Chapter 419 Do You Like Her?

Five years ago. Paulo had broken up with him lor no reason Now that they me! again. Paula had always Ined lo avoid him

Lucia took a deep breath and asked. "Do you like her’

Burton didn't hesitate for a moment and nodded firmly. "Yes *

If he didn't like her. he wouldn't have remained single for five years

“On your birthday five years ago. why did a girl come out of your house?’

Heanng this. Burton was stunned, “On my birthday five years ago”

Memories flooded back After a moment. Burton suddenly remembered something He took a deep breath, looked at Lucia, and asked. “Did she see it?"

Lucia was noncommittal Il was precise because Paula saw a girl come out of his house that she had doubts about since then

Burton blinked, and he explained what had happened to Lucia honestly In the end, he looked al Lucia and said word by word, “Can you take me to see Paula’1 wan! to explain to her personally.” Unexpectedly, a small mistake had made him and Paula separated for more than five years’

Seeing his sincere eyes, Lucia softened a bit She took a deep breath, and after hesitating, she nodded. “Okay’

Burton had helped her many times before and she remembered his kindness Besides, it involved the happiness of her best friend She didn't want to see them miss each other

Bunon's eyes In up in surprise and he said, “Well, Ill ask President Adams first."

As soon as he finished it, the car door was suddenly pushed open. August got off the car. and said in a low voice, I'll go with you

Lucia was stunned and looked at him in surprise Did August hear what she and Burton had said just now’ But wasn't he silting in the car”

When she turned her head and saw the half-opened car window al the back, she suddenly realized what was going on Il turned out that August had lowered the car window and heard then conversation

Lucia was a little annoyed But when she thought that August was Burtons boss and Burton couldn't go without his permission, she had to swallow S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

August look out a large black umbrella horn the car and opened it slowly When he turned and saw Lucias expression, he raised his eyebrows slightly and asked. "Why, don’t you want me to go’

Lucia was surprised when she heard this, but she forced u smile and said, “President Adams, you should have a lol of work to do. You can

on with your work If you're busy.’ ;

Her words were euphemistic, but her meaning was clear. She didn't want him to follow

She and Paula had agreed to meet Il was understandable that Burton followed her Bui if August also followed her, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Although August knew exactly what she meant, he didn't care, and said lightly, “Its okay I can just pul Ihe work on hold

With that, he held the umbrella and walked forward.

Lucia instantly felt speechless Looking at his resolute back, she had lo take back her refusal.

She had no choice but io let him lag along

When she arrived at the door of the restaurant where she and Paula had agreed to meet, she turned to look at the iwo men on the left and the right and somehow felt a little guilty

She was almost an hour late Now she even brought these Iwo men to meet Paula without saying telling her in advance. Paula would be pissed off

Forget it She was doomed anyway She thought she'd better go in* Lucia gritted her teeth, pushed open the door, and went in. She gave Ihe waiter Paulas name and was led to the second floor Compared with the lobby on Ihe first floor, the second floor was much quieter, and there was a ceriain distance between the booths The lighting was dim, and ihe decoration was elegant Il was very suitable for couples to date or girlfriends to chat

She glanced around and saw Paula at a glance Il happened that Paula also looked up.

As soon as Paula saw Lucia, her eyes lit up, and she immediately waved to Lucia But when she saw the lwo men beside Lucia, the smile on her face froze

Feeling Paulas gaze. Lucia took a deep breath and stepped forward

Paula asked with widened eyes. “Lucia, what's going on?"

Lucia bit her lips and said, "Well... something happened on lhe way, and I happened to run into them. To thank them. I'm taking them to have a meal together*


Paulas face turned pale She looked al August and Burton She couldn't say anything, so she acquiesced

The atmosphere at the dining table was a bn subtle After ordering, Lucio cleared her throat to break Ihe silence and said softly, "Paula,

IVe prepared a present for you"

She handed over the box next to her.



Paola took it, opened the box, and looked at it Her eyes lit up, and her expression softened a lol. *A dress?"

Lucia tmlled and nodded, "I went to Jennifers to pick it up for you H o unique, the only one Paula was in a good mood immediately She picked up the dress and said. "It s my aesthetic!* Slowly, the atmosphere eased a lol Soon, the dishes were served Burton handed them tissues from time to time, moved the plates, and

the atmosphere was quite harmonious

Halfway through the dinner, Paula brought the menu and ordered a few more dishes She glanced at the wine menu, looked up. and said.

"Would you like a drink’ Just take it as a celebration *

Lucia was about to agree when Burton, who was sitting across from lhem. suddenly asked, “What to celebrate”

Paula glanced at him. and her face darkened a bit She said coldly. “It has nothing to do with you * A, X

The atmosphere instantly became awkward because of her words.

Paula didn't care She directly waved to the waiter, pointed to the top two on the wine menu, and said. “One glass of these two each’

With that, she turned to look at Lucia next to her and said, “If we won't drink this time, I don't know when we will meet again next lime!*

As soon as she finished it. Burton's face suddenly darkened a little He stretched out his hand, directly pressed the menu, and looked al

Paula with a serious expression, "What do you mean"

He was sharp enough to ask Paula before she could answer. "Where are you going”

Paula looked at him coldly and said, My business has nothing to do with you *

Her firm tone made Burton frown He stood up. looked al her firmly, and look a deep breath. "Paula, lets talk alone *

Paula didn't think about il. and refused directly, “I have nothing to talk to you about’

With that, she pushed the menu forward, but Ihe menu happened to hit the juice cup on the side When the cup fell, the orange juice

suddenly splashed on her

Lucia was startled Seeing that the atmosphere became tenser and tenser, she quickly picked up a tissue and wiped it for Paula, and said

Softly, "Go to Ihe bathroom and clean it lll accompany you *

Paula frowned, rolled her eyes at Burton, and immediately got up and said. "Okay"

Lucia was about to follow her But [usI as she stood up. a large hand reached out from Ihe opposite side and directly grabbed her hand.

She looked up at August in surprise and saw that he turned hid head ulighily and rulaed hm chin at Burton Burton immediately look the

him. He got up and followed Paulo

Watching them leave. Lucia understood August s intention Unexpectedly. he was quite attentive to lhe affairs of his subordinate

Noticing Lucia’s gaze. August asked with a Faint smile, Why me you looking at me like this’ Are you attracted”

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