The Alpha & I
My Mate

The Alpha let Sirena loose and trotted over to Gail’s white wolf.

Seems his white hair was indeed from his wolf form. Rolling back to her feet she shook out her fur drying out as much as she could. The two males must have been conversing as they stood staring for a short while at each other. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Tristan growled as he learnt the news. The snow leopards were about to attack the village, but their numbers were low. It was clearly a ploy to lure the pack out. But the worst of it was that there was a woman here, in the pack's den, claiming to want to stop the fighting. He had been so transfixed on Sirena that he hadn't noticed her presence here until this moment.

His first thought was that he needed to protect Sirena, if they were here, they could find her. Probably already smelt her. He ordered Gail to gather the pack and he would be along shortly to talk strategies. He shifted to his human form as the White wolf ran off back in the direction of the pack houses.

“We are going to have to cut today short, urgent matters have come up.” He walked back over to Sirena as he spoke. “Mia you’ll need to release your control and let Sirena take back the body.” He instructed.

Mia nudged his hand so she could speak to him. We can remain in this form and change back in our room, that would be quicker. She offered.

“No, it’s too dangerous, the pack has a visitor currently, I don’t want them seeing you and reporting it back to the leopards.” He explained truthfully.

She nodded not questioning him as his whole demeanor had changed. She didn’t want to be a burden on him and take up any more of his time. Mia intentionally withdrew, it was easier for her to give up control than it was for her to take it at the moment.

Sirena had had the body to herself for a much longer period of time, it made sense. Shifting back to human was easier than shifting into an animal, but it was draining. She was still on her hands and knees in the water gasping for air when she finally found her way back to her human form. Her body aching and sore in places she didn’t even know she had.

He scooped her up in his arms before she could even stand. “Normally, I’d let you regain your strength, and we would go back for our clothes, but sadly, there’s no time.” His eyes were dull and full of worry.

She placed a hand on his cheek trying her best to ignore their naked bodies pressed together. “I understand.” Was all she could manage in a breathless whisper.

This nudity thing she would have to get used to quickly, they were shifters and clothes didn’t just appear on their bodies when they turned human. It was a natural thing for a pack. She wouldn’t shy away from it anymore.

The light came back to his eyes at her touch, he looked slightly shocked for a moment. He nuzzled into her hand and muttered a thanks before taking off as fast as he could. Since he had asked the pack to be gathered in his stead, no one was around to see them enter her room from the outside window. She was thankful she’d left it open that morning.

“Once you’re able, find Gail. I’ll be leaving him behind. He’ll fill you in and I would like your help with something.” He darted off before she could manage a response.

She had barely any time to process, and it took her far too long to dress herself. She wasn’t going to sit still and rest when the pack was on the line, she could tell something was up.

All the while Mia was apologizing for making her so sore. Sirena was reassuring her that it would get better with time. Not waiting for her limps to obey her she stumbled her way to the meeting hall, using the walls as support.

She could hear voices when she reached the doors. Some she knew, like Gail and the Alpha. But the other was an unknown female and not from this pack either. This must be the visitor the Alpha had mentioned, though it was oddly familiar to her.

She pushed the doors open and entered only to stop dead as the scent of the female hit her. The whole pack turned to look at her, shock on their faces as this was the first time they had seen her after the party. And the unknown woman, she was the Luna of the Snow leopards. Her real father's mate.

“You!” The women shot to her feet in shock. She was a skinny thing, with long silver hair and golden eyes. “You're alive!?” She spat with disgust. She turned to the Alpha. “The deal is off if she is in the pack, get rid of it and I will be your Luna. Only then will we uni-”

“BOW YOUR HEAD.” The Alpha’s dominating voice ran through the hall. It had such power to it that all the pack had dropped to their knees and were bowing. The Luna before him looked like she was in pain as she wrestled with the command that had cut her off. With a gasp, her form was slammed to the ground by an unknown force. blood trickled down her nose as she gasped for air after getting the wind knocked out of her.

“You call yourself a Luna when you can’t even withstand a command from another Alpha. You are meant to be the second strongest of your pack!” His gaze fixated on the Luna, his head held high. “I decide who stays and who goes in this pack, not you!” He snarled.

Sirena looked around confused, was she meant to have bowed too? The leopard Luna had struggled like she had been forced to submit, but not Sirena, she hadn’t felt a thing. Well, that wasn’t true. Her core was heating up, her body was reacting but not in the way she thought it was supposed to.

Oh wow. Mia was just as stunned as she was. The display the Alpha had just given both awed and chilled her to the bone. She held the utmost respect for him at the moment. They knew he was powerful, but to see him overpower another Alpha's Luna so easily was incredible. However, something else was stirring within her, something that was nagging at her.

Are we meant to bow? I feel out of place. Sirena questioned inwardly somewhat concerned.

I don’t think so, it looked like an automatic response, we do acknowledge him as our Alpha, so I don’t understand why we weren’t forced to kneel as well. Mia responded confused.

Should we kneel anyway? Sirena was glancing around the room as shocked expressions turned toward her. Gail wasn’t that far from her, she noticed him looking up at her, a proud expression on his face. Should we kneel? she mouthed and discretely pointed to the ground. He shook his head, and she relaxed a little but the awkwardness remained. Why hadn't his command worked on her?

“You come here claiming that you can be MY Luna, and you can’t even stand beside me.” The Alpha spoke with a venom in his tone.

Sirena grew irradiated as he mentioned his Luna, the thought of anyone becoming his was making her blood boil. She’d let out a growl before she’d even known, and his head snapped around following the sound.

Their eyes locked and it was like they were seeing each other for the first time. Clarity exploded between them and they just knew. Everything all at once made sense, she was the only one that could stand beside him as his equal, and he held no power over her nor her him.

Mia screamed from within, MINE!

Her body was on fire, every inch of her being was screaming at her to go to him and to claim him as her own, right now, right here. Showing everyone that he was hers... but he wasn’t, she had to remind herself. She stood firm. She would not make a move in this situation. To claim the Alpha as her own would be selfish and out of line. She had no right.

“Sorry... I-I didn’t mean to, I-I just didn’t like the idea of the enemy being our Luna.” She tried to explain. Though it was true it wasn't the whole truth.

Tristan’s shock turned to a wicked grin; Tai had also screamed to him at the same time as Mia had to Sirena. The pull to go to her was like nothing he had ever felt, forgetting all those around him he simply gave in, not caring. In only a few steps he had reached her, the surprise on her face as they stood inches apart confirmed to him that she felt it too.

His hands reached for her, and it was like the world stopped, all he could hear was her heartbeat running as fast and wild as his own. His arm snaked around her waist pulling her into him, his hand clasped around the back of her neck.

Her breath caught as his hands touched her, had it felt this good before? This was like everywhere he touched left sparks of electricity behind. It left her wanting, needing him to touch her more.

His head leaned down as she stared up into his glistening blue eyes. Her hands were pressed firmly against his chest, her body arched itself into him rejoicing in the contact. Their lips met and it was as though the world exploded, her body burnt with an intensity that just begged to be taken right then and there.

Regretfully he pulled back from the kiss after savoring her taste for the first time, it wasn’t enough. He felt her tremble knowing all too well that she felt the same urgency that he did.

“You wanted to know how you knew you’ve found your mate?” He whispered to her, his voice coming out in a harsh husk. His hand around her waist slid up her back making her gasp and push harder into him, he loved it. “Well, now you know.”

Mia howled deep within her, begging her to let her loose. This was impossible! Her mated to an A

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