Dax woke the next morning cuddled in his arms on the couch, sitting up confused as to how and why she was there.

“You woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare and came to watch Scooby-Doo.” Kane murmured when he felt her straddling his waist.

“I’m sorry” That explained why she was on the couch, not why he was.

“I woke up because you weren’t in bed with me, so I joined you. He makes you laugh and apparently reminds you of me because he’s always hungry.” He added.

“I’m sorry” she didn’t know what else to say. There was nothing she could say, she was making his life difficult and she felt immensely guilty because of it.

“Don’t do that. Don’t feel guilty. I’m not sure how many people wouldn’t act this way after opening a box of ears. Marco wouldn’t settle down until Kenneth gave him the box to bury.” Kane still had his eyes closed, he wasn’t ready to get up yet. He felt her stiffen at the thought of the ears buried in the yard.

“He filled the box with rocks, we destroyed the ears. Johnny is not too happy about whatever else might be buried though.” He couldn’t help but smile at that.

“How does it not affect you?” She asked, her voice was small, now he opened his eyes and looked at her. He sat up and gathered her against his chest holding her to him.

“It does affect me because it affects you, my baby opened that box and the contents terrified her. It affects me because now she’s having nightmares of someone coming after her in the night and cutting off her beautiful ears. It affects me because she’s scared, I don’t want her to be scared.” She cuddled in closer to him, letting his warmth soothe her.

“Do you ever get scared?” She asked, after a moment of silence passed.

“All the time! But I have a secret weapon to help me get past it” He replied, as he gently ran his hand up and down her back.

“What?” enjoying the feeling washing over her, she closed her eyes.

“I turn to you. I find my calm in your scent, my comfort in your embrace. You are my stillness, my peace when it all seems too much. You’re my home, and when I’m home, I’m not scared.” he kissed her head.

“You’re my home too.” She whispered, holding tighter to him. Enjoying the feeling of her pressed against him, he knew they had to get a move on, they only had a small amount of time before they had to meet the others in the office. Again she called Lacey to see if she wanted to do something with her after she got back from town, but Lacey said she was busy.

“We should get in the shower, we don’t have a lot of time before we have to leave.” He said kissing her head, trying to chase the disappointment away that he saw on her face.

“You know that doesn’t save time right?” she asked him, as he lifted her to his waist and got off the couch carrying her.

“I like to pretend it does and it starts the day off right.” he gave her bottom a squeeze causing her to squeak and giggle.

“Puppy!” He tickled her sides at the name she called him and she laughed and wiggled against him, as he kicked the door to the bathroom shut.

Nope doesn’t save time at all, but it sure did start the day off right. Any meeting he had would wait, as long as she was present, she was the most important person in the world to him. She was still in the bathroom, while he was searching for clothes in the closet. When she entered wearing only a towel, a seductive grin crossed his face.

“What?” she looked at him,

“Just thinking!” he replied, moving to stand behind her, running his hands up the towel. He pulled her back against him.

“Can I guess what you’re thinking about?” she said smiling,

“You can try!” He replied, he slowly started pulling the towel looser and looser as he watched the flush of her skin get redder and redder.

“Pancakes!” She gasped when his hand slipped past the towel and caressed her.

“No!” He moved his hand in slow circles around her. She felt him pressing hard and ready into her back.

“Mmmm brownieees!” She gasped out around a moan, as he moved his hand faster against her. His lips down the back of her neck, nipping, kissing, tasting her clean skin.

“No!” He released a low sensual growl, she shivered against him. He spun her around and pressed his mouth hard to hers. He cast the towel aside and moved his hand back against her. She moaned against his lips as he moved faster. She pushed his jeans down freeing him and he lifted her to his waist. Pressing her up against the wall of the closet he entered her, thrusting fast and deep. She arched against him, driving him, encouraging him to go deeper. Building them higher and higher he drove into her. His moans in time with hers getting louder and louder the deeper he pushed. Both reaching their peak with one more thrust they crashed over as a tidal wave of pleasure swept them away. She shivered against him as he stayed pressed against her trying to catch his breath.

“Round 3” she breathed out holding onto him as she came down. He chuckled as he held her.

“Will have to wait till after we get back, now we really are running late.” He kissed down her face till he landed on her lips. He should have started with her lips, because now he has to pull himself away from her, before things heat up again.

“Listen my little temptation, we’ll have to finish this later, but we really need to get out of this closet and meet the boys. We already have to move your doctor’s visit to later today.” she brushed her lips across his as a smile played upon them.

“It’s not my fault, I just came in to get clothes.” she said, her eyes wide and innocent, looking up into his. He kissed her one more time, before he released her to get dressed.

“It’s not my fault I don’t want to keep my hands off you.” He pulled his jeans back on.

“It’s not my fault I’m so damn sexy” she heard him laugh when she said that.

“It’s not my fault I don’t have any control” he pulled a shirt on.

“It’s not my fault I make you horny.” She pulled on a pair of panties and a bra. He pulled her against him, his hand resting on her bottom.

“It’s not my fault I find you completely irresistible, and when we get back here later today, I will show you how irresistible you truly are.” Her face flushed red as she stared up at him.

“I love you” she whispered.

“I love you too” he kissed her again, then forced himself away from her and walked out of the closet.

