Chapter 379 Nothing Serious

Director Brook said seriously. "Lucia, don't get upset. 111 definitely give you and Janel an explanation”

Lucia's heart ached She took a deep breath and shook her head of Director Brook without saying anything. She just walked away. put her

arm around Timothy, and stared at the clock outside the emergency room. There was no way she could calm her racing heart. She would

blame herself for the rest of her life if anything really happened 10 Janet! All she could do now was to wail. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After a long time, there were hurried footsteps and then Director Brook and the staff were in an uproar. Lucia didn't turn around, but she heard the people behind her call "Mr. Adams". A low voice soon said behind her, "Lucia."

Lucia still stared at the door of the emergency room.

August was upsci. He clenched his fists slowly and walked towards Director Brook directly. "Come with me." Then he walked with a

gloomy face to the exit in the corner.

A little flustered, Director Brook followed him and asked, "Mr. Adams, you...

Before he could finish, August suddenly turned around, grabbed him by the collar, and pinned him against the wall. He grabbed too hard

that blue veins stood out of the back of his hands. Director Brook's face turned pale. "Mr. Mr. Adams." August yelled in anger, "What did I tell you?" Director Brook shivered with fear and said quickly. Take care of.. the three of them..." "And now?" August gritted his teeth. "Did you do it?" He suddenly let go, took a step back, and stared at Director Brook, his eyes blazing with fury

Director Brook explained while breathing heavily, I didn't expect the prop team to not check the props... Our animals are well trained and never hurt anyone..."

August punched the wall hard. "No excuses!" No matter what, it was Director Brook's fault that Janet had been bitten!

At that moment, Burton suddenly walked quickly to August and whispered, "Sir, the operation is over.

August's eyes lit up. He glanced coldly at Director Brook and turned to leave. As soon as he returned, he saw Janet lying in the hospital bed.

Lucia immediately walked up with Timothy and asked the doctor, "Doctor, how is my daughter?” "The wound has been treated. It's deep, but fortunately, the snake is not poisonous. It's not scrious, but the child is too young and got

scared. You have to spend more time with her when she wakes up.” Lucia was relieved by the doctor's words. She thanked the doctor and went with the nurse to take Janet into the ward. The nurse got everything ready before exiting the ward. Lucia stood next to the bed looking at Janet's pale face. Her heart began to throb.

She'd been taking good care of Timothy and Janet all these years, Children were inevitably injured, but this time it was too serious.

Overwhelmed by guilt, Lucia began to sob. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Then August came in, walked to the bed, and looked at her. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

It seemed that he had figured out what she was thinking. However, Laia was even more upset. "It's my fauli anyway." Janel wouldn't have been bitten if she had been watching her.

Just then it was noisy outside the ward like some people were arguing. The voices sounded familiar. Timothy ranjo the door and looked through the crack. He quickly closed the door, non back in shock, and told Lucia, "Mom, the director is fighting with someone

Vhat?' Luuta walked towards the door in surprise. Suddenly, she thought of something, turned to look at Timothy, and leaned down to tell

hin, "Timothy. just stay with Janet, okay? Ill go out and see what's going on" Timothy nodded seriously and promised, "Til watch Janet Lucia felt relieved and wolked out of the word with August She was stunned to see the scene outside

Director Brook and the head of the prop team were having a heated argument if the staff hadn't stopped them, they might have really

fought. August's face instantly darkened. He strode forward without saying anything, but the crowd was terrified by him and quieted down at

once. Director Brook was embarrassed when he saw August. "Mr. Adams, sorry... August asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Director Brook frowned at the head of the prop team and said coldly. *Pollard said he did send someone to check all the props, including

the snake, but the cage was indeed open! Pollard, there's no point in lying about it now." Pollard argued, "I did send someone to check it! You can ask anyone else. They all know!" No one wanted to take responsibility. They were all doing their best to stay out of this.

Lucia was desperate next to them. Suddenly, a staff member approached Pollard and whispered something in his ear. Pollard's face instantly turned pale and his eyes widened in shock. He turned to look at the man and asked, "Really?" The man nodded without hesitation.

Pollard was completely stunned.

Everyone stared at him, waiting for him to explain

Pollard looked up at Lucia and then at August. With hesitation and trepidation in his eyes, he said in a trembling voice, "Mr. Adams, the

people on the set said that the snake has been caught, but...

"But it's not the original one!”

Instantly, the crowd was in an uproar. Lucia froze in place, her ears buzzing.

Everyone knew what it meant. -

All the animals should be prepared in advance to ensure the safety of the actors during filming, but the snake had been switched and

Janet had been bitten, which meant that it was not accidental but prearranged!

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