Summer’s S**y Back with Two Babies by Danielle Griffin (Alick Hill )
Summer’s S**y Back with Two Babies by Danielle Griffin (Alick Hill ) Chapter 46

Chapter 46

“He just doesn’t know how good Toby is, Ballard said.

Ballard did not think much of it. He thought that if Sanford spent some more time with Toby, Sanford would definitely realize how good Toby was. At that time, Sanford would definitely think that Toby was a hundred times better than Alick.

I would be too much hotpot smoke if they ate it in the house, so Summer arranged the dining table in the small garden. Considering that the two babies could not eat too spi c y food, she specially prepared a tomato pot.

“It’s about time.” Summer said.

The hotpot soup was still boiling, and the thick steam looked a little dangerous.

Til do it, Toby said.

Toby took the gloves away and pointed at the crabs that was already out of the pot behind him. “Go and get that,” Toby said.

He was meticulous, thoughtful, gentle, and considerate. He was really a good person.


A hint of sadness flashed across Summer’s eyes in an instant.

In the villa.

Alick stared at the video he had just received on his phone, his eyes almost spitting fire.

In the video, Summer and Toby were eating hot pot in the small garden with the two children. They were chatting

and laughing harmoniously. Toby even thoughtfully peeled crabs for Summer and the children.

What a qualified husband and father, Alick thought. A mocking smile appeared on Alick’s face.

“Our people have already investigated that manor. The security around it is very tight. There’s no chance of contacting those two children, the secretary said.”

“Guilty conscience, Alick said.

Alick felt that the video was an eyesore, so he simply turned off his phone.

“Continue to keep an eye on them. Do it as soon as you find an opportunity,” Alick said to the secretary.

During this period of time, when Alick was investigating Abby and Ballard, he accidentally found Fay. Following the clues, he found out that Fay used to work in the hospital where Summer was born. Coincidentally, Fay was one of the chief surgeons who operated on Summer at that time.

The truth was gradually revealed. Aljék felt that the answer was getting clearer.

After verifying his guess, Alick would definitely make Fay cry and repent in front of him.

The argument outside the door interrupted Alick’s thoughts. He was about to go out and see what was going on when Mary rushed over.

Chapter 46

“Sir, please go out and take a look. Sanford and Ms. Taylor are arguing again, Mary said.

Alick walked out quickly and frowned when he saw the mess in the living room.

“What’s going on?” Alick asked.

“I just wanted to let Sanford taste the soup I made myself, but he accidentally knocked it over…” Joan rolled up her sleeves, reveaing a large patch of redness on her hand.

Seeing Alick’s sharp eyes, Joan immediately acted even more pitiful.

“Alick, don’t be angry. Sanford must not have done it on purpose,” Joan said.

Sanford raised his head and saw Alick looking at him questioningly. Sanford immediately lost his temper.

Sanford said angrily, “So what if I did it on purpose? You know that I don’t like this woman, but you still let her come to our house. Have you forgotten what you promised me?”

Sanford suddenly regretted throwing a tantrum with Abby and Ballard. ‘Isn’t it just finding a new daddy?

How could Alick be as good as Toby?

Who asks this b a s t a d, Alick, to go back on his words?

I will immediately call Abby and Ballard and tell them that I agree to Toby being our new daddy.

Let this d a m n Alick regret it!” Sanford thought.

Before Alick could reprimand Sanford, Alick watched as Sanford returned to his room angrily.

“Alick…” Joan said.

Joan squeezed out a few tears and looked at Alick with teary eyes.

“Mary, go and get the first aid kit,” Alick said.

It was unknown where Joan heard that Summer had left the villa, so Joan volunteered to come and take care of Sanford and Alick. At first, Alick refused, but Joan kept pestering Alick and went to the kindergarten when Alick. was unprepared.

Alick simply let Joan stay under his nose. He did not expect such a situation to still happen.

“Don’t come over from tomorrow onwards. I don’t want Sanford to be unhappy,” Alick said.

Joan, who was applying the medicine, paused. The viciousness in her eyes disappeared in an instant.

“But I… Joan was about to say something.

