The Alpha Wants Everything Book 1 The King's Queen
Chapter 91: Did we screw this up?

The second her foot hit the driveway she was rushed inside and to her room. She was pretty much stripped and pushed into the shower, to get cleaned up. No, no more showering without our mountain wolf! Nyx whined. I know Nyx, I know. But we’re getting married and we’ll see him soon enough! The second I see him, I’m going to jump him! NO! You’re not going to jump him on sight! Fine, as soon as we are alone! Fine! Dax only agreed because she wasn’t too certain she’d be able to keep her hands off the second they were alone. She wasn’t too certain she would be able to do it before then. If it wasn’t for Carter and the massive hangover she had, she wasn’t certain she would have made it to the warehouse.

“Come on sweetie” Lydia called through the bathroom door.

“You didn’t give me anything to change into” Dax replied back when she opened the door wearing only a towel. Lydia handed her a little bag and a robe, with a very sweet smile on her face.

“I don’t trust that face” Dax said to her but she closed the bathroom door again. They heard rustling then a gasp

“Where the fuck is the rest of it?” Dax yelled from the other side, the girls giggled and told her to hurry up. She still needed hair, makeup and nails done. And if she didn’t want to walk down the aisle in the little skimpy thing they gave her she needed to get her dress on.

Once more opening the bathroom door, she clutched the robe to herself tightly as she shot daggers at Lydia.

“Why did you do this to me?” She asked as Katalina and Magda pulled her towards the vanity and started on her hair and make up.

“Oh sweetie. He’s going to love it!” Lydia giggled,

“He’s going to rip it off” Dax fired back,

“That’s the idea, gorgeous.” Jackie cooed behind her as she helped Seraphine with the dress.

“Holy fuck!” Dax whispered when she saw it for the first time. She has never seen anything more gorgeous in her life. The strapless sweetheart neckline of the trumpet dress shape led to a chapel length train. The pure white fabric shimmered in the light, giving it an unearthly glow and the bodice embroidered all the way around with a small black delicate flower detail, leading down into the skirt and continuing onwards into the train.

“Do you like it?” Seraphine asked,

“You made that? You made that for me?” Dax could only stare at the dress, never in her life would she ever think she would ever wear something like that. Never in her life would she ever think she was worthy of wearing something like that. “It’s beautiful! Thank you!”

“It was my pleasure to make this for you. You welcomed me into the pack so warmly and made me feel like family instantly. You have no idea how much that could ever mean to me” Seraphine replied.

“Hey, hey now. No making the bride cry right now. This make-up needs to be on point. Tears come later after the I do’s” Magda said as she dabbed at Dax’s eyes with a tissue. The girls giggled again as Seraphine too wiped her eyes, though she held a gaze with Dax for a second or two longer.

Hair….half up half down, her natural waves styled into gentle soft ringlets….check. Makeup….light subtle blush on her delicate cheeks, red lipstick, black smokey eye with a very light eyeliner and mascara….check. Nails….perfectly shaped, polished and painted with a clear polish and delicate black flowers to match the dress….check. Finally it was time for the dress. Standing up she looked at them all and they stared back at her.

“You have to lose the robe to get the dress on,” Jackie said, biting back her laugh. Dax looked down at the robe and remembered what she had on under it, or lack thereof on under it.

“I’m practically naked under this thing” Dax blurted.

“Unless you want to walk down the aisle practically naked, you need to get the dress on.” Lydia stated, as she moved towards Dax and pulled the robe from her. They all stared wide eyed.

“Yeah….he’s gonna rip that off” Jackie said nodding,

“I….I thought it was going to cover more than that. She’s little!” Lydia exclaimed. Dax’s face was bright red all the way to the tips of her ears as she stood in front of her friends barely wearing anything.

“Guess you didn’t realize her boobs were that big” Seraphine giggled, she couldn’t help it. None of them could. Once one started they all started.

“Oh he’s gonna eat her alive” Magda claimed when she saw her. The red lace strapless bra barely contained her ample breast. The thin ribbons that looped across her midsection and down her sides and back danced and flirted with the top of red lace and very skimpy cheeky panties. Yup, he is going to lose his mind when he sees this! Hope you’re not attached to it! Not helping! Not trying!

