It’s with great honor and privilege to introduce for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Underwood! Fisher, you may now kiss your bride.”

I grab the pastor’s arm and yank him toward me so he’s not in the picture. He chuckles as I shrug at not giving him a warning ahead of time, but I’ve taken all my maid of honor duties seriously. When Noah made it clear she didn’t want him in their first kiss photos, I took notes.

Fisher cups Noah’s face, leans in, and dips her before crashing their lips together. The guests hoot and holler, cheering loudly and whistling. When they shared their vows, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Fisher’s mentioned how much his life changed after meeting her and how she gave him a second chance at happiness. Noah gushed about soulmates and how when you know, you know. There was no second-guessing he was the love of her life. Then when Noah promised him forever and always, he teased her about slipping in a Taylor Swift song reference.

I snuck as many secret glances at Tripp as I could during the ceremony, and he looks so good in his sleek suit and black Stetson hat. While they were gathering the groomsmen outside for photos, the bridesmaids peeked out the window and cat-called them. When Tripp looked up and winked at me, I resisted the urge to blow him a kiss in front of everyone. The video he sent me last night of him in the shower is still living in my head rent-free, and I can’t wait to get him alone again to hear his moans in real life.

As I follow the couple down the aisle, I mentally prepare for madness to ensue. After everyone goes through the wedding party receiving line, it’ll be time for photos. While we’re doing those, the space will be converted for the reception with a DJ, bar station, and buffet. The white tent is already beautifully covered in lights, tulle, and vines.

Noah’s dream was an intimate country fall wedding on the ranch and that’s exactly what she got. Even though it’s early November, she lucked out with the weather. It’s sixty-five degrees and there’s not a cloud in the sky.

We spent the morning at the main house drinking mimosas and getting our hair and makeup done. Gramma Grace baked goodies for us to snack on and Dena tried not to cry at Noah’s first full look.

“Hope you’re ready for my maid of honor speech,” I tease Noah as I stand next to her.

“As long as it doesn’t embarrass me, I can’t wait.”

“That wasn’t in the agreement.”

She glares. “Be nice.”

I feign shock. “Aren’t I always?”

Damien stands next to me and chimes in, “I wasn’t aware of the being nice stipulation, so therefore I will be roastin’ Fisher in my entire speech.”

I bark out a laugh as Fisher scowls at his best friend.

“I’ll say nice things about Noah, though.” Damien smirks.

“I like him,” I tell them with a cheeky grin. “He should come ’round more often.”

“Don’t get any ideas. He’s too old for you,” Noah warns in a hushed whisper.

I motion toward Fisher, who’s literally twice her age. Not that I’m after Damien, but I don’t like the hypocrisy.

“That’s different.” She shrugs.

“Just for that, my speech will now be going as planned.”

When I lean back and look down the line, my gaze catches Tripp’s, who’s also leaning back to look at me. He holds my stare before slowly lowering his gaze down my body and biting his lip. Once our eyes meet again, he mouths, “Mine.” Then flicks his gaze toward Damien with a scowl.

I hold back laughter and smile at his jealousy over a man I have no interest in. But just to fuck with him, I arch a brow and mouth, “Prove it.”

His eyes darken as if I just gave him a dare he refuses to back out on. But then people start coming down the line to congratulate the newlyweds, and I focus on greeting everyone. A few minutes pass, and I hear a faint, “excuse me, comin’ through,” and notice Tripp walking behind the wedding party as he makes his way toward me.

What the hell is he doing?

“Noah?” Tripp grabs her attention, then hands her a mini water bottle. “Don’t want ya to get dehydrated being out in the sun.”

“Aw, thanks.” She gushes as she takes it from him.

Then instead of making his way back, he squeezes between me and Damien. “You mind if I stand here?” he asks him.

“Sure.” Damien’s brows pinch together as he shimmies over to make space.

Tripp’s all broad shoulders and puffs out his chest as he presses close to me. Then the arrogant asshole smirks down at me and winks. “Hey, Sunny.”

I shake my head as I look away so he doesn’t see my smile.

God, that was hot.

But I’m not admitting that to him.

It takes a good twenty-five minutes for everyone to go through the line. Although the guests consist of mostly close friends and family, they chat our ears off congratulating the couple and gushing about how beautiful the ceremony was. While I agree, standing in these heels without moving gets uncomfortable.

“Nicely played,” I finally tell him when we’re free to break away from the tent. “Where’d you get that bottle anyway?”

