Having placed my hand on the handle of the gym door as I go to enter the gymnasium, I peek through the window and see Kestrel spinning around. I’m not sure what the official terminology for prancing around on tip-top, tiptoe is, but that is exactly what she is doing at this moment. I watch fascinated to see someone do this. Every time I think I have this chick summed up and figured out; she surprises me with another talent of hers. I really don’t want to interrupt her dance but as it is only getting later, I decide to head in anyway.

“Hey Sofia. Good to see you again.” She smiles widely at me and flops onto the floor and into a stretch. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I didn’t know you did ballet, have you always danced?” I sit down next to her and imitate her movements.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know anyone was watching me.” She chuckles slightly embarrassed. “I had always thought I was going to be some internationally famous dancer, but it wasn’t meant to be.” I can hear a wistfulness in her voice as she tells me, and I would like to ask why but I see a hint of sadness touch her eyes and think better of it.

Kestrel hops to her feet and slaps her hands together before rubbing them back and forth for a second. “Alright, do you have any requests on what you would like to focus on tonight?”

“I would like to focus on transitioning into her, I mean the phoenix. I’m confident that I can keep control and merge with her without her being able to consume me.” I look at her hopeful that she will agree with me.

Kestrel contemplates my request for a minute, “hm, let’s ease into a full transition. Tonight, we will work on a half shift and then if you do well with that we will try going for transformation.” Deciding that I will take what I can get right now, I hop onto my feet too and nod my head okay. “Alright then, I will have you watch me do the shift first and then I will explain the process of actually doing it.”

I watch mesmerized as she closes her eyes, lifts both her arms above her head and quietly claps them together so they are pointing skyward. She then slowly lowers them, elbows pointed outwards while her hands are still pressed together. She breathes deeply a few times finally exhaling her last breath very slowly and I can see a calmness descending around her. And like a television that flickers, trying to maintain a solid image, Kestrel’s body shimmers and flickers for the briefest of seconds and then a half Kestrel half midnight black cat is staring at me. “Wow. You are absolutely beautiful!” I can’t help but exclaim. She smiles at me but then in the blink of an eye, she has shifted back into full human form.

Her breathing seems to be a little faster than it had been but seems to be the only difference. “It is a little harder to maintain half transitions than full body transformations. But it is easier to do this shift before learning full shifts.” She looks at me expectantly now, “alright. Are you ready to give it a try? And just remember, if you feel your consciousness slipping away from you, focus on one thing and one thing only. Something that keeps your human mind tethered to this world and then breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.”

I bite my bottom lip for a moment because if I speak this second, the words that come out of my mouth will be ‘hell no!’ Closing my eyes, I shake my head at myself because I cannot believe I’m going to give this a try! Opening my eyes, I smile nervously at her for a second and releasing the breath I am holding say, “okay show me how to do this.”

“Yeah, I’m going to head over to the gymnasium and surprise Sofia,” Ash says to Charlie just as they are getting ready to part ways. “Kestrel told me what she was planning on having Sofie practice tonight. And if I know Sofia at all, she isn’t going to be wanting to walk back from the training room after this.” He grins while opening his door.

Just as he is about to slide onto the driver’s seat, he hears Charlie say, “yes, yes. Take care of that precious girl of ours. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that sweet child.” Waving goodbye to Charlie, he shuts his door and starts the engine. However, he stays parked for a moment as he thinks about how odd Charlie’s statement seemed to him. Giving his head a shake, he chalks it up to her being an odd bird anyway and allows the thought to flitter from his mind.

I am going to die! “My body hates me, Kestrel! There isn’t one spot on my being that doesn’t hurt or ache right now. Ugh,” I moan out as I am lying on my back on the exercise mats. If I could keep my eyes open, I would be staring at the ceiling, but even my eyelids hurt. I can hear her laughing at me, but I can’t even move my head to make a face at her.

The gym door opens and then bangs shut. I don’t have the energy to look and see who might be here with us, but I say, “if you’re here to murder me, could you make it quick?” I hear Ash burst out in laughter and quickly move my head to make sure it is him. “Ow! Don’t make me move a muscle,” I whine to him which of course causes him to laugh harder.

“Your knight is here, milady. How would you like me to assist you?” I can still hear him laughing at me as he comes to kneel by my side. I try pathetically to lift my arm because I want to punch him, but I have no strength and my arm flops uselessly to my side.

“Can you carry me out to the car?” I know, dramatic brat but I know he will do anything I ask, and I love him even more for it. I feel his left arm slide under my legs and then his right arm under my back/shoulder area before he lifts me up. I am thinking about how nice it will be to be cradled against his chest, to feel the warmth of his body next to me... “Aah, what are you doing you ass?” I shriek because Ash has flipped me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and proceeds to carry me out to his car!

Ash chuckles all the way to the passenger door, hugging his right arm around my legs, he turns sideways to open the door. “Oomph,” falls from my lips as my butt bounces against his seat. He hurries around to the driver’s door, opens it and slides in. Glancing at me, he gives me the most devilish grin and I can’t wait for my strength to return so I can punch him. “You’re such a butt,” I mutter to which he responds by giving me a kiss on my cheek.

“I love you too.” His grin is becoming annoying, but I melt as I hear him say those words.

The drive to my house is only two minutes, if that. Ash puts his car into park and hops out of the car. For just a second, he sikes me out by pretending to head towards the house. I squint my eyes at him and give him a glare. What has him in such a good mood that even though I hurt, he feels like he can pick on me. A moment later he is opening my door and offering his hand to help me out. After I am upright, Ash loops his arm around my waist, and I do the same to his and lean heavily into him.

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