That Sik Luv
: Chapter 60


Her eyes have fallen closed as slow steady breaths leave her parted lips.

Angelic in the darkest light.

My beautiful doll wants to play, diving deep into those hidden desires they don’t talk about for fear of coming across as crazy and psychotic and devilishly impure. But that’s exactly what we are, and exactly how we live our lives. Wild, raw, and entirely unfiltered.

I lift her limp body from the couch at our temporary home and walk her towards the back bedroom. We’re on the run, flying from city to city, Africa being the next destination on our endless mission for vengeance against those who’ve wronged her. But after much needed healing on my part, my baby needed a cleaning, and the manner in which she requested has my cock practically cutting glass with excitement.

With the camera set up in the corner of the room, the focus entirely on us, I lay her in the middle of the king-sized bed, on top of the black pillow-top comforter. Her listless body folds into the plush bed, the softness threatening to swallow her gorgeous curves whole.

After removing her floral slip dress that looked so innocently cute on such a devious little devil, I stare down at her sedated form, covered only in a white lace bra and panties, enjoying the sight before me.

Her left nipple has slipped from the edge of the bra, and the panties are sitting lopsided on her hips from the initial struggle. She didn’t know when it would happen, only that it would. Fighting it wasn’t going to help her cause, only further riling the monster living deep within me.

She’s succumbed to the sedatives, but every so often a soft moan leaves her throat, letting me know she isn’t too far gone.

My little listless fuck doll.

I crawl over her form, slowly devouring her. Licking from her thigh to the bone of her hip, I spread sporadic open-mouthed kisses onto the warm flesh beneath me. I trail my tongue up her stomach, licking between her breasts until I reach her nipples. I suck and savor each of them, ensuring to bite the tips hard enough to leave them red and aching. Punishment for ever offering up this body to anyone but me, even if she tore down an entire holy institution for yours truly in the process.

Finding her neck, I lick up the side, tasting the salty sheen of sweat lingering over her steady pulse. A soft moan escapes her, making the need to defile her an inescapable desire.

“My sleeping beauty,” I murmur, my lips trailing up to her ear. “I will cleanse you from all your impurities.” Reciting the scripture, I bathe my baby in my scent again, drowning her in all things Aero.

I lick along her jaw and over her chin, finding her lips. I slip my tongue between them, savoring the sweet taste of the inside of her mouth, connecting with her soft, relaxed tongue. Moaning against her mouth, I lick up the side of her face, proceeding to rub my face along hers, marking her as mine again.

I cleanse her with my mouth, my tongue; her taste, my forever drug. I erase the filth and replace it with my own.

Sitting back on my heels, I look over my sedated doll, enjoying the complete control she’s given me. My heated eyes trail her tight little body beneath me. Scooting down, I open her legs and they fall heavily to the side. Placing my face between her thighs, I inhale, breathing in the delicious scent of arousal that only she can emit. The scent that awakens something feral inside me.

Fucking holy water.

I press my mouth against her underwear and lick the outside of her damp panties. My tongue trails along her center, pressing firmly until it pushes into her slit, rubbing roughly along her clit. Her leg twitches when it touches, but she’s unable to move.

“Dirty doll,” I mumble against her flesh.

I’m rehashing. Seeing things that pull the red cloud back over my vision. Saint was inside her. He was inside my girl. Buried deep. Fucking her.

I rip her delicate underwear, pulling the simple string of lace from her body with enough force that her breast slips from her bra entirely as she bounces lifelessly against the bed. Removing my fitted t-shirt with one hand over my head, I rub the rock forming beneath my jeans, needing to release this pent-up tension that’s bound to combust.

Helpless. Innocent. Needing to be cleaned from the dirt she subjected herself to.

“Filthy fucking bitch.”

The red is back, just as she said it would be. But now, its color is blinding.

Opening my pants, I release my throbbing cock. I stroke the length, I flicking the piercing at the tip with my thumb, causing my shaft to flex in my hand, then I straddle her waist. Her lashes flutter, but her eyes remain closed as my weight presses down on her stomach.

