The past few days had been pure bliss for Lola as she and Alex lazed around on the beach, cooked, read and watched movies. It had been a perfect escape after an intense few weeks, but deep down she knew that she would have to face her new reality sooner or later. She had seen such an entirely different side to Alex in the days and nights they had spent alone. In a stroke of fortune, Ruby’s father had called her and asked her to check out the cottage. It was between summer tenants and he wanted to make sure that everything was as it should be. When Lola had explained that she would be heading to the coast for a few days he had kindly offered her the use of the place. She loved Pebble Cottage, it had a great energy. It was so relaxing.

The weather had finally broken and Lola was soaked through as she and Alex ran towards house in the rain. She watched him ahead of her, carrying her bag and blanket. He was even breathtaking in the rain. His white t-shirt was drenched and Lola noticed how it clung to his well-toned torso. Finally they reached the refuge of the cottage, out of the rain and out of breath. Alex expelled his luggage on the floor and pulled Lola towards him. Still breathless from the exertion of running back to the cottage, Lola traced the contours of his face with her fingertips. He had been tense all day and she knew it was because they were having dinner with his father that night. But his mood seemed to have lightened as he pulled her closer, his words like a symphony in her ear.

‘We’d better get out of these wet clothes.’

That familiar wave of electricity began to ebb and flow through her body in response. Taking her by the hand, Alex led her towards the bedroom. Lola knew what was about to happen. Over the past few days they had been steadily building up to this point. She had decided that she was ready. She was an adult now and the choice was her own. She’d never been this close to any boy before, or this intimate. For once she was going to do exactly as her heart dictated, no over thinking it, no rationalising. Standing there looking into Alex Stein’s eyes, in that moment she knew it was right. Lifting his t-shirt, she peeled it off his wet tanned skin, running her fingers down his sculpted chest. Alex reciprocated, much more adept than her – he unzipped the back of her wet dress, letting it fall to the floor.

‘Are you sure you want to do this, Lo?’ whispered Alex gently in her ear, but the sound of his deep voice only made her more determined. Nodding she continued to let him undress her. ‘Do you trust me?’ he asked. Lola wasn’t quite sure how to answer this question, because she really didn’t know. All she knew was how she felt about him at that moment, standing there semi-naked and face to face.

‘I trust how I feel and I trust that you feel the same way about me as I do about you,’ she replied softly. It was the only honest answer she could muster. It was the only truth she could give him.

Alex understood that he really couldn’t ask for anything more of her because that was also all he could give of himself. Her honesty and light touched him so deeply, and he could tell that she meant every kiss, every caress, felt every touch with the same intensity that he did. He’d had plenty of lovers, but – just like Lola – this was the first time he had ever made love. It wouldn’t always be like this between them and he knew that Lola was aware of that too. So in the here and now they both decided to give themselves completely and unreservedly as they became immersed in one another, the intensity intoxicating.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally broke apart gasping for breath and their bodies moist with sweat. Lola didn’t hold any of the guilt or regret that she thought she would. She was completely vulnerable and for the first time in her life it didn’t scare her. Glancing over at Alex, she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a bright pink phosphorous glow around his entire body. This was the first time that she had ever seen or even sensed his aura. It was amazing. She just continued to stare at him in wonderment.

‘What? What is it?’ he asked, sensing her intense stare as he pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly on the forehead.

‘It’s nothing. I’ve just never seen you like this before.’

‘Like what?’ he laughed. ‘Naked? I do look pretty good I suppose. You don’t look too bad yourself, Lola.’

Lola couldn’t very well tell him the truth, so she manipulated it again. ‘I’ve just seen you in a different light that’s all. So what are the plans for tonight?’ she asked.

Alex was dreading the dinner. His dad would sense his feelings for Lola. The only thing worse than his father realising that he had fallen in love with her, was his father seeing how powerful she was. Since she had returned from Tara, there was a subtle change in her. It was as if something had changed inside and he could see it in her eyes. Alex often wondered if she was really as naive as she appeared. He didn’t think so. Lola’s energy was growing more powerful, and if he could see this, then so would his father. That would only mean that he would want her more.

Lola shifted uncomfortably moving the necklace and ring around to hang again at her front. Alex took a double take when he saw the signet ring as it lay dormant between her breasts. He hadn’t noticed it before, but there, around Lola’s slim pale neck, was the ring that his father had killed for.

Controlling his voice he ran his finger over Lola’s toned stomach, following the grooves up to where the ring sat. ‘That’s an interesting ring. Where did you get that?’ Alex couldn’t tell if Lola was suspicious or not. Her tone gave nothing away as she lifted the ring, holding it between her fingers.

‘Oh this? It was Arthur’s,’ she replied nonchalantly. ‘He left it to me. I never take it off. It means he is with me all the time.’

‘What, even now?’ joked Alex, as he swerved to avoid Lola’s slap.

‘You know what I mean. He meant a lot to me, Alex. He was like a grandfather to me. Speaking of which, I remember seeing you at the funeral. I never asked you how you actually knew him.’

Alex was desperate to change the subject, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the ring. All he had to do was just snatch it. It would be so easy. But that would require force, it would require him to hurt her and he didn’t have the strength to do that. ‘I was actually there on behalf of my father. I had heard of Arthur but I never had the privilege of meeting him,’ he replied, praying that this would be the end of the questions, but he should have known better.

‘So how did your dad know him, and another thing, why do you always refer to him as your father?’

‘Well, he is my father.’

‘Yeah, but it sounds so formal. Why do you fear him so much?’ she asked expectantly. The words had escaped Lola’s mouth before she had realised what she had said. She could see that her comment had wounded Alex. ‘Sorry, Alex. That came out wrong,’ she immediately apologised. ‘I just meant that you have a different sort of relationship with your parents than I do, that’s all.’

‘Parent,’ he corrected her. ‘You said parents. There’s only my dad and I. My mum died during childbirth.’ Alex thought about what Celeste Moone had told him, but she was a liar. He never spoke to anyone about his mother; it wasn’t encouraged by his father. But Lola was different. She brought light where there had only ever been darkness. He could tell that she felt she’d offended him, but she hadn’t. He did fear his dad, but most of all he feared what he himself was. He feared that blackness deep within his soul. He feared that he would ultimately betray the only thing that he had ever loved.

Lola turned on her side to look him in the eye. ‘I’m so sorry. I had no idea, Alex.’

‘My dad and I are close in ways. I was always away at school in America and really only saw him during the summer, or when he was over on business. We’ve a good relationship, but we never talk about my mother. I haven’t even seen a picture of her.’ Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Lying there in silence Alex pulled Lola close. He wanted to savour every minute of this. Once his father met her, it would be the beginning of the end for Lola Paige.

Lola noticed Alex grow more and more anxious as the day progressed. He was becoming very restless and couldn’t sit in one place for long. Lola chose not to say anything to him. She really didn’t know what to expect from this meeting. In many ways she was going in blind and that worried her. But she had to meet him; she had to see him with her own eyes.

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