They entered the kitchen to see Damon, Johnny and Kenneth waiting for them. Damon was in the process of begging Margie for something to eat but she kept telling him no and smacking his hands when he tried to steal anything.

“Good morning darling, how are you today?” Johnny was laughing when he greeted her.

“A crazy mess, how are you?” She replied,

“Considering everything that has happened, I think crazy is allowed.” Kenneth remarked, he was leaning against the counter laughing, watching Damon get his fingers smacked repeatedly.

“Margie come on, I’m starving, just a small snack.” Damon begged her.

“Get out of my kitchen Damon, or the next thing I smack you with will be the frying pan.” She laughed, pushing him out.

“We better feed him, before he gets cranky” Johnny commented howling.

“Where’s Marco and Carter?” Kane asked, slightly amused by the scene in the kitchen.

“Waiting in the garage, Margie smacked them too. They are not entirely themselves yet.” Johnny said, as he moved towards the garage. With Margie distracted getting Damon out of the kitchen both Johnny and Kenneth stole bacon on the way out. She had to stifle a giggle as they could still hear Damon complaining about being hungry.

Walking out into the garage the sight they saw shocked them. Carter and Marco were throwing each other around.

Sono un pilota migliore (I’m a better driver)” Marco was yelling as he slammed his knee into Carter’s gut, knocking him to the ground, but he didn’t stay down as he tackled Marco into the side of one of the many vehicles yelling that he drives like a grandma and he can’t speak English.

“$20 on Marco” Kenneth said.

“I’ll take that bet,” Johnny agreed, as they stood there watching what was going on.

“What the hell is going on?” Kane demanded, she just watched wide eyed.

“I told you they’re not entirely themselves. Damon took them to the doctor’s early this morning after Carter called him saying Brandon kicked him out, he found Marco wandering aimlessly around the property. Apparently Jackie wouldn’t even let him in.” Johnny said, keeping his eyes on the two men fighting.

“What is going on with them now?” Kane asked,

“They are extremely emotional right now. Milo and Alejandro are really feeling it.” Damon said,

“And you two are placing bets on this?” Kane asked Johnny and Kenneth, they both looked at him.

“We bet on a lot of things” Johnny replied laughing,

“I tried to break them up, they just went back at each other” Damon added,

“At least I don’t cry like a little bitch” Carter fired as he was slammed into another vehicle. Kane looked at Damon for an explanation.

“He tried to bite the doctor, so I hit him and made him cry.” Johnny and Kenneth howled when they heard this.

“Go wait in the house” he told her, she just nodded her head this was getting crazy. With her safely out of the way, he approached the two men.

“$20 on Kane,” Damon said, coming to stand next to Johnny and Kenneth. They both shook their heads, that was a suckers bet. A deep low growl rang through the garage. Carter was sitting on Marco’s chest about to hit him, when he stopped.

ENOUGH!” He growled out. They both stared at Kane wide eyed.

“Are you two idiots finished?” He asked, they both just nodded their heads not saying a word.

“Get up!” Scrambling to their feet, they stood there with their heads bowed.

“If I didn’t need you two today, I’d put you both in the fucking medical ward.” He threatened.

“Sorry/Scusa Alpha!” Replying in unison.

“Neither one of you are capable of driving, now get in the fucking truck, and don’t say a word” He did not have time for this.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he felt a headache starting to form, and the day started off so well. He could hear the others snickering behind him.

“I’m glad you idiots find this amusing” he grumbled rolling his shoulders, causing them to laugh louder. Then they started arguing over who was going to drive the other truck.

“I’ll drive!” She was standing in the doorway looking at them all.

NO!” The looks of panic that crossed their faces, caused her to huff.

“I’m not that bad!” She replied, Kane started laughing

“I’m sorry baby, but we’re all wondering how you even got your licence.” He replied,

“I walked in and asked for it and they gave it to me, how did you get yours?” She replied,

“By taking tests” he replied,

“There’s a test?” She asked, looking at him. Johnny cracked up laughing.

“Darling, how do you think you learned to drive, watch youtube videos?” Johnny asked, when she didn’t say anything, they all just looked at her. Damon opened his mouth just to close it again.

“Do not tell me you learned to drive watching youtube videos” Kane said,

“Ok, I won’t tell you. But you can learn a lot of things by watching youtube videos.” She said, pressing her lips together.

“We’re going to Glenda’s to get breakfast,” Kane announced, taking her by the hand and helping her in the truck. Damon immediately jumped in the back seat, didn’t have to tell him twice he was starving. Leaving Johnny and Kenneth with the other truck.

“Guess that means I’m driving” Johnny said as he watched them pull out of the garage.

Pulling into the parking lot at Glenda’s he looked over at her, she hasn’t been back to town since Sunday, a lot has happened since then. He watched as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers, looking at all the people walking along the sidewalk. He shared a look with Damon who nodded his head and exited the back seat to stand on the sidewalk and wait for them. She has seen these people hundreds of times over the last three years and they never seemed threatening to her, but knowing what she knows now any of them could be after her. It’s not paranoia if someone is actually out to get you. And you have two of them! Not helping! You have two big bad wolf boys with you, no one’s getting anywhere near you! You’re right! One of them is starving! They’re both probably starving! Time to brave up and get out of the truck! I can be brave! The beasts need to eat! Taking a few deep breaths she unfastened her seatbelt, her hands shook a little until Kane took them in his.

