Snow White and the Seven Souls
Snow White and the Seven Souls

Snow White and the Seven Souls

10Chapters 218Views 10Bookmarked Completed Status



Behind Snow White's outward beauty lies a secret that only a few people suspect. There was a reason beyond mere jealousy that motivated the new Queen to drive Snow White from the castle. Snow White has always been recognized for her pale skin, her ruby lips, her hair as dark as a raven, and her sweet disposition. Behind this outward beauty lies a secret that only a few people even suspect. There was a reason beyond mere jealousy that motivated the new Queen to drive Snow White from the castle. Never fear, dear reader; a prince will find her. Oh, yes. But at what price? ------------------------------ This is a re-imagining of the classic tale, written in a storyteller's voice to bring you back to those childhood days. But is there more to our Snow than meets the eye? Will she bend, or break, under the right (or wrong) circumstances? Follow her down the paths that you never thought she would tread...

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