Chapter 184

Before Lucia could figure it out, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang. Lucia was so frightened that she immediately took’ ®

out her phone to answer the call, "Hello?" ®

phone, "Lucia, are you crazy!" ®

It was so loud. Lucia quickly took the phone half a meter away, but she could still hear Paula's voice, "How dare you do the test with your hands? Are you crazy?! Has the wound been bandaged? Is the event over? Where are you?" Hearing Paula's consecutive questions, Lucia smiled helplessly and said softly, "Paula, don't worry. The wound has hospital, Paula immediately asked, "Which hospital? I'll go over right now!" Hearing

"Okay, don't move around. I'll go see you right away!" As soon as Paula finished it, she hung up.’ Lucia glanced at the darkened screen, smiled helplessly, and shook her head. Paula had a quick temper. When would she’

change it?"

on the first floor of the hospital, and found a chair to sit down.’

More than twenty minutes later, Lucia Saw Paula hurriedly pass through the gate and walk in quickly. She quickly stood up and waved her uninjured right hand at Paula.'®

check, "Let me see. Is there any other injury?" ®

Seeing her like this, Lucia felt warm in her heart, and said in a relaxed tone, "It's okay. The small wound in my hand has been bandaged. So don't worry." Hearing this, Paula grabbed her left hand wrapped in layers of gauze and looked at it again and will leave a scar, right?"

Seeing Paula nag about her injury, Lucia couldn't help but smile. She raised her right hand and patted Paula's back, comforting, "Don't worry. It's okay!" Paula pulled Lucia to sit down and couldn't help but start scolding her, "If the metal pieces inside were a little sharper, maybe your fingers would have been chopped off! Lucia, why are you still acting as if nothing happened?" Lucia smiled and raised her "stump" to make an oath. "Okay, I'm really fine. I promise you, I'll never take risks again!" Seeing her The two talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was a little more relaxed.’ Burton walked across the rows of benches, approaching them, and could hear the conversation, As soon as the event was over, he rushed over. Unexpectedly, Mr. Adams had already left. However, the task that Mr. Adams had given him was to escort Lucia home. Now that he saw Paula with Lucia, he didn't have to worry anymore. "Paula, you said you didn't know I was injured until you watched the live streaming?" "Yeah! You can watch it online now. Lucia, you're popular this time!" Hearing Paula say this, Lucia didn't have the slightest look of joy on her face. Instead, she squeezed the corner of her clothes in a bit of confusion.'

Paula noticed the abnormality and quickly asked, "What's the matter?" Lucia said softly, "I'm afraid my parents will see it. They will be worried at that time. I've been collecting surgery fees recently. If my father sees the video, he will be sad...” The atmosphere instantly became much gloomier. Paula opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.'®

After a pause, she said softly, "Lucia, how much more do you need for the surgery? I have some savings. It's not much, but! can give it to you..." ®

Burton, who was not far behind, heard their conversation. After hesitating, he wanted it was better to report this kind of thing to him in person.'®


At the same time at Kelly's family villa, "Dad, Mom, I'm back'®

When Martin sitting on the sofa heard the sound, he raised his eyes slightly, glanced at August, and stood up with a smile,"

August our here'

Augusts expression was indifferent, showing no emotions. He greeted Martin and Mrs Kelly. "Mr Kelly, Mrs. Kelly"

Mrs Melly smiled and asked August to take a seat, "August, please sit downl As soon as I heard you were coming today, I' Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

specially asked the chet to cook a few more dishes that you like"

his gaze, he caught Martin staring at ham meaningfully’ ®

Finally Martin said calmly "August, it had been a while since your last visit. Let's have a few drinks today"

"Of course Mi helly" August nodded and raised his eyes to look at the man over fifty with gray hair with a faint smile’

The two looked at each other and smiled faintly. When their eyes met, there was something else in ther. Suddenly, Jeanne said, "Dad, didn't you say Merlin is back? Where is he?" Heanng this Martin lowered his eyes slightly and looked away. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He replied in a gentle tone,"

"He's upstairs. He'll come down later."

guess what he was thinking. Mrs. hell brought tea and he looked away"

taste pain!"

Now was not the time yet.'®

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, August blinked. After a few words with Mrs. Kelly, the kitchen was almost ready.’

Mrs. Kelly smiled lightly and reminded softly, “Jeanne, August, lunch is reac. Why don't you wash your hands?"

Inher own home, Jeanne was 2 bit more active than outside. Now she had a posture of bringing her boyfriend to met her parents. She was very feminine, shy, and tender. Pulling August into the Kitchen to wash their hands, Jeanne couldn't help but say, "August, my parents have always wanted you to come to our house fo lunch. I saw that can tell they are happy tool"

Hearing her excited tone, August smiled mockingly and asked, “Really?” ®

Jeanne did't notice the abnormality, and said in an affirmative one, “Of course!"®

She tilted her head to look at him, squinted her eyes, and smiled, "August come often in the future, okay?"

Looking at Jeanne's smile, August paused, and he was a litte hesitant. He hated the Kelly family and hated Martin the most because al the misfortunes he had encountered were indirectly caused by Martin’

the most tormenting years were’

sso from the Kelly family. There were countess times when he wanted to destroy the Kelly family vith his own hands, and there were equally countess times when his plans and impulses stopped at Jeanne's simple smiling face.

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