“It’s ok baby! No ones going to touch you. You are not alone” she nodded her head, looking back at the people on the sidewalk one last time.

“Ok, I can do this, I can be brave and I want pancakes” she mumbled, he smiled at the little pep talk she was giving herself. Nodding one more time that she was ready to get out of the truck, she waited for him to open the door.

Damon was standing on the sidewalk watching her through the windshield as she conversed with herself. She would scan the faces then look back down at her fingers only to look up and scan the faces again. A crooked grin on his face, she’s strong, she’s brave, she’s definitely a wolf he thought to himself. They just needed the test to come back and confirm what he already knew. He too looked at the faces of the people passing by them, familiar smiles and nods hello. They had more wolves in town than usual, they all felt anger that someone was hunting their Luna, they were here to protect her, make her feel safe. He watched as Kane approached the passenger door, scanning the area quickly before he opened it. One more quick scan of the area she was pulled from the truck and he kept her tucked to his side. Johnny and the others had shown up by then and filing out of the truck they flanked around her as they approached the diner. Before they blocked her view she looked over her shoulder, the hair on her neck bristling, a cold feeling passed through her, she moved closer to Kane, using her good hand to grip him tighter. His arm instinctively wrapped around her more as he addressed Johnny and Kenneth.

“How was the drive over?” Kane asked as he watched Carter and Marco glare at each other.

“Not too bad, I only had to scold them half a dozen times. They are worse than children fighting in the back seat. Johnny threatened to turn the truck around and head back to the house if they didn’t knock it off” Kenneth commented quietly.

“Lo ha iniziato (He started it)” Marco snipped,

“He started it!” Carter fired back,

Enough” Kane growled, they both immediately stopped, bowing their heads. “Listen and listen good, your duty is to keep her protected at all times, she goes nowhere unless one of you is with her. Is that understood?” Kane snapped at them both.

“Yes/Sì Alpha,” they said in unison.

“Good, now get in the fucking diner and shut up” he hissed, Dax slipped her fingers into his and he calmed immediately. He pulled her closer to him.

“I know baby, it’s not their fault. It’s why I haven’t killed them yet, doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle them both today?” he asked looking down at her.

“I’ll keep an eye on them,” Damon interjected, before she had a chance to say anything.

“We’ll be fine!” She agreed, “But I can’t promise one of them won’t get hit with something.” Both Carter and Marco’s eyes shot open. Shaking their heads, they didn’t like the sound of that.

“Fair enough!” He smiled, giving her a quick kiss and they walked into the diner.

He watched the scene from across the street, the two tallest ones were with her today. The smaller of the two was there on Thursday when he saw her for the briefest of moments, walking through the crowded bar, his heart stopped. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him. But when he saw her again on Saturday wandering around the town picking up many different items. He knew those two idiots both lied to him, said she was dead. But how could she be dead when he saw her. News of Carl’s death had him smiling, the lying traitor deserved to die. However being ripped to pieces he felt was too lenient of a punishment for him. White took the news of Carl’s death hard, but he was a truly weak pathetic man though, one that has outlived his usefulness. Magnus can have him, because while he is going after him, his eyes are on the ultimate prize. The key is to get her alone, the problem is she’s never alone anymore, she’s always with somebody. She used to be alone, for years she was alone and he had so many opportunities to take her, but he was always told to wait, and like a good little boy he waited. Now he doesn’t want to wait, he wants his angel. He watched the tall one kiss her and his blood boiled, she was made for him, who was he to put his mouth on her, to hold her? It’s not right to touch what doesn’t belong to you. Isn’t that what Magnus said once, before he broke fingers. Then he wasn’t allowed to see her anymore, Carl tried to deny him what belonged to him, but it never stopped him. He always went to see her, to take care of her. Nothing could keep him from her. Now he watched from the shadows as they flanked around her, but she knew he was there, she looked for him, like she always did. He saw her eyes scan the streets and the faces trying to find him. Then she was blocked from his view. Soon my angel, he thought, soon we’ll be together.

The bell above the door rang announcing their entrance into the diner and like all other times every head turned in their direction. A smile lighting up Glenda’s face she motioned for them to sit in the back booths saying she would be right there. She said something to Murray and he nodded with a delighted smile and went back into the kitchen. As they passed the tables full of other patrons, she could hear some of them whispering about her whereabouts over the last few days. How she just disappeared, where she went, speculation and rumours started flying around the diner.

“Non hanno niente di meglio da fare? (Don’t they have anything better to do?)” Marco mumbled,

“No, they just gawk and stare and whisper” Carter mumbled back after he looked at this phone for the translation,

“You are going to have a very long day with them,” Kane said to her.

“They’ll be fine, they’re just....hungry” she replied trying to keep the smile off her face. She could hear Johnny and Kenneth laughing beside her as they moved to the back booths.

“Non voglio sedermi accanto a lui! (I don’t want to sit next to him)” Marco grumbled,

“I don’t want to sit next to you” Carter snapped back,

“Both of you sit the fuck down” Kane growled lowly, they’re eyes widened and they climbed into the booth. Damon sat across from them, watching them push each other for more room. Kane and Dax sat in the booth in front of them, every now and then one of them would hit the back of their booth hard.

