“Diana, can I ask you a question?” I watch her for a second as she places the last of the dishes into the stainless-steel dishwasher.

She looks up at me as she shuts the door and presses a button and then as the dishwasher begins its cycle, says, “of course sweetie. What’s on your mind, hmm?”

“Um,” I hesitate for a second but then plunge in. “Why did you think Blake would becoming with us? I mean, you do know his father is the one after me. Donovan is the one who took my parents from me, trying to force me to come to him so that he could use me and my powers.”

“Oh, I know honey. But Blake doesn’t want any part of his father’s devious plans. He has yet to admit it to himself, but he fell in love with you a long time ago. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He is torn between his feelings for you and his loyalty to his father. There is a connection between you and Blake, I’m not sure yet what type of connection but I think you care deeply for him too.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My mouth falls open. “That’s crazy. How can I have feelings for Blake when Ash and I are twin flames? I love Ash more than anything in this world...” my words trail off, as I am baffled that she would suggest such a thing.

“Sometimes Sofia, the universe can be a very confusing place. We will never know all the answers as to why things end up the way they do. We will just have to understand that strange things do happen in this world.” I gaze at her quizzically and feel as though she knows more than what she is telling me. I smile at her though nodding my head that I accept what she is telling me, for now.

Deciding to change the subject I ask her if she noticed what I had noticed. “Did you see something brewing between Lori and Jacob?”

“I knew he was going to find his soul mate. I just didn’t know how soon it was going to happen.” She grins. “Now all we have to do is hope they are not too shy to act upon their connection because now that they have met each other, there will be no other that can make them as happy for each other as they can be together.” My heart soars at hearing Diana state this and as soon as I have a chance to chat with Lori, I am going to tell her exactly what Diana has just told me.

After Diana dries her hands off, I follow her back into the living room. “I suggest you all try and get some rest. The best time for us to head out will be around 3 a.m., the witching hour is when magic is most pliable and will be the best time to go and try to break the spell upon the lighthouse since you were not able to get ahold of the witch who had placed the spell in the first place.” Everyone stands up from where they had been sitting and Diana directs everyone on to spare rooms.

I take Ash’s hand as he begins to make his way to one of the spare rooms where Diana had let us stay previously. Lori and Jacob are already making their way up the staircase and as I place my feet upon the steps too, I glance behind me to see if Charlie is going to heed Diana’s advice as well only to see her heading in the opposite direction towards the front door. Intrigued that she isn’t following the rest of us upstairs, I turn to go after her. What in the world is she up to? My hand is still interlocked with Ash’s though and I feel him tugging my hand to go up with him. He is unwilling to release my hand from his and so I push my curiosity of Charlie out of my head and continue walking with Ash to the bedroom.

“Ash, why wouldn’t you let go of my hand? I wanted to follow Charlie, I think she’s up to something, I just don’t know what.” Giving him a baffled look, I place my hands upon my hips and watch as he slips his black combat boots from off his feet.

“Eh, it’s just Charlie. Let the odd little bird be. She can’t get herself into too much trouble. Don’t worry about her. Instead... how about you come snuggle with me. I’m cold and could use some body heat to warm me up...” He waggles his eyebrows at me suggestively and I can’t help but grin at him.

“Is sex the only thing you think about?” I crawl onto the bed as I ask him this, knowing he isn’t the only one with that thought constantly swirling about.

Ash places a hand on his chest, mock shock at my question. “Like you have any room to question my thoughts little Miss. Quite often I had to steer clear of you because of your own naughty thoughts in that brain of yours!” He pokes his index finger against the side of my head as he says this and I gasp, offering my own pretend shock. Turning my head instead of responding to his comment, I place my lips against his finger, kissing it. He allows me to trail kisses against his hand, wrist, and arm before placing his palms against my cheeks, drawing my face to his so that he can kiss me back.

Pulling away from him briefly, I ask, “shouldn’t we be getting rest like Diana suggested?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Ash gives a Cheshire-cat like grin; “this is the best rest I can think of...”

“Shut up dork,” I say giggling but allow myself to fall into his arms, he maneuvers me onto my back and continues our make out session. Soon we are naked pressed against each other, blissfully spent and drifting off to sleep. I guess you’re right, that truly is the best way to rest, I think to him as slumber takes hold of me.

Stretching my arms and my legs, I turn my head and rest my eyes on Ash. He is sleeping so soundly that I don’t want to wake him up just now. Carefully, I push his left arm off of me which had been draped across my waist. After that task is done, I remove the soft blue comforter away from my body and quietly get out of the bed. Padding across the extremely soft plush beige carpet, I walk into the adjacent bathroom, and turn the water on, patiently waiting for it to warm up. I am craving a steaming hot shower and watch as the mirror fogs over before removing my clothing and hopping over the side of the tub so that the water can beat down upon my skin. Worry has taken hold as the water streams down around my body and I start to feel a knot begin to twist inside my stomach.

A flash of blue erupts from my body, and I cry out, not so much in pain as surprised, shocked by what I have just witnessed. Seconds later the bathroom door is thrown wide open, and Ash is standing in the doorway, breathing hard. “What?” He looks around the small space apprehensively, his legs apart, his arms up as though ready to fight some monster or something. My mind swims causing my body to sway slightly, and I automatically place my hand against the side of the wall of the tub, my eyes locking on Ash’s.

Shutting the shower off, I lift my left hand to go and grab the tower that I had placed on the counter and gasp. A blue electric current crackles and sizzles along my fingertips for just a second. Ash and I stare at my hand open mouthed, in awe at what we have just seen. “Um, you saw that too, right?” Ash nods his head slowly yes.

“Yeah, I’ve never heard of a phoenix producing blue electricity before. I think when we get back home, we need to study up on the powers of the phoenix. You are truly the most unique Tenebrae person I have ever known.” Ash chuckles but I can hear a curious undertone to his voice. Noticing me shiver, Ash hurry’s over and grabbing the towel, wraps it around my body, rubbing his hands up and down my arms afterward.

“How about we keep this new bit of information to ourselves, no need to be berated by unnecessary questions for answers we don’t have. Besides, everyone needs to be focusing on the task at hand.”

“Agreed,” Ash responds quickly. I hear my phone chime back out in the bedroom and realize it is probably time for us to be downstairs. Quickly I go back into the bedroom and get dressed, making sure to bundle up for the freezing weather we are about to endure.

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