The urge to straddle his lap in the middle of the reception was so strong, I had to remind myself why I couldn’t.

I spent an embarrassing amount of time getting myself off in bed that night. Pretty sure I wore out my vibrator’s batteries and they were a fresh pair.

Goddamn him and the hottest words I’ve ever had whispered in my ear.

It’s not that I wanted to put any doubt in Tripp’s mind, but our relationship over the years has been built on giving each other shit, teasing, and taunting at any given time. Mostly because I just wanted his attention even if I thought my feelings weren’t reciprocated. It’s hard to just turn that off when I’m still in denial that he wants me the way I’ve always wanted him.

Physically, I know we’re compatible. There’s no doubt about our connection and chemistry in terms of being attracted to each other. But there’s still a little nagging voice in the back of my mind that’s telling my brain there’s no way he’d want a commitment. He’s never had a serious relationship. What makes me think he can have one with me?

It’s stupid, honestly. He’s given me no reason to think otherwise. But hearing him confirm what I knew deep down to be the truth knocked that little nagging voice right out of my head.

Tripp’s with me because he wants to be. He likes me as more than just his little sister’s best friend.

He’s my boyfriend.

And isn’t that the weirdest thing on the planet to say when I was about to give up on ever thinking he would like me back.

The gift opening brunch went smoothly, and everyone had fun. We took tons of photos, and I ate more than my fill of food.

Tripp, Landen, and Waylon helped load the presents and delivered them to Noah and Fisher’s cottage. After cleaning up the room with Dena and Gramma Grace, I helped Noah pack for her honeymoon and said one more final goodbye before they flew out the next morning.

Once the sun set, I was ready to sleep for the next twenty-four hours, but my maid of honor duties still weren’t over. I collected all the groomsmen’s tuxes so I could return them to the rental place on Monday and since Wilder didn’t show up to The Lodge, I had to track him down at his house and play hide ‘n’ seek with his clothes scattered across his floor.

By Tuesday, I’m still not fully recovered from the insanely busy weekend, but I’m excited to finally get Tripp alone tonight. We texted throughout yesterday and he helped me get Wilder’s tux when I came looking for it, but I still miss him.

It’s silly, I know.

This is so new, and I shouldn’t be this head over heels already, but I can’t help it. No guy has ever made me feel as special or important as Tripp does, and I crave his proximity every time we’re apart.


Are you visiting me today? Or do I need to find me a new cowboy to overpay for coffee?

It’s almost three and he hasn’t stopped by yet. Landen showed up at eight for his usual, but he said Tripp was too busy to leave.


So you admit you make me overpay?


Don’t think I ever denied it.


I think it’s time I make you pay for once.


What for??

He doesn’t respond, which only makes me more anxious that he won’t make it in time before I close. I know he’s busy, so I shouldn’t give him shit, but I was hoping to see him even for a few minutes.


Tick tock, cowboy. Trey’s offer to hang out later might be one I need to revisit.

Trey Mitchell’s one of the ranch hands at the stables and an overall nice guy, but not one I’d ever be interested in. He also never asked me to hang out, so I might be throwing him under the bus a little to make a point. I know I’m playing with fire by mentioning him, but I’m hoping it’s what lights a fire under Tripp’s ass to get here.

But still, no response.

A few more customers arrive, who order the last of the muffins, and when I finish ringing them up, it’s time to close. I bring in my Pay with Cash and it’s Free #GirlMath chalkboard sign, unplug all the fairy lights, and fold up my counter window.

Once I clean my espresso machine, put everything back in its place, and wipe it down, I close out my register. I go to the bank every couple of days to deposit money and then send my accountant quarterly receipts and business expenses. I’ve never been good at numbers, so to stay on track with my bills, I keep a close eye on what I’m making and spending.

Just as I’m counting my inventory in the fridge, a body presses against my back and a single rose appears in front of me. I smile wide as I press my nose into the center and inhale the floral scent.

“You’re late,” I scold, taking the stem and spinning around in his arms so I can kiss him.

My eager smile immediately falls when my eyes land on Travis.

“Oh my God! What’re you doin’ here?” I shove away from him, creating much-needed space.

“You blocked me. What was I supposed to do?”

“Um…get the hint that I don’t wanna speak to you!”

“Maggie, c’mon…” He holds out his arms, steps closer, and I move back as far as I can.

“Don’t call me that. And. Get. Out!” I point toward the only exit.

Instead of listening, he invades my space, caging me against the wall with his broad arms. “We’re not done, Mags. I love you and you know we’re supposed to be together. So quit being a stubborn bitch and unblock me.”

He’s close enough that when I forcefully raise my knee, it drives right into his groin. As soon as he keels halfway over, I use the heel of my boot to shove him down the rest of the way. His arm flails as he tries to catch himself, but he ends up smacking his wrist against my counter instead.

