Tatiana opened her eyes after being roughly shaken awake. She blinked several times, trying to clear her groggy head. Her body felt sore all over, and she realized she was naked and that Roman was carrying her over their shoulders. She tried to protest, but she realized her wrists were cuffed and her 

mouth was restricted with a ball 


He carried her into the dark dungeon and placed her on the bed. Sitting her on the bed intensified the ache in her weary body, making her squeal behind the ball gag. Tatiana winced as Roman switched on a harsh, bright light that stung her eyes

After a moment for her eyes to get used to the light, she could finally make out Roman’s face. Her heart raced because, instead of his usual emotionless look, she now saw a twisted, wicked grin on his face that sent shivers down her spine. 

Roman pulled a chain with a metal collar from the head of the metal–framed bed. Placing the collar around her neck, he padlocked it in place. The collar was snug, but it did not restrict her breathing. Tatiana’s eyes opened wide with shock and fear as he attached the collar. 

She tried again to plead with him to let her go. Roman glared angrily into her eyes. Be quiet, before you suffer an even worse fate than I have planned for you.” 

Tatiana nodded her head desperately, indicating she would remain silent. Tears welled up in her eyes as her jaw hurt from being forced wide by the ball gag for so long. 

He removed the ball gag, letting her flex her jaw to relieve the pain. He then pushed her head forward, pressing her tits onto her knees, and unlocked the wrist cuffs, releasing her wrists from behind her back. He took his hand off her head, allowing her to sit up. 

He watched her intently as she massaged her wrists and arms, getting the feeling back in them. He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his broad chest, as he surveyed her with a mixture of amusement and disdain. 

“You know,” he drawled, I’ve never understood why I chose to marry you. So… weak and pathetic, just like the others. And yet you dare to defy me by whoring with my brother!” 

Tatiana’s gaze darted between him and the door, barely visible in the dim light. Please, my Lord,” she begged, her voice raw with emotion. I’ll do anything. I will never leave your chambers or see Dante again. Please just let me go.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But Roman only laughed, the sound echoing menacingly through the dungeon. “Anything?” he mocked. “Oh, I don’t knowI’m sure you already know you must serve penance for your betrayal.” 

Roman briskly got up and pushed her onto the bed, grabbing her legs and forcing them apart. He pinned her down with one arm while he fiddled with his trousers with the other, pulling them down to expose his huge cock. He teased her pussycat a bit before inserting the head of his cock until it pushed her inner lips apart. 

Tatiana cried out with shock at his actions and her powerlessness to do anything about them. He 


eased himself into her body, gradually inching his cock into her, inch by inch, before abruptly slamming his hips into her, shoving the entire length into her twat. 

Tatiana whimpered at the size of him, her helplessness adding to the enormity of what was happening to her. For a moment, nothing happened, and Tatiana started to relax, thinking it would 

soon be all over. 

Again, she was wrong. Just as slowly, he started to withdraw his huge cock until it was almost completely out of her. Suddenly, he shoved it roughly all the way back, making Tatiana gasp as it felt like her whole body was splitting from the inside. Roman began to thrust into her, keeping a steady pace of roughly shoveling it into her and then slowly pulling nearly out, only for it to be thrust back 

into her

The tempo was having an effect on Tatiana. After the initial pain of his thrusts, her cunt naturally lubricated him and began to stretch in readiness for the next violation. Without any warning, he grabbed her neck with his enormous hands, pressing his body into her, which made her bring her rear up to arch her back. 

This made his entry into her all the easier, and his next thrust took her all the way. His cocky head entered her womb and past her cervix. Pain wracked her body as he kept fucking her so deep. His thrust became more and more urgent until he lent back and roared his orgasm. 

White–hot spunk flooded her inner depths, and her body betrayed her as she returned his thrust and buried him inside while his seed flooded her and seeped out around his tool. 

He rose from the bed and smoothly slid back into his trousers, groaning in satisfaction. With that, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a small, gleaming dagger. The light from the torch glinted off the razor–sharp blade, casting a sinister gleam across the room. 

Tatiana let out a strangled gasp, her eyes widening in horror. She tried to pull away from him, but the collar around her neck held her fast. “Please, my Lord,” she whimpered. “I’ll do anything. I’ll be yours. Just don’t hurt me anymore.‘ 

Her words seemed to have no effect on him. Instead, he kneeled before her, his face mere inches from hers. “You know,” he whispered, his breath hot against her cheek, I’ve always found it fascinating… how much a human body can take. And how much it can endure.He ran the tip of the dagger across her cheek, leaving a thin line of blood in its wake. 

Tatiana screamed, her voice shattering the silence of the dungeon. She closed her eyes, willing herself not to feel the pain. But even as she tried to block it out, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin and the cold steel of the dagger against her cheek. And beneath it all was a terrible, nagging sense of dread. 

Finally, Roman pulled the dagger away. He rose to his feet, the blade still glinting in the torchlight. Your penance will begin tomorrow,” he said softly, his voice oddly gentle. You’ll have time to rest tonight.” With that, he turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Tatiana alone with her thoughts and her terror

Time seemed to stand still as she waited for the sound of his footsteps to return. Each creak of the 



stone floor sent a shiver down her spine, her heart racing wildly in her chest. She started slightly as a man entered, expecting to see Roman. But instead, an unfamiliar servant approached, bearing a large wooden tray laden with bread, cheese, smoked meats, and a pewter pitcher of water. He offered no explanation, only a small, perfunctory bow as he deposited the meal on her bed before leaving. 

Tatiana eyed the food suspiciously, her stomach growling in protest at the thought of hunger. But she dared not touch it, not knowing what Roman might have put in it. Instead, she focused on the pitcher of water, her mouth dry and parched from hours of screaming. With shaking hands, she reached out and grasped the handle, bringing it to her lips. 

Finally, when she could drink no more, she set the pitcher down and leaned back against the cold stone wall, her eyes closed. Sleep threatened to overtake her, but she fought it, unwilling to give in to the darkness. She knew that when she finally did close her eyes, the nightmares would begin. And she was not sure if she could survive a whole night of them. 

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