I take her panties, bringing them to my lips, and inhale her arousal again, before trailing them across my face, down my neck, and further down my shirtless body until they meet the base of my cock. Twisting her panties around the shaft of my erection, I spread her legs behind me with one hand.

“Fuck, I love your scent.” Fisting the tip, I work my hand along my shaft as I clench my jaw. My other hand cups her center, feeling the wet, slick need oozing out onto my middle finger. “It drives me past the point of insanity.”

Even sedated, her body still responds to me, her arousal pooling between her thighs, allowing me to penetrate her with ease. I push my finger inside her wet walls, endlessly enjoying her warmth and snug cunt sucking me in further. I stroke myself with her soiled panties circled around the base of my dick, watching as her breathing changes.

Her chest rises and falls faster as I add another digit, finger fucking her until my balls get tight and heavy and the need to cum overtakes me.

“Fuck, baby. You’re so beautiful like this,” I rasp. “All helpless. Wholesome. Deliciously pure.”

I work my fist hard as the wet sounds of my fingers slide into her from behind me.

“I’m gonna suffocate you with that love you speak of, darling. Wrap it around that pretty little neck and paint you with my fucking heart.”

My breath is shallow, and my voice is rough and clipped as I lose myself to the pleasure. It travels up from the base of my spine, exploding throughout my core. At the last second, I grip the center of her bra, pulling it down until both her breasts spill over the top. Plump and supple, her perfectly pink budded nipples bounce before me and I’m thrown from the ledge of sanity.

I groan, muscles tensing, as I spill white hot ropes of cum out in wild spurts all across her neck and breasts, the warm trail spilling down the curve of her body until it drips to the comforter beneath her. Immediately, I give her a taste, spreading some of the hot seed from her neck across her bottom lip, pushing my fingers into her mouth and coating her tongue.

“There you go, doll,” I whisper breathlessly. “Eat me up.”

My release is momentary as the desire to feel her around me intensifies. I grip a pillow from above her, quickly flipping her onto her stomach as I place it beneath her hips, angling her ass up towards me. Turning her face to the side, her soft lips call to me. I lean over her, wrapping my mouth around the bottom one. I suck hard, pulling back before releasing, then do the same with her upper lip before my tongue plunges into her mouth again.

Sitting back on my knees, I grip her gorgeous ass in my rough palms, holding her open for my viewing pleasure. I bend down to lick her cunt, then tongue her ass. Every part of her that is mine to own. Trailing my tongue up along the length of her beautifully curved spine, I slide my wet, semi-hard cock back inside of her, settling myself deep within her tight walls from behind. The way her body still grips my shaft even as she lies motionless has me biting back the urge to wreck her in all the chaotic ways I desire.

Then I remember her words.

“My gift to you is my body. I’m giving you complete ownership, handing myself over to you entirely. I trust you with everything that I am. My life is yours now, Aero. I live for you. Do as you desire with me, and please, don’t for a second even think about holding back.”

Pulling out, I grip the base of my cock and lick my lips. I spit down onto her hole, watching as it drips down the crack of her ass. With two fingers, I scoop up the pool of cum that dripped from her body onto the comforter and smear it over her forbidden hole. I push some inside the tight sphincter, my used and reddened cock already bricked up and leaking cum, always needing more of my dark angel.

“Ah fuck,” I hiss as I press the head of my cock into her slippery ass.

I watch as she swallows me whole, pushing deeper and deeper until my balls lay heavy against her sopping labia beneath. A pained groan leaves my throat at the way she opens for me.

“Used and dirty again. Just how I need you, baby.”

With a few more thrusts, I watch my shiny shaft disappear deep into her ass, the pleasure practically crippling me as my body ignites and I lose myself all over again.

She’s the only one who can ever understand my needs and accepts me as nothing but the psychotic man with twisted and fucked up desires I am.

If only I knew what she had in store for me.


I wake feeling deliciously sore, just as I’d desired.

Warm water surrounds me, as do those powerful, familiar arms. My back is against Aero’s chest as his fingers trail lazy lines up and down my arms.