Kane was now standing on the stage with Johnny, Kenneth and Marco beside him. He shifted his weight from foot to foot as he awaited the appearance of his bride. Where is she? She’ll be here! I want her now! Calm down Ky, she’ll be here! I want to see her! We will! Let’s just go get her! Just a little longer! No longer….NOW! KY, CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Kane was already nervous enough, he didn’t need Ky in his head going off. He didn’t know why he was nervous, she loved him, she was excited to marry him. But he was nervous nonetheless. He would relax when he saw her, when she was standing in front of him he would calm down.

“Breathe son!” Edward said on the other side of him. He stood in the middle and would act as the officator for both ceremonies.

Murray stood on the other side of the stage by the stairs, though Damon and Carter were walking her down the aisle, they felt that it should be Murray’s honour to give her away. He’s acted as her father for three years.

“How much longer?” Kane asked,

“Soon!” Johnny said beside him. His pack sat in chairs that covered the whole yard. Word had spread through the different factions and as many of them as they could send descended on the town in less than 24 hours. Alpha Thomas and his pack were present as well, he decided tonight was a good night to merge their packs. He had discussed it with Kane earlier in the day and he agreed.

“I don’t have high hopes for the dress making it” Tamara said as they all took in the sight of her. They wouldn’t let her look at herself until she was completely done and only then did Lydia bring over a full length mirror so she could see. Her breath caught in her throat. The bodice propped her ample breast giving them more of an appearance while at the same time accentuating her narrow waist. The skirt hugged her hips and when she moved the fabric moved around her like water.

“Don’t cry!” Magda warned, Dax shook her head, no she wouldn’t cry. Look at us, we’re so pretty! Her hand touched the soft silky fabric and she couldn’t help the sniffle. Don’t cry! I’m not! Yes you are! I’m trying not to!

“If he wrecks this dress I will be so mad at him” Was all she could think to say.

“That’s our Luna!” Lydia gave her a gentle hug.

“Thank you. All of you! I….” Dax turned from the mirror to look at them all.

“It’s what families do sweetie.” Lydia beamed a big smile at her.

“Ok, time to get you married” Jackie exclaimed wiping her eyes.

“Oh before I forget” Lydia walked back over to her and handed her a folder. Dax looked down at it and then back up at Lydia.

“You just have to sign it and it’s official” She told her. Dax nodded, clutched the folder tightly to her as she watched her friends, her family walk out of the room and she turned back to look at herself one more time in the mirror. Yup, I’ll be big mad if he wrecks this dress! Then we better get out there before he comes looking for us! We’re getting married! The smile broke big on her face and her heart fluttered at the thought.

Carter and Damon stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for their sister to come down. Damon kept tugging at the bow tie, he didn’t like it, he hated the stupid thing. Carter was trying not to laugh at him, but he wasn’t containing it very well.

“The fuck you laughing at?” Damon grumbled, tugging the bow tie one more time.

“If you don’t like it then why did you agree to wear it?” Carter asked,

“Why did you agree to wear a suit?” Damon fired back instead of answering. Carter just nodded. The things you do for your family.

“She better hurry the fuck up though” Damon said as he tugged the bow tie one more time.

“I’m right here, Squeaky!” Dax said as she stood on the flight of stairs above them.

“Woah!” Was all Carter could say when he saw her.

“Holy feisty pants!” Damon seconded his thoughts. She descended the stairs and got halfway before Carter met her. She smiled brightly at him.

“You look beautiful, Luna” He said, taking her arm and walking her the rest of the way down. He promised he wouldn’t let her fall, and he was going to keep that promise.

“We gotta get out there but, my baby sister’s getting married and I think that allows me a few minutes.” Damon began,

“Just a fair warning if you make me cry, Magda will murder you” Dax warned him.

“I consider myself warned. You have got to be the most annoying, stubborn pain in my ass little person I have ever met. You are fiery and feisty and way too temperamental for your own damn good. But you are my annoying, stubborn, pain in the ass little person. You were my sister before you were my sister and you will always be. We don’t have a lifetime of stories, but the ones we do have will be told for a lifetime. I’m proud of you little sister.” Damon sniffled a bit.

“Magda’s gonna kill you!” Dax said, fanning her eyes trying to stop the tears. “We might not have had a lot of time together Damon, but the time we did have, means the world to me. I’m glad I found you, both of you” the first tear slipped down her cheek as she looked over at Carter

“Me too!” Damon engulfed her and Carter into a hug. “But you need to stop crying now. I don’t want Magda to hit me and we need to get out there, before your man yells in my head some more. I’ve already ignored him three times” She giggled against his shoulder.

