Chapter 87 

Annette’s POV

Life became sweet after that. In the last two months of my pregnancy, I was doted upon by my husband with everything I could want. He flew in fresh strawberries, Belgian chocolates, fried chicken from Tennessee, cheese from Italy, and Hawaiian pineapple. 

He put in a large and comfy armchair in his office for me with pillows and blankets and a desk that hung over if I wanted. I sat beside him and went over getting the supplies to farm once the snow thawed. To see how many seeds we had in the stores and how much we would need. I went over to our weapons stores and started replenishing them.. 

I went over what we had in our stores for food. “We’re the most prepared for winter we’ve ever been my Luna if there were another four months of snow we’d be alright,” Elizebeth commended me. 

If it was even possible my guard was more closed off now than ever. In her defense I understood people now were distant from her, she wasn’t welcome anymore. I kept her by my side and she’d now taken on more of an advisor role 

to me. 

Anything I was doing she was helping me and talking to me about how I could get it done and what I wanted she did it. She was now the person she upside of my husband I trusted the most here. 

“I love that mama,” I turned over to my mother who sat beside me as she continued working on my son’s blanket. She was knitting him his blanket for the day he was washed in the moon pool

As the heir my son would be washed in the moon pool at the first full moon after his birth to wash him as the chosen heir in the goddess’s light. 

“I don’t want it too frilly for him but I want it to be beautiful,” she was overjoyed to be knitting a blanket for her grandchild

Grayson would rub my feet and lower back every night. He was happy to take care of me having been denied that for 

most of my pregnancy. 

“I want all of our arrows replenished and landmines ordered for the main road into the pack,” I told my right hand.  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Of course Luna,” Elizebeth nodded. 

I still felt myself wanting to look over my shoulder. I wanted to think something else was coming as it felt impossible that we were done with it. The whole time I’d been with my husband there was the evil monster behind the corner and now he was dead. The traitors alongside him. 

I forced myself to look around and see that our world was now shiny again and that we were happy. 

“Are you hungry Netta?” Grayson asked me. 

“Hmmmm a little,” I nodded. 

“You want a burger?” He asked me. My newest craving of late. 


Chapter 87 

“Yes pickled an-” 

“And onions I know,” he bent down and k*ssed my forehead. 

The days were starting to string together in a montage of smiling, laughing, and moving on. We found ourselves letting go of what we’d endured and looking on to tomorrow where we had a baby. 

“Do you worry about being a father?” I asked him as we lay on our bed at the end of the day one night. 

“Of course. I’d be a fool not it’s a whole life I’m helping mold. A life we will leave the control of this pack to,” he traced his fingertips over my belly. 

“I think you’ll be good,” I told him running my finger through his hair. “I think you’ll have that perfect mix of such a pushover and firm,” I giggled a little. 

I will not be a pushover,” 

“You know that’s not true you’ll be such a pushover for him. But if he does mess up I do think you’ll know how to handle that too,” I knew my husband was soft and warm for those he loved but he knew what was expected of us. 

“I only want to make him as happy as you’ve made me,” he grabbed my hand and k*ssed the back of it. 

“You’re his father it’s just being yourself will do that,” I told him. 

“Being here,” he corrected me. “I won’t ever falter there. I won’t ever let you have another day without me,” he looked up at me. 

I knew how hard being absent had hit him. His own father was absent in mind before leaving in presence all his childhood, but I trusted my mate enough to be the opposite. 

We kept on preparing for the baby to get a nursery together. A crib, a changing table, and a rocking chair. 

I had everything I’d always dreamed of. A mate who I loved with my whole heart, a baby on the way, an honest and kind pack. I felt like it wasn’t real some days like I was supposed to wake up and go back to Grayson being gone. 

“It’s not easy what you went through,” Cea told me. “You’ve had the world’s toughest pregnancy, but it’s done now we’re on the other side,” 

“I have it all, just waiting for the next bad thing.” 

“Nothing bad is gonna happen,” she k*ssed my cheek. 

I suppose it was hard to let go of the survival mode I’d been in. I still woke up sometimes in the night and I had to make sure he was actually there. 