Alick interrupted her and said coldly,/I will get someone to resume all your business activities. From tomorrow onwards, you can work as usual.”

Joan was stunned. Her eyes were filled with ecstasy.

Her hard work during this period of time was not in vain. If not for this, she would not be willing to serve that

Chapter 46

annoying brat, Sanford!

“Thank you, Alick,” Joan said.

Joan carefully approached Alick. Just as she was about to kiss him on the cheek, Alick suddenly stood up.

“It’s getting late. You should go back,” Alick said.

Joan was speechless.

Joan turned her head awkwardly, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

How many times had it been!

All these years, whenever I wanted to get close to Alick, he would either find various reasons to brush me off or chase me away!’ Joan thought.

Joan was indignant. ‘Could it be that my beauty is inferior to Summer, that b i tc h? Joan thought.

“Sir, Sanford didn’t do it on purpose just now,” Mary said.

After Joan left, Mary carefully stepped forward to defend Sanford. “It was Ms. Taylor who held the soup and tried to get close to Sanford. Sanford couldn’t dodge in time, so he knocked over the bowl and scalded Ms. Taylor,” Mary said.

Alick’s eyes moved slightly as he said calmly, “I see.”

Alick did not believe Joan’s words to begin with.

Alick knew Sanford’s personality very well. Even if Sanford had a bad temper and was not to be trifled with, he would never do anything to hurt others.

After sending Mary away, Alick went to Sanford’s room.

The first time Alick knocked on the door, there was no sound from inside.

The second knock was followed by the sound of something being smashed in the room.

Alick stopped knocking.

“Sanford, I know you didn’t do it on purpose just now,” Alick said.

Alick tried his best to adjust his tone and make his voice sound kind.

“I didn’t forget what I promised you. Joan won’t come to the villa again in the future.” Alick paused and continued, “I’ll find your mommy as soon as possible.”

After a while, the door opened and Sanford walked out with a cold face. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“It had better be, Sanford muttered. If it happens again…”

If it happens again, I will really find someone else to be my daddy!” Sanford thought.

“Don’t worry. I will keep my word.” Alick patted Sanford’s head and said, “Just wait patiently.”

Chapter 46

annoying brat, Sanford!

“Thank you, Alick.” Joan said.

Joan carefully approached Alick. Just as she was about to kiss him on the check, Alick suddenly stood up.

“It’s getting late. You should go back, Alick said.

Joan was speechless.

Joan turned her head awkwardly, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

‘How many times had it been!

All these years, whenever I wanted to get close to Alick, he would either find various reasons to brush me off or chase me away!’ Joan thought.

Joan was indignant. ‘Could it be that my beauty is inferior to Summer, that b i t c h? Joan thought.

“Sir, Sanford didn’t do it on purpose just now,” Mary said.

After Joan left. Mary carefully stepped forward to defend Sanford. “It was Ms. Taylor who held the soup and tried to get close to Sanford. Sanford couldn’t dodge in time, so he knocked over the bowl and scalded Ms. Taylor, Mary said.

Alick’s eyes moved slightly as he said calmly, “I see.”

Alick did not believe Joan’s words to begin with.

Alick knew Sanford’s personality very well. Even if Sanford had a bad temper and was not to be trifled with, he would never do anything to hurt others.

After sending Mary away, Alick went to Sanford’s room.

The first time Alick knocked on the door, there was no sound from inside.

The second knock was followed by the sound of something being smashed in the room.

Alick stopped knocking.

“Sanford, I know you didn’t do it on purpose just now,” Alick said.

Alick tried his best to adjust his tone and make his voice sound kind.

“I didn’t forget what I promised you. Joan won’t come to the villa again in the future.” Alick paused and continued, “I’ll find your mommy as soon as possible.”

After a while, the door opened and Sanford walked out with a cold face.

“It had better be, Sanford muttered. /If it happens again…

“If it happens again, I will really find someone else to be my daddy!’ Sanford thought.

“Don’t worry. I will keep my word.” Alick patted Sanford’s head and said, “Just wait patiently.”

Chapter 46

“Got it, Sanford said.

Sanford waved Alick’s hand away impatiently. He turned around and returned to his room, not forgetting to lock the door.