A few deep breaths and feeling as collected as she could she nodded her head. It was time. Damon stepped out of the house as the first musical note played on the air. The whole pack stood and Kane couldn’t help but curse in his head as they blocked his view of her. Johnny grabbed his arm to stop him from jumping from the stage to go get her. He nodded his head and Johnny dropped his arm trying not to laugh. He’s waited this long, what’s a few more minutes. He can take a few more minutes. Then she came into view and his heart stopped in his chest. His breath caught in his throat. This time both Johnny and Kenneth grabbed a hold of him to stop him from going to her. His urge to meet her, to have her in his arms immediately was powerful and all consuming. Marco was making himself ready to have to help as well.

“Questo è il motivo per cui non tieni i compagni separati. Se vengo preso a calci in testa, mi arrabbierò con tutti voi! (This is why you don’t keep your mates separate. If I get kicked in the head, I’ll be mad at all of you!)” He mumbled under his breath. Kenneth bit back his laugh as Kane just looked over at Marco.

“Do I want to know what he just said?” Kane asked quietly,

“If you kick him in the head he’s going to be mad at all of us” Kenneth whispered back.

The closer Dax got to Kane the bigger her smile became. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, until she noticed someone else on the stage. Her breath caught when she saw Murray waiting for her. She glanced quickly at the crowd and saw Glenda dabbing her eyes. She stifled a sniffle and turned back to the stage.

“Are you ok Luna?” Carter asked,

“Magda’s going to kill me” She whispered back as she fought to control the tears. She was not expecting to see them at her wedding. She turned her attention back to Kane and saw his smile get bigger. If it wasn’t for Carter and Damon she would have ran to the stage and thrown herself into the arms of the man that did all this for her. Just a few more minutes, she can last a few more minutes. Stopping at the stairs she hugged both Carter and Damon and accepted Murray’s hand as he helped her climb the stairs, and proceeded across the stage to stop in front of Kane. Damon and Carter took their places behind Marco and waited for the ceremony to start. Dax passed her bouquet to Lydia as Kane took her hands in his. Electricity shot through both of them and for the first time since the night before their worlds seemed right.

“You look beautiful” He whispered,

“You look quite handsome yourself, but I am warning you that if you wreck one thing on this dress you won’t get any” She whispered back. Johnny had to turn away to avoid bursting out in laughter. That’s our mate! Classy girl!

As the ceremony progressed Dax and Kane could not take their eyes off each other, their smiles never falling from their faces. When it came time for the vows her eyes widened, she didn’t write any. She didn’t write any vows at all. It all happened so fast and it slipped her mind. Johnny handed him a piece of paper and he gave it to her. She arched an eyebrow at it then looked at him.

“Johnny wrote something for you,” Kane whispered.

“Kane would you like to say your vows” Edward was trying not to laugh, he could only imagine what Johnny put down on that paper for her to say.

“I, Kane McKenna, promise to love you without condition, to honour you each and every day. To laugh with you when you are happy and to support you when you are sad. I promise to guide you when you ask for direction and accept you for the beautiful person you are right now and the beautiful person you are to become in the future. I promise to love you louder on days when you need it the most and to protect you with all that I am. I love you Dax, you are my always and forever and this is my promise to you.”

“Dax, your vows!” Edward choked out. She opened the paper, read a few lines, then glared at Johnny, who just lost it on the stage and broke out laughing.

“I’m not saying that” She crumpled the paper. Do you know what to say? No, I have nothing….do you? Yes, repeat after me! She took a deep breath and then looked back up at him.

“I can’t promise to stop making sailors blush nor can I promise to keep my little ass out of trouble. And after this is over I can’t guarantee Johnny won’t be body parts in my freezer” Dax glared at Johnny again, and the guests bit back their laughter.

“This is what I can promise you. I, Dax….McKenna” His eyes widened when she said the last name. “Promise to love you with everything I have in me. To honour and cherish every moment we have together. To hold your heart and keep it protected with everything that I have. I promise to lift you up when you have fallen, to help you obtain the stars you reach for and to keep you on your toes. In you I have found the life I have always dreamed of, the family I have always needed, and the love I have always wanted. In you I have found me and because of that, I can promise you my heart and soul. I love you Kane McKenna, you are my always and forever and this is my promise to you.” Her eyes were brimming and she was fighting them back. Thank you Nyx! No need, those thoughts were in your head I just put them together! Thank you Nyx! You’re welcome Dax!

