Chapter 494 New Hatred and Old Grudge

he situation was tense

ftet a moment of silence, Augusl and Burton exchanged a look and began to fight at almost the same lime

hey used their bodies lo fight agamst the metal rods, snatch Ihe opponent'3 vveapons. and try their best to fight back Dut ?ven so. they still suffered a lot.

Jter a while. August leaned agamst an iron rob. His body was over black and blue. and he tooked about to fall down at any ime.

lot far avvay, Bishop stood there like a bystander with a cold smile on his face

Kugust raised her eyes and saw Bishop Hatred and anger burst out He turned his head slightly and W33 on guard agamst the people around him. Hovvever, he suddenly saw Burton kneeling on the ground with his nght hand covering his abdomen Blood flowed from betvveen his fingers and dripped to the ground.

n an instant, Augusts nerves tightened He immediately stepped(orvvard and whispered. “Burton 3urton’s face was pale like a ghost. His lips moved. but he was In so much pain that he couldnt speak Seemg this. August felt a surge of anger rise in his heart.

He did not expect someone to be so ruthless! It was one thing for a group of people to attack with sticks, but they even used daggcrs!

He raised his eyes and scanned the crowd wilh bloodshol eyes. His gaze was tcrniyingly cold A man looked away guthily and put his right hand behind his back.

August's mind went blank. He rushed forward, grabbed the man by the collar, and punched him in the face wilh his fists” At that lime. the onty thing he vvanted was to kill this man! Soon. the men nexl to them rushed up and separated them

Bishop stood aside and remained silent. He raised his hand slighily and cvcryone stopped movmg Several people pressed August down, preventing him from moving

Bishop glanced at Burton and frowned vvhen he saw his bleedmg wound He then gave a look at Bob, who was beside him. Bob underslood and immediately went forward to check Burton's injury. Then, he came back and reported trulhiully. "Young master, it looks like he has injured the internal organs, if not treated in time. he may...” Bob's voice dragged out. Bishop immediately understood whdt he meant. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at August, vvho was glaring at him angnly. He curled his lips and said with a chuckle, "Burton can't die yet. Take him to the doctor.’

Hearing this, Bob nodded slightly and immediately strode toward Burton. having his men take him away.

Bishop turned his head and looked at August, intercepting his anxious glance. He picked up his phone, dialed a number, and chuckled at the person on the other end of the line, "You can come now."

Aiter a slight pause, he hung up. put away his phone, and looked at August with a smile. August looked at this silent man and felt a chill run down her spine. An indescribable uneasinessand fear rose (rom the bottom of his heart.

He didni know what Bishop wanted to do. but it seemed that it was just the beginning. The hall was quiet, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood. August did not speak, and all the thugs stood aside motionlessly.

Alter more than ten minutes, a burst of hurried (ootsteps suddenly came (rom outside. Aboul seven or eighl people were Corning in from the door in a dark mass. When the black umbrella was removed, August saw the person walking in the (ront. and his pupils suddenly enlarged in shock. The man was Mr. Denko! Why could he take a side with Bishop?

The man was dark and thin and vvrinkled, and his unique walkmg posture made him look cold and gloomy.

Mr Oenko raised his eyes. and his Sharp eyes locked on August. Aiter a pause, he looked up in the direction of August. curled his lips into a smile. and said, "Bishopr

t He slrode tovvard him, laughing loudly. When he passed by AugLSt, he didnt even take a took af him.

Mr Denkds subordinates followed, and most of them looked at August with complicated expressions. ,

Mr Denko greeted Bishop. Bishop said with a smile, “Mr. Denko, I've prepared this birthday gift for you!"

Mr Denko smiled and looked in the direction of August. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he pretended to just notice Auguit He walked forvvard and said, "lsrit this President Adams of the Lion group? Why are you lymg here like a doq’*

When Augusl heard this. he frowned and slowvly clenched his fists. He had never expected that Mr Denko. who had disappcared ior sevcral years. would be with Bishop! They had hidden so well"

Mf Denko walked lo his side, and suddenly slapped August hard on the back of his head He said with a smile, “I've never secn President Adams like this before” August's body tensed up and he subconsciously wanted lo fight back Howevcr, as soon as he moved. Mr Denkos men immediately swarmed over and pressed on his arms.

Mr Denko snorted and took two steps back, looking at him coldly. "I didnt expect you to still be so stubborn at a time like this!"

With that, heturned to look at his subordinates beside him. Someone immediately handed him a silver briefcase. Mr. Denko opened It and sneered, "Give him a dose. I want to see if I can make this stubborn bet calm downf

August looked up at the suitcase warily, "VVhat are you doing?”

Mr. Denko saw that he had finally spoken, he laughed coldly and retreated to Ihe side. He looked at him and said, “August, you haverit forgotten the hatred betvveen us, have you?"

After saying that, he raised one of his hands and pulled down the long sleeve to reveal his tingers. Reaching out with his hand. he pulled dovvn the black paper over his little imger. revealing the bizarre wound on the broken finger.

"Back then, you were the one who cut off my (ingerr

Mr. Denko said unhurriedly, “Over the years, we have been fighting openly and secretly, playing a constant game of cat and mouse. I have been tircd of thatr

"August, it is time for you to disappearr

As he spoke, he tumed to look at Bishop, and the two chuckled and reached an agreement.

August snorted coldly, “Mr. Denko, do you think you can escape like Ihis” Even if it weren't for me, there would still be countless people scrambling to put you in prison and sentence you to death. Ifyou kill me, you won't be able to escape your crimes!” I

His voice was calm and cold.

Vvhen Mr. Denko heard this, the expression on li face froze and he looked at him with fierce eyes!

“August, Id be satisfied to see you die, and that is the only thing important!”

AS Mr. Denko said Ihis, he immediately signaled his men. Then, August felt something piercing through the back of his neck, and a cold liquid entered his body. Soon aiter, his whole body went limp, and he could even move his fingers.

His heartbeat suddenly sped up. August took a deep breath and felt that his limbs were out of control, but his mind was clear.

He raised his head to look at Mr. Denko and Bishop. His body trembled. He gritted his teeth and exclaimed. “What did you do to me™

The corners of Mr. Denkés lips curled up. and his face was cold and terrifying. He answered. "August, youve been so nice to us So of course we let you feel the helir Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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