“There she is,” he whispers in my ear, readjusting his grip on my naked body beneath the water. “Wake up, baby. I missed you.”

His lips surround the shell of my ear as he continues to devour me, placing endless kisses along my neck and shoulder.

I’m still in a bit of a fog. The sedatives are wearing off, but the dizziness is lingering. I grip the side of the tub, feeling as if I’m going to slip beneath the water.

“I got you,” he whispers, holding me firmly in his lap.

I sigh, enjoying the sore yet soothing sensation encompassing me. Both holes feel used and ache with that burning sensation that tells me all I need to know about how he enjoyed himself. The thought of him fucking my limp and sedated body as I’d demanded has my insides convulsing with a need all their own. I gave myself to him as his own personal fuck doll to be used as he desired.

“Aero,” I mumble through numbed lips.

It’s then that my vision clears and I see sparkles coming from beneath the warm water. Like stars, they shine until I blink again and gain focus.

“Aero!” I gasp, shooting upright and looking down at my chest.

Both of my nipples are pierced. Gold bars sit through each of them, little gold hearts surrounding the tips.

Aero’s hand from behind me grips the front of my neck, pulling me back and pinning me against his hard chest.

“Calm down.” His deep, authoritative tone rumbles through me. “Fuck, just look at you.”

My breasts float beneath the water around his corded forearm as I gaze at them.

“I couldn’t stop myself after I pierced them. Have to make sure they stay clean. God knows I dirtied them enough already.”

I release a silent sigh, feeling entirely too turned on for my own good at the thought of him cumming all over my bare chest.

“I can’t believe you,” I groan, acting irritated, yet already loving how they look.

They’re actually extremely sexy and make me feel even more paired with my mate and his own personal jewelry I’ve grown entirely too fond of.

“Believe it. I told you I’d do it. I’m not one for bluffing, darling. Think you know that well enough.”

I feel his erection forming beneath the water against the crack of my ass again, loving the fact that he’s still naked with me.

“Ready for your show, doll?” he asks, placing a cellphone on the cedar plank stand next to us.

I swallow, rolling my lips together as the nerves build beneath my skin. Nodding, he slowly licks up the side of my neck, making me stir in his lap. My pulse is pounding in anticipation, my body already humming with a numbness only fear and lust can provide. My lips part as my eyes focus in on his body in action.

Watching him use me as he desires, caring for me and giving me affection while I’m unconscious, is exhilarating. Seeing him in this element, listening to the words he spews, watching as he devours me entirely… It’s forming that ache again. The endless ache that has my body constantly screaming for him alone.

We stay in the tub as he continues to wash me with soft, caressing hands beneath the sudsy water until the footage finally finishes. I turn in the large tub to face him, straddling his lap, needing to be closer. Our eyes lock, and my body ignites with waves of endless emotion. Silently we just stare into the other’s eyes, conveying so much without the need for words.

Trailing his arms beneath the surface of the water with the tips of my fingers, he relishes in my touch, now needing it to breathe. A soft sigh of pleasure leaves him as I reach his neck. I run my thumb over his bottom lip near his scar, finally breaking my stare. He leans forward, his arms wrapping around me, one possessively behind the back of my neck, the other cupping my bottom, as our lips connect.

The kiss is soft. A gentle exploration of each other as tongues intertwine and heavy emotions rise to the surface. His mouth caresses mine with such care, transmitting his affections entirely.

“I feel so much for you, it overwhelms me,” he says between kisses. “Everything.” Another kiss. “All at once.”

“I love you, too,” I smirk against his kiss.

“Mmm, love.” He captures my lips again, his expert tongue sweeping along the length of mine. “Beneath us.”

We kiss until our lips are swollen, and our bodies melt together as we become one again. He slips inside me and we connect until the water has turned cool and our bodies are exhausted from expressing that all-consuming love.

Waking the next day, I bite down on my bottom lip, staring at his ridiculously thick lashes resting every so softly against his cheeks. A sliver of sunlight peeking through the heavy drapes illuminates the darkened room surrounding us. He sleeps so thoroughly now. Soundly. As if by killing his demons, we’ve somehow erased the horrors of his tormented past. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But there’s more I need from him. More I want to take as my own.

