The Alpha & I
The First Shift

The Alpha sighed as Sirena pulled away from him, he had wanted to talk to her more. Even his wolf was insisting on the need to go after her, but of course, the other she-wolf got in the way.

Did this stupid wolf honestly think he liked the uptight type? Sure, the blonde in front of him was sexy, but that’s all she was, holding a conversation with this wolf was beyond impossible and it irritated him to no end.

Sirena though, in the few months she had been here she didn’t see him as the Alpha. He was sure on the few occasions they had spoken she hadn’t even known who he was or even remembered their conversations.

He'd sworn her in on the night his Beta Cedric had died as he would have wanted. He had tried to get to know her on those first few days of her joining the pack, but he also had duties he had to see to. The pack was under pressure and the leopards were eager to get their property back, meaning her. He'd had to leave and fend off the leopards for a time before he was able to return to the pack house.

Tonight had been the first night that she had seemed present in the moment, hopefully, now she would feel more at home. That's all he wanted for her.

A finger traced his jawline snapping him back to reality. Right, the she-wolf was still trying to seduce him. This was why he hated these events, no peace. It would be easier for him if he just chose a Luna. However, every time he tried to think about who would best suit the role, none of the current she-wolves fit the profile, none were what he wanted for the future of this pack.

“If you’ll excuse me.” He said politely through gritted teeth. He pushed her hand away. “Places to be, things to plan.” And he darted off back to his own chambers. Parties really weren’t his scene and it seemed that the one person that drew his interest had already decided to leave.

Throwing off his shirt he sat down on the mattress, his hand rubbing his forehead before running his fingers through his hair. He’d better check in with the night watch before retiring for the night himself. Closing his eyes, he reached for Gail’s mind.

Communication through a mind link was only obtained by having a piece of the other person on one's self. Many wolves chose veils of blood, but the Alpha was different. He’d gathered the fur from the wolves in the higher ranks of the pack and had had tattoo ink made from it. The tattoos lined the spine of his back. The ink was also infused with essence (or magic as the humans called it) so it did not fade or soak into the skin like regular tattoos.

Report? The Alpha asked once he made contact with the other wolf’s mind.

The party is going strong, no movement on the boundaries but um... Gail paused.

What is it? The Alpha insisted.

She’s crying. After your talk, she left and has been in her room crying ever since.

Shit! Thanks, I’ll make contact again at shift change.

His wolf was furious with him, he hadn’t wanted to hurt Sirena. And the fact that he had was clawing at his insides. His wolf was itching to go to her. It screamed at him from the inside for control, wanting to break out.

“Fine!” He said releasing control and allowing his wolf to take over as he removed the rest of his clothing so it wasn't torn to shreds. His body rippled and shifted almost effortlessly into the form of a massive black wolf with piercing blue eyes.

See if you can do any better! The Alpha challenged the wolf.

Just watch, I’ll show you how it’s done. The wolf shot back and bolted out the door, heading straight to the person he wanted to see most. He slowed as he rounded the corner and trotted over to the door, pushing it open with his snout he walked over to the sobbing figure.

Sirena looked up through tear-streaked eyes as a wolf stood before her. It didn’t frighten her but it was a little intimidating to look at.

“You’re huge!” She remarked without realizing it.

The wolf puffed out its chest looking pleased with the statement.

She half laughed and smiled sadly. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but at least she hadn’t offended him.

“Those blue eyes, are you Alpha’s wolf?” She asked.

The wolf huffed in agreement and sank down to the floor beside her, his snout nudging her cheek, he was that big.

“I’m okay, Alpha didn’t upset me.” Sirena knew the wolves and their hosts had different minds. “I just, I really miss Cedric is all. I haven’t cried like this since the night he died.” She explained. Why she was opening up to the wolf she didn’t know.

“You know, you’re really quite a handsome wolf, makes me wonder what my wolf-leopard hybrid looks like now.” Sirena rested her head on the wolf’s shoulder and snuggled close. Why she felt so at ease with this creature was beyond her. “I don’t think she would be as big as you, but snow leopards can be on the larger side of a wolf.” She mumbled.

The wolf let out a sound much like a cat would make when purring, his own head resting on top of hers. She closed her eyes and felt a presence pushing at her mind. Did the wolf want to talk to her?

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how to do that.” She looked up still keeping her head in place and met the wolf’s eyes. He allowed the weight of his head to sink into hers and closed his eyes, then opened them and took some of the pressure off before huffing at her.

“Relax?” She questioned.

His huff again was her response, so she tried it. She couldn’t get comfortable on his shoulder though and slid her way to lay on the floor. He followed laying down on all fours next to her still touching. She closed her eyes and felt him once again reach for her, it was a similar feeling to talking with her own animal. She took a deep breath, slowly letting the air out of her lungs, relaxing each part of her body and mind.

That's a girl, good job. His voice was different to the Alpha’s not as deep or harsh, it was almost... cute.

Hahaha, she thinks you sound cute. That was Alpha.

Her cheeks flushed red, there was no hiding anything while they were in her mind it seemed.

I don’t mind, hush Tristan you had your time with Sirena, it’s my turn. The wolf seemed to be angry with the Alpha.

Sirena, my dear my name is Tai, as you’ve guessed I’m the Alpha’s Wolf. His tone changed when he spoke to her, smoothing her.

A full-blown conversation in her head was not what she was expecting. Not sure how to respond or even what to say she tried talking to them the same way she would her beast within.

It’s nice to meet you. Was all she could manage for now. What exactly was Tai? He seemed too large for a regular wolf.

