At a glance the next day, Elisa had already pulled Lucia up from bed before she woke up “Look at the time, didn’t you say you want to take the kids lo Pleasant Valley’ Today is Sunday, and most people are visiting there" Elisa said to Lucia "Not getting up yet” Lucia, you are the mother of children now, not the little girl from before * Elisa scolded her daughter During the five minutes of scolding while she was staying in bed, Lucia seemed to feel that her mother had made up for the scolding that she had missed for five years She rubbed her head and struggled to get up from the bed “Go take a shower and change your clothes’ The two little guys are more diligent than you" Elisa told Lucia dismissively A?er being pushed into the bathroom by Elisa. Lucia took a shower and finally woke up a bit more Last night, for some reason, she had a dream that lasted the whole night In the dream, there was a tall and handsome man She ran away with Timothy and Janet in her arms She was so scared when she woke up from this dream that she didnt sleep well anymore when she went back to bed Could it be that the man in the dream was August? The more Lucia thought about it, the more outrageous it became , In the end. she simply shook her head and forgot all those rambling thoughts She came out of the bathroom, changed her clothes, and went downstairs. She saw Janet and Timothy sitting obediently at the dining table drinking milk and having breakfast They had also changed into new clothes Janet wore a red plaid skirt, and Timothy wore a black plaid shirt They looked cute and eye catching Lucia felt a little better, walked over to greet them, made a cup of coffee, and took a sip She took out her mobile phone to send a message to Paul. “Paul, were almost ready here, are you on your way’ She asked him. Originally, she and Paul had agreed to take the little guys to Pleasant Valley together today, which was considered a "family activity" After waiting for a few minutes, Lucia finished her cup of coffee, and Paul hadn't replied yet Next to her, Timothy and Janet, who had already finished breakfast, stared at her with wide eyes “Mom, when are we leaving” They asked Lucia smiled at them, raised her hand, and patted their heads respectively Wait for Dad to come and pick us up, you two go put your little backpacks on your back, bring your little water bottle, and be ready at all times" She said to the children "As ordered” They screamed in unison and agreement Seeing the two of them run away like wild horses, the smile in Lucias eyes deepened She got up. went back to the room, put on a casual sports suit, and went out the door when she was ready A white sweater and white shorts, paired with sneakers of the same color, and a baseball cap, her whole body was youthful and beautiful, full of girlishness When Lucia came downstairs, she was praised by the two little guys intermittently “Mom, you aje so beautiful” Mom. we can go out and call you our sister" Hearing the rainbow fart, Lucia couldn't help laughing Holding one of the little guys with one hand, she said with a smile. Alright, alright, your two little mouths are as sweet as honey Before going out. Elisa caught up with them and stuffed a box of prepared sandwiches into Lucias backpack "Just in case, the little guys can fill their stomachs when hungry,’ Elisa told Lucia “Okay, okay Mom, the weather is so nice today, you should also go out for a walk with dad, don't stay at home all the time, she said to Elisa After coming out of the house and walking to the side of the road outside the West Bridge Garden. Lucia turned on the phone, and it was empty Not to mention Paul s phone number, he didn't even reply to the text messages she sent him It was getting late, if they didn't go now. they would have to queue up to buy tickets Lucia stopped a taxi, took Timothy and Janet into the car, and asked the driver to go directly to Pleasant Valley in Austos City On the way, she made a phone call to Paul, but there were several rings, and no one answered Was he busy’ Lucia thought for a while and simply sent him another message “I'll take the kids to buy a ticket first, and well be waiting for you at the door’ Just after sending the text message. Timothy raised his head to look at I ucia, blinked his big eyes, and asked. Mom. cant Dad come” Lucia touched his little head "Dad should be busy Let s wait for him at the entrance of Pleasant Valley He will be there soon,’ she replied Jonet was also worried What 4 Dad doesn't come’ Teacher Linda has left us homework and wants us to take a picture of our family hanging out together and send it to her.’ Janet asked worriedly "Yes, today is the last day'" Timothy agreed Seeing the anxious appearance of the two little guys, Lucia quickly reassured them “Don't worry, you'll finish this homework today, dont worry, eh” She said to the kids , The two little guys nodded, but the expressions on their faces were a little lost Lucias heart tensed, and she suddenly felt sorry for them In the past five years, although Paul was their father, in all honesty, they didn't spend much time together In addition, Paul had to shuttle from home and abroad and was busy with work He was not always available, so sometimes there were some gaps But even so. Lucia was very grateful to Paul With him, at least her children would not be the object of ridicule by other children, and at least the fathers position during Timothy Janet s childhood would not be vacant Soon, the taxi arrived at the gate of Pleasant Valley in Austos City Lucia pulled Timothy and Janet out of the car and was dumbfounded when she saw the long queue at the ticket office Unexpectedly, there were so many people No wonder Elisa woke her up early tn the morning, there seemed to be a reason Lucia took a deep breath, tightened her grip on the two little guys, walked to the end of the line, and followed in line to buy tickets In the queue, all parents came with their children, and there were also some young couples There were many people at the ticket office, and there was also a queue at the entrance on the other side Registering to buy tickets was still very fast After waiting in line for less than 20 minutes, Lucia went to the ticket booth and bought tickets for two adults and two children It seemed to be in line with the theme of Pleasant Valley The childrens tickets were colorful and printed with cartoon characters As soon as Timothy and Janet got the tickets, they excitedly took Lucia to the entrance to line up there Lucia hesitated, glanced al the empty mobile phone, and took a deep breath “Timothy, Janet, let s wait for Dad, lucia told the kids The two little guys had just got excited When they heard this sentence, they seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water and nodded somewhat disappointedly “Okay, they replied Unknowingly, after waiting for ten minutes, Lucias phone call to Paul still went unanswered, and the queue at the entrance was getting longer by the second Lucia looked down at Timothy and Janet, who were like frost hitting eggplants, picked up the phone, and made another call to Paul If no one answered the call, then she could only take the kids to the line first Orrthe other side, two cars parked on the square in front of Pleasant Valley A somewnat tat micdle aged man got out of the car in front smiled respectiuly, and immediately walked to the carn the batk leaned © slighty, and opened the door Mr Adams, lease - he said softy August stretched his on legs, got out of the ar, glanced atthe entrance of Pleasant Valley, and sad in a ow voice, There are quite a en peop The middle aged man nodded This naturel. Pleasant Valley is current the largest amusement par In Austos Cty with the most entertainment projects and the audience is very wide When Mr Adams chose to invest i ths project, you made the right choice the man explained to August August nodded sightly Well Caroline, where is Vollmond Lake” he asked Caroline nodded immediately and extended his hand to show him its over there, the large area by the lake over there is owned by the Lion Group There is forest farm by the lake, the scenery is very Good, and beyond that is Austos City safer Caroline replied August nodded Well go to the lake and have a look I ts appropriate, sk your subordinates to craw Up an intial planning book, give ft to me, and bring slong the data analysis of tne past two years.” August instructed Carolines eyes lt up and he responded excitedly / Okay, si" August glanced at the entrance sain and was about £0 turn around 10 Get into the car when suddenly his eyes stopped and were piercing in one direction S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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