She raised her eyes, met the man's gloomy eyes, and said softly with a smile, "So that's what you meant by what you said on stage just now

Seeing the womans visibly relieved expression, August frowned, and his face darkened a bit "Otherwise, what do you think” He asked

Before she could answer, his eyes flashed quickly, and he asked in a cold voice, "Is it possible that you have something else to hide from me”

Hearing this, Lucias face suddenly turned pale, a trace of panic flashed across her eyes, and she subconsciously shook her head and denied it

'No,' she replied

But it was precise because of her answer without any hesitation that August was more certain of the conjecture in his heart

She had something to hide from him’

Augusts face darkened a bit, his lips pursed into a line, and he was about to continue to ask, but Lucia suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed his hand aside

Immediately afterward, she moved the chair in a panic, gave a worthy distance between the two of them, and said coldly, 'If others see us like this, the impact will not be very good"

August glanced at her coldly, caught the panic on her face, and asked coldly, "Lucia, what are you afraid of

Lucia bit her lip, her hand on the table clenched into a fist unconsciously

"I have nothing to be afraid of," she replied

“Really” August asked, stepped forward, and walked directly in front of her, his sharp eyebrows and eyes were covered in frost

“But you are hiding something from me, aren't you” He asked

Invisibly, Lucia felt the strength of the man and felt a little guilty in her heart Her eyes were erratic, and she inadvertently swept to the mobile phone that was lit on the table next to her The wallpaper on it was the group photo of her and her children

At this moment. Lucia was even more flustered in her heart.

August sensitively caught her gaze, raised his eyes, and followed her gaze When he saw the wallpaper on the phone screen, his expression became very complicated

He immediately stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and asked coldly, "Are Timothy and Janet Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then, Paul s gentle voice came from outside the door

"Lucia, are you inside” He asked

Lucias body tightened, and subconsciously broke August's hand from holding her. and she hurriedly walked towards the door

“Paul * She muttered

The door opened, and Paul appeared at the door, with a gentle smile as usual

"Didnt you see the message I sent you just now’" He asked

As soon as he finished speaking, he got a glimpse of the back, raised his eyes slightly, and saw August who was standing not far away

His face suddenly sank a little

“Lucia, why is he here” Paul asked

Lucias heart tightened, she stretched out her hand to take Paul s arm. and turned to look at August, smiling gently, and said in a respectful and natural tone. 'He came to congratulate me on winning the award"

Pauls expression softened a bit when he heard this He looked up at August and said slowly. "Mr Adams, thank you

August heard the words, narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at Lucia, without saying a word Lucia pretended not to see anything, turned to Paul, and said in a friendly tone "By the way. is the company s business over’

Paul curled his lips and smiled

"I m done with my work, so I came to pick you up specially The two little guys are in the car I was afraid that they would run around, so I

didn't let them get out of the car," he replied to Lucia /

As he said that, he raised his hand and put the broken hair on Lucias cheek behind her ear, his eyes filled with love.

“Where's the restaurant” Is the reservation ready’ We re qotng there at this time. I m afraid it s too late * Lucia said dryly

Paul nodded at her dotmqly, raised his hand, and squeezed her face gently

"Don't worry. I've arranged everything, go wipe your face, the makeup on your face is removed halfway like a little tabby cat" Paul replied

Lucia smiled at him. released him immediately, and walked towards the dressing table

August, who was standing on the side, had a panoramic view of the scene just now. his brows slightly frowned, and his face was covered

with a layer of frost

Paul and Lucia were in a state of being together, completely like a loving couple who had lived together for several years, gossiping and


But for some reason, seeing such a scene, he felt that there was a thorn in his throat, which could not go up or down, and was extremely uncomfortable

At this moment. Paul suddenly stepped towards him

"Mr Adams, is there anything else we can do for you” He asked Augustus

Augusts eves darkened for a few minutes, then he paused for half a second

It's alright, he replied coldly

After he finished speaking he took a deep look at Lucia and walked out quickly

The moment he saw Lucias mobile phone screen saver, a strange conjecture flashed in his heart, but when he saw Lucia and Paul being

so affectionate, that idea became outrageous and unrealistic

He strode through the corridor and the hall and walked to the entrance of the venue Burton had already parked his car under the steps ahead of time

He opened the car door and got into the car, and Burton immediately reported to him

Mr Adams. Mr Floyd from Hotron just called and wanted to Burton started to say

August frowned, and he couldnt listen to what Burton said at all. The only thing that came to his mind was the scene of Paul and Lucias

love in the dressing room just now

Burton watched August turn the documents in his hand into a pile of waste paper, and he hesitated Mr Adams " Burton muttered

August returned to his senses, and saw the document that he was holding into a ball of paper, his face slowly turned cold, he threw it S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

aside, and said coldly, "Drive, go to Gordons Lounge"

When Burton heard this, he immediately responded.

At the same time, in the dressing room of the venue, Lucia packed up her things and looked at the screensaver on her mobile phone, a little lost

“Lucia,’ Paul said and came over with a serious expression

“August should already be suspicious, you have to finish whatever you have to do here as soon as possible, and then leave with Timothy

and Janet *

Lucia nodded seriously

Tio she replied

She knew very wel hat when he saw the photos on the screensaver ust now, he wes aready suspicious

She took a deep breath, feeing lie something was stuck inher hear, feeling a ite uncomfortable

Paul look at her a sh was facing a rest enemy, and felt nevplicaby isressed He sreiched Out is hand, parted her showin

genty, and said softy, “Don't be too stressed, I'm here

Luci nocided, and when she met aus gaze she fet alte more at case

seforeretuming to Ches, she thought that sne and August would not hve so many interactions, but now t seems that she thought of

eventing too simply

When Augustus and Burton aed at Gordons Lounge, twas ust Getting dark

August got out of the car, walked into the gate light, walked through the hal went down to the basement flor, waked to a gate with fingripnnt lock, pressed the fingerprint, pushed open the door, and walked in

11* heavy door opened slowly, and he walked in. Inside was a wide underground wine cellar

I xcept for the veall with the door, there were wine cabinets on the remaining three walls, which were filled with various wines m tum Going further inside, there was a round wine table with three single sofas next to it

He walked to the sofa and sat down, raised his hand to pick a bottle of red wine from the shelf behind him, took a clean wine glass

opened the wine, and sobered up in one go

He just took two sips when the door suddenly opened, followed by a somewhat lazy voice

“August, whos messing with you again’ Why are you drinking alone again”

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