“One of the guests gave it to me because, and I quote, ‘was lookin’ a little flushed.’”

I snort out a laugh. “Better quit starin’ at me or you’ll be gettin’ that comment all night long.”

“Can’t help it.” He leans in closer as we walk side by side and then whispers, “You look so fuckin’ beautiful.”

My heart ramps up every time he says those words to me, but right now it’s in overdrive.

We have a good twenty minutes to kill while Noah and Fisher get their photos taken, so I grab his hand when we’re out of view and pull him toward the family barn. It’s the closest private spot and beggars can’t be choosers.

“What’re you doin’?” He smirks as I lead us to the tack room.

“Stealin’ you for a few.”

“You know, we could just tell everyone, and we wouldn’t haveta hide,” he suggests.

“But I like keepin’ you to myself. Plus, sneakin’ around is kinda hot.” I lower my hand to his zipper and feel his growing erection. “And I think you like it, too.”

“That’s just from you, sweetheart.” He groans when I palm his cock. “But then I could at least claim you out in the open so handsy guys stay away from you.”

Ah ha. So that’s the real reason he doesn’t want to stay a secret.

“Damien wasn’t being handsy, so stop worryin’.” I pluck the button open on his slacks and slide my hand inside his silk boxer shorts.

“Yeah, because I stepped in before he could.” He releases a moan when I pull out his hard length and stroke him.

“Does it look like I’d let another man touch me when all I want is you?” I ask, increasing my pace, and he lowers his gaze to my hand that’s jerking him off.

He grabs my waist and pulls me in closer until our foreheads are touching. “You’re gonna ruin me, Sunny. I’ve never been feral over the thought of someone else touchin’ you and now the very thought makes me see red.”

“You’re tense, cowboy.” I wrap a hand around his neck so I can yank his mouth down to mine, and then I kiss him. “Lemme help you with that.”

“You know I want you for more than just this, right?”

“Obviously for my amazing axe-throwin’ skills.”

He huffs out a laugh at my inability to take him seriously when I have his dick in my hand.

“I’d beg you to fuck my face, but Noah will kill me if I mess up my makeup before photos.”

At my words, his cock twitches.

“Goddamn, don’t say shit like that right now. I’m already gonna explode and make a mess.”

“Then you better have good aim,” I tease, bringing his mouth back down to mine and sliding my tongue between his lips.

His hand moves underneath my dress until he finds my panty line and then slides a finger along my wet slit before thrusting inside my pussy.

“Oh my God,” I breathe out. My eyelids flutter and my head falls back as he continues his delicious assault.

“I need you to come before me and we only have a few minutes before someone comes lookin’ for us or notices we’re both gone,” he urges, pushing my panties to the side more so he can shove a second finger inside.

“Then you better start rubbing my clit because you’ve been edgin’ me all day.”

He chuckles. “How so? This is the first time I’ve touched you.”

“I’ve been wet since I saw you in that cowboy hat. I had to go change underwear before we left.”

“Fuck. Now I need a taste.”

Before I can argue, he lifts me up by the ass and sets me down on the little wooden table. It’s not comfortable by any means, but I don’t even have the will to care when he hikes up my dress and slides my panties down.

“No screamin’ or someone will hear you,” is his only warning before he spreads my thighs and dives between them. He rests my legs over his shoulders as he rubs the pad of his thumb over my clit and tongue fucks my pussy so damn good, it’s only a matter of minutes before I come on his tongue.

“Holy shit,” I moan as quietly as I can, but if someone were in the barn right now, they’d definitely hear me.

Tripp finishes himself off with his free hand and comes right after I do.

“So fuckin’ good, baby.” He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and then tucks himself back in.

“How am I supposed to stand for photos when my legs feel like jelly?” I sigh as he helps put my panties back in place.

“Just tell her you need to sit on my lap the whole time.”

I playfully smack his chest as he lifts me down to my feet. Then he tenderly rubs his thumb along my jawline. “I wanna kiss you so hard.”

“Soon. I have extra powder and lipstick in my bag, so once the photographer is done with us, it’ll be fair game.” I smirk when he chuckles.

“Deal.” He takes my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles. “Don’t forget to save me a dance and no letting other guys touch you. Especially Wilder.”

I bark out a laugh as we double-check our clothes are in place. “Since when is he a threat?”

“Since I caught him drooling over your tits.”