“I hope someone is keeping track of everything they do, because when we tell them this story I don’t want to miss a thing.” Johnny said laughing,

“Next time, three darts, shoot them with three darts.” Kane grumbled,

“They are absolutely childish. I’ve seen better behaved 4 year olds.” Kenneth commented, eliciting another laugh from Johnny. Glenda came by filling their cups with coffee saying she would be back in a minute to take their orders.

“Is it just the town meeting and meeting up with Thomas?” Kane asked as their booth was knocked into again. He could hear Damon laughing behind him and she was trying not to giggle beside him. Even Ky was howling in his head. Who’s idea was it to tranq them again? It was the only way to calm them down! Now you have 4 year old grown men to deal with! The day started so well!

“That’s all on the agenda today, we should be back to the house in time for lunch” Johnny said.

“We’ll meet back at the diner after the town meeting to discuss what he found then. How long are you going to need at the warehouse?” Kane looked at her.

“Not long, maybe an hour or two to gather everything I need.” She replied as she leaned forward after another bump to the back of their booth.

“You could head back to the pack house after, meet up with Lacey and the others,” Johnny said, taking a drink of his coffee. Kane raised an eyebrow at Johnny, then looked at her.

“Oh, Lydia is working till 6 today, Seraphine booked some time at the dance studio this afternoon and Jackie was yelling at the movers. But yeah maybe Lacey wants to do something if she’s not busy” Dax looked down at her fingers when she said the last part, the motion was not lost on the others at the table. Kenneth furrowed his brow, he wasn’t aware of any plans his mate had for today, he wasn’t even certain she knew there was a dance studio. Kane caught his puzzled look and he shook his head answering the question he saw cross over his Alpha’s face. Kane could only nod. What the fuck is going on? Ky growled. Someone’s lying! It’s not our mate! He knew it wasn’t her either, and he didn’t think it was Kenneth’s mate, but someone was indeed lying.

“Yeah, she….do….that. Meglio loro che me. (Better than me)” Marco said of his wife. “That….later,” he added quietly. Carter just nodded

“Brandon always yells at me too. Use a coaster Carter, don’t wear your shoes in the house Carter, how do you always get so messy Carter? You can’t have steak as a meal Carter you have to have a salad. I don’t want a fucking salad, I don’t even fucking like salad. I just want the fucking steak is that too much to ask, Brandon” Carter huffed slumping into the booth.

“Floor not cesto della biancheria Marco, dishwasher Marco. Lo metto sul bancone per due secondi. Non avevo nemmeno finito e lei urlato contro di me, I put….dish-washer. Drank soup, cucchiaio Marco, cosa sei un animale? Chiamami animale….Animal! Took….my spoon” He huffed as well when he slumped in the booth. Damon was howling behind them.

“I….starved” Marco complained,

“Stop being a baby” Carter said,

“I not bambino, ti sei lamentato per tutto il tempo qui sull’essere affamato (you complained the whole time here about being hungry) you….bitch” Marco shot back, Damon lost it in the booth. Though he was pretty sure he wasn’t meaning to call Carter a bitch, the look on his face was priceless.

“I did not, that was you. Johnny threatened to turn the truck around if you didn’t shut up about it” Carter returned,

“That’s enough of that in my diner” Glenda glared at them and they both shrank back.

“Sorry/Scusa Glenda!” they said in unison,

“Now what will you boys have?” She asked them, they placed their orders and she moved on to the next table.

“Murray’s already working on chocolate chip pancakes and double chocolate chocolate chunk cookies. What will the rest of you have?” Her eyes lit up at the cookies and the pancakes, and her stomach growled as the rest placed their orders.

Meals in front of them, they happily ate. Kane, Johnny and Kenneth spoke about business related topics, while she listened to Marco and Carter bicker behind her. She would hear Damon tell them to knock it off and behave themselves, but they would ignore him and keep bickering. Trying not to let it get her down that she had no one to really talk to, she ate her pancakes quietly enjoying every bite as she stared out the window and watched people walk by the diner. Every so often she could feel Kane watching her, but she didn’t want to look at him, he would know she was upset. Probably knows already! Her subconscious remarked. Probably! Why didn’t you tell Johnny that you already called Lacey and she blew you off? She didn’t blow me off, she’s just busy! She’s always busy! She has things to do! Has she called you once since Sunday? No, but I was also in the medical ward and….She couldn’t check on you? She was busy! Lydia was busy and she still came to check on you after you opened the ears! It’s fine! Fine is never fine! It’s fine, I’m sure she’s just busy! Too busy to check on a friend? I haven’t been a good friend either! At least you’ve been trying! I don’t want to talk about this anymore! She was beginning to get a little more upset now and the bickering behind her was not helping, after the upteenth hit into their booth she dropped her fork, turned behind her. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Knock it off you two and behave yourselves or you both can walk back to the house right now.” She snapped at the two men, they both put their heads down from the scolding they just received. All eyes were on her.

“Sorry/Scusa Luna!” they said in unison.

“You better be, because if I have to turn back here one more time you both will be in big trouble and neither one of you will get a cookie” they were about to protest but the look on her face said she wasn’t playing with them, they closed their mouths and kept their heads down.

