Verse 15- White Velvet Storm

The kids closed in on the border west from the royal city, their steads hurdled along the sandy ground beneath them, as the night sky shone with a purple tint. Tristine quickly brought her horse to a halt,” alright you two we need to discuss something before we go any further” the young girl said” what’s the matter what do you need to talk about” Jyro asked,” do you remember when we met that weird guy Vincent, and he showed us that Note…… well I’m guessing someone’s been following us if you’ve not realised already” Johnny and Jyro both had similar thoughts but just didn’t speak about it, “ so… yeah the moment we cross the border its survival of the fittest” Tristine explained, “what do you mean “Johnny then quickly filled in the blanks for his friend, “ I had a feeling you didn’t pick up on it, the briefing letter it was short and precise ,’ the test starts as soon as you cross the border’ meaning once you cross it anything goes Jyro” explained Johnny, Jyro suddenly became weary and realised the seriousness of the situation” so basically as soon as we cross it we’ll….” “Yeah we’ll most likely be fighting whoever’s been following us” the young girl replied.

Cantas border edge was distinguished by the a long cemented bridge called the ‘Roth’ it was the same bridge the Beetle Bus crossed the first time Jyro came to Canta. They came across the bridges entrance and stared down its path leading into the distance, since it was night there was only so far they could see, so the stars above where there only thing that gave them a feint light outlet whilst they moved around . “After we cross the bridge the mountains pass is up ahead but stay alert even though we’re in the green zone there’s still a small chance will encounter Lesser Demons “Said Tristine before quickly directing her horse onwards. The group rode on down the cemented bridge sprinting through the wind. They almost came to the end of the bridge and looking up ahead Jyro could see the mountain that towered above, it almost looked like it was touching the sky the boy thought” we’ve almost cleared the bridge guys, were heading for those trees over there the path to the mountain begins through there” Tristine bellowed to the boys behind her, but as they rode through the remainder of the bridges terrain Tristines eyes caught the sight of creatures that resided West from them, in an attempt to not draw their attention she began riding away from them in an attempt to curve around to the tree. Which momentarily proved futile as the beast’s nose caught the scent of them,” Crap…. You guys were going to have to speed things up I think we have company” Tristine yelled, Jyro glanced to his side to see a group of four legged creatures laying in the sand, their eyes were red as blood, and black spots covered their brown coated fur bodies, the moment the creatures saw the kids their brown fur suddenly spiked upwards, and in a matter of seconds they dashed after the kids. In the midst of Jyro glaring at the creatures Tristine had already rode on forwards leaving a considerable distance between them both, “hold on tight Johnny” the boy then kicked his stead signalling it to increase its pace, But The dark Horse didn’t respond it kept the same pace it was going, “Jyro what’s it doing why we not speeding up” cried Johnny “I have no clue…. Come on boy come on we need to go faster” pleaded Jyro to the stead who had no intention of going quicker, the creatures dashed after the horse zoning in on them with each stride they took, Johnny glanced backwards and saw one of them peering down close behind them,” JYRO seriously we need to do something, or were done for” Johnny wailed, but Jyro had no idea why his horse didn’t respond he kicked it again and again but still no movement, “Boanerges! I COMMAND YOU run fast, as fast as you can” Jyro unknowingly placed his cursed hand upon the steads neck, the animal then responded. The scream from Jyro finally reached his stead as its slow run quickly turned into a quick dash and in seconds they were moving at an incredible speed, Johnny gripped on with his dear life, as he slowly looked behind him and saw the lesser demons fading away. Johnny sighed in relief but noticed the steads speed continued to accelerate, they were moving so fast the sounds of the wind cut off all hearing. Jyros shouts of stop didn’t reach the stead who continued sprinting through the land at a high speed, the stead flew past Tristine and into the trees, and the two boys braced themselves then ducked as the stead ran through the oncoming bushes. Countless leaves and sticks bashed into their faces whilst they tried their best to hold onto to the horse. Moments later the ground below the horse suddenly turned steep and due to the speed it was running it struggled to keep its balance and tumbled down the path, the two boys were thrown off and rolled into the bushes in opposite direction.