His hair looks freshly fucked, the dark locks tossed all about on his forehead from fingers threading and endlessly pulling at it last night. His chest heaves a sigh as he reaches out to feel the bed for me, even before his eyes open.


My chest practically caves in on itself at my name on his lips. He lazily trails a hand down his stomach, and my eyes follow the light dusting of dark hair in the divots of his toned abdomen that leads to my favorite toy beneath those sheets. I see his erection already formed, pressing urgently against the soft fabric.

Before he can reach for me, I hand him the glass of water.

“Drink. Before you dehydrate yourself with the excess fluids you’re losing.”

A half smile forms on his lips as he trails his hand back up his chest and over his hair, tossing it lazily. He props himself on one elbow, taking the drink from me while I grin deviously to myself on the inside. His throat bobs as he swallows the entire glass down, licking his lips of every drop of water that remains.

“Thank you,” he whispers, before placing the glass on the nightstand and laying back down on his back. He grabs my wrist. “Now come sit on your cock.”

I rip my wrist away from him, and he arches a brow. My devilish smile slowly grows on my lips.

His eyes dart around the room as he sits up on the bed before his gaze lands back on me.

“What did you do?” He brings a hand to his forehead, then pinches the bridge of his nose. His eyes squeeze shut, fighting the drowsy feeling I understand all too well.

“Baby,” he warns, his tone dark. “What the fuck did you do?” His hand runs down his face as his breathing intensifies. “What did you give me?” His head becomes heavy and he falls back onto the bed. “What the fuck is happening?”

I lean over the top of his chest, straddling his naked body, smirking my evil smirk down over him as his eyelids grow heavy, his focus faltering.

Leaning over him, my lips graze his ear as I recite the words of a calculated man.

“A rebirth.” I sit up, watching with a satisfied grin as his eyes finally close. “A revival.” I press my soft lips against his relaxed ones.

“An awakening of sorts…”


Like a sedated lion awakening from a heavy tranquilizer, the desire to kill immediately overtakes me before my eyes even have the chance to open.

I practically rip my arms off at the shoulders, pulling at the restraints on my wrists as the fog over my eyes slowly disintegrates and my vision clears.

My body burns with fury and my lip curls in rage, the breaths leaving my lips hot and heavy. I attempt to free myself again, noting she’s shackled both my wrists in thick, black leather cuffs with heavy metal buckles chained to each post of the iron bedframe. My ankles have a similar restraint below. I’m completely naked in the dimly lit room with nothing but the white sheet of our bed beneath me, a rock lamp in the corner emitting a deep, red glow across the space, matching my enraged mood entirely.

I peer around the room before dusting my fingers along the cool iron above me, checking for a key to my escape. Nothing.

“What the fuck is this?” I growl.

Movement from across the room catches my eye.


My nostrils flare as I take her in from head to toe. There she stands within the shadows, wearing the hottest little outfit I’ve ever fucking seen. If I didn’t want to slit her fucking throat for putting me in this vulnerable position, I’d voice my appreciation for it.

Leather straps cross her body in the bodice of this little teddy that fits her tight curves like a glove and rises high on her hips. But it’s the leather girdle that connects the straps of the teddy to her toned thighs that gets me. Fuck, I want to hit her. Spank that white, creamy, defiant little ass until my handprint is forever etched into her flesh like our matching scars.

She’s leaning casually against the door, rolling something in her fingers, but it’s too dim to make out what it is.

My skin is damp with perspiration; my raging heart pounds within the confines of my chest. I want nothing more than to punish her for what she’s done to get me here in this position, and yet I have a feeling I won’t get that opportunity. Especially with that bone-chilling gaze she has set on me.

“Get over here,” I demand calmly from the bed.

Her head tips to the side, her coal-black hair softly draping over her shoulder as she leans casually against the doorframe, eyeing me up and down with a dangerous expression, void of emotion.

“Briony, get the fuck over here and untie me.” I breathe roughly through my nostrils, feeling them flare as my jaw tightens. “Now.”