“Hold on son, not quite done” Edward grabbed Kane’s arm stopping him from claiming her right there.

“Stupid human tradition, when do I get to kiss her?” Kane growled.

“Did we totally screw this up?” Johnny asked Damon through the link

“What do you mean?” Damon called back,

“When do they exchange rings?” Johnny replied

“How the fuck do I know?” Damon huffed

“I thought you’ve been to a few weddings?” Johnny fought the urge to look at him

“No, I went to a few bachelor parties” Damon replied,

“Uh oh!” Johnny pulled the collar of his shirt.

“Still need to exchange the rings and say I do” Edward whispered to Kane as he looked at him questioningly. Kenneth and Marco were trying really hard not to laugh.

“Do you Kane McKenna, take this woman Dax McKenna to be your wife?” Edward asked him “This is where you say I do son” Edward whispered when Kane just stood there, not knowing what to do.

“I do!” He replied quickly, he just wanted to get to the kissing part now. He was trying not to whimper but this was taking forever, how do humans have patience for all of this?

“Get the ring” Johnny handed Kane the ring and he held it in his hand waiting for Edward to tell him what to do.

“Slipping the ring on her finger and repeat these words. With this ring, I, thee wed.” Edward instructed. Kane held her hand and he was about to slip the ring on.

“A proposito, hai fatto una cazzata, Damon!(By the way, you fucked up, Damon!)” Marco couldn’t help himself

“Listen here you little asshole….”

“Easy Damon, he’s just teasing. Though he’s not wrong”

“This was all Johnny”

“What the fuck do I know about human weddings?”

“Non sei riuscito a leggere un libro?(Couldn’t you read a book?)”

“I’m gonna hurt him”

“I’m gonna help”

“Marco, fermati adesso!”

“Left hand, left hand” Johnny blurted, that much he did know. The guests roared out with laughter. Dax couldn’t help but laugh as he dropped her right hand and grabbed her left. Yup, they totally screwed this up.

“Ring finger!” She whispered giving him a wink

“With this ring, I, thee wed” He said as he slipped the ring on her finger. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Ok my dear, your turn. Do you Dax McKenna take this man Kane Mckenna to be your husband?” Edward asked her,

“I do!” She replied, taking the ring from Lydia, before Edward could say anything.

“With this ring, I, thee wed” She slipped the ring on his finger. “I just want to get to the part where I get to kiss him now.” She added when she looked at Edward to continue.

“Ok then. In the presence of this good company, you have exchanged vows of commitment, binding it with an eternal ring. By the power of your love, today, tomorrow and always will we recognize you as husband and wife. You may kiss….” Kane didn’t even wait for the last part before he gathered her in his arms and crashed his mouth onto hers. “The bride!” Edward finished and stepped away to give them a moment. The crowd around the stage roared to life. The screams, whistles and hollars of excitement filled the air.

“So how badly did we screw that up?” Johnny asked Kenneth as they stood off to the side and waited for the Luna ceremony to start.

“It wasn’t too bad. Got the point across, and it definitely made it their own” Kenneth replied, Marco could only laugh.

“That’s not comforting,” Johnny replied, motioning towards Marco.

“Ignore him!” Kenneth remarked.

“In the future boys, let’s leave the human traditions to the humans. It’s time to get ready for the Luna ceremony.” Edward mentioned in passing as he now placed the ceremonial dagger on the podium.

“Are you two ready?” Edward asked them,

“I am. How about you Mrs. McKenna?” Kane looked down at her,

“I am Mr. McKenna” She replied, smiling up at him.

“This is a ceremony I know how to perform. First you have to become a pack member, then you will become Luna.” Edward told her.

“Attention! Attention!” Edward raised the dagger into the air and the crowd fell silent.

“Onto the second ceremony of the evening. Before you tonight, stands one of the bravest creatures our mother The Moon Goddess has placed on this earth. Though she may be small, she is fierce. She has shown resilience in the face of adversity, she has shown heart, dedication and an undying loyalty. It is with great pleasure that we welcome The Blood Howlers newest pack member….Dax McKenna” Edward handed the dagger to Kane. He stood behind her and wrapped his arm around her.

