A somberness descends upon the living room. “So, has anyone been able to get a hold of my parents?” I look hopeful eyes towards each of them only to see them each shake their head no. I release the air from my lungs like a deflating balloon. “What should we do now? We have school tomorrow but I’m not sure I even want to go; I know for a fact I definitely won’t be able to focus on any of my subjects...”

“I think it wise that all three of you go to school and pretend like nothing has changed. Everything is just fine and dandy, no missing parents, no eminent danger towards Sofia, just another normal day.” Charlie is nodding her head, agreeing with her own words.

“I agree with Charlie,” Ash chimes in. “Maybe this way we can figure out what is going on without anyone suspecting that something is amiss.” I’m shaking my head no; I want to be out there searching for my parents. “And” Ash raises his hand, stopping me from arguing. “I also think Sofia should stay at her old home in case her parents show up. I will stay with her, in a different room of course, but near enough that should anything crazy occur, I am here to protect her or help her if need be.”

Turning pleading eyes to Lori, I try to convey my worry and hope she will speak up for me but instead I hear her say; “I second that suggestion. Plus, I and my parents are right next door as well should we be needed and who knows, maybe your mom and dad will come waltzing through that door and all this worry and concern were for nothing.”

My shoulders slump in defeat as I realize I am outnumbered 3 to one and conceding to them, I stand up (slowly) from the couch and ask “well if you have agreed then should we head back to my house? I’m starving and would like to get some dinner rounded up.” Everyone nods their head or say yes at my suggestion, and we grab whatever items we have brought with us that we may need for the night and head out of The Nest.

Charlie and Lori left Ash and I standing in my driveway. We walked up the front stairs and were standing on the porch so I could unlock the door before we enter. “So, what do you like to eat? I was thinking about making some chicken tacos. Would you eat that?” I glance back to Ash as we step inside the entry hall.

“There really isn’t any food I won’t eat,” he says laughingly. I enjoy all kinds of food, I mean really, I love vegemite sandwich’s so...” scrunching my nose at the word vegemite I snort at him.

“What in the heck is a vegemite sandwich anyway? It sounds disgusting, blah.”

“No, no. It’s really good. It’s made from leftover brewer’s yeast and has sort of a salty taste but is really good on toast, though I prefer it on crackers but to each their own, right?” He knows his description of the food is not winning any points with me and this makes him laugh even harder, probably because of my facial expression, but gross.

“Yeah, no thanks! I’ll stick to jam and toast. Are you hungry though? I can whip up tacos in no time, plus I’m starving and don’t want to eat by myself.” We have entered the kitchen and I am standing in front of the refrigerator, ready to open the freezer and take the precooked chicken strips out of it, thaw and heat. While the chicken is heating up, I grab some lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese. Normally I would put onion on it too, but I thought better of it for just in case.

About ten minutes later give or take a few minutes, Ash and I are seated at the kitchen table. “It feels so weird being here and knowing mom and dad won’t be walking through the door. I’m so worried about them. I just want to know where they are and whether or not they are okay, not hurt or worse, you know?” Ash sits his taco back on his plate and then reaches across the table and takes my hand in his, giving it a squeeze. Just feeling his strength helps to ease the fear swarming inside of me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Smiling, I return the pressure. “Sofia, I am sure we will find them, and they will be safe and sound. Try not to worry.” I raise my eyebrow in a ’yeah, OK’, “I know that is easier said than done but I’m here and we will weather this storm together, I promise.”


The screeching pulls my attention to the dark grey skies above me. They are swirling and twirling amongst each other as the roll by. A storm is coming! The air has grown cold and my body shivers with the sudden change in temperature. Screech!The noise causes me to cover my ears with my hands and crouch down toward the ground. “Why are you doing this to me? Just leave me alone!” It is useless to scream the words, but I do so anyway. Howling, the wind takes hold of my words and tosses them back into my face with a burst of icy air.

I don’t even know who I’m yelling my words to, I just know I need the screeches to stop. I fear my ears may start to bleed soon if they don’t. “Who are you? What do you want from me?” It is hard to see beyond my own hands as debris is being hurtled towards me, and I cry out in pain as something sharp passes by my face, slashing across one cheek. Blood slowly trickles down and I place my hand against it, trying to stop the flow.

My body begins to shake but I don’t feel a trembling inside but rather as though an outside force is causing me to shake. “Sofia. Sofia! SOFIA WAKE UP!” Snapping my eyes open, I see Ash hovering over me, fear in his soft blue eyes as he looks at me. “Are you okay? You were yelling in your sleep, something like stop the screeching. I thought someone was hurting you, so I came in to see what was going on. But you weren’t waking up! You scared the hell out of me.”

Instead of answering him, I pull him down to me, wrapping my arms around his neck as I do so and then I kiss him. I kiss away his fear and he kiss’s away my worries. Leaning into me, I can feel his strength, his warm body against mine and need him to be closer. However, he pushes away from me, leaving me feeling cold and I want to cry. “Don’t leave me, please,” I whimper.

Ash whispers, “no, I’m not going to leave you.” He crawls into my bed and brings me in tight to his chest, I feel him place his head against the back of mine and then he wraps me securely in his arms. I love you; I hear him say in my mind just as I drift off to sleep.

Five minutes before my alarm goes off, I wake up. As I go to sit up, I feel something heavy draped across my left side, stomach area. Panic takes hold for a second before I remember that I fell asleep in Ash’s arms last night. Slowly, I roll inward so that I can look at his face, hoping as I do so that I won’t wake him up in the process. My eyes go wide as I peer at him. He is bare-chested and just beautiful, so peaceful looking as he sleeps causing me to sigh in appreciation. I had no clue that when he climbed into bed with me that he didn’t have a shirt on. Damn, I wish I would have been more alert last night! I smile at the thought, not even shocked at myself anymore for it.

Ash must have felt me watching him sleep because I see his eyelids start to flutter and then he opens them. “For a moment, I thought I had dreamt you sleeping in my arms,” as he says this, he pulls me against him in an embrace, but the sweet moment is rudely interrupted by my alarm going off, indicating I need to get up for school. Inwardly I groan and contemplate throwing my phone against the wall in hopes of silencing it... but I decided against the thought only because I really need to use the restroom!

“Right. Might as well get up too, if you’re going to leave me alone in this bed.” Hm, is Ash having naughty thoughts too? I arch my eyebrows at his comment. He must be reading my thoughts as I’m questioning his comment inside my head because I hear him moan and then quickly hop out of the bed himself. Giggling I throw my comforter off of me and dash to the bathroom. I wasn’t joking, I freaking have to pee like there is no tomorrow.

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