The Alpha and His Contract Luna
28. Compromising position

"Why isn't she waking up?” I hear Krys’ voice followed by a poke to my cheek. How annoying.

"Just give her time...she’s tired and hurt” Jax replied.

Sometimes I was struck in wonder at how mature Jax can be. How grown up he sometimes acts. I don't know whether it's from having Sebastian as a dad since they behave like twins. Or it's because having a mother like Miranda forces you to mature up real quick.

“But it's been days. I want her to wake up now" Krystal grumbles. The frustration in her voice clear.

I decide to wake up even though all I wanted was to go back to sleep. Knowing my daughter, she was about to throw a tantrum and it wouldnt be pretty.

I slowly open my eyes and hiss at the sun that accosts me. Damn it, didn’t anyone think of closing the curtains and where the hell was Sebastian?

“Would someone please close those damn curtains” I command through gritted teeth.

The back of my head hurt and the stupid sunlight wasn't doing much to help. In fact it was making my head throb more. I feel at the back of my head. The wound is healed but the area is still sore “You used a bad word mama" Krystal points out.

Krystal is sitting on the bed next to me. Jax, who had been the one to obey my command, finishes closing the curtains and joins us.

I reply to her at first. Just sit up and lean against the bed. Trying to chase away the pain and dizziness.

“How are you feeling Miss Lauren Should we get nana to bring you something to eat?”

See what I told you? So mature for his age and thoughtful too. Let's not forget about his manners. One thing's for sure, Miranda didn't take any part in raising this boy. Otherwise he wouldn't have turned out the way he was

“My head still hurts a bit, but it will be fine. Yes I would like something to eat” I tell him slowly. The words coming out a bit slurred.

“You sound funny” Krystal states but I just give her a small smile

"We'll go get nana to make you something to eat Miss Lauren” Jax grabs Krystal hand and starts rushing out of the door.

"Jax?" I call and he turns. “Drop the miss okay? Lauren or Ren is fine”

I see him smile right before they leave and he closes the door. I know that Miranda isn't the best example for a mother. So I'll try to be that for him. For whatever the duration of my contract with his dad will be.

I was just falling asleep when the door opened and Monica comes in holding a tray full of different dishes.

"Oh thank the goddess madam. We were starting to worry when you didn't wake up after the fourth day”

It seemed like this time it took longer for me to wake up. No wonder I felt sluggish and uncoordinated.

“Monica” I complain. “How many times will I tell you not to call me madam? Lauren or Ren is okay with me”

For some reason I have always hated being called that. Even at the office, though I was the boss. The distinction somehow made it seem like you were above others or something like that. I didn't like feeling like I was superior to others.

She just laughs amused. “You know, Alpha Sebastian insists on the same thing whenever I try to call him sir.”

That makes me smile and my mind wanders back to him. I remember that day when he burst through the door after I killed one of the guards. He looked like an avenging angel. Like he would tear down anyone who tried to hurt me.

“He also called you his woman’ Blue adds, popping out of nowhere.

“Shut up!”

I didn't want to think about that. Nor did I want to think about how warm my cheeks were getting. I am sure he didn't mean it and only said it because there were others present. Come to think of it, I now recognize the other two men he was with. Micah I understand why he was there, but as for Brent I was totally clueless.

“I'll just place the tray right here and you can have a bite after you freshen up” Monica interrupts my thoughts.

"Where are Jax and Krys?"

She turns to look at me. “I told them not to disturb you and let you eat and get some rest. They're now playing outside”

I give her a small smile. “Thank you Monica”

She nods at me before leaving. Once she’s gone I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom to do my business. I take a shower just to feel like myself again. Once I am clean and dressed, I get back on the bed with the tray and settle in to eat the meal.

I was half way through eating when the door opens and Sebastian walks in. For a moment my brain glitches and my hand gets stuck with the spoon almost to my mouth

His eyes are focused on me and they're intense. Making me swallow hard. There was no way I was going to get food down my throat now. So I place the spoon back on the tray and set them aside. His eyes scan me and I pull my robe closer only now realizing that I had no bra on. In my defense I didn't think he would come to our shared room. Since he has avoided it even before I was kidnapped.