“You have to accept, and pledge your life to your pack and to your Alpha, then drink from me. It will establish the link to the rest of the pack, they will know your smell and that you are one of us.” Kane explained before he did anything. She nodded her head. This is exciting….what are we drinking? Nyx asked. Please say it’s not more booze! She watched as he placed the dagger across his palm and sliced. I don’t think it’s more booze! Nope, nope it’s not. At least he doesn’t have to bite you! Not helping! Not trying, now drink up!

“I Dax McKenna, accept my place and pledge my life to my pack The Blood Howlers and to my Alpha Kane McKenna” She put her lips to the palm of his hand and drank from his blood. She was expecting it to taste metallic and salty like licking a penny, which it did but it surprised her with a hint of sweetness. When she pulled away, she was hit immediately with a blinding sharp pain scrunching her face and holding her head, her legs buckled under her. When the stage floor failed to meet her she understood now why he had his arm wrapped around her.

“Shhh….that’s just the link snapping into place. Just breathe baby, it’ll be over soon.” He whispered in her ear, holding her tight to him.

“You ok?” He asked when he felt her breath a sigh of relief.

“Yeah!” Dax nodded and he helped her stand upright.

“Ok baby, time to appoint you Luna” Kane said to her. She nodded again and they both turned to Edward. The crowd held back their cheers when Dax became a pack member, they raised their noses and took in her scent letting it fill them. Familiarizing themselves with it, letting it surround them, but they still held back. They were waiting for her to become their Luna. Edward once again took the podium, a huge smile on his face as he got his scent of her.

“Welcome to the pack Dax” He said to her,

“Thank you!” She replied.

“Are you ready?” He asked, Dax looked to Kane then back to Edward.

“Yes!” She answered, a smile breaking on her face.

“For each one of us The Moon Goddess chooses a mate, a special someone, our gift. They are to be honoured and cherished. It is truly something special when an Alpha finds his. For she will become the pack Luna and together they will care for, defend and protect their pack against any threat of violence. They will show kindness and compassion. Grant mercy when it is deserved and punishment when it is due. We rejoice today, our Alpha has found his mate, and she is ready to become your Luna. Dax McKenna a great honour is being bestowed upon you. Do you promise to take on the responsibilities of a Luna and make them your own?” She went to open her mouth but Kane shook his head, so she closed it again.

“Do you promise to watch over the pack, to take care of them, nurture them and help them grow as if they were your own?” Again she went to open her mouth and again Kane shook his head.

“Do you promise that no matter what, you will not abandon or give up on your pack until the day you take your last breath?” This time she looked at Kane and he nodded.

“I do!” She said it loud, she said it clear. She could feel the excitement of the pack growing as the ceremony commenced.

“Repeat after me” Edward told her what to say, she took a deep breath as she turned, raised her right hand and spoke the words in a loud, clear voice.

“I, Dax McKenna Luna of The Blood Howlers make this binding vow today. I will protect them with my life, defend them till my death and cherish them with my heart. I vow to be compassionate, and gentle while standing firm. I vow to never let my pack lose hope and give up in the face of danger. This is my promise to you” Turning again to face Edward he once more held the ceremonial dagger. Yeah more bleeding! Shhh! No one can hear me! I can hear you! That wasn’t very nice! Now you know how I feel sometimes! Point taken!

“Are you two finished?” Kane whispered. Apparently, mountain wolf heard us too! If she could mentally facepalm she would right now. Dax’s face went red to the tips of her ears and she just nodded.

“The blood that flows through one, will now flow through the other.” Edward took Kane’s hand and cut his palm again. Do we have to drink it again? I don’t know, but be quiet! He took her palm, laid the cold blade across it and sliced. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open

“Holy mother fucker that hurts” She went to snatch her hand back only for Kane to grab it and lace their fingers together forcing their palms to seal around the wounds. Couldn’t we have drank it again? That would have been the less painful approach! The power she felt surged through her, amethyst flashing in her eyes as she faced her pack.

“United by bond, united in soul and now united with blood, The Blood Howlers have their Luna. It is with great pride….I announce to you, Luna Dax McKenna of The Blood Howlers” Edward raised their joined hands and the crowd roared to life once more. The sound louder than before resonating on the night air, the excitement overflowing.

“I, Beta Johnny Masters bear witness to this occasion”

“I, Lt. Kenneth Rossi bear witness to this occasion”

“I, Gamma Damon Benson bear witness to this occasion”

“I, Delta Carter Williams bear witness to this occasion”

“Io, Beta Marco Barone, sono testimone di questa occasione”

“Holy mother fucker! That part you probably should have said in your head” Kane whispered in her ear as he pulled her close to him one more time as Edward cleaned and dressed the wound on her hand.

