The Alpha and His Contract Luna
71. Avenging angel

“Is it really a must I go?” I complained. “I'm honestly not in the mood to socialize.

I look at Sebastian as he ties his tie. He was in a two piece suit and looked sexy. Hot like the fiery depths of hell.

For some unknown reason. I cross the room and stand before him. After swatting his hands away, I help him finish tying his tie. It felt so domestic, like we had done this a hundred times before.

I finish tying it and pat his chest.

“There, all done” I smile before looking up at him.

I find him staring down at me. Molten lava burning in his eyes. I see the heat there and the want. Swallowing, I step back. Not because I didn’t want him but because I was afraid if we did start we won't be able to stop and he'll miss this important event.

I don't get far though, because his arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me towards him until we're flush against each other.

“I promise we won't stay more than an hour but we have to go. I have a surprise for you” his voice is deep and gravely. It sends tremors down to my nether regions.

My mind refuses to focus on anything except his alluring lips. So I don’t think when I rise on my toes and place my lips on his.

His response is immediate. He thrusts his tongue in my mouth and takes over the kiss completely. I moan when his hand lowers and he grabs my ass.

I felt him start to harden just as wetness pools in my panties. At this point I wouldn't mind if we had a quickie. The way he turns me on with just a look is on another level. I won't deny that my body wants him. That I crave him. Maybe we can reach an agreement since it seems he's struggling with the same want. We could adjust the terms of our contract.

The sound of giggling brings me back to the present. Making me wrench my mouth from his.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. Just wanted to tell you goodbye” Jax's voice penetrates my fog.

My head falls on Sebastian's chest, just as I hear him release a groan of annoyance. I take a deep breath and compose myself before turning to face him.

Jax was standing at the door to the bedroom grinning. His shadow, Krystal, wasn't around since she was spending time with her grandparents.

“It's okay sweetie. You weren't interrupting. Your dad and I were just...” I pause trying to find the right word.

How do I lie to him when he clearly saw us kissing and groping one another?

He rolls his eyes. “Kissing. You were both making these Funny noises”

I keep quiet.

"Okay buddy, that's enough” Sebastian says.

“Fine but just remember what I said, I'd really like to have a baby brother”

Bash groans again. Probably in frustration.

I have to hand it to Jax for his persistence. The boy didn’t know when to give up.

Too bad though. There would be no smaller sibling except for the one Miranda was expecting. “Jax” his father warns. His voice dripping with irritation.

"Okay, okay” he says, throwing his hands up.

I leave Bash's side and go to him. I engulf him in a hug before kissing his cheek.

"Have a goodnight kiddo, sweet dreams too”

"Goodnight too Lauren” he grins at me before going to hug his dad. “Goodnight dad”

After that he leaves, skipping happily to his room.

I sigh tiredly. My dreams haven't gotten better. So I always end up having a sleepless night. That plus the stress of the missing money and the scandal has been keeping me awake.

“Let's go” he commands, taking my hand in his. Leading me down the stairs and out the door. We get in the waiting limo with Hunter as our driver once again.

“Have I told you that you look gorgeous” Bash tells me a few minutes into the drive.

I honestly didn't feel it. I felt worn out.

Unlike the first time we went to an event together, this time I didn't go all out. I had a simple black floor length dress. My hair was down, flowing in curls and my make-up was just enough to hide the eye bags under my eyes.

“You haven't told me yet, but thank you” I give him a small smile.

“You haven't yet told me what's so important about this event” I continue.

A day after the release of those pics he came home and let me know that we would be attending a gala. He didn't give me specifics. I had agreed but now I was regretting it. I just wanted to stay at home and sleep. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I haven't been able to go to work since reporters were after me. The only reason they weren't able to get to me at the house was because the gates were heavily guarded. There were also patrols all around. Sebastian’s warriors weren't people you could easily get past.

“If 1 tell you I'll ruin the surprise. Just be patient” he replies with a smirk.

Sooner than I would like we were arriving at our destination. Reporters swarmed us the moment they noticed Sebastian's car. Hunter got out and pushed them aside. Giving us space to get out. With his hand on my lower back, Sebastian started guiding me towards the entrance.

“Mrs Ashford, is it true that you've been unfaithful to your husband?’ one reporter threw.

“And Mr. Ashford, how are you taking the news of your wife being a serial cheater?’

