Kane walked back into the bedroom with a tray of food and was a little surprised that she was not waiting for him. He set the tray down on the coffee table and crossed to the bathroom door and knocked.

“Baby, are you done in the bath?” He asked. He felt bad about disturbing her, but she had to be starving.

“Sort of!” Came a small reply, he wasn’t sure if she was crying or laughing.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” He was growing concerned, no answer.

“Baby!” Nothing. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Dax!” Still nothing.

“Baby, I’m coming in” He was in full on panic mode now,

“Ok!” He opened the door and stepped inside and what he saw made him widen his eyes. There was his beautiful mate standing in the middle of the tub with a towel wrapped around her little body.

“Do you have many pool parties here?” she pressed her lips together. His mouth opened and then he closed it, he had no words “I can’t get out”

“Oh um! How did you even get in?” He asked, crossing to the tub quickly.

“I didn’t cannonball” she kept her lips pressed together trying to hold back her laughter. She knew how ridiculous this looked, she was stuck in the tub and had to be rescued. He gently wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her out of the tub. When he placed her on the floor, he got a good look at her in this space, it was not going to work for her at all. She could barely reach the sink, couldn’t use the mirror, Goddess knew how she got in the tub, but she couldn’t get out of it. He rubbed the back of his head, he failed. He built this for his mate and she couldn’t even use it. He didn’t say a word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t like that this made him sad, she tightened the towel around herself and followed him out. He was already sitting on the couch leaning forward with his head in his hands.

Crossing over to the other side of the room she stood in front of him.

“I designed everything with my mate in mind, and you can’t even use it” he grumbled, his face still in his hands. She ran her hands through his hair gently combing it back.

“It’s ok” she said,

“No, it’s not, I just had to rescue you from the tub, I’m not even sure how you got in it. You can’t use the mirror, you can barely reach the sink. How is it ok?” He looked at her sadness in his eyes, she hiked her towel up a little bit and crawled onto the couch and straddled his lap, wrapping his arms around her.

“I can get on the couch myself” she said with a smile, but he didn’t smile back. “Don’t be a sad mountain wolf! You didn’t know, you thought your mate was going to be someone….taller, who could use the mirror and the sink and be able to get themselves in and out of the tub. How were you supposed to know you were gonna get a mouse? It’s not your fault, you didn’t know.” And though she didn’t want to admit it, she had a feeling that any other women he brought here appreciated the effort he put in as she looked around the room one more time and her eyes landed on the bed.

NO!” He startled her, snapping her eyes back to him.

“No, What?” She didn’t understand his outburst.

“I never brought anyone else here. While it’s true I have been with other women, I never brought them here. I created this space for my mate and I and I would never share our bed with anyone but you.” He pulled her closer to him, causing her towel to ride up higher exposing more of her thighs. “But I can see that it is not going to work and it’ll ne-“ she pressed her lips to his, silencing him.

“It’ll be fine!” She said, “Yes some things will need to be….adjusted, but nothing changes. A simple step stool will allow me to use the sink effectively. I have a mirror at the warehouse that I can dress up to use in the bathroom. Maybe put a bit bigger of a ledge around the tub so I can get in without falling, and did you really have a problem rescuing me from it?” He shook his head as a sly smile spread across his face and his hands grazed up her thighs. “Then I promise not to have a bath unless you’re home to help me out.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, raising herself to her knees she pushed him so he was leaning against the back of the couch and she pressed herself closer to him. He nodded his head, the blaze in his soul burning hotter.

“Anything else?” He whispered as he began to trail kisses down her throat and his hands continued moving up her thighs towards the edge of the towel.

“Yes, stairs that lead up to the bed. It was a hard drop to the floor.” She said breathlessly as he nipped across her collar bone. She again ran her fingers through his hair gently tugging his head back so he would look at her.

“Do you feel better now?” She asked, coyly, he smiled up at her and shook his head.

“No?” He shook his head again. She kissed across his forehead, down the side of his face, following his jaw. She brushed her lips across his.

“How about now?” Again he shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers. She ran her hands down his chest, as she continued to tease his lips with hers. His grip on her thighs tightened as she ran her hands lower on his torso.

“And now?” She unbuttoned his jeans and slid her hand beneath the fabric. He sucked in a breath when he felt her hand pass over him.

“Getting there” he moaned as she stroked him, softly at first, but growing more firm. As her hand moved up and down him she continued to tease him with the gentle brush of her lips over his. Removing her hand from his jeans she straddled his lap again and started moving her hips rocking into him, slowly building him, teasing him. She kissed, nipped and sucked her way down his neck, driving him. Between her lips, her hands, and her hips, his body felt like it was burning. Shocks rocked through him, she was pleasing him, and torturing him at the same time, when her mouth started moving down his chest and he felt her tongue tasting him, he was at his breaking point, he had to have her NOW!