Arching my back, I push out my chest. “Well, can you blame him? They’re great tits.”

His gaze narrows into a glare. “I don’t want my brothers gawkin’ at you.”

“What about cousins?”

“Sunflower,” he grits out between his teeth and digs his thumbs into my hips as if his resolve is going to snap. Yanking me closer, he softly presses his lips to mine. “The moment we’re public, I’m markin’ you as mine.”

“Hmm?” I muse. “What kind of markin’ are we talkin’ about here? Tattoo? Hickey? Teeth impression?”


I chuckle. “As long as I get to do the same to you.”

“Fuck yes.” He winks.

Tripp leaves first, checking it’s clear, then I follow behind him and smooth my dress down as if it wasn’t wrapped around my waist. He goes back toward where the guests are sitting, and I make my way toward my SUV to grab my bag.

Once I’ve reapplied my lipstick and powdered my face, I meet up with the wedding party just in time to be called for photos.

We spend an hour taking photos and then the photographer has Noah and Fisher move to different locations for more couple pictures. Now we’re waiting under the tents for happy hour.

“Such a gorgeous day.” A man I don’t recognize stands next to me.

“It truly is.” I smile politely, sipping on a glass of wine.

“You are too, by the way.”

My stomach bottoms out at the nonchalant way he comes on to me. I casually take a step away from him.

“Thanks. Didn’t get to pick what I wore, though,” I say with a smile that hopefully tells him I’m not interested.

“That shade of green is really your color.”

This time I just nod, purse my lips, and look away.

My gaze meets Landen’s at the bar, and I widen my eyes and signal to the stranger next to me. Then I mouth, “Help.”

He’s talking with someone but finally gets the hint and struts over.

“Hey, Kyle. How’s it goin’, buddy?” Landen makes his way in between us and directs his attention away from me.

“Good. Been a while since I’ve visited the ranch. Lookin’ nice. Very nice.” The way his tone changes makes my skin crawl because I imagine his eyes on me. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Landen laughs, but it’s not his real one. More so to humor this guy.

Then I see Landen smack Kyle’s shoulder and lean in. “Just between you and me, you’re not her type.”

I’m full-on eavesdropping even though they’re whispering.

“How do you know?” Kyle asks, sounding offended.

“Because she rejected me and told me she prefers younger men with mommy issues.” Landen shrugs, and my hand balls into a fist, tempted to whack him over the head.

“She’s a cougar?”

Landen sighs as if he feels bad telling him my secret. “Yeah, she likes ’em fresh outta high school. Kinda weird if you ask me, but figured I’d tell ya before you get embarrassed like I did.”

Oh my God. I’m going to kill him!

“Got it. Thanks, man.”

Landen claps his shoulder again. “No problem. Good to see ya.”

Kyle walks away with a quick glance over his shoulder at me and this time he stares with disgust. Fucking great.

“Are you insane? Like seriously, you need your brain checked out!” I grit out between my teeth.

“It was either tellin’ him that or the truth…” He arches a brow, challenging me to stay mad at him for saving my ass.

I huff, crossing my arms. “You couldn’t come up with anything better than makin’ me sound like a predator?”

“I implied they were of age!”

Scowling, I smack his arm and then chug the rest of my wine. “Never askin’ you for help again.”

“Oh, c’mon, Mags.” He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his chest. “I’m your favorite and we both know it.”

“Be careful. Tripp nearly pushed Damien out of the way when he was just standin’ next to me in the receiving line.”

He laughs. “Is that what that was? What a loser.”

I elbow him in the ribs and he backs away. “Pro tip, women like men who aren’t afraid to claim what’s theirs.

“My bad. I wasn’t aware y’all wanted to be treated like property.”

“Geez, you’re dense. This is exactly why you’ll never have the balls to ask Ellie out. You think she should come to you because you’re God’s gift to women.”

“Not true. Although I could be, but that’s not why I’m not askin’ her out.”

“Mm-hmm. She’s here somewhere. If you’re such an expert on women, go ask her for a dance later.”

His shoulder lifts. “Fine. No problem. I will.”

His rambling causes me to smile. He’s so going to chicken out.

“And are you gonna dance with your boy toy in front of everyone?”

Little does he know I already planned to.

“If that’s what it takes for you to stop being a little bitch and tell Ellie you like her.”

The fact that she hates him makes this so much better.

He huffs at my little bitch comment. “Deal.”

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