Remi falls asleep in my arms. It’s easy to forget everything she went through not so long ago, she’s still recovering. I think this weekend will be good for both of us.

Unable to switch off, I slip from the bed and take a shower before pulling on a pair of sweatpants and going back to the job I started in the kitchen. The refrigerator is fully stocked with everything we could possibly need. I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve this, but Ellen pulled out all the stops for this weekend.

Pulling out a couple of steaks, I leave them on the side to rest while I make us a salad. I never enjoyed cooking when I was forced to look after my brothers—it was just another chore that landed on my shoulders, a kid forced to make sure everyone stayed alive and healthy. But as I stand chopping the huge selection of vegetables I find, I discover it’s actually quite relaxing, and knowing that I’m making it for Remi means it’s even more enjoyable.

Fucking hell, I’m so fucking whipped.

I smile at myself, but I really can’t find it in me to care. I don’t give a fuck that she basically holds my balls in the palm of her hand.

On the way out to the decking, I poke my head into the bedroom to find Remi still sleeping soundly. After firing up the grill, I get myself comfortable on one of the many loungers with a beer and stare out at the calm sea in the distance.

I think back over my time in the Bay and all the events that led me to this moment with Remi. I really didn’t want to move. I would have happily stayed in the Heights, and if it weren’t for my brothers then I’d probably still be there. Then I never would have met her. I’d have been forced into a life of crime and under-the-radar deals with Donny. Probably would have ended up getting Kelsey or another of the Heights hussies pregnant.

I might even have turned into a younger version of my father as I drank away my sorrows and took out my anger over my shitty life on those closest to me.


He’s not even my fucking father. He’s my… uncle.

This is such head fuck.

Once my bottle is empty, I stand, lift the lid on the grill and throw our steaks on. They sizzle immediately and the smell makes my stomach rumble. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After getting a refill, I lean against the railings, continuing to look out over the view as I wait for the steaks to be ready so I can go and wake Remi.

I’m so lost in thoughts of how I would wake her that I don’t hear footsteps heading my way. Remi’s warm hands slip around my waist before pressing against my abs. She rests her head against my bare back, her touch almost burning me to the bone.

“Hey, Princess. Did you have a good sleep?”

“I did,” she mumbles, her voice still rough. “I missed you.”

Her lips press a line down my spine. My skin pricks with goosebumps and all the blood in my body rushes straight to my cock. “You like that?” she breathes, clearly noticing the shudder that runs through my body.

“You’re touching me. Of course I fucking like it.”

“How long until dinner?”

“Probably two minutes ago,” I admit. I’ve already lost track of time now she’s here.

“Don’t move.” I lose her touch, but it’s only for a moment, because no sooner has she gone than she’s back again.

Remi continues kissing, her hands tracing the lines of my abs before she finds the V that disappears into my sweats.

“Jesus, Remi,” I moan, when her fingers dip under the waistband, gasping when she wraps her hands around my solid length.

My heart pounds in my chest as she slowly starts stroking me, the heat of her front pressing against my back. “Fuck, Princess.”

“Just making up for lost time, Ace. I owe you.”

“You owe me nothing, baby. I’d make you come all goddamn day and expect nothing in return.”

“As much as I appreciate that, it’s not necessary. I want to take care of you too.”

“Fuck.” My head drops between my shoulders in pleasure as she sweeps her thumb over the tip of my cock, collecting up the bead of precum that I know is there.

I watch her hand where it disappears under the fabric of my sweats. I really fucking want to see her hand wrapped around while she works my length.

I push my sweats down. “Fucking hell, Princess.”

Her spare hand trails down my side. She squeezes my ass before running it down my thigh. Catching it in my own hand, I guide her around to cup my balls. She owns them, so she may as well play with them.

“Jesus, fuck.” Her touch is so gentle, so soft.

“Do you think anyone can see us?” she muses.

“I really fucking hope so.” The thought of someone seeing exactly what this girl does to me turns me on more than it probably should. I want the world to know she’s mine, and what better way than showing them how she brings me to my motherfucking knees.

“Rem… fuck…” Tingles race down my spine, and my muscles lock up as pleasure races through me.

I roar like a feral fucking animal when my release hits me. My chest heaves as I fight to regain control of my heart.

“Fucking hell, Princess. That was… wow.”

“Yeah? she asks shyly.

Reaching for my sweats, I pull them up and turn on her.

“Motherfucker.” The word falls from my lips without my knowledge as I find her standing in my tank. It’s longer on her, skimming her mid-thighs, and the arms hang down low enough that I’m sure I’ll get a good boob shot when she turns. Her nipples pebble under my stare and she rubs her thighs together.

When I find her eyes, she’s staring down at where my cock is, once again, straining behind the fabric of my sweats. “Again?” she asks.

“Always.” I take a step toward her. “Now tell me… exactly what are you wearing under this?”

“Ace, I—” Ignoring what she’s saying, I opt to find out for myself and pull the neck away from her body, peering inside.

“Just how I like you. Naked and ready for the taking.”

“Down, boy,” she says with a laugh, placing her palms on my chest. “I need food first. I’m starving, and that smells too good.”

I stare at her. Really stare at her. Her dark eyes sparkle with desire as she looks back at me. The freckles on her nose are more prominent than when we first met, and her hair is messed from our roll around the bed earlier. She’s so fucking beautiful.

And all fucking mine.

Sliding my hand around the back of her neck, I pull her into my body. “I really fucking love you, Remi Tanner.” I slam my lips down on hers before she has a chance to respond. As much as I loved hearing those words from her earlier, I don’t need them. I see it in her eyes every time she so much as glances at me. I feel it in her touch, even the most innocent ones.