Jyro slowly opened his eyes and the white lights sprinkled upon the purple abyss was all he saw, Jyro realised he was looking at the sky. The boy slowly picked himself up, his head felt sore and stings from cuts and bruises were felt around his legs and arms, he rose up and looked around, there was nothing but trees and bushes around him “Johnny! Johnny where are you?” he hollered but only silence responded to him. Jyro slowly moved forwards carefully watching every step he took suspecting that an lesser demon might be lurking, his ears faintly begun hearing something, he couldn’t make it out but begun rushing onwards hoping it was one of his friends. Onwards he walked, entering further into the unknown only surrounded by towering trees and bushes, the noises slowly became clearer the further he walked, it was a voice, and the voice seemed to be singing. Jyro continued to trail the singing, he almost felt like he was hallucinating why would someone be singing out here in this place he thought to himself, as he arrived at the source there was bushes in front of him covering what lay ahead, the boy slowly moved them aside and stepped through, he stumbled through and heard the soft voice singing again almost sounding like an angel, he looked ahead and saw a long haired blonde girl sitting on a log and watching the stars, the girl turned to look at him ,the girl sitting on the log was no other than Isis Gates.

Jyros heart skipped a beat, Why is she here? What do I do now? Countless questions ran through the boys mind as he stared at the blonde girl who sat in front of him smirking whilst she played with her hair. Jyro slowly walked towards his classmate remembering what she did to that demon during the showcase,” Isis... why you out here” the boy muttered,” isn’t obvious I got lost, I mean it’s so scary in these woods and I didn’t know what to do” Isis softly replied, the young girl then begun to sniffle which suddenly turned into her weeping. Jyro was startled by the girls sudden tears” it’s alright, you’re not alone anymore “Jyro said whilst trying to console the girl, “ pffft... hahahaha, you actually fell for that” Blurted Isis who continued to laugh hysterically, Jyro looked on in confusion at her wondering if she was sane or not. “Well to answer your question truthfully I was bored, so I decided to wait here and sift out the cowards trying to take the safest road” she said whilst smiling menacingly towards Jyro, “so everyone that tried to come this way you ….”Jyro asked, “yuppp they turned right back around and went through the Danger area” she said, “why would you do that not everyone wants to fight demons you know I don’t understand why you’d…”, “BECAUSE I CAN” she yelled “ no one will stand against me or rather they’d rather not risk ending their life to do so, so why should I not take advantage and enjoy myself” she said to Jyro who couldn’t muster up courage to respond to her outburst. “Think about it in a way they should thank me I’m giving their meaningless life excitement, those born weak should be thrown into the lion’s den some of them might survive u know, haha wouldn’t that be fun” voiced the deranged girl, the more time Jyro spent around her he realised more and more that Isis gates was someone he should stay well away from. “ohhh but you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be weak would you…. Nope you wouldn’t your just like me , your chosen by the gods, gifted to lead these pack of worms around us” said Isis who then spat on the floor, “ see there just as worthless as that” she continued, “just because there weaker than you doesn’t mean their life’s are any less important, there’s always something people can do, as long as your alive theirs always hope” responded Jyro who clenched his fist gaining some courage. His words shocked the young girl who stood there eyes widened in disbelief “hmmm and you truly believe that right” Jyro nodded his head “sigh then I guess I was wrong, your just as lowly and pointless like everyone else, said Isis she then stood up and raised her hand to the sky ‘spiritus veniunt” , Jyro suddenly felt a sharp surge of wind brush past him the wind moved like it was being sucked into isis’s palms and moments later the wind slowly begun gathering itself around Isis like a shroud of amour, its visibly white current spiralled around the girl like a separate entity. Jyro slowly approached back as the winds figure grew bigger and bigger around Isis, he looked closely and could make out a menacing face inside it. “Are you scared now….. I saw what you can do, Lightning right since I saw it I’ve been biting my lip all night to see who’s stronger, hahaha come fight me “she said, whilst Isis heckled away Jyro begun to think of the best possible way to handle the situation. In a moment of panic Jyro brought out the Zooz stick and screamed “Fulminis Pulsus”, a shockwave of lightning burst from the weapon towards the ominous wind it blew a hole inside it that simply refilled itself moments later, “haha are you stupid wind beats lightning stupid and the air around both of us is my weapon, if this deity guarding me loses an arm or head it simply reattaches itself with the endless air that surrounds us” she explained, “deity?” Jyro repeated “oh indeed you heard correctly I mastered this Brand years ago to the point the Wind itself decided to be with me ,meaning I command the earths wind itself” ,Isis then lifted up her arms and the wind grew fierce. Jyro felt the trees rustling frantically as the air cut through them sounding like knives being sliced along a steel frame, he could barely see through the storm that was creating around him and couldn’t attack even if he wanted but just when all hope seemed lost a sudden burning sensation shot through his cursed arm and the wind that covered around Isis grew into a fierce storm. The burning grew more painful sending Jyro to his knees clutching the arm, Jyro removed his glove and looked at his arm and saw a red spark flickering through the wrappings, the boy then suddenly heard faint whispers in a language he did not understand, chattering away in his head. Meanwhile the ominous wind protecting Isis formed somewhat of a monstrous face above, Jyros arm continued to flicker and the burning grew even more painful, he cried and clutched to the floor in pain, he could hear the whispers becoming louder as the pain worsened, it seemed that the monstrous wind could also hear the whispers because it looked as if it was replying to whoever was doing them. The whispers suddenly ceased and the pain from his arm also, the monstrous wind distorted and the face dispersed away in the air. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The heavy force of wind that was present slowly ceased to a calm and the armour that surrounded Isis begun to disappear. Isis looked around in bewilderment and didn’t understand why her onslaught stopped, “Venio” she spoke “Venio…… come out you stupid Wind come out” she voiced but nothing responded back to her the wind didn’t come. Whilst the girl shouted and commanded the empty sky, Jyro still sat on his knees clutching at the pain he felt from his arm, Isis then glanced over at the boy laying in distress “it… it was you wasn’t it you did something didn’t you” she said with a cracking speech, the girls eyes suddenly filled with a cold stare and gaze down towards Jyro who suddenly begun to feel an immense pressure coming towards him from the girl. Isis slowly continued to approach the boy and said “tell me …. How did you stop my wind” , the girl slowly gazed at the bandaged arm he was clutching onto “mmm your arm why are you holding it like that let me see it….show me what your hiding” she demanded, now Jyro was in no state to move and every nerve on his body froze up. Isis slowly crouched down and bore closer towards Jyro, as she slowly lifted her hand and stretched it out to touch his arm a sudden sound was heard. Isis quickly became alerted and spun around “incises” she said, a slash of wind sliced through the air cutting the incoming Arrow flying towards her. The young lady scowled into the bushes and smirked, “you might as well come out now I’d hate to have to blow this whole forest away” she said ,rustling was heard in the bushes and out stepped Tristine Morrowind.