“It just popped out as soon as my mouth opened” She flushed again. He laughed into her hair as he hugged her tighter. There was only one more thing to do tonight and they could celebrate.

“Ok baby, one more thing” Kane said, she nodded her head and moved to stand at his side as she watched Alpha Thomas approach.

“That was two wonderful ceremonies, I especially like that last part. Congratulations to the both of you” Alpha Thomas shook Kane’s hand and placed a gentle kiss on Dax’s cheek.

“Are you ready?” Kane asked him,

“Yes!” With a quick slice of his palm Alpha Thomas offered it to Kane, He too sliced his palm and the two men shook hands.

“I, Alpha Thomas Kincaid relinquish my title as Alpha over Hillcrest Pack and entrust it into the capable hands of Alpha Kane McKenna of The Blood Howlers. May he care for them the way he cares for his own.”

“I, Alpha Kane McKenna hereby accept Hillcrest Pack as my own. They will be trained and treated as any other member of my pack and be known from this day forward as Hillcrest Faction. You have served your pack well, and to the best of your ability. You have fought, won and lost for your pack. I, Alpha Kane McKenna hereby grant Thomas Kincaid the highest honour a werewolf can receive and appoint him the head of the Elder Council for Hillcrest Faction and the sole advisor to Lt. Kenneth Rossi and Beta Marco Barone.” Alpha Thomas’s eyes went wide. He was just expecting to be given an advisor role, not something that prestigious. The power that flowed from Kane into Alpha Thomas flowed into every member of Hillcrest. A chorus of whimpers rose into the air, followed closely by a series of howls as they accepted their place in The Blood Howlers.

“Now I think we have more than enough reasons to celebrate tonight,” Kane said.

Pack members congratulated the happy couple, they congratulated the new Luna. His pack accepted Hillcrest with welcome arms and they integrated nicely into everything. With the party in full swing and no signs of stopping Kane only had one thing on his mind. His new bride. He wanted to take her back to their room. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and hold her there all night. He had already decided there was no way she was going to work tomorrow. He was keeping her in bed the whole fucking day and possibly the day after as well. Let’s go get her! Ky urged, he wanted his mate. He looked over at her, she was talking to somebody but her eyes would drift over to him and then snap back to whoever she was talking to only to wander in his direction again. I think she has the same idea! I think she does! He crossed the room quickly and only approached when she was alone.

“Good evening Mrs. McKenna” He spoke from behind her.

“Good evening Mr. McKenna” She spoke back “What can I do for you?”

“So many things!” He whispered, releasing a low growl that ran a shiver up her back. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. No one would bother them there for a little bit.

“When did you change your name?” He asked,

“Today!” She replied, he looked down at her in confusion.

“Last night before all the drinking, I spoke to the girls and asked a question that stumped everybody. What does a bride get her husband, when he already has everything? What could she possibly do that would make him truly happy?” She looked up at him.

“You truly are one of this world’s most amazing creatures. You have no idea how happy it made me to hear that name come out of your mouth.” He pressed his lips to hers gently.

“Edward printed off all the documents I needed to make the change and I filled it out. The only thing I had to do was sign it, I did that before I came downstairs for the ceremony. It needs to be dropped off at the county clerk tomorrow, but I am officially Dax McKenna.” She added when he broke the kiss only for him to do it again more demanding this time.

“You look tired Mrs. Mckenna” He growled in her ear,

“I feel a little tired Mr. McKenna” She purred into his,

“You must want out of this dress” His hands ran up her sides.

“I love this dress, why would I want to take it off?” She said, her eyes dancing as she looked up at him.

“It is a very nice dress, but I want you out of it now” He released another low growl one hand tightened around her when she shivered against him. He let his other trail up the front and graze over the top of her breast as he pushed her hair from her shoulder, placing a gentle kiss there then started moving towards her neck.

“Ok, time for bed” He smiled against her neck and took her hand one more time leading them off the dance floor. They passed Johnny and Damon who were both grinning from ear to ear.

“Where the fuck do you two think you’re going?” Damon asked,

“Bed, I’m really tired” Dax responded, grabbing Kane’s hand and pulling out of the hall and towards the stairs

“Uh huh!” Johnny laughed.