“Yes/Sì Luna!” again in unison.

“Now eat your breakfast or I’ll give Damon your cookies and let him eat them in front of you” Both their heads snapped up in his direction and he smiled at them.

“I have no shame, so I won’t feel bad about it,” he remarked looking back and forth between the two.

“Yes/Sì Luna!” they repeated again. She turned back around, picked her fork up and continued staring out the window, no longer in the mood to eat; she just pushed her pancakes around her plate. Concerned looks passed across the table again but no one said a word.

Meals finished, they were getting ready to leave, she excused herself to use the bathroom. She didn’t really need to go, she just needed a minute to breathe.

“She already called Lacey didn’t she?” Johnny asked low enough for only Kane to hear.

“Said she was busy all day” Kane replied,

“What the fuck? Lacey has no plans today. Why would she say she did?” Johnny asked,

“I don’t know! You all go ahead I’ll wait” Kane shrugged, he had a few ideas of why his sister was acting like this towards Dax, but he didn’t want to say anything to Johnny. He had a feeling it had something to do with the fight they were having and her jealousy was getting the better of her.

“How bad is it handsome?” Glenda asked, handing him the box of cookies. He looked at Glenda debating on how much to divulge to her, the bare minimum though she might have information, but if something ever happened to Glenda or Murray, Dax would never forgive herself.

“She’s having nightmares of monsters coming to get her in the night.” he replied,

“Does it have something to do with whoever did that to her?” Glenda asked,

“Yes, it was taken care of as well as a nightmare from her past, but some ghosts won’t stay buried.” He answered,

“I’ve seen her live with her nightmares for three years, that is not nightmares, what are you not telling me?” Glenda pushed, clever old woman.

“I am fighting with my sister, she is self centered and of the overly jealous type. She can also quite frankly act like a spoiled petulant child. I told her to grow up and until she is ready to do so we have nothing to talk about. I feel she has been blowing Dax off because of it, and with her mentality she thinks she did something to deserve it.” Kane leaned on the counter, while he spoke.

“Do you regret this fight with your sister” Glenda asked,

“No, it’s been a long time coming, should have happened sooner truthfully. I do regret Dax being caught in the middle, I have tried to keep her out of it, it’s not her fight, it’s between my sister and I, but I seem to have failed at that.” Kane mentally kicked himself, for his little mate getting caught up in something she shouldn’t have been.

“Don’t beat yourself up to bad handsome. Sounds like you tried to keep her out of it while it was your sister that involved her. You did everything right, just be prepared, it’ll get better or it’ll get worse, you know your sister. You know what she is capable of.” Glenda replied. That’s the problem, he knows what she’s capable of doing, he’s watched her do it, he’s watched her string people along until they have nothing left to offer her and then she cuts them loose. Problem is she never tells them, just leaves them hanging trying to figure out what they did. That is exactly what she is doing to Dax and his little mate does not deserve that.

She stood in the bathroom staring at her reflection in the mirror, so much had been going on, it was weighing on her heavily. She felt like a bobber on the water, bobbing lower and lower beneath the surface, she was fighting to resurface, but with the more things that happened the further she seemed to get from it and the more defeated she began to feel. That’s not what’s bothering you! Yes it is! No it’s not, and you know it! Then what’s bothering me if you’re so smart! Why Lacey won’t talk to you! Not this again! She was supposed to be your friend! She is my friend, she’s just busy! Some friend, you sat at the table wishing you had someone to talk to! I can’t expect people to drop everything for me, that’s not right! Is it too much to ask that they check in? It’s not her job to take care of me, she has other things on her mind, like being pregnant! Stop making excuses for her! I’m not making excuses, it’s the truth! You’ve been trying, why hasn’t she? She’s been busy! Right busy, busy ignoring you! Stop that! Stop what? It’s the truth and you know it! It’s fine! It’s not fine! Stop! You deserve friends too! Stop! You do! STOP! If you can’t be helpful, then I don’t want to talk to you anymore. I am being helpful, you’re just being stubborn! She suppressed a scream that wanted to escape, her subconscious was right. She knew it was right, but she didn’t want to admit it. Admitting would just mean everything that was ever said to her was true. Splashing cold water on her face, Dax took a few deep breaths. She better get out of this bathroom before Kane comes in looking for her. With one last look in the mirror she walked out.

Kane stood there waiting for her, a look of concern washed over his face then quickly vanished.

“Are you ok baby?” He asked as he pulled her into his arms.

“Yes, I’m fine” Liar! Shut up!

“Hmmm, ok but you and I will talk when I get back to the house” He said. I don’t believe her! Ky huffed, even he could sense something was up.

“Talk about what?” She asked, she hasn’t done anything lately that required being spoken to.

“About why you didn’t tell Johnny that you called Lacey this morning and she blew you off again.” Except that! Shut up!

“It’s fine! She’s busy with things to do. I can’t expect everybody to just drop everything for me. Enough of you are already doing that, and you shoul….” he pressed his lips to hers to silence the rant she was about to launch into.

“It’s not fine, it’s weighing heavy on you, you threatened to take Marco and Carter’s cookies away and let Damon eat them in front of them.” her face flushed, her shoulders sagged and a tiny sigh escaped her. She felt bad about how she spoke to them, it’s not their fault.