I was starting to feel suffocated. Feeling the tale tell signs of Midnight coming to the surface. “There's a new development claiming that you also cheated on your ex-husband and that's why he left you for Miranda. Can you confirm or deny this?"

I hear Sebastian snort at that last question. What total bullshit. We ignore them and sigh in relief when we finally get inside.

The moment we do. Everyone stops to look at us.

“What's Sebastian still doing with such a shameless woman? He can do so much better I heard one of the women say beside me.

The thing about werewolf hearing is you sometimes listen in to conversations you don’t want to. “Hoe’

“Slut’ some other whispers behind their glasses.

The one I hated most was hearing a guy say that he wouldn't mind tapping me after which his friends agree with him

Bash’s hand tightens on my waist. My hands are clenched on my side and I feel like throwing up. For the second time in my life, Darren and Miranda managed to ruin my image.

I honestly didn't even know why Sebastian wanted me to come. I knew this was going to be bad. “Just act natural and trust me. I'm with you, nothing will happen.” Bash says through the mind link.

I discreetly nod my head before we finally move further into the room. Everyone unfreezes and goes back to what they were doing.

We join some of the wolves and thankfully they don’t treat me like trash. I spot Darren and Miranda but I refuse to pay them any attention preferring to pretend they didn't even exist.

An hour later, my head was pounding and I felt like ripping my hair out. I couldn't take it anymore. The snide remarks from women. The suggestive looks from the men.

The hurtful comments they whispered under their breaths. Some didn't even bother hiding. They hurled names at me whenever I was in ear shot.

I couldn't understand why Sebastian insisted I attend this farce but I was fucking done. If I didn't leave I was afraid I would lose control and slaughter everyone in the room

I pull Sebastian aside. “I'm leaving" I state.

“Red...” he goes to say something but I interrupt him.

“No Sebastian, I am done. I won't stand around and let them disrespect me when I haven't done anything wrong.” I hiss.

Hurt and anger mixed together inside me.

“You know I don’t even know why you brought her Bash. If she wants to leave, let her leave. No one wants a cheater. You can't be too careful with the likes of her, she might have seduced the men present during her long bathroom breaks”

We both turn at the annoying and smug voice. Miranda was standing there with Darren. Her bulging stomach was now visible.

I hear gasps. She had spoken loud enough for those near us to hear. Their gasps of horror were quickly attracting an audience.

Sebastian snarls. “I know my wife and the type of woman she is.”

“Those pictures prove otherwise”

Sebastian snorts in disgust. “Is this really what you've stooped to? Ruining a perfect woman's image and all for what?”

He turns to look at Darren. “And you, she did nothing but fucking love you. Now that she’s finally moved on with me, you want her back? Going as far as giving this bitch her private pictures so you can tear us apart?”

“I'm only going to say this once. Apologize to Lauren” Sebastian demands.

Miranda snorts. “Over my dead body. Everyone should know the type of woman she is”

“Then don’t blame for what I'm about to do”

With that he takes out his phone and dials a number. “You can go ahead and release everything” he says before hanging up.

Minutes later I hear the pinging sound of phones. Mine begins to vibrate and I take it out. I unlock it and click on the trending news alert. I smirk when I read the reports

Every dirty deed Miranda has ever done was plastered on the internet.

The men she slept with to get to the top. The multiple men she cheated on Sebastian and Darren with. The shady business deals she made for her exclusive boutiques. There were also the husbands of some of the women present that she slept with and finally her pregnancy which was not even Darren's as most had assumed.

Darren isn't left out. Proof of him cheating on me with Miranda has been pinned. His past with Miranda, how she broke him and I helped him only for him to betray me. He was also labelled as an alcoholic and a deadbeat dad.

Miranda is frozen on the spot. Her face conveying a mixture of shock and fear. Darren was actually trembling and had turned as white as a ghost.

“Next time you decide to go after someone make sure they have no one backing them up. You made a fucking mistake when you decided to go after my woman” Sebastian said angrily. “I hope you enjoy the same experience you gave Lauren”

He takes my hand and smirks evilly at the bitch.

"And by the way, your boutiques have been closed and all your assets have been frozen on account of embezzling money and illegal sources your wealth”

“You can't do this to me” She screeches like a banshee.

Sebastian just chuckles. “I already fucking did”

With that we walk away. Passing the shocked faces.

I can't help but stare at him in adoration while we make our way to the exit. My mate was truly my own personal avenging angel.

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