’ve had a great feed or if they’re pregnant!”

Amber immediately shrunk in her seat, the colour in her face drained fast.

“You’re pregnant!” Indie exclaimed loudly as Amber averted her gaze as best as she could.

Poppy began fussing about which seemed to anger Amber instantly, “will you two shut the hell up,” the harsh tone to her voice did not go amiss with those in the room.

“I’m sorry!” Indie responded quickly, her tone as harsh as Amber’s. “It’s just really unexpected...have you and Wade been together a while?” She found it odd and more than a little unexpected that the pair was already expecting.

“We haven’t told anyone yet,” Amber dropped her gaze to her slight stomach. “That’s why Wade and I really want to leave.”

“After the funeral you need to tell Noah why you really want to leave.” Indie cut to the point as Amber sat looking sorry for herself and the situation he was in.

The group ate in total silence, Noah joined them at the end but did not remark on the awkwardness as he thought it was just sorrow for his parents and the difficult task he had before him.

When they were ready they all made their way out to the front of the castle where there was a long procession of vehicles waiting. Everyone that had stayed behind in the castle appeared as Indie and Noah climbed into the vehicle at the front. Leo and Poppy, Amber and Wade were in the vehicle directly behind them with others filling the vehicles behind.

The drive down the winding road left Noah numb. It was difficult for him to comprehend that he was now king of the castle, that he was the only one in his family left when just a couple of weeks before he had loving parents who urged him to find his mate and a sister he mostly adored. Although he had managed to find his mate he had also inherited three children that needed love, care and guidance. He hoped that he could be everything they needed in life but it was a big ask.

“You alright?” He heard Indie break the silence as he pulled into the church grounds. There were already many people gathered outside but as the procession from the castle arrived it swelled so much that not everyone could fit into the small building.

“Fine,” Noah responded as he tried to smile through his sadness. No sooner had he done so did the tears begin falling. His shoulders hunched as a sob escaped his lips and his entire body shook, “what am I going to do?” He whispered as he tried to steady his erratic breathing. He had held so much in for so long and felt that he couldn’t let anyone see how he was feeling, unfortunately for Noah his emotions had finally gained an upper hand.

Indie unbuckled her safety belt and reached over to take Noah in her arms. As soon as he felt her fingers on his shoulder he leaned into her embrace and cried all the tears he’d been holding in for many years. As his shoulders rose and fell with each sob that shook his body he felt the immense sorrow he had been holding in slowly dissipate. The tears soon subsided. They disappeared as quickly as they came. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The lids of his eyes were heavy, his nose was running and he wasn’t sure he would make it through the service without completely breaking down but he was certain of one thing, he now had the best support he could ever dream of and although it had taken them a while to reach a happy medium they were in a good place.

Noah and Indie soon climbed from their vehicle and were ushered into the church surrounded by people that loved them immensely.

They would be stronger. Noah felt it deep in his heart.

As the service began and the farewell’s stretched into the late afternoon there were two souls left in the castle. They were the only two that were, in fact soulless.

Sitting in a darkened room Andrew and Nathaniel rested. They waited for nightfall when they would be able to roam freely again.

“I fear something is coming,” Andrew grumbled from one side of the room.

“I have felt it too,” Nathaniel responded after a long silence. “I first thought that it was Indie and the beast her wolf had twisted into but I now think I was too hasty in my judgement.”

The pair fell silent again for a long time before Andrew spoke again. “What do you suppose it is?” He asked cautiously.

“I don’t know,” Nathaniel responded with a frown. “But I fear that whatever it is, is much stronger than Ebony and will test not only Indie and Noah but our whole, entire world,”

Andrew nodded. “I think you’re right.”

Deep beneath the castle in the dungeons that had been sealed, something stirred in the darkness. In the lowest levels where light was scarce a deathly pale figure sat against the hewn granite floor, black cloth covering his body, a shabby hood obscuring his face. He stood slowly, his bones creaking and cracking with each move the made. He soon stood and turned his head up towards the solid stone ceiling.

A small smile soon raced across his chapped lips, his smile turned to a laugh as he bared his teeth. Rotten and yellow he laughed and laughed, “one more left.” He snarled as he pulled his thin cloak around him. “The easiest one,” his voice was full of darkness as he began cackling again and disappeared off into the darkness.

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