Chapter 476 Trip Her Up

Lucia was nervous, and nearly got smitten by his words despite her restraint in ignoring his glamour. His words had gone to her head already.

He said that he had been waiting for her a long time, but she just received his message twenty minutes ago. Does he mean that he had been here for a long time, even before he sent a message to her?

Lucia paused, smelling the alcohol on her breath. "How long have you been here?"

"More than an hour.” Replying in a casual manner, he straightened up and slipped his hands into his pockets. "I came here because I want to see you."

To Lucia's surprise, August put it quite straightforwardly She felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks. Lucia had to take a few minutes to collect herself. "Just tell me about the plan.”

Nodding, August opened his mouth and his expression grew solemn. "I will take Jeanne to Genting Restaurant the day after tomorrow..."

Meanwhile, on the balcony of a villa, a man was staring at Lucia and August. It was Paul Thomas, who was standing there with a cup of tea in his hand. He seemed so wrapped in the scene that he clenched the cup unconsciously.

He knew the man was August with only one glance. After all, Only August could make Lucia go out so late at night.

A strong bitterness struck Paul dearly and made him feel restless and unsettled. He gritted his teeth but said nothing, then

he threw the cup in the trash can in front of him with a jerk. After that, he resumed watching.

He was watching, as well as contemplating. For these years, he treated Janet and Timothy as his own kids and devoted his heart and soul to Lucia! But she, with a heart of stone which would never be melted by his affection, gave her heart to August easily!

Driven by a surge of rage, he grabbed his phone and came out of the house in strides...

Lucia was still listening carefully to August's plan and had a rough idea of it. She looked up at his eyes after August finished his words and nodded obediently. "Well, I see.”

Although August's plan was unable to lay bare Jeanne's trick entirely, it could trip her up for sure and provide with them some evidence to find out the truth.

This plan offered them a gleam of hope and pulled them back from the brink of helplessness. "Then we just have to stick to the plan for that day, Lucia said after a pregnant pause. "That's all, right? I should go then, and you'd better go back soon.”

She stole a glance at August after what she said and just when she was about to turn around to leave, August caught hold of her wrist.

"Lucia Mitchell!"

He got closer to her by pulling her back.

Lucia could feel the warmth of his band, and even she was enfolded in his smell when they got closer. Lucia was breathing quickly and tried to calm herself.

"I need a chat with you." He asked.

The phone in her coat pocket rang abruptly when Lucia didn't know what to do next.

It was from Paul Thomas. "Hello?" She hesitated for seconds before answering.

"Lucia, where have you been? Timothy fell off the chair!"

"What?" Lucia almost cried out at his words.

"He scraped his knee and I was treating his wound..." Paul's voice sounded worried.

Lucia's heart was occupied by guilt in an instant and she hurried to say, "I'll be back right away!"

As she hung up the call and turned to August. "Maybe next time."

She scurried back home even without a goodbye to August.

August's eyes dimmed little by little watching her retreating figure.

He didn't get into his car till Lucia's figure disappeared behind the gate.

When he was in the car, he took out a box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a Cullinan blue diamond necklace.

He was going to give it back to Lucia tonight.

He thought it belonged to her only and forever.

Maybe next time. August thought inside.

Then he put away the necklace and told the chauffeur to drive him home.

In the villa.

Lucia was so frightened that she looked for Timothy the moment that she entered. Seeing no sign of him in the living room, she then rushed to the bedroom of Timothy on the second floor.

No sooner had she reached the doorway of Timothy's bedroom than she heard voices. Without delay, she walked into hist room hurriedly. What welcomed her was a scene in which that Paul was dressing Timothy's wound while Janet sitting next to them with red eyes.

Lucia's heart was in her mouth when she saw that. "What's going on?"

Paul looked up when he heard her voice. "Lucia, you came back?" There was a dim light flashing through his eyes as he asked.

Lucia nodded, but soon she gasped at the sight of the wound on Timothy's knee. "How did you come by that?" Her eyebrows wrinkled tightly in worry.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I injured myself in a tumble from the chair." Timothy answered under his breath with a pathetic look on his face.

Lucia raised her eyebrows and was about to give Timothy a lesson, but Paul spoke first, “I should be to blame actually, because I didn't stop him from climbing the chair. He won't be hurt if I have stopped him before.”

Lucia was distressed and annoyed at first, but Paul's words made her anger boil away to a large extent. She couldn't utter any words of reproach.

"Alright, nobody will be to blame for this thing, let's get over it. And Timothy, no more!"

Nobody would be to blame for if there must be someone to blame for it, it's her. If she didn't go out and met August and attend to them all the time, the minor accident could be prevented.

Timothy breathed a sigh of relief in his mind hearing Lucia's words

As for Paul, he just lowered his head and continued to address the wound for Timothy so that nobody noticed the grim look in his eyes.

In fact, he knew that the chair was broken before Timothy climbed it and he saw Timothy climbing it, but he didn’t stop him in the time since he was irked by Lucia at that time. So he gave vent to his pent-up anger and jealousy on Timothy by standing by his falling over.

The funny thing was that he really took a perverted delight in watching him suffer.

Then, he called Lucia at once. He knew she would come back instantly.

But his heart was still not at rest before he saw Lucia show up at the door of Timothy's bedroom. Gathering his wits, Paul finished bounding up Timothy's wound, lulled Janet and Timothy into sleep, and left the room with Lucia. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Lucia, where did you go?" Paul asked while closing the door behind them. He had tried his best to pit it casually. "I thought you were in your bedroom.”

"No, I just went out for a walk..." Lucia, standing beside him with a guilty look, replied evasively. Lucia had no choice but to lie to Paul. Once she admitted that she had just gone to meet August he was bound to get the wrong end of the stick, then she had to explain to him about the cooperation between her and August, which would leak out their plan about Jeanne in the end.

As the saying went, better safe than sorry. Lucia eventually decided to hide the whole thing from Paul for the time being. Hearing this, Paul's eyes narrowed, and in it, the disappointment was thick but imperceptible. "Bram has told me that we can set off next week if everything goes well." Inclining his head, Paul changed the subject.

Lucia also nodded. "Well, I'll start packing for it. It's late now, we should go to bed."

Finishing her words, Lucia walked toward her bedroom past Paul.

But Paul moved to block her path and hold her hands.

He looked deep into her eyes with a soulful look. "Lucia, how about we go through our marriage ceremony after the thing related to Paula was wrapped up?"

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