Ash shouts for me and I turn my head towards the sea of students occupying the cafeteria. Scanning the room, I don’t see him right away. For some reason, he and Lori are not sitting at ‘our’ usual inside table. A second later I hear Lori shouting my name too. How I couldn’t first see them is beyond me. They are both standing, waving their hands about trying to get my attention. I feel like a ding-dong! I smile at them and walk towards the table they have chosen to sit at.

Placing my lunch tray on the white Formica tabletop, I go to take my seat but before I have the chance to sit down, Lori begins badgering me with questions. “So um, Ash said you were late to homeroom this morning. How in the world were you late when I left you a full five minutes before the tardy bell would have rung?”

I sigh, “it’s not a big deal. Blake had sent me a text when I was chatting with you. I went over and spoke with him for about five minutes, I guess.” I hear Ash make a noise somewhere in between a growl and a cough which causes me to turn my head and look at him. Is he angry? “So anyway, I had sent him a message last night to see if he knew why in the world Ashley is under the impression that I hurt her mother. This morning he wrote me back said he didn’t know...”

“What the--! Why did you feel the need to text him,” Ash says in a snarl. “I told you I would find out what was going on. Do you not trust me?” He huffs and then glares at me. Oh my gosh, he is mad at me! Before I can continue my explanation, Ash suddenly pushes himself away from the table, stands up, grabs his lunch tray and storms off.

“Seriously! He didn’t even let me explain why I sent Blake a text.” I look over at Lori frustrated.

“Can you blame him for being upset? You wouldn’t be happy if he were texting an ex-girlfriend, would you?” There isn’t any sympathy as she says this to me and I know what she is saying, because I would be upset if Ash were doing what I was doing. But he should at least let me explain why I reached out to Blake.

“I figured Blake would know more than anybody else why Ashley was doing what she did because he’s her boyfriend... well I guess her ex-boyfriend now. He packed up his stuff and left his house because Donovan wasn’t willing to kick Ashley out of their house. This morning, the only reason why I was late is because Blake wanted to see with his own eyes that I really am unscathed.”

“Uh-oh, I think Blake might still have feelings for you.” Lori grimaces after stating this and I can’t help but roll my eyes at her.

“That’s ridiculous. Why would you think such nonsense? He was just being a friend.” I chuckle and shake my head at the thought. “Can you try to talk some sense into Ash for me? I swear I didn’t mean to make him think I don’t believe him.” Hopefully she can hear my plea in my voice.

“Yeah, whatever. I’ll see if he will listen to me.” Just as I hug her for saying yes, the bell rings. Lunch period is officially over for today.

Blake walks up to me grinning just as I shut my locker door. “Are you absolutely this is cool? I don’t want to be a burden upon anyone, and I definitely don’t want to be mad at you.”

“No, you’re totally fine. You can stay at my parents’ house as long as you need to. I will stay at my house in The Nest. All is good my friend.” I give him a smile and then we walk out of the school together. As we near his big black truck, I hand him the keys to my house and tell him I’ll see him later. Blake thanks me yet again and then we part ways and I look for Ash’s red Jeep.

I am very confused because there are not many vehicles left in the parking lot, but I can’t see Ash’s Jeep... anywhere. I pull my phone from my back pocket and unlock the screen thinking maybe I have a missed text from him or something and... nothing. Really Ash! I yell inside my head. I hope it’s loud enough to rattle his brain!

Pulling up my contacts I hit call and hope Blake hasn’t left yet. “Blake? Are you still here in the parking lot? Ash had an emergency, and I don’t have a way home.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yeah, I see you. I’ll be right there.”

As he pulls up in front of me, I open the passenger door and hop inside. “Thank the stars you were still here. I have no idea how I would have gotten home if you hadn’t been.” He shrugs his shoulders in a ‘no big deal’ sort of way but he smiles and then we are out of the parking lot and heading back to my house.

Jumping down from his truck, I wait for Blake to walk around the truck over to me. “And you’re sure it’s cool I stay here?” I shake my head up and down and add a yessss, to emphasis that it is okay.

“I just need to go in and grab my car keys and then I’ll be on my way.” Since he has my house key, I let him unlock the front door and then we go inside. “Okay,” I say as I jingle my key ring. “I guess I’ll see you at school tomorrow.

With a heavy sigh I slide into my Mazda and leave my driveway to head towards The Nest. My heart is heavy as I still haven’t heard from Ash. Pulling into to my driveway, I go inside my house and pull my phone out. “Hey Lori, when you have a chance give me a call. Just curious as to if you had a chance to chat with Ash. Okay, guess I’ll chat with you later.” Ash, where are you! I flop into the chair in the kitchen, place my arms upon the table, and then rest my head atop my arms and wait for my phone to chime or ring.

I must have fallen asleep. I hear my front door slam shut causing me to jerk to. It is definitely later than when I had first sat down because the position of the sun is lower in the sky. A second after the door slams, I hear Ash shout out, “SOFIA! Where are you?” I jump up from my seat and run out to him. He’s finally home!

“Where have you been Ash? I’ve been worried about you. Why didn’t you answer my text messages or return my phone call? Why did you leave me stranded in the school parking lot?” I’m on the verge of bursting into tears and he stands in front of me just glaring. I can feel his anger flow off of him in ways and truly have no idea what my next move should me. Should I hug him, punch him, allow the tears to fall or just turn away from him, go to my bedroom and ignore him.

Opting for the last thought, I stomp up the stairs and go to my bedroom. Whatever, go ahead and be angry with me. I did nothing wrong. I thought Blake would have more insight to Ashley’s motives above anyone else, but you wouldn’t let me explain. So, you go ahead and be mad! By the way, Blake is staying at my human house because he broke up with Ashley, his father wouldn’t kick her out and so he left instead. I’m going to bed.

Once in my bed, I curl up and cry. All I wanted to do was tell him how sorry I am, how much I love him, but him ignoring me hurts too much to attempt an apology. So let him stew in his anger.

I’m not exactly sure how much time has passed but I’m going to say about an hour later I feel a shift in the mattress as his added weight causes the mattress to sag beneath his body. He maneuvers himself until he has his body snuggled up against mine. Ash wraps his arms around me from behind, pulls me in close to him, places a kiss on my neck and then whispers, “I love you and I’m sorry for being a jerk.” Mentally I tell him I love him as well and then content knowing that he has relinquished his anger, I quickly drift off to sleep.

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