Then I’d go for days without stopping smiling feeling so lucky. I loved being pregnant, I loved feeling my son’s kicks and seeing the great swell of my belly. 

My family was all around me. My father and mother brimming with excitement at becoming grandparents. My brothers belong me from place to place coming to my checkups 


Chapter 87 

“Do you ever think you were pushed into this Anna?” Charlie asked me as I sat in our living room my feet far too tired. that day to walk. 

“Pushed into what?” I asked him. 

“This. Being a Luna, a mom so young. Marrying a man you didn’t know,” he set his jaw.. 

“No, I know the humans do things very differently but I love this. I love helping my people and serving them, I love Grayson he’s my soulmate and this,” I looked down at my bump. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted,” 

“Yeah,” he nodded and grabbed the back of his n*eck. “Yeah,” 

“Charlie?” I laughed and nudged my brother. “What are thinking you don’t want to be an alpha anymore what are you asking this for?” I pressed him. 

“No!” He shook his head. “I want to be the alpha I want to look after our people. I want to take the mantle on from Dad but I’m not. I don’t know if I want if I want to go out to the other female alphas and find a stranger and offer her everything if I don’t love her,” he looked off past me

“Well if you don’t want to do that you don’t have to. If you want to get to know those girls I’m sure they’d appreciate 

the sentiment,” I smiled at my brother. 

“No. I want,” he huffed. “What if I don’t want an alpha–blood female,” he gulped. 

I know I shouldn’t have but inhaled sharply. We were of a golden bloodline and my brother had just said he didn’t want an alpha wife. It was, it was not something I had ever thought he’d say. I just felt he’d want to have an alpha- 

blood wife because that was our way. 

“Sorry,” I recovered myself. “I just I didn’t ever think you’d want that. I know that’s not fair you are your own person and you deserve to choose your wife I just-” 

“I know. I know and who’s to say those girls aren’t amazing but I want…” he trailed off. 

“Is there someone Charlie?” I looked at my brother. The eldest, the strongest, the one who had to handle everything. 

“No, no, no I just you know am having an identity crisis or mental break who knows? Six generations of alpha blood I know that if I want us to keep our power I need to do the right thing,he shook his head. 

“Charlie!” I grabbed his arm. “You’re more than deserving of a woman you love and the pack’s strength comes from our values, not the alphia blood so stop it,” I shook him. “You could have any woman and you’d love them with everything and be a good husband. Don’t do that to yourself you deserve happiness,” I shook my head. 

You did too,” He looked away from me. “We didn’t know Grayson was coming. We didn’t know that you had a soulmate and yet you had to go on auction and find someone,” 

“I had more pressing circumstances Charlie besides. I told you this is what I’ve always wanted. If you want someone else or something else you deserve that,” 

“I know and I don’t have a lot of time to decide,” he took another deep breath and stood up walking out of my house. 


Chapter 87 

“Charlie?” I called after him. “Charlie!” 

My brother’s life crisis aside I was curious as to who had brought on this change in him. He was much like me he wanted great love too but he knew his duty. 

I watched over him but he became closed off and though I wanted to know more my time was coming close and my b*dy refused to let me find out. 

“Another one?” Grayson asked me. 

Hoooo,” I nodded. The false labor had been awful the past two days. 

I hadn’t left our house as I cleaned and prepped everything. I knew I was nesting but if anyone else mentioned it I burst into tears and swore I wasn’t. 

I didn’t want my pregnancy to end where my baby was safe in my womb and I was with him 24/7 

At the same time. 

“Ughhhh just get out!” I cried as another false contraction hit

“There there darling,” Grayson rubbed my back. 

“It just hurts,” I stomped my feet a little. 

“Little butthead,” I poked my belly and was rewarded with a small thump so of course I felt incredibly guilty and I 

burst into tears. 

Then I was exhausted. I found myself sleeping more than any other thing. I knew my b*dy was preparing to push out my son but I felt worried about how much I was sleeping. 

I went to bed at four and woke up because an alarm was blaring. 

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