“Go and take a seat. I’ll finish dinner.”

“I can help,” she argues.

“No. Sit. Relax. Something tells me you’re not going to get all that much rest tonight.” Her cheeks heat and a bolt of possessiveness shoots through me.

I love that I can make her blush.

After plating up our dinner, I get us both a beer and serve the meal on the outside table.

“It’s so beautiful here,” Remi says. “How did you find it?”

“I can’t take any credit. It was Ellen.”


“It’s her old boss’ or something. I told her that I wanted to redo your birthday, give you the weekend you deserve. She told me about a beach house, but I never could have imagined this.”

“Do you think she knows that she’s basically set up a luxury fuckfest weekend?”

I snort a laugh and almost choke on a piece of my steak. “Fuckfest?”

She shrugs innocently. “So that’s not part of your plan?”

“Oh, Princess. Fucking is definitely part of my plan.” I wink and she giggles.

“You’re terrible.”

“Of course. I’m the bad boy from the Heights your mother warned you about.”

“Speaking of my mother… does she know about all of this?”

“I have no idea. I was going to ask her myself, but in the end I figured that James owed me a favor. I asked him to clear it with her.”

“You’ve spoken to him?”

“Briefly. I wanted to stop him from saying anything to Conner or Cole before I figured out the best way to do it.”

“How do you think they’ll handle it?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. They’re not aware that anything was untoward with our parents, other than them both being total fuck-ups.” That was a given. “It really could go either way. They can both be a little unpredictable at times.”

“I get that with Cole. He’s kinda… terrifying,” she admits with a wince.

“I know. I worry about him. His temper… well, it makes me look like a pussy cat.”

“I can imagine.”

“He doesn’t let it out often, but when he does. Jesus,” I mutter, rubbing at my jaw as I remember the last time it happened. “He fucks shit up.”

“Conner seems more… stable?”

“Sometimes. He hides behind his humor—or attempted humor.”

Silence settles around us as we continue eating. I can tell that Remi has a million and one questions she wants to ask me, but for some reason she’s holding back.

“It’s okay,” I whisper. “You can ask me anything.”

“I know, it’s just…”

“Just?” I prompt.

“I’m worried.”

“About what?” It could be any number of things that has worry lines creasing her head.

“That night you came to my bedroom and told me… everything.”


“You said you thought Donny sent that guy after you to… get rid of you.” She swallows, fear etched into her features. “Do you think… Do you think he’ll try again?”

I sit back, considering her question. Donny is nothing if not ruthless. I have no doubt that if he wanted me dead he would have made it happen before now. Bruce was a warning. A serious fucking warning. Although I have no idea what for.

Yeah, I’d been ignoring his calls and demands for me to come to him. But sending his henchman to go a few rounds with me seems a little over the top for just that.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.

“So what happens next? You just wait to see if he tries again?”

“No. I need to see him. I was going to go before now, but with everything that’s happened, there just hasn’t been time.”

“You’re going to… go there?” Fear swirls in her eyes.

“I have to. I need to put it all behind me.”

“You’re done?”

Sitting forward, I lace my fingers through hers. “Of course I am. I told you, I want to do things right. I want to be worthy of you.”

“You are, Ace. You don’t need to change for me.”

“I’m not changing. I’m just doing things a little more…”

“Legally?” she teases.

“Yeah. That.”

“That was incredible. Thank you so much. Who knew you could cook,” she says around a megawatt smile.

“I’ve been cooking for years, Princess.” The color drains from her face as she realizes what she just said.

“Shit. I didn’t mean—”

“Shush, it’s okay.”

“So what’s the plan for the rest of the night?”

I run my eyes down her body, making her squirm before glancing over at the hot tub. “Want to take a dip?”

“I didn’t pack my suit.”

Barking out a laugh, I pull her from her seat. “You really think that if you had, I’d allow you to wear it?”

“Um…” She bites down on her bottom lip. “No?”

“Exactly. No.” I slip my hand under my tank and find her bare ass. “There’s no one here but us, Princess. Clothes are most definitely not a necessity.” I lift my tank until it clears the top of her head and leaves her bare before me. “Now that’s more like it.”

I run my hand up her sides before taking her breasts in my hands. She moans as I take their weight and squeeze gently.

Leaning in, I brush my lips around the shell of her ear. “You go and get in. I’ll clean up and be right with you.”

“No, Ace. Let me—ouch,” she squeals as I pinch both of her nipples.

“Do as you’re told, Princess.”

“Okay, fine,” she mutters, rolling her eyes at me. She takes a step toward the tub and I swat her ass.

“You’re a fucking nightmare, Ace Jagger.”

I smirk at her as I watch her ass sway. Reaching down, I rearrange my cock that’s tenting my sweats once again.

I make quick work of getting the plates inside. Knowing she’s currently wet and naked and waiting for me has me more impatient than I think I’ve ever been in my life.

Dropping my sweats, I throw them in the direction of the bedroom and step out onto the decking.

“At last. I thought I was going to have to take matters into my own hands.” Remi’s voice is low and seductive. It fills my mind with naughty images of watching her bringing herself to orgasm.

“One day, I’m going to watch you do just that, Princess. But not right now.” Placing the bottles of beer I brought out with me on the side, I step into the warm, soothing water.

Remi pushes from her seat and comes closer, her naked body hidden beneath the water. I drop my second leg in and I’m just about to lower my body when she stops me with her hands on my hips.

“Princess?” Her eyes are locked on my cock, her bottom lip sucked into her mouth.

“Sit on the edge,” she demands, her voice cracked with lust.

I drop my ass to the side, powerless to do anything but what I’m told. I’d be a fool not to with the dirty thoughts I can see glittering in her eyes.

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