The loss of control has me mentally spiraling, the rage building hot within my flesh as I do my best to remain collected.

After a few more agonizing seconds of silence, she pushes off the door, slowly strutting across the room in black stilettos. Those once angelic eyes are now heated in their stare. Her lips curl up, and she smirks at me.

She has the audacity to smirk at me, enjoying the exchange of power. Living for the inability of my retaliation. My head pounds and my thoughts run wild with what’s coming. My vision clears on what it is she’s holding, and my eyes narrow.

Tapping the end of the whip into her palm, she shakes her head at me, making a tsk sound with her tongue.

“Haven’t you heard, darling?” she coos, narrowing her eyes back at me. “You don’t speak unless spoken to.”

Taking the whip, she toys with the leather straps dangling from the tip, twirling them around her delicate little finger as a devious smile spreads across her gorgeous face. Lost in her beauty, she swings the whip down, cracking it across my bare thigh.

I suck in a sharp breath at the sting of pain before the warmth travels directly to my cock.

I harden, and her eyes fall on it.

“Pathetic,” she taunts, scoffing, before cracking the whip across my chest.

I take the pleasured pain with my chin lifted, my glare matching hers.

She’s driving me past the point of madness, playing a very dangerous game with an all too calculated man, working to break the stallion before her.

Turning from me, she waltzes her way over to the dresser and drops the whip on the floor. I see an array of objects lying on a single white cloth. She grips what looks like a bottle of wine by the neck.

“I hope you realize what this means, Briony,” I call from the bed. “There will be retribution.”

She pauses in place before turning her chin to her shoulder. A dry chuckle leaves her throat as she grips the bottle with one hand. Slowly, she drags it along the edge of the dresser, the scrape of the glass against the wood producing a low, eerie hum. At the end of the wood, the bottle drops to her side, where she grips the neck with her fingers, prowling towards me again.

“Yeah, so I don’t do well with threats.”

Smart little bitch stole my words.

She approaches the bed from the side, trailing her nails up along my thigh. My muscles contract and I fight the restraints again.

“You’re gonna need to breathe through this,” she purrs, raising the bottle above me.

She pours wine over my closed lips, the sweet liquid spilling over my mouth and down my chin. She continues, angling the bottle over my chest, where she pours more. The muscles of my abdomen tighten, and the chill of the cool wine pools in the crevices. She bends down, and her tongue darts out of her mouth, licking a trail up the line of muscles, lapping it up. My cock reluctantly responds to her endless taunting, resting up along my lower abdomen, stiff and heavy.

If I thought breaking Briony was exhilarating, I’d yet to realize how mind-blowing watching her break me would be.

With her hard eyes set on mine, she lifts the bottle to her mouth again, swallowing down a hefty amount of wine.

She’s an animal. A wild fucking animal that’s been caged too long. Her taste of freedom has her roaming the edges of her terrain, pushing the boundaries of a life she didn’t know she needed.

Seeing her in her element makes my chest swell with pride for my queen.

Still gonna fuck her up for this.

Approaching me from the edge of the bed, she places the bottle delicately on the floor. She crawls up onto the bed between my legs, her shoulders rolling like a true predator, conquering her prey as she climbs my naked frame.

Straddling my abdomen, she plants her palms on both sides of my head, leaning over me from above. I move to sit up, but can only go so far with my restraints. She pulls back, cocking a mischievous brow, taunting her freedom and the lack of mine. My lip curls in frustration.

“This little game of yours won’t end well for you,” I say confidently, resting my head back against the bed.

She scowls. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

My eyes rake over her beautiful body in the leather teddy, wanting to rip it to shreds with my teeth, my knife, my fucking cock. I need out of these cuffs.

“Then what are you asking for?” I ask, biting down on my bottom lip while staring at hers, imagining her sweet cries of pain.


I scoff. “Consent? For wha—“

“Tell me you trust me,” she interrupts, her drop in tone causing me to pause.

Trust her? I’ve never trusted anyone in my life to the extent I trust her. She’s bloomed for me. Bled for me. Killed for me. Trust isn’t even a question.

“With everything.” I answer.

