Chapter 104 Seeing that Jamie was about to walk away, Lucia hurriedly took a few steps to follow him and asked, "Are you really going to find August?" Jamie raised an had to walk with him in the direction of the company'*

and asked another question, "Do you really have other things to see August?" ®

Jamie nodded slightly, "Don’t worry. I still know what to say and what not to say." ®

Hearing him say that, Lucia was relieved.'®

When they arrived at the office and waited for the elevator, Jamie looked at Lucia beside him and said, "I'll walk you back to your department first." Lucia her and Jamie together, they would probably say something again. "Why not?" Jamie drooped his eyes and asked tentatively, "Do you think I'm"

embarrassing you?"

"No, anyway, I'll just go back by myself.” During the argument, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and a colleague whispered, "Look, President Adams is here!" ®

Hearing the word "President. Adams", Lucia subconsciously turned her head’ ®

and saw a group of people led by August walking this way. Standing in the middle,

Before he could finish his sentence, August had already turned his head.'®

August was a little surprised to see Jamie, and his face was somber when he’

saw Lucia next to him. Why were they together? Ignoring the report of his men, August stepped away and walked straight’ toward them.’

Half a meter away, he stopped. Looking at Jamie, he asked in a cold voice, "Mr. Nordhaus, how are you?"

Jamie curled his lips, smiling insincerely, and lifted his chin, "Mr. Adams, do you were cold, as usual, "If you want, I'm always available." Jamie smiled, "Okay, let's have a cup then.” With his gaze pausing on Lucia, August said quietly, "Since Lucia is so familiar with Mr. Nordhaus, why don't you come along too?" Saying so, he stepped towards the exclusive elevator inside."

When she was suddenly named, Lucia panicked."

Why did August ask her to come along? In this situation, she didn't dare to ask more questions. In order not to anger’

August, she had to follow Jamie to the exclusive elevator. The men who were originally elevator door closed. In the closed space, no one was talking, making the atmosphere a bit awkward."

Jamie did it on purpose or something. Just when the elevator was silent without a pick you up tonight?"

Lucia was stunned, not expecting Jamie to be so bold as to ask her this in front'® of August.'® Now She didn't know if she should answer him, in a proper dilemma.'®

Lucia clutched the corner of her coat and forced a fake smile, "No need..." Saying so, she also did not forget to make a wink at Jamie. Jamie saw this and laughed. As if he are you smiling so hard?" ® Lucia dodged away in a hurry to avoid suspicion, without knowing whether to smile or cry As expected, August turned his head, with a pair of black eyes glowing with

cold light, which made her a little scared. Now she wanted to kill Jamie!'®

Finally, along with the sound of "ding-dong", the elevator arrived. Seeing August take the lead in getting out of the elevator, Lucia took a deep breath of relief and reached the President's Office.'® As August walked into the office, Jamie swept a glance at the office decoration,’ then a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "I remember the last time I came to August naturally knew that Jamie had his tongue in his cheek. He walked'® across to Jamie and sat down, looking at Lucia, and ordering, "Go prepare two cups of coffee and bring them over.”

Lucia stood in place and hesitated for a second. Only then did she react, she’ answered, turned around, and walked out of the room. The reception of guests, and serving tea and water were the work of the secretary of the President's Office, but August at this time ordered her and she still couldn't resist. When Lucia stepped out of the office, August turned his head and looked at’

Jamie with a colder look. Noticing his gaze, Jamie smiled instead of being angry and asked softly, "I wonder what President Adams would like to talk to me about today? Is it the land in the West End, or Lucia?" ®

August sat up straight and a thin layer of anger flared up in his dark eyes. Two seconds later, he spoke, his voice low but cool, "That land and Lucia are both mine."

When Jamie heard him say that, his face became somber and he grunted, "What if I said that I was going to pursue her?"

A cold light flashed in August's eyes and he said in a deep voice, "You think you have a chance?" When he heard the word "divorce", August's face instantly turned somber. He' tensed up, "Even if we divorce, you won't have a chance.”

He wouldn't give anyone the chance.'®

Just then, the door of the room was pushed open and Lucia walked in with coffee. She looked at the two men sitting opposite each other on the couch and inexplicably felt a chill. The two men stared at each other, giving a sense of antagonism between them without a word.'® S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Lucia stepped forward, placed the tray on the table, and said softly, "Your coffee'®

is ready.” She had just brought the coffee to the table when August suddenly spoke up, "Why don't we talk about the land in the West End?" Hearing him change the subject, Jamie curled his lips, following his topic and"

saying, "For that piece of land, Mr. Adams should have known a lot." August took a sip of coffee and spoke without haste, "Windswift Group can't do'®

such a big project on your own, right?" Lucia was next to them, listening to the two talking about the West End Property. She hesitated to leave the office, but she didn't dare to leave without August's say-so. She stood by the side for nearly 20 minutes, yawning several times, and finally, the two men had almost finished talking. Jamie winked at Lucia before he left and said with a smile, "Wait for my call.” Lucia froze, watching him walk out of the office, and when she looked back, she* too." August stared at her for a long time without speaking. Finally, he asked in a deep voice, "Jamie is pursuing you?"

Lucia was confused and then quickly realized what he was talking about. She guessed that Jamie and August had said something when she wasn't in’

August care?"

With a little expectation, Lucia hesitated for a moment and moved her lips. *II'®

guess so." When August heard that his eyebrows furrowed slightly and his face a lite surprised to see August and Lucia confronting each other in the room. “Mi. Adams, they re all there, just waiting for you to go to the meeting." August ficked a glance at him and replied lightly before getting up and striding cowards the door’

Lucia stood where she was and watched as the man walked past her without her saying word by word, “Anyway, don't accept it” His calm voice sounded so imperious and deterrent, leaving her na reason to’

refuse, After those words, he turned around and left with big strides. Lucia took a deep breath, with her hands clenched and unclenched down at her sides. Eventually, she he did't want her to accept another man's advances? Or was it because he was simply possessive? Thinking about it over and again, she fet that twas more likely to be the latter, After al she had ben with him for so long and had seen more than once how much he cared about Jeanne. She knew very well that in August's heart, she was nothing compared to Jeanne!

Lucia laughed at hersel. She stepped out of the office leaving behind all the thoughts that plagued her, and headed back to the Administration Department She had just walked to the public desk area of the department when Lisa saw her and took the infiative to approach her, saying in a somewhat anios tone, “Lucia, where did you go?" "I went to the Presidents Office” Lucia perked up and asked gently, “What i'®

t7"°® said that, they could al hear it Almost immediately, Lucia felt that they were all looking at her. They had been gossiping about her and Ted. Now Ted dict avoid suspicion and came to her directly in the Administration Department. That was a deliberate attempt to give others something to talk about wasnt od

towards her office. When she reached her office and opened the door, she sav Ted sitting in her’

office chair and casually fipping through some documents. Seeing her walk in, Ted smirk, It seems that you're quite ide at work, Lucia, You can stil wander around during working hours. there something mare important than work?” Lucia heard the sarcasm in his words. She managed to force a smile. "Sorry to (ep you waiting, Mr. Stebbing. Is there something you want to see me about


Carter had specially stated that Lucia only needed to be Ted's temporary assistant for a week when she assigned the task. Now that i vas already the second week it was reasonable to say that Ted had no fight to ask Lucia to do anything “Ves.” Ted smirked and his turbid eyes were fixed squarely on her. There's a'® Re A rE ae re aes

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