Chapter 048

Turner saw August. She immediately stepped forward, cautiously asking, “What exactly is going on here, Sir?”

With a cold look on his face, August frowned as his lips parted slightly. “Nothing.”

After that, he turned around directly and went into the study.

Turner stood in the corridor, puzzled.

Why were they like that? Did they fight?

With a deep sigh, Turner stepped slowly down the stairs, The rain kept falling without stopping. As it got dark, the sky outside became even more oppressive. “The house was brightly lit. Turner got dinner ready, wiped her hands, and went upstairs to tell Lucia and August to have dinner.

Outside the bedroom, she knocked gently on the door. “Dinner is ready, Madam.”

She knocked several times in a row, but there was no response from inside.

Turner felt that something was wrong, so she slowly pushed the door open and went into the room In the room, the lights were all off and Lucia seemed to be sleeping. Turner came closer and called several times, but Lucia still didn't respond. She had no choice but to turn on the lamp on the bedside table.

Lucia huddled under the covers, with only her face exposed. She was pale and seemed to be cold, shivering


Turner was startled and hurriedly reached out to feel the heat of Lucia. She found it boiling hot as soon as she put the back of her hand on Lucia's forehead!


Her intuition told her that Lucia had a fever. Without hesitation, she immediately took a smart thermometer and checked it. As expected, it was about 102 degrees Fahrenheit!

She didn't dare to delay and ran to the study at once. “Bad news, Sir! Mrs. Adams has a fever!” August was flipping through some papers. He was startled when he heard Turner's voice.


Turner stood at the door of the study panting. “Mrs. Adams has a fever! About 102 degrees Fahrenheit!"

August knitted his eyebrows. He got up abruptly and strode toward the bedroom on his long legs without hesitation

August pushed the door open and went into the room. Anxiety flickered in his eyes when he saw the woman

shivering under the covers. He immediately ordered, “Turner, call Dr. Lambert!”

Turner said yes and immediately went to make the call.

August leaned over to touch Lucia's forehead and found it boiling hot as expected!

Looking at the woman on the bed, he felt a bit guilty. If he hadn't left her alone, she wouldn't have gotten wet

and cold, would she? Soon, the family doctor arrived. After checking, he immediately told Turner to control Lucia’s temperature physically and gave Lucia some pills to swallow.

“It's just a cold. She needs to rest. Give her some light porridge when she wakes up, and make sure she takes her medicine regularly for the next few days. She'll be fine soon.”

Outside the bedroom, August listened to the doctor's orders and nodded. “Okay.

I got it.” The family doctor of the Adams was a regular one. Dr. Lambert had been taking care of the health of the Adams family since August was a kid. He was just like an uncle to August.

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August walked Dr Lambert out. When they reached the stairway, Dr. Lambert couldn't help but ask, “Is she your wile, August?”

Di Lambeit olten went to do physical examination for Grandma at the old house. It was no surprise that he know about what was going on here

Augunt paused for hall a second before he nodded and baid, “Yes.”

“She look like a good girl, better than the last one She's a good match for you. That's the way it should be.” with that, Di Lambert raised his hand and polled Auguht on the shoulder before he turned to go downstairs “That's it I'll leave you to 11"

August stood where he was. He watched De Lambert from behind and what the doctor had said just now

Tingered in his mind

Di Lambert knew that August had been with Jeanne before the words he had just said were obviously directed

at Jeanne

August frowned, feeling inexplicably fretful

The next morning, the rain finally stopped. Lucia didn't open her eyes until the sun was high up in the sky For some reason, she woke up feeling groggy and found herself light-headed when she got out of bed

Her mouth was dry. She grabbed the glass of water next to her and drank most of it, which made her feel a little better.


The door of the room was pushed open. Lucia paused as she was walking. She looked up and saw August coming in

The two of them looked at each other and it was surprisingly a bit awkward. August walked over and said before she did, “How are you feeling? Better?”

With that, he directly reached out his hand to feel the heat on Lucia’s forehead.

Lucia stood there still, without dodging or saying anything. After all, she hadn't gotten over what had happened.

Finding nothing wrong with her temperature, August looked at Lucia who did not react and slowly took her hand. “Come on, let's go down to breakfast”

She hasn't eaten anything since she came back yesterday. Now, she had to have something, or she might get

too weak

Lucia followed him for a couple of steps. Suddenly, she stopped and pulled her hand out of the man’s hand. ” can walk by myself.”

August could tell that the woman was still upset from her tone. He turned around to stare at Lucia and suddenly took a hall step forward.

He was about six feet tall and overshadowed her when he stood in front of her. August took a deep breath and

said patiently. “I won't leave you alone again.”

This time, it was his fault.

When Lucia heard his words, her eyelashes flickered and tears dropped directly out of her eyes. She hadn't grown up as a pampered princess, but Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell had never left her alone. He left without her after what had happened at the venue yesterday. Of course, she would feel bad and take it to heart

August couldn't bear to see a woman crying Now Lucia was in tears in front of him. He didn’t know what to do.

He didn't know how to make her stop crying. He just moved his lips and uttered two words, “Don’t cry.”

However, he sounded colder when those words came out of his mouth. Instead of stopping, Lucia cried even


August was completely at loss as to what to do. After pase, he suddenly reached out and took her into his arms

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Chapter 048 Lucia froze. She titted her head back and found that is shit was viet around his chest from her tears.


She took a deep breath and felt mich better. Looking at the stain on his shir, she found herself in the mood to smile

tjust so happened that August raised his hand to gently stroke her back and promised again, I won't leave you alone again.” Lucia looked up and asked seriously, “Really?” August looked down at her and nodded seriously Looking at his expression, Lucia suddenly felt more assured. After all, she had never gotten such a promise from a man. Suddenly, August's phone rang. He let go of Lucia, took ft out, and glanced at the name on the screen before he answered. “Helo Grandma?”

As s00n a5 he answered, Grandma's voice came through, sounding a bit angry. Brat! I heard that Luca s sick Is it true?”

August was 3 tte taken aback at her words.

How id Grandma know about it?

Suddenly, he found the answer when he thought of Dr. Lambert who had come over last night It was raining yesterday, and she got a cold. Don't worry. Her fever has gone now Grandma huffed, “Don't worry? OF course, I'm worried. I won't let you get away vith it if anything happens to Lucia. Do you hear me? August curled his lis helplessly, not expecting that his grandma would care so much about Lucia.

Yes, 1 do”

Just after he answered, his grandma added, "Come over this afternoon if you are free. I want to see how Lucia is doing!”

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