Tempting Ties: The Billionaire’s Marriage Bargain 




Tatiana gazed wistfully out the tall, mullioned window of her bedchamber, admiring the verdant hills rolling gently in the distance. A light breeze rustled the leaves of the tall oak and maple trees dotted across the landscape. How she wished she could feel that breeze and smell the fresh air. 

But the walls of Beaumont Manor had been her home and her prison for all of her 19 years. She pressed her hand against the cool glass pane, Imagining what it might feel like to walk barefoot through the grass, the morning dew kissing her skin. 

As a child, she’d beg and plead with her father to allow her outside, If only for a few minutes under his close watch. But Lord Henri Beaumont refused to even entertain such a notion. A young lady of noble birth had her place, and the wilderness of nature was not it. 

A wistful sigh escaped her lips as she leaned against the window frame. She wondered what the velvety petal of a rose would feel like between her fingertips or the tickle of grass on her bare feet. What might it be like to amble through the woods with no walls or fences hemming her in

Just then, Tatiana was startled from her reverie by a familiar, stern voice. 

“What are you doing over there, dreaming the day away?” 

She turned to see Arlana sweeping into her bedchamber, her raven hair pulled back severely beneath her white linen cap. Tatiana self–consciously smoothed the skirt of her cornflower blue gown. 

“I was just…admiring the view,” she offered meekly. 

Ariana’s sharp gaze drifted toward the window. “It’s time you stopped wasting time on such fancies. You know Father would not approve.” 

Even after all these years, Ariana remained a loyal follower of their father’s restrictive rules. She had 

embraced her role as mistress of Beaumont Manor and saw no reason to yearn for anything more. 

“I’m sorry, you’re right,” Tatiana murmured, turning from the window. She knew Ariana meant well in steering her toward more productive pursuits. 

Tatiana turned back to the window, lost again in bittersweet daydreams, when Ariana spoke again

“I’m afraid I have some rather unfortunate news. Father informed me he has arranged for you to be 

betrothed to the eldest Mancini son.” 

Tatiana whipped around, eyes wide. “What? No! Father cannot just marry me off without asking my 


Ariana sighed. “You know very well he can. It is your duty as a daughter of the Beaumont family. This match will bring greater prestige and fortune to our house. You would do well to accept your fate gracefully, as I have accepted mine as the future mistress of the manor.” 



Tatiana fumed, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts. How dare they barter her away like Chattel! She would not be chained to some man she barely knew, no matter her father’s wishes, 

Just then, the bedchamber door opened, and three maldservants entered. The eldest, Mrs. Bertram, stepped forward. 

“Pardon the intrusion, Miss Tatiana. But your father has instructed us to help you prepare for the Orthavian bathing rite.” 

Tatiana scowled. The ceremonial cleansing was meant to purify a bride–to–be’s body before marriage. She wanted no part of such traditions–not when her father was forcing her into this betrothal. 

But she knew the maids were only following orders. With a resigned sigh, she waved them over to the adjoining washroom. 

Mrs. Bertram directed the two younger maids to prepare the ornate tub and begin heating the water. Tatiana stood rigidly, watching their preparations. She cared little for their fussing and primping. This whole ritual felt like another way to strip her of what little freedom she had. 

At last, the bath was prepared with aromatic oils and flower petals strewn across the surface. The maids stood waiting to aid Tatiana in disrobing. 

“I can manage myself, thank you,” she said tersely, turning her back to them so she could unbutton her gown. 

“But Miss, we are supposed to help bathe you thoroughly as part of the ritual,” one of the younger maids protested. 

Tatiana whirled around, eyes flashing. “I am fully capable of bathing alone! I neither need nor want your assistance.”  S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The maid shrank back at her mistress’s tone. Tatiana felt a twinge of guilt but refused to back down. This was her last stand before she was married off and truly lost control of her fate. 

Once fully undressed, Tariana stepped into the fragrant bath, letting out an involuntary sigh as the warmth enveloped her. She took her time, savoring this rare moment of peace and solitude. 

A gentle cough interrupted her reverie. Mrs. Bertram stood solemnly by the tub’s edge. 

“Beging your pardon, miss. But it is tradition for the maids to wash the body of the bride–to–be while reciting blessings for her future union.” 

Tatiana’s jaw tensed. Even now, they would not grant her a few minutes of autonomy.. 

“Please, Miss Tatiana,” the older woman implored. “Allow us to complete the ritual so we do not face punishment. And so you may enter your marriage with a purified body.” 

Tatiana met the woman’s earnest gaze. She had no desire to bring trouble to the servants for her own defiance. With a resigned nod, she relinquished, leaning back so the maids could lather soap over her hair. As their fingers massaged her scalp, the women sang old wedding hymns passed down for 




Mrs. Bertram squeezed her shoulder reassuringly as she sent the younger women to fetch towels. “It is a grave wrong for one as lowly as me to doubt the innocence of a Beaumont, Mrs. Tatiana. But alas, the holy scriptures demand it. 

“I have yet to know a man in the most intimate of ways,” Tatiana recited in a dull voice. 

Suddenly, she felt the older woman’s hand creep down her body. “What are you doing?” she shrieked, grabbing at her hand. 

The older woman gave a slight frown. “It is rather unfortunate that Lady Beaumont passed away before you were old enough to learn the significance of the scriptures. Your body must be primed for your groom before you stand before the elder priests.” 

Tatiana tried to restrain her, but the older woman was much stronger. Her large hands went down past her waist and began to stroke her labia softly. Tatiana tried to flinch, but her grip was very strong. She had no option but to stay in place. 

The bathroom was a hushed sanctuary, punctuated solely by the sound of their labored breathing echoing softly off the tiled walls. Tatiana felt a tingling she had never felt before in her life as Mrs. Bertram massaged gently around her vulva. Tatiana let out a gasp as the woman’s free hand began to knead at her bare nipples. 

“What… what are you doing, Mrs. Her question was abruptly cut off as the older woman placed a finger to her lips, silencing her with a swift hush. 

Mrs. Bertram pulled up sharply, driving her middle finger into Tatiana’s wet cunt. The sudden penetration quickly turned to pleasure for her as she pulled her finger out and up, grazing her stiffening clitoral area. 

After several more plunges and retrievals, she added two more of her large fingers into her twat. Tatiana clamped a hand over her mouth, stifling the moans that threatened to escape her mouth. The reaction seemed to please Mrs. Bertram as she began to vigorously pump her fingers in and out of Tatiana’s pussycat. She leaned down, taking one of her small tits into her mouth, and began to nibble gently. 

All reservations escaped her mind as she leaned back in surrender, letting out soft, reserved moans. She felt her body trembling with intensity, a strange heat washing over her. She could barely hold back her moans anymore. 

She was about to scream in bliss when she felt a hand clasp over her mouth. She could barely register it at this point as she felt herself thrashing around in the water in the tub. After what seemed like several minutes of convulsing, 

Mrs. Bertram gently laid her back on the edge of the tub while she steadied her breathing. Emerging from behind, Tatiana could see the radiating joy on her face

“Excellent!” she exclaimed with a clap. “Miss Tatiana, you will make a truly splendid bride. 

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