About goddamn time.

He looks even sexier than I imagined he would in nothing but a black cowboy hat.

Solid, broad chest I want to mark with my teeth.

Six-pack abs my fingers are itching to claw.

Thick, hard cock I’m desperate to take.

I’m tempted to tease the fuck out of him the way he did me, but I think my pussy would cry out in protest if I stalled for one more minute.

I’m still in my lingerie set, so I lift off his hips, move the fabric to the side, and then take his cock in my other hand. I slide his tip along my wet slit and his palms flatten on my stockings, squeezing my thighs in anticipation.

With my heart pounding in my ears and my breath unsteady, I slowly glide down his length. His gaze remains locked on mine as he fills me so full, I need a minute to adjust.

“You okay?”

I nod, widening my hips as his cock penetrates me. Every inch of my body is fueled with nerves that this is finally happening between us, and I want it to be as good for him as I know it’ll be for me.

“Sunny, get out of your head.” He sits up and cups my ass, pressing our chests together. “I’m supposed to be the anxious one between us.” The corner of his lips curls up, and I smile at his ability to comfort me so easily.

I wrap my arms around his neck and slowly thread my fingers up into his hair without bumping the hat. “I’ve never been nervous during sex before, so I dunno why I am now.”

“It’s just me and you, baby. I’m giving you all control.”

I rock against him and my stomach clenches at how full I feel in this position. The pleasure lights me up from the inside out, and when he digs his fingers into my ass cheeks, it prompts me to move faster.

“You’re takin’ me so good.” He skims along my jawline as he continues to palm my ass with one hand and massages my breast with the other.

The wetness between my legs makes it easier to slide up and down his shaft and when the friction of his body against mine rubs my clit, my head falls back in pleasure. “Oh my God. That’s intense.”

He gives my ass a little smack, and I yelp.

“Do that again, but harder.”

And he does, twice.

“Fuck, you feel unreal, Sunny. Squeezing and riding me like this, I’m gonna fill you up so full.”

His words make me so wet, I’d be surprised if we don’t drench his bedsheets.

Between him holding me in place and my hips grinding down on him, we find a perfect rhythm that has us both close to losing control. He kisses me until I can no longer focus on moving my lips and then sucks on my neck, purposely leaving a mark on my skin.

“I’m…so…close,” I pant out, lifting up and then grinding down against him harder.

“Squirt all over my cock, Mama. Let me feel you come undone.

Moments later, I do just that.

My back arches as I chase the high of an orgasm ripping through me and shooting pleasure down my spine.

“Such a good girl riding me so fuckin’ perfect. But I’m not done with you,” Tripp murmurs in my ear as I ride the high.

Without a warning, he flips me on my back, loses the hat, and slides back inside me. My thighs wrap around his waist as he ruthlessly fucks me. He goes so deep when he slides my leg up to his shoulder, I swear he penetrates my cervix.

“Holy shit. Yes, yes, yes…” My eyes roll back as my fingers fist the sheets and hang on for dear life. He’s thrusting into me so hard, my head’s going to get a concussion from smacking the headboard.

I’m barely able to catch my breath and he’s hardly breaking a sweat as he gives me everything he has. That’s what I get for doubting his stamina because I’m about to tap out and beg for mercy.

“Tripp, I⁠—”

“Give me one more, sweetheart.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can,” I demand. “You’re takin’ my cock so well. Just one more. Then I’ll reward your needy cunt with my cum.”

I nod, biting my lower lip.

He rolls his hips and hits that sweet spot against my G-spot. Arching my back, I claw his arms as the room spins around us, and I soar through the intensity. The pleasure hits me so hard and fast, I scream louder than before.

“Oh my—” Words fail me as he buries his face in my neck and his body stills above me.

I squeeze his cock as he releases inside me and groans in my ear. A wave of satisfaction hits me at how hard he came because of me. Warmth settles in my chest at how content and happy I feel for the first time ever during sex.

“Sunny, goddamn.” His growl vibrates my skin and when my fingers dig into his back, he fully relaxes on top of me. “I think you’re tryin’ to kill me.”

My arms fall to the side like two boulders. “Me? You were hip-thrusting me into my grave. And now you’re tryna break off my oxygen supply.”

He coughs out a laugh as he lifts his chest off me. “Shit, we can’t have that. We’ve got big plans for Chatty in our future.”

My brows rise as I contemplate laughing or panicking. Now I can’t tell if he’s being serious or not.

Then he adds, “I’m thinkin’ Willow if it’s a girl, though. Y’know, Sunflower and a Willow tree. It’d be kinda cute.”

“You’re fuckin’ with me,” I say, needing to hear him say it.

“Don’t like it? Maybe Ivy, Lily, Daisy? Belladonna?”

His tone is dead serious, and he’s not breaking character, so I smack his chest back to reality.

Finally, he cracks a smile. “You’re still too easy to rile up, Sunny.”

He captures my mouth for a tender kiss before lying next to me on the bed.

“Says the one who wants to name our child after a poisonous flower.”

Facing me, he sits up on his elbow and grins. “Remember who picked Chattanooga Tennessee.”

“A solid Southern boy’s name.” I nod firmly.

“Until the kids at school make fun of him and call him Noogie.”

I move to my side and mimic his stance. “Aww, that’s cute. Baby Noogie.”

He snorts, capturing my wild, loose strands and brushing them behind my ear. “At least he’ll have a tough-as-nails mama to beat up all his bullies.”

I can’t help losing my serious expression and chuckling at how he effortlessly plays along no matter how ridiculous the topic.