Alick was speechless.

“Did I say something wrong again? Alick thought helplessly.

Back in his room, Sanford took out his phone and reopened the video call. Abby and Ballard quickly appeared on

the screen.

“Sanford, where did you go just now?” Abby asked.

“Nothing.” Sanford squeezed out a smile and said, “Daddy wanted to talk to me about something

Abby was not interested in Alick. She continued, “Then that’s the deal. Don’t forget about going to Moira’s house


On the weekend, Moira’s parents went on a business trip, leaving her and the nanny at home. Moira felt lonely, so she invited Abby and the others to play together. Abby was already tired of staying in the manor, so she naturally agreed.

The little guys set a time and place to meet tomorrow. Just as they were about to hang up, Ballard suddenly thought of something.

“Sanford, what were you trying to say before?” Ballard asked.

Sanford paused. Only then did he remember that he had taken the initiative to call Abby and Ballard this time.

Sanford wanted to tell them that he had agreed to let Toby be their new daddy, but on account of Alick’s good attitude just now, Sanford would give Alick another chance.

“Nothing.” Sanford shook his head and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The next day, Sanford left the house very early. In order to be discovered by Alick that he was going to meet Abby: and Ballard, Sanford even made a special trip to the library on the way. Only when Sanford confirmed that the people sent by Alick had been shaken off did he quietly leave through the back door.

However, with the previous experience, Sanford sent a message to Alick before he slipped away.

The message read, [I’m going to my classmate’s house to play. I’ll be back later.]

Perhaps he felt that this message was not enough, so Sanford added another one. This time, he even added a few threatening emojis.

It read, [Don’t find me!]

Looking at the angry cat emojis on his phone, Alick subconsciously smiled. Alick clearly felt that Sanford had become more and more lively during this period of time as if he was a little cuter than before.

On the other side, Abby and Ballard had already arrived at Moira’s home.

“You stay at Moira’s house obediently. Don’t run around. Call Mommy if anything happens, okay?” Summer said.

Chapter 48

Summer sent them to Moira’s house. She hugged them and kissed them before driving to work.

“Sanford isn’t here yet. Why don’t we wait for him to go up together?” Abby said.

Ballard did not refuse. He even suggested going to the cake shop nearby to buy some snacks and eat while waiting.

“Alright, Moira loves strawberry cakes the most,” Abby said as she walked towards the cake shop opposite.

However, before she could cross the pedestrian crossing, Ballard suddenly pulled her in another direction.

“What happened?” Abby asked.

“Don’t talk. Come with me,” Ballard said.

Abby was confused. She only felt that Ballard was walking faster and faster.

“What is going on?” Abby asked.

When she followed Ballard to the third street, she finally could not take it anymore. She suddenly stopped and stood rooted to the ground. They were getting further and further away from Moira’s home.

“Someone’s following us,” Ballard said.

Following Ballard’s line of sight, Abby finally noticed a man following them from a distance.

Perhaps noticing her gaze, the man deliberately turned his head to the side and pretended to look at the scenery, His acting skills… was rather clumsy.

“Who is he?” Abby asked.

Ballard shook his head. This person seemed to have been following them since they got out of the car.

“Oh my g d! Could it be that he thinks that we are good-looking and wants to kidnap us and sell us?” Abby was shocked. “No, I have to call the police quickly.”

Ballard was speechless.

“Can you

be normal? Ballard looked serious. “He was most likely to be sent by Alick. We have to get rid of him


Before Abby could retort, she was dragged into the mall by Ballard. The person who followed them immediately followed them in.

The mall was not too big, so the man was not surprised at first. The two little guys had always been in his line of sight.

However, Ballard took Abby around the mall. The man soon realized that he had lost them.

“Bill, I really didn’t do it on purpose. Those two children disappeared instantly,” the man said on the phone.

After finding nothing, he called Bill and complained, “My tracking skills are very good. How do they find out?”

“Are you asking me the reason?” Bill was speechless.

Chapter 46

Bill was so angry that he hung up the phone.

How could he be so incompetent? D a m n it, I will probably be scolded by Alick again, Bill thought helplessly.

“Lost them?”

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