Tatiana slowly brushed through her long blonde hair, taking time to work through the tangles that had formed during the night. She had risen before dawn to begin her household duties, as was expected of her. She was growing accustomed to her responsibilities, though she still missed the luxury of sleeping late into the morning light as she did back when she was home. 

A soft knock interrupted her thoughts. “Come in,” Tatiana called, setting down her brush. 

A young maid entered with a curtsy. Beging your pardons, my lady. Lady Antonia requests that you join her for the morning meal as soon as you are able.” 

Tatiana nodded in acknowledgement. Tell my lady I will be down to join her as soon as possible.” 

Her mother–in–law has been behaving very strangely these days. In their last encounter, Antonia had been strangely warm and welcoming. But she knew her temperament was fickle and her moods unpredictable. 

The summons to breakfast made Tatiana uneasy. She knew it was best not to keep Antonia waiting, yet she felt nervous at the prospect of facing her mother–in–law’s stern gaze so soon after rising. 

Tatiana asked the maid to help her finish dressing, choosing a flattering blue gown with silver trim in hopes of pleasing Lady Antonia

While the maid fixed Tatiana’s dress, she couldn’t help but think about the past few weeks. Her feelings for Dante had become like a strong craving, making it hard for her to go an hour without replaying the way he treated her in her mind. It was a stark contrast to her stone–faced husband, Roman, who cared little for her. 

Tatiana often found herself daydreaming about how different things might be if she had been married off to Dante instead of Roman. He may be a philandering drunk at times, but the allure of Dante’s affection had overshadowed that image in her mind. Having another chance encounter occupied her thoughts, creating a constant yearning for something more

Once dressed, Tatiana tucked a strand of hair back under her veil and took a breath to steady her nerves. She descended the winding stone staircase to the great hall, where Lady Antonia awaited her at the head table. The moment had come to endure her mother–in–law’s temper once again. 

Tatiana only hoped her mood was pleasant enough so she would not be rebuked for lacking in one trifling matter or another. Smoothing her gown, she put on a smile and went to greet her husband’s 


Seeing Lady Antonia seated at the high table, she routinely called out, Good morning, Lady Antonia.” 

As she entered, movement caught her eye. Tatiana stopped short in surprise to see her husband, 

Roman, seated next to his mother. 

Even more astonishing was the smile that lit his usually somber face when Roman caught sight of his young wife. “Tatiana! Come and join us, my dear,he welcomed, rising from the table Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


Unsure, she sank into a curtsy. My lord, I did not anticipate your return. I hope your travels were met with success.” 

Roman waved offhandedly. Oh, dull business matters of little import. I am simply glad to be home and see your lovely face again.He gestured to the empty chair beside his

Tatiana perched nervously on the very edge of the seat, hands clenched tightly in her lap. Her pulse raced as she sought some sign of displeasure or disapproval in her husband’s eyes, yet found none. Even Antonia seemed brighter than was her custom, giving Tatiana a small, sharp nod in 


The servants brought platters of cheese, warm barley bread, and winter apples. Tatiana kept her eyes downcast, though she could feel Roman’s gaze lingering on her

“You look well, my dear. Would you care for more bread?Roman leaned in, placing another slice upon her trencher himself before she could reply. You must take another blanket to your chambers,he fussed. “The stones do sap the warmth this time of year. I would not have you catch a chill.” 

Youyou are too kind, my lord,Tatiana finally managed after swallowing carefully around the lump in her throat. Ever since the first time she met him, not once has Roman inquired after her comfort. She wondered uneasily if he was not feeling quite well

Antonia let out a dry cackle, giving her son’s broad shoulder an affectionate pat. “Let the girl eat in peace, Roman. Though I cannot fault your concern, We ladies must guard against the winter wind, must we not?” 

She smiled at Tatiana, who blinked hard, wondering if she were still dreaming. Neither Roman’s smiles nor Antonia’s endearments made any sense

Roman gave a good–natured chuckle. Forgive my smothering, dear heart. I have missed your sweet company more than I can say. I intend to thoroughly make up for lost time together.His eyes twinkled at her in a manner that might have been playful were he any other man. 

Tatiana stared at him in astonishment, wondering what to make of this strange, gracious husband in place of the distant lord she had married. His change in temper unsettled her deeply, and she didn’t know what to expect from him. She bit nervously at a fingernail, her appetite vanishing. 

Just then, the heavy oak doors groaned open. In strode, Dante, accompanied by several men Tatiana did not recognize. Her husband and mother–in–law both rose swiftly to receive the new guests with smiles and exclamations of delight. 

Tatiana quickly stood as well, though she felt invisible beside the noble party trading greetings and grasping arms. She studied the visitors curiously: two elder men in fine velvet robes, a tall knight, and a young, fair–haired woman around her own age. They must be visitors of great importance for 

Roman and Antonia to fuss over them. 

“Dear friends, we are honored by your presence,” declared Roman genially. Please, will you sit and break your fasts with us?He guided the decorated men to the high table himself rather than allowing a servant to attend them. Antonia swept up the golden–haired woman under her arm


exoing and complimenting her dress. 


With a sinking feeling, Tatiana understood at once. Roman and Antonia’s strange cheer this morning had not been meant for her benefit but rather to impress these eminent guests now seated around their table. They likely hoped to curry favor by putting on a show of devoted family life

ariana perched silently at the end of the bench once more, forgotten again amidst the merry talk Blowing between her husband, his mother, and their visitors. No one glanced her way anymore as platters of roast fowl, cheese, and fruit were presented. She glumly picked at a slice of apple, invisible as adways unless someone required a matter of housekeeping from the young lady of the manor. 

Bitterness rose in Tatiana’s breast as she watched Roman chuckle heartily at some comment from one of the richly dressed men, just minutes before he had smiled so warmly upon her. She saw it as clear as day that it had all been false pageantry, like moms practicing their craft. 

Tatiana had enough of playing the invisible lady in the fancy dining hall. So, she got up quietly, feeling a bit sick in her stomach. Everyone was too busy chatting and laughing to notice her leaving. The door closed softly behind her, and she found herself in a quiet hallway. 

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