“It’s not yours either, you did nothing wrong. Now we better go. We will talk when I get home.” He ushered her towards the exit and they waved bye to Glenda and Murray, thanking them for the cookies.

Back on the sidewalk in front of the diner, they separated into the trucks and headed towards her warehouse. She waited in Kane’s truck while Carter, Marco and Damon searched the area. She would see movement in the forest around the property every once in a while, but Kane told her they were sentries to watch the property. When Carter came running out the bay door and headed off behind the warehouse like something bit him, she sensed a tenseness in the air. Kane told her to wait in the truck and Kenneth and Marco stood guard over the doors. Fear plaguing her she shrank down to the floor hiding in the front seat, something was wrong. Kane, Damon and Johnny took off running in the same direction as Carter.

“What is it Carter?” Kane asked through the link

“He was here recently!” Came Carter’s reply

“How recent?” They kept him in sight but stayed back to let him search. He was on something’s trail.

“Early, he was in the loft, his scent is all over it, but someone else’s as well, not as distinct but it’s there.” He paused and sniffed the air, letting it fill him, whoever the second scent was clung to it, there was something about it, he just didn’t know what it was.

“Find them Carter!”

It was like releasing the hounds Carter took off running into the woods. Kane ordered two sentries to stay with him, but keep their distance and stay out of his way.

“Good luck to them in keeping up with him.” Damon commented, as they watched two others follow behind him.

“Boy’s on a mission!” Johnny watched how fast Carter made it to the tree line following the scent, then disappeared into the darkness.

They made it back to the truck, Kenneth and Marco were on high alert.

“È davvero un segugio, ho colto solo un odore, come cattura l’altro? (He really is a bloodhound, I only caught one scent, how he catch the other?)” Marco asked,

“I don’t know, but he did,” Kenneth replied, shaking his head.

“There’s a reason he is our best tracker.” Damon said,

“Non ha nemmeno preso le scale, mi è semplicemente saltato sopra la testa ed è corso fuori dalla porta. (He didn’t even take the stairs, he just jumped over my head and ran out the door.)” Marco replied. He grumbled slightly when caught blank stares from Johnny and Damon.

“Jump….my testa” He motioned with his arms then huffed and shook his head. Maybe he just won’t talk anymore, he’ll just stay silent from now on. Or he’ll only speak Italian and not even try for English anymore. He wasn’t getting better like the doctors said he would, and none of them seemed too interested in learning Italian or even trying. Why did he have to be the only one that tried?

“Best to stay out of his way when he catches a scent,” Damon laughed.

Kane looked in the truck to see her hiding on the floor under the dash board. Good luck getting her out of the truck now! Ky whimpered he didn’t like that his little mate was afraid, Kane didn’t like it either. Clearing everyone away from the truck he opened the front passenger side door, she looked up at him from her hiding spot under the dashboard.

“Everything is safe!” He said, trying to reassure her.

“Are you sure? Cause Carter hauled ass out of the warehouse like something bit him.” she replied,

“He just caught a scent and went to check it out” she looked at him like she didn’t believe him, though he wasn’t lying he wasn’t telling the whole truth either.

“When I go and check out a smell I don’t look pissed off” she stated, challenging him to tell her the truth. Tell her! Ky scolded, she had the right to know that someone was in the warehouse, but judging by the look on her face she already knew.

“He was there, in the loft. Carter went to make sure he was gone. If he’s not he’ll wish he was by the time Carter gets done with him.” She bit her lip, but nodded her head. Moving out from under the dashboard he helped her down from the truck. They quickly moved inside the warehouse, he didn’t want her out in the open just in case Magnus was still around, he had a feeling he came to check the loft to see if White was telling the truth and she was dead. They needed Magnus to think she was dead to keep her safe from at least one nut job. It would give them time to figure out what to do about the other one. Then again with Magnus on White’s tail they might not have to do anything and let Magnus take care of it for them.

As soon as she entered the warehouse Dax froze in her tracks, her breath stolen from her throat, as they all came screaming at her. Her demons were out, someone not only opened the door but they brought them out and put them on display. She tried to pull away from Kane to run out of the warehouse, but he held her tight to him against his chest so she couldn’t see. It didn’t matter she didn’t need to see, she could hear them screaming clawing their way back into her. She trembled against him, fighting to control the flow of tears threatening to run down her cheeks, her heart beat wild and loud as her breath came out in gasps. He moved her quickly to the break room to get her away from the sight of them. As soon as he had the door closed behind them the dam broke and she fell from his arms to the floor. She wrapped her arms around herself as her shoulders shook and her body trembled tracing and retracing the scar on her ear. He held her tight letting her get it out.

“Who would bring them out?” Johnny asked,

“Magnus? It’s all he thinks he has left of her” Kenneth guessed,

“If it’s all he has left, then why is he destroying them?” Damon asked as he pulled several destroyed pieces out of the garbage.

“White wants her dead! So he would bring them out to torture her.” Johnny speculated. They all stood there lost in thought trying to figure it out.

“Who ever White wanted her for? Remember the emails both White and Magnus were using yours….yours can’t have her, yours is dumb. We just thought he was someone on the sidelines, but what if….what if he’s a player in the game as well” Damon threw out.

