Chapter 227 She Has Nowhere To Turn For Help

This slap was even more ruthless than the previous one. After Lucia was slapped, blood ran down the corners of her mouth...

Just when she couldn't react to the pain, Nolan shoved (he cloth into her mouth fiercely. In an instant, her month and throat were blocked by the cloth, which was disgusting. II

"Bitch, do you think you can fool me?” Nolan scolded, "Wait two more hours and I'll call August to see if he will come!”

Lucia fell dizzy and couldn't do anything. She leaned her head against the car door next and found it difficult to breathe.

At this moment, an abrupt ring bell instantly interrupted the strange atmosphere.

When Lucia heard the familiar ringtone, she looked up subconsciously, and saw

her phone in the front!

Her nerves were tense. The next second, Nolan stretched out his hand and directly look the phone over.

The screen was flickering, and it kept ringing.

Nolan glanced al the caller Il), and suddenly became interested. With a malicious smile on his face, he picked up the phone and shook it at Lucia, "Well, what will happen if I lake this call?"

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Lucia’s eyes darkened as she saw the caller ID. Her back stiffened.

It turned out to be her father! Why would he call her at this time?

Seeing that Nolan was about to press the answer button, Lucia immediately shook her head frantically, making a muffled sound. He couldn't answer this call!

His father was going to have the surgery in several days. He must not be stimulated. If he heard that his daughter had been kidnapped, he would go crazy!

Nolan hadn't expected Lucia's reaction to be so intense. He suddenly felt rebellious and pressed the answer button directly.

Seeing Lucia freeze, he proudly put it on speaker.

The next second, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello? Lucia..."

It was her father's voice! Lucia shivered and there was only despair in her heart now.

Bill didn't hear a response, so he continued to say, "Lucia? Hollo?" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Nolan sneered and said in a deep voice, "Lucia? Is she your daughter? Don't scream. She is tied up by me. She's gagged, and she can't speak.”

As soon as he said these words, it was silent on the other end of the phone fora moment. After two seconds, Bill said in a trembling voice, "Who... Who are 2/7 28.57% 12 090


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"Don't ask who I am. In short, your daughter is nosy and offended me. She is now in my hands and she has nowhere to turn for help!"

He sneered again.

Lucia only felt desperate. She whimpered and struggled hard, but it did not threaten Nolan at all. In the end, she lowered her head and pushed Nolan fiercely. Nolan raised his hand and grabbed her neck.

"Bitch! Damn it!"

He cursed and pushed Lucia aside fiercely.

He angrily pushed the door open, got off the car, and slammed the door shut. He turned to the front, glanced at the phone in his hand, and said angrily, "Old man! Your daughter is something! With such a sense of justice, she loves to meddle in other people's business, but she can't protect herself in the end!"

At the same time, Bill turned pale instantly.

Elisa, who was pouring water, noticed that something was wrong. She quickly put down the cup, and asked, "Bill, what's the matter?"

Bill shivered, and his hand holding the phone trembled slightly, " let my daughter go!" But the phone was hung up.

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Elisa was confused. She quickly asked, "What's wrong? What happened to


Bill's face was flushed with anger and he said, "Lucia... Lucia has been kidnapped!"

He hurriedly lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed. But before he could stand up, he suddenly froze and his face turned blue. He fell straight back on the bed. '

Elisa was terrified and hurriedly shouted, "Bill! Bill..."

She was panicked. She shouted "doctor" and ran towards the door. When she got to the door, she remembered the emergency bell at the head of the bed, and immediately turned back and rang the bell in a panic.

"Bill! You must hold on!" Elisa's eyes were red with anxiety, and she burst into tears, "Bill...Bill!"

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and two nurses ran in. Seeing the person on the bed, they immediately stepped forward and rolled his eyelids to check.

The doctor also rushed in quickly. Seeing this situation, he suddenly turned cold, "Quick! Send him to the emergency room!”

"Bill!" Elisa was so panicked that she didn't know what to do. Seeing Bill being pushed away, she ran after him in a panic, "Doctor, please save my husband...

You must save him...”

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Outside the emergency room, she was stopped by the nurses and watched as Bill was pushed in. The door was closed, and she couldn't see anything.

"How... how could this bp?" Elisa muttered anxiously tears streaming down her face.

What had happened just now was so sudden that she didn't even know what was going on. 11 er husband was suddenly sent to the emergency room

Suddenly, she remembered the last words Bill had said before fainting, and she felt a chill on her spine and trembled all over.

She took out her phone and immediately called Lucia, but Lucia’'s phone was turned off!

What was going on?! Lucia should be in the company at this time. Why was her phone turned off? Was what Bill had said just now true?

Elisa immediately called August. Soon, the call was answered.

Elisa was almost crying, "August...August, something happened! Bill got a call saying that Lucia was kidnapped and he fainted. I couldn't get through to Lucia.

What should I do?"

August was on his way to the Kelly family. When he heard Elisa's anxious voice, he frowned tightly, and immediately asked, "Lucia is missing?"

"I don't know... Bill said that before he fainted. Lucia's phone couldn't get

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"Mrs. Mitchell, don't worry. I'll go look for Lucia right now, and I'll call you when I find her!"

After a few simple words of comfort, he in mediately hung up the phone, looked at Burton who was driving, and said solemnly, "Stop the car!"

Burton immediately slowed down and pulled the car to the side of the road.

August immediately called the President's Office.

Soon, someone answered it. Mary said, "Hello, Lion Group President Office. Can I help you?" August's voice was deep and cold, "I'm August. Go see if Lucia is in the company!"

Mary was stunned for a moment, and then quickly agreed and called the Administration Department from a phone next to her.

After asking, she said, "Mr. Adams, Lucia is not in the company now. She has been missing for more than two hours. But when came to work, she came to the President's Office to see you. She left after I told her you weren't in the company."

When August heard this, his temples throbbed slightly. Je pursed his lips tightly, and said coldly, “I see.”

He hung up the phone.


It seemed that after Lucia went to the President's Office to see him, she disappeared.

reason. So there was only one

She would not be absent from work for no possibility left. The person who had kidnapped her was someone in the company!

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