Chapter 490 Bishops Ruthless Ambition

Now, as long 05 she heard news related to the Lion Group, she C&uldrit help worrying, paying attention to it

Mandy, sat down beside her. and asked, "Lucia, are you nervous’* At this moment, Lucia was holding the phone tightly with both hands. with an uneasy expression, as if she was vvorried about something

Lucia came back to her senses when she heard the sound, turned her head and smiled at Mandy, and said soitly, It's okay I'm not used to leaving Austos City suddenly.”

Mandy siniled, stretched out her hand and patted the back of Lucias hand, "It's okay. We'll be back soon anyway"

"Yeah. we vvould be back soon." Lucia recited silently in her heart, and gradually calmed down a bit At this moment, Timothy next to her suddenly said, "Mom, I want to play a game, can I?"

Lucia glanced at the time. and there was still some time before boarding the plane. She handed the phone to Timothy, and said soitly, "You can only play for half an hour. or your eyes will be short- sightedr Timothy nodded, with Janet holdmg the mobile phone and vvatching non-stop.

After more than ten minutes, Lucia got up to go to the bathroom, and specifically told Mandy, "Mandy, I'm going to the bathroom, and please help me vvatch Timothy and Janet carefully.” Mandy s eyes tiashed, and she smiled at Lucia and assured her, "Okay, don't worry!"

Lucia nodded and vvalked away. As soon as she left, Mandy immediately took out her mobile phone. opened a nevv mini game, played with the voice loudly. Aiter a vvhile, Timothy and Janet's attention was shiited from Lucias mobile phone to hers. Timothy was very interested, and leaned over curiously and asked with his big flickering eyes, "Auntie, what kind of game are you playing!" "This one! Simple and fun. I can teach you.”

Soon, Timothy and Janet surrounded Mandy by two sides. They were focused and curious. Mandy generously gave them the

phone, "That's how it's played, simple, right? You can try it."

Ill try it first...” The two littleguys were so curiousthat they took Mandys phone and put Lucias phoneaside.

Mandy turned her head, glanced at the mobtle phone on the chair beside her. Her eyes darkened a bit, and she reached out

and pretended to pick up something, and then swept the mobile phone to the ground, and then she turned her head to look at the httle guy playing games beside as if nothing happened.

After a while, a man in low-key clothes walked over, sat down on the row of seats behind them. He sat for a while naturally, and then bent down to pick up the phone on the g'ound vvhile everyone was not paying attention. Put it in the pocket, got up and left.

When Lucia came back, it happened to be the time for them to board the plane. They hurriedly packed their bags and got on the plane immediately. Just before boarding the plane, Mandy took the time to send a message, "The mobile phone has been successiully handed over to Jack, and the password is Timothy and Janet's birthday.” After finishing all this, she calmly deleted the record, turned on the airplane mode, and boarded the plane. She had already done the things that Bishop entrusted to her, and the rest was up to him.

The plane took off, and vvithm an hour, Lucids mobile phone was handed over to Bishop. Bishop sat in the spacious and bnght office of the CEO of the Lion Media, casually playing with the phone in his hand, and after a vvhile, he curted his lips and looked at Jack who brought the phone over. and said softly. "Have you taken all the photos I ordered?"

"It's fimshed" Jack stepped forvvard and handed over the mobile phone that took the picture. Bishop leisurely picked up the phone, opened the photo album. There were about 30 to 40 photos. There werephotos of Lucia, Timothy and Janet vvaitmg in the waiting room, and a group of them walking towards the boarding gate He flipped through a few photos, and then his eyes focused on Mandy s face in the photos.

It was normal for Mandy to be photographed together because she stayed with Lucia. Bishop clicked his fmgers, and deleied the photo of Mandy vvithout hesitation, then pursed his lips and said with a smile, "It's a good shot. Just remember not to take pictures of my woman next time.” . When Jack heard It. a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he reacted, and immediately nodded respectiully in response, "Yes!"

Bishop chuckled, threw the phone on the table casually. and said soitly, "Go and develop these photos.” These photos were still usetul He sent someone to take so many photos of Lucia, Timothy and Janet, so why didrit he show them to August’

In the evenmg. when he met August, these photos were just appetizers. Thinking about it, he was looking (orvvard to Augir.t". /Jifn he r. thr-.r photos and learned lucia, Timothy and Janet had lelt Austos City. How cxeaing vvould that be?

Bishop chuckled, and looked sidevirays at Bob who was vvaiting at the side, "You can go and inform Ethan that the show he has been waiting for long can be staged tonight.”

Bob nodded, and he couldn't help reminding soitly, "Master, there is news from our people that August is currently mvestigating the fact that Karl died of drovvning. tt is said that he called all the shareholders and interviewed them one by one’ "So?" Bishop didn t panic at all, casuaiiy playing with the ornaments on the desk.

Bob paused, and said, "I'm airaid that what Martin and his son did will eventually involve you."

Bishop laughed out loud when he heard the words, "You also know that they did this. didnt give any instructions or orders. How could this matter be involved in me in the end?" Bob was speechless for a while. Bishop chuckled, “Don't worry. This matter won't be on my shoulders.” When he chose to cooperate with Martin and his son, he had already considered that in the entire Austos City, he vould never find a more suitable partner than them. In the end, if the matter failed, it would be their own decision, and had nothing to do with him. Having experienced something for so many years, he was well aware of the ugliness of human nature, but he also made full use of this to protect himself This time, the same was true. Even something serious happened, he would deimitely not be the one who took the blame.

Just aiter six oclock in the afternoon, the sky in Austos City became gloomy, and the dark clouds in the sky pressed down with heavy mist, which made people feel inexplicably depressed”

Through a day of interviews with the shareholders, August basically figured out what happened last night. Something that surprised him was that Martin and Merlin worked for Bishop. Everything they did now vas to pave the way for Bishop to fight for power in the future. As long as they got more support, they would pose a greater threat to him. August was well avvare of this point, but he also saw Bishopsrthless ambition clearly.

f dunng the dmner. Martin really had a quarrel and disagreement with Karl then Martin would indeed have the possibility of attacking him aiterwards, and what happened to drowning might not just be an accident. The more August thought about it the heavier his heart became, and before he knew it, more than half 2n hour had passed. Soon, Burton knocked on the door and remmded soitly, "President Adams, you should go." Today they notiiied most of the shareholders to come to the meeting for an interview. They took this advanlage to gather together, and they may discover more. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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