Tai’s laughter echoed in her head. You're quite perceptive, I’m a decedent of Fenrir. But enough about me, we will have time for that later, I would like to try to reach your other half.

He was going to try to reach her? Already!? Wasn’t training meant to start tomorrow? Wait, was that possible, would she even listen?

I had hoped to make contact with you earlier, but Tristian wanted to wait, not to force you. We returned today you see and have the time to focus and help now.

Her hands gently tightened in his fur. The soft waves of fur only filled her with a warmth she didn't want to let go of. What did they want to help her so much?

I do not want you to suffer for a single day more, Tai cooed.

She couldn't help but smile.

If I can bring you this small piece of release, I will be content. And yes, it is possible. I do however need your permission as it will be quite painful. Given that she does not want to come out. I will have to force my way through her defences. The wolf explained.

Whatever is needed, she was willing to do it, Sirena wanted to be with her again. Yes, you have it. She responded.

You’re going to force her to shift? The Alpha questioned, he had theorized the idea with Tai many times, if she could shift to the animal form the animal would be forced out. Then when she changed back to human, she would be no longer stuck in a half-shifted state. Though there was no telling if the animal would choose to remain. It was a risky move.

It is unavoidable, I will attempt to barter a deal with the hybrid, in order for her to stay. Tai more explained for Sirena’s sake than for the Alpha’s which she was grateful for.

bartering? What do we have to offer? Alpha asked confused.

Boy if I must explain it to even you, you are as draft as I thought. Now let me work. Tai snapped back.

Sirena wanted to laugh at the two, but honestly, she just felt envious of them. She missed it.

Suddenly she gasped and knew he had begun. She felt an unseen pressure drive through her mind and a warmth journey down her spine only to settle and rest in her belly.

She was finding it hard to concentrate on any words that were being spoken. The Alpha remained present in her mind but the wolf, he was deeper in the darkest parts of herself. She began to grow fearful; it was dark and lonely inside. The feelings she had always tried to avoid were coming to the surface.

Sirena, it’s alright, you’re not alone. The Alpha’s deep and calming voice helped. But as the wolf clawed its way to her innermost sanctum she couldn’t hold onto his voice.

Her body hunched over and she gripped her knees to her chest hugging them in close. The warmth had turned to a searing heat, and it was starting to spread. It felt as though scolding hot coals were beneath her skin. She let out a breathless scream as the bones in her legs snapped, breaking themselves in several places and reforming into a different shape.

Her eyes widened in horror as fur pushed its way out from under her skin, causing her skin to tear and fall off in large clumps. Her body slowly grew in size, and all the while she was in pure agony. She reached out for something anything and took hold of a chunk of fur, her claws digging in. She thought she heard a grunt of pain but she paid no mind to it as her body ripped itself apart against her will. Finally, the pain stopped and she lay with all four legs to one side...

Wait, four legs? Her head shot up, but she regretted the movement instantly as a wave of dizziness overtook her. She groaned but the sound came out as a light growl.

Her entire body had morphed into a large snow leopard-sized wolf hybrid. Her snout was the shape of a wolf with long tufted ears that pointed up, she had a lot of fur making her look fluffy and filled out where she wasn’t. She had large shoulders and paws like a snow leopard but her torso, though hidden with fluff, was lean and curved like a wolf. Her fur wasn’t patterned, she had mostly white fur with the odd patch of dark blonde through it.

Only then did she notice a small sobbing noise echoing through her mind. Her animal was back! She could finally hear her!

I’m so sorry Sirena, I didn’t want to do it, I knew it would hurt you. There it was, the voice she had longed to hear for months!

YOUR BACK! Sirena exploded with happiness trying not to wince from the pain. Thank the heavens, I’ve missed you!

Sirena could feel the mind inside her sink away like she was trying to run and hide again.

Please wait, don’t leave me again, I don’t want to be alone anymore. She pleaded.

Remember our deal. Tai also chimed in. Right now, was the most important part, making her stay.

Please...Mia. Sirena named her at that moment, feeling as though it was right.

She felt the presence perk up for a moment. Mia? It questioned.

Do you like it? If not, I can think of something else. Sirena was nervous, had she gone too far?

You named me, even after everything that has happened? After everything I put you through, after abandoning you? Mia’s voice was shaking with emotion.

You're a part of me, I can’t live a happy life without you. Sirena assured her.

Are you sure you want me back? Her voice was hopeful. You know that means... it will return. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I wouldn’t have anyone else, Mia. Sirena insisted. We can face it together.

Okay… I’ll stay... Since it’s okay. But we should change back to human, I don’t know how to move in this form yet. Mia was still quiet and hesitant, but she wasn't backing away anymore.

Sure! But... how do we do that? She asked.

I... Mia hesitated. I don’t know how yet... Tai can you please... help?

I’ve got you. The Alpha’s wolf’s voice purred as he spoke to them.

She felt his presence once again dive into her, but there was little to no resistance this time. Sirena gasped as her body once again cracked, popped and bent back into shape. It was quicker and hurt much less to change back to her human shape.

Sitting up she let out a heavy sigh, her hands resting on her bare legs as she watched in awe as the black wolf beside her shifted back to human as well. Both the man and wolf had left her mind once physical contact had ended. It was just her and Mia now.

She smiled, feeling more like herself than she had in a long time. Looking down at her hands she noticed they weren’t claws anymore. Her hands flew to her face, brushing past the soft locks of hair that framed her now normal face. She looked at the Alpha shocked, his scared face staring back at her with a wide smile. She threw herself at him completely overjoyed and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She exclaimed completely happy and free.

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