Taming the Beast
Chapter 28 (Caroline)

(Caroline's POV)

I was thirty dollars richer by the time I left Keegan's house. Serves Nick right for being all high and mighty. Of course, then I smoked him so back that he had no words. In fact, no one had any words. You think that they would put two and two together but they didn't. I was living with my older brother. C.O.D. and Fifa World Cup marathons were bound to happen. I looked at the time on my phone and frowned. "I would stay and beat all of you, but I have to get home," I said, standing. I looked to Keegan. "Danny's going to work soon, and I have to watch Preston," I explained to him.

"Next time Holloway," Trevor smiled at me. I smiled back. It was so cool to have a bunch of guy friends to hang out with. Keegan grabbed his keys.

"Bye guys," I waved to all of them before I headed out the door. Keegan was right behind me. On the ride to my house, Keegan asked about my gaming skills and I answered with a smile. We talked easily the whole way back and Keegan walked me to my door. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Do you need any help with Preston?" he asked me. I smiled at the thought. Keegan was really good with him which was unusual because Keegan only met Preston a few times. I shrugged.

"I might. My brother probably wants to say bye to you before he leaves," I said, turning to unlock the door. I pushed the door open.

"Ninny!" Preston yelled as he ran to me. I smiled and picked him up. I bounced him on my hip and smiled. Preston's eyes went to Keegan. "Keys!" he squealed. We both laughed as Preston switched over to Keegan's hip.

"Hey buddy," Keegan smiled at him. Preston rested his head on Keegan's shoulder as he touched his finger to his lips.

"Hey," I heard Danny say from behind me. I turned to see that he was buckling his belt shiny black belt on his uniform. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Running late?" I asked, amused. He scowled at me.

"I wouldn't be if someone didn't decide to go hang out with their boyfriend for four hours," he said. My eyes widened and I could feel myself blushing.

"Keegan isn't my boyfriend; he's my friend. And we went to go see his dad who's in hospice," I said crossing my arms. Danny's eyes went wide as his eyes flickered to Keegan.

"Shit, man I'm sorry," Danny said apologetically. His cheeks turned candy apple red.

"It's fine," Keegan said quickly, but I noticed the tightness in his voice.

"Keegan wanted to help watch Preston," I said, changing the subject. My brother smiled.

"Yeah, sounds good. I don't trust Caroline to watch him by herself anymore anyway," Danny said with a smirk. My hands went to my hips and I gasped.

"It was one time!" I said loudly.

"You gave my kid a sugar high," Danny laughed just as loud. Keegan chuckled. Danny grabbed his keys and headed for the door. "Well I have to get going. I'll be home around midnight. Keegan, you're welcome to spend the night again if you want since I know that's late, but no funny business with my sister. And Caroline... no candy for Preston. I mean it. Bye, big boy," Danny said to Preston before he walked over to Keegan. He gave Preston's head a kiss before he was out the door. I glared at the closed door while

"Bye daddy," Preston said softly. Preston's head shot up and he looked at Keegan excitedly. "Hide and seek!" he squealed. Keegan chuckled before he put Preston down. So we ended up playing hide and seek for a good hour before Preston was finally tired. Keegan and I plopped down on the couch as Preston sat on the floor watching his cartoons. Keegan glanced at me before he pulled me into his side. His arm wrapped around my waist. My heart started pounding at how close we were. I tried to keep my breathing under control.

"Caroline," Keegan whispered. His breath fanned my neck. I shivered involuntarily before I looked at him. He motioned over to Preston, who was sleeping on the floor. I stood up and stretched. I bent to pick him up but Keegan beat me to it. "I got it," he said, scooping Preston up easily. I followed Keegan upstairs and pointed out Preston's room. After Preston was tucked into his bed, we went to me room. I sighed and curled up on my side in the bed.

"I'm so tired," I muttered. Keegan got in my bed on the other side of me. His face only inches from mine as he laid on his side. We didn't touch at all... just stared at each other. It wasn't weird at all, I swear. My eyes ran over his defined but masculine cheekbones and jaw line. Up close like this, I noticed light stubble lining his jaw. I wonder how often he shaves it. Before I could think about it too much, I reached my hand up and touched it. I ran the back of my fingers over his jaw line back and forth. He let out a breath as his eyes closed halfway. His hand reached over and rested on my hip. My hand cupped his face as I ran thumb back and forth over his cheek.

"You have no idea what you mean to me," he whispered as his eyes closed completely. I inched forward and pressed my lips to his gently. He froze for a moment before he kissed me back fiercely. My heart fell out of my chest and then came back beating double time. Butterflies were having an all out war in my stomach. His hand pulled my hip closer to him as his mouth moved sensually against mine. He groaned and flipped me on to my back. I took a sharp breath as my hands found his neck. He hovered above me and I pulled his neck closer. His tongue flicked my bottom lip, asking for entry. I gladly gave it to him. I moaned as his tongue dipped into my mouth. His minty breath was welcoming. My back arched to meet his chest. His arm slipped under my back and pulled us closer together as his other hand propped him up. His mouth left mine, leaving me breathless as he kissed my jaw and then my neck. A wild moan escaped my lips as I moved my neck to give him better access. He was excited. I could feel that much. "Keegan," I said breathlessly. I was going to tell him we should stop, but his lips cut off my train of thought. He kissed my collarbone. "Keegan!" I moaned. I had to stop this now or it would go too far. He growled and started to kiss me harder. I whimpered as my breath started coming in big gasps. My chest heaved and my eyes squeezed shut as my head tossed back. His hand came from under me to prop himself up again. His kisses slowed down until they were gentle and tender again. He kissed up my neck and jaw. I was still struggling to slow my breathing. Even these small gentle kisses were making me wild. His lips brushed against mine tenderly. When he pulled away, I kept my eyes closed. I felt him move beside me again. I could feel his eyes boring into me. I waited and caught my breath. I felt like I'd just run a marathon; not that I was kissing Keegan. I turned over on my side and opened my eyes. He was smiling gently. His hand reached up and cupped my face as he ran his thumb over my cheek. I knew I probably looked flushed.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that," he chuckled. I blushed. Keegan wanted to kiss me too? I looked at him before I smiled softly too. I was falling for him, hard. Keegan released my face and moved his hand down to lace his fingers with mine. I sighed and closed my eyes as Keegan reached over me to turn the lamp off.

"Goodnight Keegan," I whispered.

"Goodnight Caroline," he replied softly.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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