Atler a short vvhisper, Bishop looked at the woman in (ront of him with 3 smile, and said soitly. “This matter should not be diihcull for you m*

The smile on Mandys face faded a bit, and she was a little puzzled. “Is that ok?’

Bishop nodded slightly, “Yes * It was a very Simple matter For Mandy now, It was IU5I a piece of cake, bu! i! could make him to control August. August owed Bishop and Mr. Denko, and it was lime to end this. He raised his eyes and savv Mandy 1 thoughtiul expression, and the hand on her waist was slightly tightened, and he brushed her slender vvaist vaguely, and remmding soitly, “Shouldnt it be time to go back”

Mandy came back to her senses. glanced at the time, and quickly realued, “Yes, it's time to go back’ As she said that. she was about to push the door and gel out of the car, but she was suddenly pulled back by the man, and before she could react, he kissed her.

When they kissed intensely, their breath intertwined, making her be unwvillmg to wake up for a while Just when the two of them could hardly hold back, Mandy pushed him away, blushmg, said. “Okay, I should go back’ Seeing her blushmg and charming appearance, Bishop chuckled lightly, and mally let her go.

Mandy pushed the car door and got out of the car, lookcd back at him again, then reluctanlly closed the car door and leit She was completely in the sweet love of a little woman. She smoothed her clothes, lovvered her head and vvalked quickly into the hospital gate, not paying ottention to her surroundings at all.

On the other side of the entrance, August and Burton stepped oul one aiter the other. AugusCs face was slightly gloomy Aiter vvalkmg a few steps, he suddenly frovvned. He glanced and saw the black carjust stared on the opposite side of the road. He vvas a little more alert. Burton was also keenly aware of somethmg, and his eyes fixed on the license plate number of that car, 'It seems to be Bishops car.”

Augusts face darkened a bit. and he said coldly, “What IS he doing here?" Burton remained silent August turned his head and looked at the woman in the nursés uniform in the hall He doubted, and he ordered in a cold voice, "Go and mvestigate' It was absolutely impossible for Bishop to appear here for no reason He was shrewd and deep, and August didnt knov/ what plans and actions were gomg on, so they must be careful.

Burton agreed, thinking of something, and hesitantly said, “As for Lucia, do you v/ant to ask her out” Augusts sudden departure was tantamount to the trip in vain.

Augusts face turned cold evidently, with a bit of indifference, and his lips pursed into a line," don't need It forthe time being.’ About this matter, he vvould fmd Lucia again sooner or later. Not be in a hurry. Just think of the happy appearance of a family of four made him feel as if something was Stuck in his heart.

At this moment, Burtoris cell phone rang suddenly, he answered the phone. He said a few words. and quickly came to report the situation to August, "President Adams, as you expected, Martin and the others have taken action. My subordinates said they contacted the companys large and small shareholders to meet."

In an instant, Augusts eyes were Sharp, and he snorted coldly, "Martin went too far. I want to see what he wants to do!" Martin couldnt get what he wanted from August, and he must do other things.

Time flew, and two days passed. In the past two days, the conilict betvveen the Lion Group and the Kelly Group had been continuously vvorse. The shares of the Kelly Group fell, so Martin was anxious, and invited vanous shareholders of the Lion Group to meet. They had various activities, playing golf, racmg horses, taking a bath and massage, playing Pai gow... all kindsot activities.

They acted recklessly under Augusts nose,and August pretended that hedidn't know anything,and didn't take any measures. The shareholders. from being cautious at the beginning, to lelting go of their vigilance later. They got beneiits from Martin one by one, and became unscrupulous.

On the third day, at the dinner table, Martin Tmally made his intention clear. He first toasted a round of wine, then got up

unsteadily, “Everyone, these few days, I invited you to play with today, I have to mention something to everyone.”

At the dinner table, someone responded, “Martin, just speak up me, and I haven't talked about work or any business, but if you have anything to say.’

“Thats right Just say itl"

“Okay" Martin said in a low voice, “Then I won't hide it! You must be avvare of the relationship betvveen me and your Presiden! Adams before. I was his father-in-law and my daughter was his wife. What happened in the past few days has made me ashamed" As he said, he slretched out his right hand angrily, and patted his cheek hard.

Evervnne fell siloril for a whtlr lookinn at hirn wilhout soeakino. Now the Kelly family and the Adams family vvere in a very


tense fight This was a well-known fact. A few days ago, Martin brought people to smash the Lion Groups hall. Allhough It was not shared. many people in the circle knew about it.

In the past few days. his vuooing and hooking in the shareholders had revealed his wolfish ambitions. Everyone knew it well. but they had to continue playing vvith him. Some people who were loyal to August vvanted to see what exactly Martin wanted to do. and some people who had different ideas wanted to see if they could get any beneiits.

I, Martin, have few advantages. but there is one, and I like and hate something clearly. Going through this incident, I have already seen clearly that if the Lion Group vvants to develop better in the future, it has to change its leader. Besides, August IS not the only man in the Adams family, and do you understand?”

As he said, he held his wine glass and glanced around. What he said was very clear, and most people could understand that he was saying that August, the leader of the Lion Group, was incompetent, and he also proposed another choice. Apart from August. the only other person in the Adams family who was qualified to inherit the family business was Bishop. When he said this, everyone knew which side he was from.

August and Bishop had never stopped tighting openly and secretly, and now what he said is just to win people s hearts for Bishop Ii you want me to tell you, everyone might as well understand that under the leadership of the new leader, the Lion Group will definitely become better. and everyone who has supported him is a hero!" Instantly everyone was silent, and no one spoke.

Now. people gathered were the shareholders and top leaders of the Lion Group here, and their words mattered. Martin was encouraging everyone to make a choice. As long as there were people vwho supported Bishop, the balance of povver would gradually shift. AugusVs balance would be interrupted.

After a while, an older shareholder said coldly, "Martin, so your thought is it, Why don't you tell everyone how much Bishop has beneiited your" As soon as he said this, Martin s face darkened instantly. His eyes flashed sharply over the man, and then he sneered, "I'm JUSt expressmg my thoughts. and I never forced anyone. Karl (His full name is Karl Shaw), what you said is vvrong™

The atmosphere at the dmner table was a bit weird. Although Martin said so, everyone had already known that he worked for Dishop. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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