“I’m sure they’ll all be too scared of his lethal little sister, Belladonna, to mess with him.”

“Of course. And then when Foxglove comes along, everyone will be afraid of the deathly trio.”

I burst out with laughter. “Hell, I would be, too.”

The smile on my face is permanent at this point, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my cheeks hurt tomorrow.

Being able to play in the safety of our inside jokes, knowing we trust each other with our desires and fantasies without fear of scaring the other is something I’ve never had before.

Tripp rubs his thumb along my flushed skin, looking at me like I’m the most precious thing he’s ever seen. “Be careful, Sunny.” His voice is just above a whisper and it sends my pulse into overdrive.

My face tilts in confusion. “With what?”

He plucks my bottom lip, tracing over it with his fingertip. “My heart. I know it’s quick, but it’s all yours. And well, maybe it’s not that fast because it’s been yours for a long time. You just didn’t know it.”

My pulse has officially flatlined. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This sweet, brooding man is pouring his feelings out to me, and all I want to do is cry.

It’s overwhelming to have someone like him be so genuine and tender after fucking my imprint into the mattress. The most perfect words I’d wished to hear for years and now he’s telling me I own his heart.

It’d be impossible not to fall for this man.

I flatten my palm against his bare chest and feel it beat rapidly. “You’ve had mine since I was fifteen when I realized these weird feelings I was having were actually more than you just being my best friend’s brother. Flutters in my stomach that I didn’t get for anyone else, so it’s safe to say mine’s been yours for a long time, too.”

Even in between all the times Travis and I were dating on and off, I was never fully his. I’d known Tripp for years at that point, and he always watched out for me. Anytime Noah and I got into sticky situations, we knew we could rely on him. He’d come and even help us in the middle of the night, no matter how inconvenient it was for him.

Most of my middle and high school memories involve him in one way or another.

And then I add, “So I’ll gladly take yours if you promise to protect mine.”

He thumbs my chin, bringing my lips toward his, but he doesn’t close the gap. “I would take a bullet for it, Sunny,” he whispers so earnestly.

Tears form in the corner of my eyes and before they fall, I wrap my arms around him and crash my mouth to his.

After several moments of getting lost in each other, he breaks the kiss. “As much as I’m enjoyin’ the view of you in the sexiest lingerie I’ve ever seen, I need to clean us up. Take a shower with me.”

“As long as you carry me. All my limbs feel like Jell-O.”

He chuckles and then winks. “I think I can handle that.”

Instead of lifting me up in his arms like I presume, he sits on the edge of the bed with his back facing me, grabs his hat off the floor, and then looks at me over his shoulder with the hat pointed at me. “Hop on, cowgirl.”

A laugh bubbles out of me as I move closer and he sets it on my head. I climb on his back and hang on for dear life. “Don’t drop me.”

He secures his hands behind my knees and stands. “Doubtin’ me over the simplest of tasks is gonna bruise my ego.”

“It was just a statement, like drive safe or break a leg,” I defend as he walks us toward his bathroom.

“Mm-hmm, right. Guess I’ll have to show you just how strong I am by pinning you against the shower wall and fuckin’ you into the tile.”

“Keep threatenin’ me with a good time, and I’ll make sure to rip apart your masculinity next.

“Ouch, Sunny. Low blow.”

He sets me down on the counter when we enter and then he spins around between my thighs. “Can I rip this thing off you now?” His dark gaze lowers down my body.

“Like rip rip?”

“Yes. The only lingerie I want you wearin’ is ones I buy you.”

“You’re really possessive of my wardrobe,” I taunt, licking my bottom lip in anticipation of him kissing me again.

“Just the ones another man paid for.”

My cheeks heat at how deep and serious his tone is.

“Okay, cowboy. Do your best.”

I spread my legs wider, giving him room to do whatever he wants.

In true Tripp fashion, he torturously teases me first, gliding his featherlight touch down my arms and thighs before grabbing my thong and literally tearing it off my skin. The garter belt and stockings go next. Then he puts one bra strap between his teeth, glides it down one arm, and does the same to the other.

He takes the cowboy hat off my head, and without missing a beat, he unclasps the back with one hand in a single flick.

Looking smug as if he’s satisfied by his handiwork, he removes it completely and then tosses it to the pile on the floor.

Sitting completely naked now, his heated gaze rakes over every bare inch of my body.

As he stands between my legs, he traces over my lips and stares deep into my soul, grinning. “So fuckin’ beautiful, Sunny. Inside and out.”

I squeeze his hips to tug him closer. “I could say the same about you, or rather, handsomely beautiful.”

His lip curls in disapproval. “Sexy? Masculine? Strong? Perhaps one of those.”

I roll my eyes and push him back so I can hop off the counter. “Ego-driven, stubborn, clueless would be better options.”

Before I can stop him, he hauls me over his shoulder and opens the shower curtain.

“Tripp!” I smack his bare ass, but it doesn’t faze him in the least.

He holds my legs with one arm, and I hold on to him with a death grip.

“Sunny…” He chuckles, turning on the water. “I’m not gonna drop you.”

“Oh, sorry for not being overly confident while I’m hangin’ upside down with a hard floor beneath me.”

He palms my ass and squeezes. “Trust, baby.”

“I will when I’m facin’ upright.”

Once he steps inside and closes the curtain, he pulls me back up and positions me against the wall with his hips pinning me in place.

“Jesus, talk about whiplash.” I firmly hold on to his shoulders and shiver under the cool air.

“The water should heat up in a second. Until then, my cock can keep you warm.”

I look between us, notice he’s hard again, and smirk. “Well, I’m not gonna knock myself up.”

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