Our eyes hold for a moment. The emotion she conveys nearly makes my black, dead heart combust.

She sits upright, raking her fingers down my chest.

“Good,” she answers abruptly.

I admire her exposed ass when she hops off me, walking to the dresser again to grab what looks like a ball gag.

“No, fuck no,” I spit out.

She walks closer, holding the black gag with a leather strap looped around her finger. When she strings it across the side of my face, I thrash my head away from it.

Tipping her chin, she says, “You can’t fight me.” She leans forward, her lips dusting the shell of my ear. “There’s no escaping this; no key left waiting. No puzzle for this intelligent assassin to outwit.” Gripping the hair at the top of my head, she pulls tightly until I’m hissing in pained pleasure. My cock jumps between us and I flex my quads tightly. “No escaping me, Aero.”

My hard glare finds hers. I’ve created a monster. She’s an alpha, her thirst for dominance more powerful than mine.

She releases my hair, slapping me across the face, and I breathe out a sigh.

“Hilarious, what a little pain does to you,” she taunts, peering at my erection. “Bet you’re just aching for some contact. Craving this warm, wet mouth wrapped around that pierced tip. Imagining sliding into my wet, slick walls, perhaps?”

My chest is practically heaving at the words spilling from those beautiful lips. I pull once more on the straps that hold me down, a deep growl of frustration rumbling in my chest.

“Hush, my love,” she whispers seductively through her grin. “It’s time for us to erase your past.”

Confusion hits me as she slips the leather strap of the ball gag over the top of my head, trying to force the ball into my mouth. I thrash wildly, thwarting her efforts, until she climbs above me, placing one knee on my chest and the other on my neck, pinning me down and holding my nose closed until I have no choice but to surrender or suffocate.

My jaw opens to obtain air, and my mouth is immediately filled with the gag. Securing the back of it, she brushes away the strands of hair covering my eyes, and I harden my gaze on her before she delicately trails her fingers over the scar near my eyebrow, then my mouth, focusing on my lips.

“That’s right. Surrender to me, sweetheart,” she whispers before placing a soft kiss on my temple.

She continues trailing light kisses along my face before finding my neck. Getting to my collarbone, her warm tongue lashes across my skin, trailing down to my chest. The ball gag captures my throaty moan as I surrender to the tender touch.

She knows my balance now. Gentle love, but with a bite.

Her full lips wrap around my nipple before the sensation of her teeth tears into the flesh. My hips rise of their own accord, the muscles of my thighs taut with tension, searching for some sort of friction against my aching cock at the delicious pain. Fuck, this is driving me crazy.

She straightens, and my eyes trail her body, those gold bars through her nipples pressing against the sheer black mesh of the lingerie, making me even more thirsty for a taste. Lost in dirty-minded thoughts, her palm finds the side of my face again. My dark hair falls over my eyes as the sting of the slap has me practically coming on myself.

“You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you, pretty boy?”


I stare up at her through my hair, breathing harshly through my nostrils, then nod.

Reaching back, she grips the shaft of my cock roughly, and I lift my head from the bed.

“Only when I say you can,” she instructs, her hand sliding lower to cup my heavy balls. “You gonna listen to me now?”

I gaze in awe at this demon goddess above me.

“No more fucking talking,” she demands. “Nod if you understand.”

I mumble around the gag, then nod.

She gently rolls my balls in her fingers, toying with me, then presses lightly beneath them. An area that’s entirely too sensitive for my liking.

My head drops against the mattress again, and my eyes close tightly.

“But before you get off, I’m gonna get mine.”

Gripping my hair at the crown, she pulls my neck forward, unbuckling the gag and removing it from my mouth before throwing it to the floor. Drool spills down my chin as she shifts above me. Creamy thighs now surround my head, and before I can take a breath, she pulls the strip of her teddy to the side and sits her wet, swollen pussy on my lips.

“Lick your cunt, baby,” she orders, smearing me with her arousal.

I oblige, eagerly lapping up her holy water while her sweet moans fill the room. My fingers curl around the edge of the cuffs, wanting so badly to touch her, to fill her, but my tongue will have to do. She wants me to get her off? I’ll have her seeing fucking stars.