“Fottutamente fantastico! L’altro pazzoide! (Fucking fantastic! The other madman!)” Marco threw his hands in the air, his anger clearly showing. They heard a deep angry growl in the distance.

“Suona arrabbiato (He sounds angry)” Marco declared,

“Thank you Marco!” Johnny snapped. Marco just curled his top lip at him, and walked away muttering something in Italian.

“What do we do with them? She can’t face them, it’s too painful for her” Johnny asked, no one knew what to say.

“Coprili (cover them!)” Marco suggested. Damon and Johnny stared at him waiting for him to give them some clue on what he said. Instead Marco shook his head and walked away and started flipping the paintings over hiding the pictures.

“Cover them!” Damon said as he watched him. They all nodded and moved around the warehouse to find something to cover them with.

“Why did she create them? Some of these things are terrifying” Damon asked, looking at some of the sculptures he was in the process of covering, fighting off the shudder that was threatening to run down his back.

“Maybe she didn’t mean to or didn’t know she did, maybe like the ballerina she drew, something came over her and gave a form to her fear. So she could face it and move on when she was ready.” Kenneth commented, turning some of the paintings over. “But I don’t think the idea was for her to face it all in one shot, it’s too overwhelming, but over time one by one, each piece she faces is another piece of her past that can’t hurt her anymore.” He added,

“Do you think fate had her do this?” Johnny asked him, Kenneth could only shrug, he truly didn’t know.

“We can speculate and assume all we like about these demons, but a question still remains and none of us has asked it, why is the third nut destroying them?” Damon asked, they all just looked at each other. “Fucking great we have more questions than answers” Damon said, they looked around to make sure they got them all.

“Baby, do you want to go back to the house? Whatever you want to do, I can send Johnny and Kenneth to the meeting and you and I can hide in our room till whenever you want to come out.” Dax gripped him tightly, letting him hold her, soothing her. He was home, there was safety in his embrace, warmth in his touch. A storm was raging all around them and he was calm in the middle of it. The world was big and scary, but when she was home she wasn’t scared and he was home.

“I need my home” his arms wrapped around her more tightly, her trembling body molding to his. He understood the conversation they had this morning while they were on the couch playing in his mind. A few more minutes had passed before she spoke again.

“Go to the meeting, it’s important that you’re there.” She spoke quietly.

“You’re more important! You’ll always be” He said softly, running his fingers through her hair.

“Go to the meeting! If you can be brave, then I can be brave, but I want your shirt.” he chuckled.

“My little mouse, no one could say you’re not brave.” he pulled off his shirt and slipped it over her head and helped her find the arm holes. Getting to their feet he moved towards the door, she hesitated and he waited for her. When they opened the door she kept her eyes cast to the floor, she didn’t want to see them, the screams were worse when she looked at them.

“You can look up baby” she clutched him tightly, she didn’t want to, but when she did all she saw was fabric. She looked around the warehouse, they were all covered with whatever could be found. She looked back at them and a small smile graced her lips.

“Thank you!” she said,

“It’s what families do, darling,” Johnny said. “I hate to be the one to wreck the sentimental moment but the meeting starts in 10 minutes and you need a shirt” Johnny looked through the stack of shirts they found to cover her demons and threw one to him. He held it up and looked at him.

“It’s….pink!” he could hear Damon and Kenneth fighting back their laughter.

“You need a shirt!” Johnny said grinning,

“It’s pink!” Kane held it away from him.

“I like pink!” Johnny was starting to laugh,

“$20 says he won’t wear it” Kenneth whispered to Damon

“I’ll take that bet,” Damon whispered back.

“If you like it so much then you wear it” Kane replied,

“Beggars can’t be choosers and we don’t have time for this, put the shirt on” Johnny was laughing now,

“It’s pink!” Kane grumbled,

“Fine don’t put the shirt on, go to the meeting like that, Angie will have a heart attack, it’ll be fun” Johnny laughed harder. He could hear her giggling beside him as he glared at the pink shirt. He could hear Ky howling in his head. Put it on, stop being a baby! Then you wear it! It makes her laugh! He liked the sound of her giggles! Laughing mate is not a scared mate! Fuck!

He rolled his shoulders and pulled the shirt on.

“Pay up!” Damon held out his hand to Kenneth.

“Fanculo!” Kenneth said, shaking his head giving Damon the money. Kane could only shake his head, they really do bet on everything.

“Get what you need then get back to the house, I will be there as soon as I can.” He pulled her in for a kiss.

“You look so pretty!” He could hear them all laughing.

“I thought I only looked pretty when I was mad” he said,

“You’re very pretty when you’re mad” he pressed his lips to hers.

“Let’s go!” he said when he stepped away from her. Kenneth and Johnny were still laughing as they walked out of the warehouse. Carter was on his way in when he stopped dead and looked at Kane and his pink shirt. He looked at Damon then back at Kane.

“He’s wearing a pink shirt!” Carter scratched the back of his head once more looking at Kane, Damon just nodded still howling.

“Did I miss something?” He asked turning back to Damon.

“Yeah, I won $20!” Damon choked out.