"Hello Lauren” he greets. His voice deep and husky.

Why the hell was it so husky? The way he sounds should be considered purely sinful because there is no way anyone is allowed to have such a sexy voice. That should be a crime.

I roll my eyes. “Stop being so formal, it's weird”

Who am I kidding? Weird is being attracted to the man who said there will be nothing sexual between the two of us.

I take a deep breath and stump down the attraction I was currently feeling. I mean it's not abnormal to be attracted to him right? He was a very attractive alpha male and I was a full blooded woman. A woman who's had her dry spell for more than a year. So this was totally normal. Nothing out of the ordinary about it. Maybe it was the fact that he was off limits, that's made my attraction so palpable. He crosses the room and takes a seat on the plush bedroom sofa. My eyes follow his every move and no matter how much I try, I can't get them off him.

“From today onwards, you'll have two of my warriors with that understood? I don't want a repeat of what happened last week” he commands and for some reason it rubs me off the wrong way.

Don't get me wrong. I get the idea of having bodyguards on me given I have been attacked thrice now, but to have him just command me to accept it? Without even getting my opinion isn't just right.

Darren used to do that. Where everything he said was law and he refused to take my opinion or feelings concerning the matter into account. I hated that. I hated feeling like I was nothing more than a glorified luna. That my job was to keep quiet and leave all the decisions to him. I loathed it but I stayed and stumped down my feelings because I loved him.

After everything with him happened. I swore that I would never again let a man dictate my life. Or make life choices for me. It was my life and there was no way I was going to let anyone make decisions concerning me.

“I really don't like that you made such a decision without going through it with me first” I glare at him.

He pins with a hard stare. “I didn't know it was wrong of me to think of your safety and take measures to ensure it"

“I apologize for my inconsideration” he finishes sarcastically.

I did not like his tone of voice at all. It was grating on my nerves. I get out of bed and stand in front of him. He was leaning back against the sofa with his legs spread and arms on the back of the seat. What is it with alphas being so fucking arrogant?

“You can take your consideration and shove it up your perfectly man sculpted behind” I shout and then a few seconds later I realize what I just said.

Shit! He was not supposed to know that I had noticed his perfect behind. This was bad. He wasn't going to react well to that.

I didn't see him moving. That's until I was backed against the will with both my hands pinned on top of my head.

“What the hell did I tell you Red?” he asks. His voice takes on a dangerous tone.

He was so close and it was driving my hormones haywire. I really should buy those sex toys the next time I am out. He has warned me about there being anything between but of course I won't admit that. Doing so would be like digging my own grave.

“You've told me a lot of things, you'll have to be a little more specific” I dodge his question.

He presses further into me. Probably unintentionally. Why in the world was I so breathless? It was getting hot in here. Didn't he feel the heat?

He looks at me and a growl makes its way from the deepest depth of his being. He should scare me but he doesn’t and instead I smile. I probably look a psyco, because who the fuck smile in the face of certain dangers?

“I don't like the games you're playing Red” he says bitingly.

I was about to answer when the door suddenly burst open and Jax and Krystal walks in. We all freeze, no one moving as the kids stare at us in question and we stare at them mortified.

"Are you two having a private moment? We didn’t mean to interrupt, just wanted to check if Lauren has eaten” Jax breaks the silence.

His words seem to penetrate the fog. Sebastian jumps away from me like I was an inferno and I just burned him.

Jax and Krystal's eyes bore into us. For a moment they feel like they're judging us. I have a lot of embarrassing moments but this takes the cake. There's nothing more humiliating than being caught by your kids in the position we were in.

"We'll just leave” Krystal says and begins to turn around. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Just so you know, I would like a baby brother since I already have a sister” Jax adds before they run from the room giggling.

I stand rooted there. Shocked that they thought we were in the process of making a baby. Otherwise why would Jax mention wanting a brother? The kid was too clever for his own good.

I turn to look at my mate. His hands were on his narrow waist and he was breathing hard. The man was completely pissed and was about to blow.

He goes to open his mouth, probably to fire at me. Before he can do that though, I take the cowardly way out. I run. Barefoot and still in my nightie and robe.

I hear him roar my name just as I reach outside.

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