“Fucking. Cunt,” he spits out between labored breaths.

I set the rose down and lean over him. “I warned you, Travis. Leave me alone or it’ll be more than your balls going up inside your body.”

“You’re a psycho.” He squeezes his eyes as if he’s trying not to cry out in pain.

Instead of leaving it alone and letting him suffer in silence, I take my boot and step on the wrist he smacked with as much force as I can add.

He hisses when he tries to jerk out from underneath my heel.

“You’ve not seen anything, Travis. It’d take one phone call to get the Hollis boys to dig me a hole six feet deep and then push your body inside it.”

Okay, maybe that was a bit much threatening murder and all, but I’m not letting my asshole ex ruin my relationship with Tripp now that I finally have him. The moment he’d see Travis near me, Tripp would lose his shit before I even had time to explain I already took care of him.

“You bangin’ one of ’em now, ain’t ya? Fuckin’ whore.”

I finally ease off his wrist and allow him to get to his knees.

“Wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe I’m sleeping with all four of them. Wouldn’t be any of your business even if I were.”

“And you wonder why everyone calls you a slut,” he spits out when he stands to his full height.

“Is this where you expect me to say it takes one to know one?” I mock with an eye roll. “Grow up.”

“Fuckin’ watch that mouth, Magnolia.” He walks toward the exit, and I exhale a full breath for the first time in five minutes.

“No, you watch yourself because I won’t hesitate to use my taser next time.” I quickly reach for it out of my bag and click the two side buttons that make it zap. “And trust me when I say, I’ll be aiming low.”

“Bitch,” is the last word I hear him mutter when he finally walks out and into the parking lot.

With the taser gripped in my hand, I rush to the door and lock it shut.

My chest rises and falls as I sink to the floor and attempt to steady my breathing. I shouldn’t let him get to me like this and even though I fought back, my anxiety is through the roof. Travis is a giant compared to me. He played football in high school and continued to bulk up after graduation. He could’ve hit me if he wanted, but that’s never been his MO. He’s all about mental control and emotional whiplash. A gaslighting pro. And a delusional idiot.

Several minutes pass before I manage to get to my feet and finish counting inventory. When my phone goes off with a text, I jump and lose my breath all over again.


I’m so sorry. Cabin call took longer than expected. There was a guest mix-up and Rachelle got flustered trying to fix it. Are you still here?

Rachelle’s one of the receptionists at The Lodge and though I feel bad there was an issue, I wish she had been able to figure it out herself so Tripp could’ve been here. But maybe it’s a good thing he wasn’t. Having to explain why Travis is suddenly interested in getting back together would bring up what happened between us a couple weeks ago, and I’m not ready to have that embarrassing conversation.


That’s okay. About to leave.


Wanna go for a horseback ride? One of Landen’s stallions got loose and he’s picking up hay a few hours away so I was about to go look for him.

I pause when I read his words. It’s only in the fifties today, and I’m not dressed for something like that. Not to mention, I haven’t been on a horse since Noah convinced me to try riding years ago. But I want to spend time with him even if it’s doing something that terrifies me.


Sure, but I’ll probably kill myself.


We’ll ride together, baby 😉 We have a special saddle for two.


Okay, where do you want me to meet you?


I’ll pick you up. I’m a minute away.

For the first time since Travis invaded my trailer, I smile wide in excitement. I don’t want him to think anything’s wrong, so I try to shake off the jitters my asshole ex left me in.

As soon as I lock up the trailer, I hear Tripp’s truck pull up.

He swoops me up in his arms, and I melt against him as I inhale his bodywash scent mixed with sweat and leather. I bury my face into his chest and my breathing steadies.

“You okay, Sunny?” he asks when I don’t release my grip on him.

“Yeah, just missed you. And a little scared of what I agreed to.”

He chuckles, brushing strands of my hair behind my ear. Then he tilts my chin and crashes his mouth down on mine. Warmth invades me as he consumes my body and thoughts, and the fear of losing him increases.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. I’m bringing an extra rope so I can bring Rocky back, and he likes females, so he won’t hurt ya.” He winks at his cheeky comment.

Of course a stallion would like girls. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Prepare for me to hang on for dear life.”

He takes my hand and leads us to the passenger side of his truck.

“Oh no, you clingin’ onto me. What a hardship.”

I playfully roll my eyes as he helps me up into my seat. Then he leans over and buckles me in.

“I’ll give you my jacket so you stay warm. If he’s where I think he is, it shouldn’t take too long to bring him back.”

With every sweet gesture, the guilt chips away at my heart for not telling him the truth about what happened the night of Landen’s birthday party.

I know I need to, and I will.

Just not right now when I’m falling so damn hard for him.

It’s selfish of me to wait, but I finally have everything I ever wanted, and I don’t want to lose it.

Or break his heart.

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