“Yeah, there you go,” she praises me, suffocating me with her sex. “Make me cum.”

I don’t need to breathe. Fucking her with my tongue as she degrades me is far better than air.

She leans up on her knees and runs a hand along her sopping sex, slapping it above me before pushing her finger deep inside herself. I watch, craving nothing more than to obliterate my little tease. I’m going to rip her apart, given the chance.

“Hungry for more?” she taunts, removing her finger and smearing the creamy arousal all over my lips.

“Fuck yeah,” I answer before she crushes me again.

My hips rise, my cock stiff and leaking on my abdomen while my tongue separates her folds. It’s not long before her thighs begin to quiver, her nails digging into the flesh of my chest. I roughly suck on her clit, gently nipping the swollen bud, and her spasms overtake her.

She cries out, grinding her slick sex down, and cums on my face, the sounds leaving her throat making me feral.

Her breathing slowly regulates, and she lifts off me as she hums, “Good boy.”

“Fuck my cock, Briony,” I command, sexually frustrated by my loss of power in this situation. “Fucking sit on it already. Jesus, enough with this shit. Undo the cuffs.”

Sliding off me, she laughs at my words. Her eyes are half-lidded in her post-orgasmic bliss, taunting me further. She walks back over to the dresser, grabbing something else in her hands. She approaches the end of the bed near my feet, and I raise my head in an attempt to see what she’s doing.

“I really don’t like your tone of voice,” she scolds. “Besides, demanding it won’t work for me. I’m gonna need to hear you beg for it, cry for it, plead for the pleasure that only I can give you.”

She climbs onto the bed again, sitting between my separated thighs, biting down on her lip as she gazes at my cock. My pulse quickens.

“What are you doing?”

Her chest rises and falls as she expels a deep breath. Lashes flutter as she licks her lips, seeming nervous. Why is her mask of pure confidence slipping?

Her eyes find mine, and I hear a click, followed by a low buzzing sound.

“Briony.” I strain to sit up but get pulled back by the restraints. “What are you doing?”

“Shh.” She touches the inside of my thigh with what appears to be a vibrator. “Don’t fight me, or the gag goes back into your mouth.”

The vibrator trails further up my thigh, closer to my manhood. The cuffs tear into my wrists as I jerk aggressively.

“No.” I practically growl out the word, the pain present in my expression.

The look in her eyes tells me everything. I had my chance to cleanse her of the filth she’d subjected herself to for me. Now she’s going to cleanse me of the heartbreaking dirt of my past.

“You’re going to cum for me,” she declares, the vibrator reaching the base of my cock.

My head drops back again as my hips reluctantly jerk at the pleasurable sensation.

“But only the way I want you to.”

I hear what sounds like a bottle cap closing as a warm, wet hand slides over my cock.

“Ahh, shit,” I hiss through my teeth.

She must have a bottle of lube because my dick is slick in her grasp. The vibrator runs along my balls, and I thrust into her hand at the much-needed touch that has my body on fire. Her hand slips lower, cupping my swollen and heavy balls again. She runs the vibrator up along my shaft until it reaches my piercing. It rolls over the tip, shooting sparks of pleasure throughout my core in sharp, quick bursts.

“Jesus, Briony,” I gasp, thrusting against it. “Ah, fuck.”

“Breathe,” she demands, her slick fingers sliding down further to press against my ass.

“No.” I jerk away from her. “Don’t fucking touch me there.”

Immediately, all pleasure is stripped from my body, and panic floods my vision. My mind is thrown from the confines of this space and dropped back into the prison of my past. The horrid reminders of my innocence being stripped from me.

She drops the vibrator, crawling up my body to grip my chin roughly. I see her mouth move to say something, but all I hear is the raging pounds of my pulse throughout my head.

“Aero!” she screams. “Look at me!”

I ball my hands into fists, my body tight with tension as my eyes finally open and connect with hers.

“Look at me, baby. Only me,” she pants above me, her long dark hair curtaining her face as she cups my face between her hands. “It’s just you and me.”