With a sensual deep growl he pulled her tight to his chest and crashed his lips down on hers demanding what she teasingly denied him. She rocked her hips into him harder, he pushed the towel higher up allowing her hips to move freely. He moaned with every movement, until he couldn’t take anymore. Laying her on her back on the couch he moved over top of her, unwrapping her towel like a Christmas present, he removed his jeans and briefs in one motion and entered her. She arched and moaned underneath him as he thrust into her, plunging deeper and deeper with each push. Her moans of pleasure turned into cries of ecstasy against his lips as he kissed her harder and entwined their fingers above her head. Waves rocked through them, intensifying with each thrust, harder and deeper, until she reached her peak and arched high and tightened around him and with one final push he felt his own release. They both laid there, hearts beating, gasping for air, basking in the aftermath of their passionate love making. He pulled the blanket from the back of the couch over them after he withdrew from her, lying on his side he pulled her close to him, kissing her passionately.

“How about now?” She whispered against his lips. He smiled, but never took his lips off hers.

“Much!” He whispered back. Goddess how he loved this woman, she never ceased to amaze him. He chuckled when her stomach grumbled, it’s disapproval at not being fed. “Well I did plan on feeding you first” he motioned towards the food

“Last minute change of plans” she laughed, sitting up so she could see the food. Her eyes went wide and she looked at him “Who’s going to eat all that?”

“Don’t worry” he kissed her shoulder, and she nodded remembering that he said werewolves were always hungry. She wrapped the towel around herself and went to get up, when he stopped her.

“Where are you going?” He asked,

“To put some clothes on!” She answered,

“Why? I’ll just take them back off, when I’m ready for dessert” he said amorously, tugging the towel down a little bit exposing the top of her breasts. She pulled the towel back up, looking him straight in the eye.

“Maybe I wanna make you work for your dessert” she pulled the towel out of his grip and kissed him before she walked away. He sat up on the couch and watched her.

“Lacey packed some clothes for you, I think she put them in the closet or you can wear something you bought” he saw her stiffen at the mention of the clothes she had purchased and nervously touch her ear with the scar. She didn’t even look in the direction of the purchases. She moved quickly towards the closet, almost like she was trying to put as much distance between them and her as possible.

Dax walked into the closet and grabbed the bag and headed for the bathroom, only when she closed and locked the door behind her did she let out the breath she was holding. She pressed her hand to her heart, willing it to slow down, taking several deep breaths. Don’t think about it, don’t think about it! Looking at where the mirror should have been, she was thankful she couldn’t see her reflection. She opened the bag, her hands trembling, she searched for a pair of panties and her favourite shirt, the one that brought her comfort when she was having a….What did Kane call it?....a….a incident. She pulled everything out of the bag looking for it, it wasn’t there, she looked again and again feeling herself starting to panic. Just breathe! Her subconscious told her! Just breathe! Don’t think about it! Don’t think about it! Don’t let it in! Don’t let it in! Put on a shirt! She grabbed the first shirt she could find in the mess of clothes on the bathroom floor and put it on as well as a pair of navy blue panties.

Continuing to breathe deep and push it out of her mind she cleaned up the mess on the floor. She reached for the door, when she heard his maniacal laughing. Think it could be that easy? You think some shirt can save you? Some stupid boy? I destroyed you, you will never be rid of me! No, no, no, shut up, shut up! She covered her ears and fell to her knees, pushing herself further back in the bathroom. You will never deserve anything he gives you and you know that. You don’t deserve anything at all and when I get out I will finish what I started!

The bathroom door broke open and Kane rushed in grabbing her, pulling her into his arms. She clung to him, her body trembling as he held her tighter.

“He‘s a liar, he never destroyed you. You DESERVE everything, I will give you everything and you deserve it all. He will NEVER touch you again. I PROMISE NEVER EVER AGAIN.” He repeated his promise to her over and over again.

Kane was in the closet pulling on a pair of sleep pants when he felt the coldness enter his body and the familiar knot form. A deep growl emitted from him when he heard the voice. Her nightmare was at her again and this time he would be in time to stop it before it took hold. He knew what it felt like for him, unable to communicate with anyone around so knocking would have been useless, she wouldn’t be able to answer him. No other option he broke the door open, he’ll just add it to the list of things that needed to be taken care of tomorrow, Johnny would understand. He saw the same scene he saw the day of the butterfly, covering her ears, eyes closed and huddling on her knees on the ground. Rushing to her side he drew her into his chest, allowing the bond to take over before he uttered a word. His soul burned with fury and it reflected in his eyes, he could feel the white hot flames dance in his orbs. Repeating his promise over and over to her, brought Ky to the surface, he has had enough of this. He would take care of her monster and then he would get him out of her head for good.