When he was calm enough he asked her what she needed so they could get it and get back to the house. Her and Marco went off in search of boxes, she was going to need them and they started with the art piece Kane commissioned. She gathered brushes and small jars for stain and the colours she was going to need. Rags and brush cleaner, an art easel and the panel itself. She rolled up the good copy of the finished sketch and slid it into a tube to keep it safe and added that to one of the boxes. Next she and Carter started gathering her sketchbooks, she had them all over the warehouse. There were 30 in total, 17 on the warehouse floor, 11 hidden in the loft and two locked away. Damon was trying to convince her to pack a few more things so she had something to do at the pack house, besides causing trouble.

“I don’t cause trouble!” She huffed,

“No of course not, you steal trucks and go on joy rides and make us chase you down for the fun of it.” He laughed,

“I’m helping! You could use the exercise” she fired back, Marco and Carter sat at one of the work tables laughing at their argument.

“There is not an ounce of fat on me” Damon protested,

“Are you sure about that?” She asked,

“Positive! Point it out, you can’t, cause there’s none” he replied,

“You mean besides your fat head?” She shot back,

“I do not have a fat head” he huffed,

“It’s not little!” She was trying to hide the smile on her face, she didn’t know why but fighting with him like this felt natural, they would bicker about a lot of things.

“You’re such a pain in my ass!” He said, throwing a rag at her laughing.

An hour later Dax had most of what she needed packed, she just needed the remaining books out of the loft. Though she was in there last Thursday she was so distracted looking for something it never registered to look at what chaos was in the living room, then she had the flashback of the fire at the art gallery and she just wanted out of there. Now faced with the inevitable that she would have to look at the scene of what happened last Wednesday, she couldn’t bring herself to go up there. She would help load the truck up and she would work up her courage to go up there. Damon was outside, he was going to pull the back of the truck up to the loading dock to make it easier to load. She did take his advice and packed up a few extra things for her to do, she didn’t know when she would come back to the warehouse again. As she was moving towards the bay door a feeling ripped through her, it was icy cold and stole her breath away. Save him, don’t wait! She blinked, she didn’t understand, save who? Save him before it’s too late! The voice was urgent, the feeling intensified and she felt something shift in her as she made her way quicker to the door.

She ran outside to see Damon walking across the parking lot towards the truck, he was on his phone talking to somebody, not paying attention to what was going on around him. Then she saw the car speeding towards him and tried to yell for him to get out of the way, but the words wouldn’t leave her mouth. As fast as her legs could go she ran towards him still trying to yell to get him to move, seconds before the car struck him she pushed him as hard as she could out of the way, her body tensing as the car struck her on the left side. She slammed into the hood, bounced into the windshield and flipped over the top of the car. Smacking into the ground hard behind it, rolling across the parking lot until she came to her final resting place. Her body exploded in pain, her vision blurred, sounds became distant and faint. She could barely hear the voices of Carter and Marco calling her name, she could barely see Damon running towards her, and then nothing, all went dark and quiet.

Damon was making dinner plans with Lydia after she got off work tonight.

“You know I’m not very good at movies”

“Then you can’t get mad if I fall asleep or talk through it”

“It would have been better with aliens”

“I like books better”

“You want me to read to you….I can do that”

“Pick a book”

“Any book you want”

“Isn’t that th-” his words were cut off there as he was hit hard from behind and pushed almost four feet to the ground.


LUNA!” He heard Marco and Carter yelling and he looked up in time to see her roll over the top of a car and hit the ground hard and stop moving a few feet away from where she was struck. The car sped off towards the back of the building, tires squealing as it turned out of sight. He could hear Lydia screaming, it all happened so fast now he felt like he was moving in slow motion.

“No, no, no, no, no, what did you do? What did you do?” He yelled as he ran towards her. Blood pooled out around her, she wasn’t moving, he checked for a pulse, for breathing for any signs of life. Then he barked orders.

“Marco call James, Carter get inside and find clean towels to press to her wounds. NOW!” he told Lydia he would call her back and he disconnected.

“Feisty pants, feisty pants, come on little girl open your eyes, look at me. Why the fuck would you do that?” Damon begged her to open her eyes, he was fighting the emotion in his voice, she didn’t need tears, she needed strength. He was fighting Titan, his snarls were escaping as he tried to get her to open her eyes.

“Non hanno un furgone medico….no medical van. They, they, th….hanno detto che dobbiamo portarla al reparto medico subito, prima che muoia dissanguata. (They said we have to get her to the medical ward now, before she bleeds out.)” Marco reiterated what James was saying, he tried for English, he really did, but the more upset he became, he couldn’t get the words out.

“Put him on speaker so I can hear, Carter, move your ass. We need those towels now.” Carter was back in seconds with an armful of towels and rags and a first aid kit.

“Get the truck” and he took off again.

“Where is she bleeding from?” he heard James asking,

Everywhere!” Damon yelled,

“You need to apply pressure to major areas or she will bleed out, you need to get her here fast.” James was saying. Carter pulled the truck up beside them and he was out of it before Damon could even call him. They had the back door open and they were lifting her into it. Damon and Marco were trying to press so many towels to her body to stop as much of the blood flow as possible, Carter was back in the driver’s seat.

“Drive it like you stole it” Damon barked, he punched the gas and didn’t let up the whole drive back to the pack house.

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