I breathe through my lips, my forehead beaded in perspiration as my racing pulse finally slows.

“I’m taking this from them, Aero. I’m owning every part of you. It’s just us. We’re not like them,” she breathes, the confidence of a warrior emitting from her. “We’re like us.”

She reaches up and unbuckles one of my wrists. My eyes widen in surprise before my greedy hand quickly finds her breast, freeing the supple flesh by tearing open the mesh covering it.

“I’ll love you endlessly,” she moans, sliding further back, gliding over me with her slick center. “But you will let me erase this.”

The word love is filled with new meaning. She demands my trust, just as I had demanded hers. Briony gave up everything she knew to be true, all for me.

I toy with her nipple, flicking the piercing while feeling her squirm above me. My hand slides up her chest, finding her neck. I feel her swallow against my palm, our eyes still locked on one another as I tighten my hold.

It’s you and me.

I release her neck, surrendering as she sinks back down between my legs. Fingernails tear into the flesh of my thighs, giving me that pain I need to feel safe. My legs bend slightly, ankles still shackled. Pressing against the sensitive spot, her gaze focuses on me as her slick finger pushes inside.

“Fuck.” I grip the sheet beneath me into my fist, my chest heaving while the rest of me remains tethered to the bed.

She slowly rolls her finger, massaging me internally. My cock stands straight as a wave of the highest stimulation overtakes me. Starting at my legs, the fire builds higher and higher until it engulfs my entire body in heat, like a volcano exploding from the inside out.

I try to speak, but words are out of my grasp as she continues to pulse her finger on that very spot that renders me entirely weak at the knees.

“Yes, baby,” she sighs, licking her lips, gazing at me with fervent need. “Let me milk the cum out of my cock the dirty way.”

Her words. The filthy way she’s touching me to erase my past. The way her eyes light up with undeniable lust while watching. All of it has me cursing at the ceiling, groaning uncontrollably, and reaching down to touch my aching cock.

She slaps my hand immediately, continuing to work her finger in a rolling motion. It’s too much. My hips grind upward, craving sweet, devastating release as my breaths become choppy and my muscles twitch. My balls suck up tight against my body, and I feel it coming.

“F-fuck, baby…touch me. Suck me. Grip my fucking cock,” I groan, tossing my head back as I writhe beneath her.

“Beg for it,” she commands.

“Please! Fucking Christ,” I plead.

Her other hand finally wraps around my cock, and as soon as she slides up the shaft and reaches the crown, my body goes rigid, and a long, deep moan vibrates from my chest as ropes of hot cum jet out from my tip. I keep thrusting my hips up into her palm, still coming, as the heavy punch to my pleasure center has my body liquified in the most “eyes-rolled back” burst of fire I’ve ever experienced.

I’m dizzy, in a fog of what the fuck just happened, when I realize she’s unbuckled the remaining leather cuffs on my limp body. She scales me, wiping her hand through the mess of semen along my abdomen. I watch in a daze as she spreads it along her neck and over her chest in the sexiest display of marking herself before her finger swipes at more. She spreads it over my parted lips, slipping her finger inside my mouth.

My tongue wraps around her finger as she gazes down proudly.

“We taste so good together.” She smirks, pulling her finger from my mouth before her lips wrap around the digit to suck on it herself.

Madness and overwhelming lust for this woman overtake me, and I flip us abruptly, throwing her onto her back as she squeals in surprise. I mirror her radiant grin before attacking her mouth with my own, the tangy flavor of her arousal is still on my tongue as it sweeps over hers, meshing us together yet again. I’m still hard as ever as I settle my hips between her parted thighs, sliding into her swollen slickness while the echoes of our orgasms continue to cycle through us.

Pulling away from her lips, I stare down into the blue eyes of the woman that changed me in ways I never knew possible. The woman that brought me to life, only by viciously destroying the demons of my past. The woman that gave up Heaven to find her place in Hell with me. The woman I’ll forever be tethered to, in this life and the next.

I smile to myself, embracing that sick love as our dark tale continues.

“A fucking delicacy.”


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