They barely made their floor before his mouth was on hers and his hands were travelling her body. He wanted this dress off now, but there was her threat earlier about not getting any if he wrecked the dress. He had to maintain enough control to get her out of it while keeping it in one piece. Stopping at their door after they crashed down the hallway he scooped her into his arms.

“Isn’t there a tradition about carrying the bride across the threshold?” He asked.

“There is,” she replied, pulling herself closer to him. She kissed along his jaw to his neck to his collarbone. He released another growl as he opened the door and passed through, kicking it closed behind him. Her fingers made short work of the buttons on his shirt after she pulled the bowtie from his neck. Hand splayed across his chest she took in the feel of his taut muscles tracing each definition. Her mouth covering the same ground kissing, tasting, nipping at his skin. His breathing increased as she inched lower and lower. He pressed hard into her, his body responding to the torturous movements she was making.

Placing her on the ground she continued to let her hand travel with her mouth following. When she hit the waistband of his pants, he backed her into the wall and turned her around. The dress needed off now. His hands shook as he struggled to get it unfastened. She had him worked to his breaking point and he was about ready to rip the dress off of her. Holding it to her front as he unfastened the last hook, she spun before he had a chance to push it to the ground. Moving him back towards the bed she pushed him down and away from her, before she removed her hand and let the gown fall away to the floor leaving her standing there in her skimpy red lace scraps of fabric. His eyes blackened as he took in the sight of her. If he knew she was wearing next to nothing under that dress, they would have been up here right after the fucking ceremonies.

Moving further away from him, he tracked her movements around the room. She made sure he got a good view of both the front and the back of what she wasn’t wearing. When she did move closer to the bed she avoided his touch. Climbing up on her side she stood over him. His hands trailed up her legs gently, tenderly, caressing, feeling his way like she did to him. His mouth moved over the flesh above her knee moving higher and high up her thigh trailing behind his fingers. He brushed her and she moaned at the barely there contact. She was throbbing between her legs, anticipating him and what he was going to do to her. Her scent, enticing him, calling him. Tantalizing him to push his limits of control. Torturing him, with every moan that escaped past her lips. He wanted her, he wanted her moaning, arching while she screamed his name.

His hands grasping the backs of her knees he brought her down to his lap. Allowing his hands to trail up her back. She pushed his shirt off of him and continued her exploration of his body. She tasted and touched everywhere she could. He tore off the first piece of her scraps, palming her breasts as he ravaged her neck. Kissing, sucking, nipping his way down, her fingers threading into his hair would grip tighter when he hit somewhere she liked. Pressing harder into him, encouraging him, she began to rotate her hips against him. He moaned into her neck, his hand gripping her hip as she rocked into him.

Pushing her onto her back he moved over top of her ripping her bottoms off. He trailed his mouth down her, letting his tongue dance and swirl over the flesh of her body. She hissed and arched when he drew one of her erect nipples into his mouth. He sucked, nipped lavashing as much attention on it as he could, then he focused on the other one. His hand slipped down her body leaving light trails of fire behind. He rubbed her, priming her, eliciting moans from her. Greedily drawing all of her pleasure, making her louder the more he did.

A fist full of bedding, she arched when he inserted two fingers deep inside of her and started thrusting at a steady rhythm. She gasped and moaned, panted, begging for more. He never stopped, never slowed down, he kept the same rhythm as his mouth travelled down her body. Her moans turned to small screams and wave after wave rocked through her. Losing his pants and his briefs he moved back up her body worshipping every inch of her.

“Look at me” His voice was horace, laced with want. Her eyes snapped open and she stared into the flaming darkness of his passion. He crashed his mouth onto hers the same moment he entered her. She arched high, and their bodies moved in rhythm with each other. His moans in unison with hers. She kissed down his jaw to the left side of his neck. Tasted his skin, sucked nipped at the tender flesh. They were growing closer and closer as the pressure built inside them. Just as he reached his peak he felt something sharp pierce his neck and a bolt of pain shot through him, only to be replaced with an immeasurable amount of pleasure.

They erupted into a dizzying high, she clenched hard around him arched high from his final thrust. His body stiffened, then shivered, before collapsing on top of hers. He felt something trickling down his neck slightly and when he looked at her he saw her canines retracting. She marked us! Ky yelled with excitement in his head. Mate marked us! He gathered her into his arms and held her tight to him. His mate marked him, she carried his last name and became his Luna. What could you indeed give someone that has everything?

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