Dax didn’t eat much, picked at the food mostly before she huddled into a ball on the couch. She tried to turn away from him, but he wouldn’t let her, he wouldn’t let her hide her pain or her fear from him.

“Are you sure you don’t want more to eat?” He asked, trying to get her to eat more than the few bites she did.

“No, thank you. I’m not really hungry anymore” she replied, shaking her head.

“What happened in the bathroom baby?” He turned to look at her, his smoke grey orbs showing concern. She bit her lower lip and ran her fingers over her ear with the scar, and shook her head again,

“It’s stupid!” She said,

“It’s not stupid. It’s important to me, because it affects you, and you are extremely important to me.” She looked at him, biting her lip again. He watched as her hands grabbed at something on her arms that wasn’t there.

“I couldn’t find my shirt. The one with the long sleeves, it brings me comfort and it’s not here.” She explained. The motion of her hands made sense now, he’s seen her pull the sleeves of the shirt down a few times in the past. She always seems to wear it after she’s had one of her incidents. He nodded his head in understanding.

“Then we will make sure to grab it tomorrow, and whatever else you might need.” He got off the couch and walked to the closet, opening the door and disappearing inside. “In the meantime, you can use this” he came back out of the closet holding a shirt similar to the one she had, same dark grey, but instead of white stripes, this had black and he had the number one on the back, where hers had the number one on the front. He walked back to the couch and stood in front of her. He instructed her to stand up and raise her arms, to which she complied. He slipped the shirt over her, guiding it over her arms and head and gently pulling it down her body. It came to rest at her knees, he stood back and smiled at her. She looked down and then back up at him, it made her feel a little better having the familiar fabric around her body.

“Thank you!” She said,

“Anytime baby” she wrapped her arms around him, and he held her there. “I think we’ve had enough….excitement for one day. How about we go to bed?” She nodded her head but made no move to let go, only held onto him tighter. He ran his hands through her hair and held her there a little while longer, if that’s what she needed then that’s what he’d do. He’d hold her all night.

“Why don’t you get ready for bed, I’ll take care of this and then I will hold you all night long, I promise I won’t let go,” she hesitated thinking about it, but nodded and let go. He kissed her forehead.

“I love you” he cupped her face trailing his thumbs over her cheekbones. She grabbed a hold of his wrists and raising on to her tip toes she gently kissed him. When she pulled away, he saw the same love he felt reciprocated in her eyes. She walked to the bathroom and grabbed her bag again to find her toothbrush. When she finished in the bathroom she walked back out just as he was walking back into the bedroom after cleaning everything up. He was about to walk into the bathroom when he realized why she needed stairs to get into the bed, not being able to help the laugh that erupted from him he rubbed the back of his neck.

“How tall are you anyway?” He asked,

“4’11 and a half, when you’re this short every bit counts” she said looking at him. He crossed over and lifted her up onto the bed.

“There will be stairs tomorrow. Not that I mind, any excuse I can use to have you in my arms, but there will be times I won’t be here. And before you argue, my queen sleeps in a bed and not on a couch.” Her face blushed when he said she was his queen.

“My beautiful queen” her blush darkened. He kissed her passionately, “Now crawl into bed and I’ll be there shortly” he kissed her one more time before he went into the bathroom. She crawled under the covers and laid her head on one of the ultra soft pillows and waited for Kane to come back. His scent surrounding her, it was familiar to her, she couldn’t quite place it, breathing in deep she let it fill her, she found peace and a sense of calmness lying there waiting for him. She could feel her eyes getting heavy and she fought to keep them open. The bed was so comfy, the blankets hugged her and beckoned her to sleep, and she was struggling to stay awake. Maybe if she just closed her eyes for a second, she would open them when Kane came to bed.

Kane came out of the bathroom about 20 minutes later, to see she was sound asleep. Turning the lamp on the bedside table on, he quietly closed the curtains and shut the light off in the bedroom. Before he got in the bed he studied her, her soft features, her long thick lashes that hid the most beautiful eyes, her lips that he would spend all day kissing if he could. Her high cheekbones and her button nose. Her elfin ears, remembering the way she would trace the scar when she was nervous, or a topic came up that made her uncomfortable. His queen! He gently pulled up the covers and slid into the bed beside her, turning off the bedside lamp, and as promised he wrapped his arms around her, she molded into him but never woke up. He kissed her cheek, next time he’d get a goodnight kiss.

“I love you” he whispered in her ear before he put his head down on the pillow and drifted off to sleep with her scent surrounding him.

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