The young blue headed girl emerged with her bow gripped tightly in her hands. Isis and Tristine glared at one another for a few moments, Isis then begun cackling to herself “arrows? Seriously that’s what you come at me with… well this should be fun” she said mockingly, Tristine then turned her attention towards Jyro who looked in deep distress kneeling on the ground. She drew an arrow from her bag aligned it on her bow and took aim towards Isis, “Jyro on my command I’m going to need you to dive away as quickly as you can” Tristine said whilst Isis looked on at the two curious to what she was planning, the young girl then drew her bow back and peered across towards Isis. “So your serious then blueberry, you’re really going to do this , ha-ha alright then but think about it do you think your arrows will hit me before my wind touches you” said Isis,” well it looks like we’re going to find out doesn’t it ” Tristine responded who then immediately let go of the arrow. Whoosh! The arrow ripped through the air darting towards Isis , the on-fire girl grinned whilst she avoided the incoming arrow that skimmed past her jaw the moment her eyes looked ahead of her an immediate second arrow was bearing down at her, shock filled her eyes as she knew there wasn’t enough time for her to avoid it, “incises” she said desperately whilst swiping her hand at the incoming projectile, the arrow immediately split in two but as it done so Isis noticed a small grey bag that was attached to the arrows hilt, the bag suddenly split open.

In an instant Isis was covered in grey dust that spewed out from the bag, she coughed and gasped for air in a state of panic, “ewwww (cough cough) what is this, I can’t even see…. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME! “She screeched whilst trying to rub the substance off, “don’t bother little miss untouchable that’s iron sand mixed with gravel dust my very own remedy you won’t be seeing anything for a few hours” explained Tristine “Ciao now” she added. Meanwhile the sound of a horse galloping drew closer, “Jyrooo jump on” hollered Johnny, Jyro looked up and saw his friend sitting atop Boanerges , the boy stretched out his hand towards him who grabbed on and was placed him onto the back of his horse. “ Trish I got him let’s get out of here now” the girl quickly rushed towards the two boys and jumped on the horse , “ you just wait when I catch you to dare to do this to me you’ll definitely regret it this ISNT OVER!” Isis yelled why screaming and flaring at the air in frustration, and with that the first day had gone by on the Task.

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