It was around four when Maggie could finally walk back into the kitchen. She had stood at the till listening to customers complain about not having access to bread or other bakery items for hours. Maybe they shouldn’t have acted like a bunch of assholes and they wouldn’t have closed the bakery for a few days. She told a few of them that as well. Maggie stood there watching Kenzi move around, she was slower than usual and she could see her struggling to keep up right. She could hear the slight hitches in the breath she’d take, see the way she flinched when she turned a certain way or moved wrong.

“Good afternoon honey child!” She called her. She would send Kenzi for a break but didn’t think she’d get very far before she collapsed.

“Af-ter-noon Maggie!” Kenzi flinched a little as she tried to turn around to see her.

“How bad is it?” Maggie asked,

“It’s ok Maggie, it was jus a ass-cident. He di-dint mean to, I jus made him mad” Kenzi replied, she hung her head. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important! Kenzi recited these words over and over in her head.

“Honey child….how was your birthday?” She wanted to say that was bullshit, and Adam’s all wrong for her. She wanted to yell and holler but then she remembered what Adonis said and a smile played on her lips. Adam would get his in the end.

“Oh um….it’s not important!” Kenzi didn’t want to tell her Teagan didn’t show up.

“She didn’t show up did she?” Maggie had already guessed it. It’s what her sister does every year, promises she’ll show up and then bails on her at the last minute. Maggie knows why she does it too, Teagan is selfish and doesn’t want Kenzi to have an ounce of happiness. That girl has it in her head that Kenzi robbed her of something and now she’s doing everything she can to take whatever good she can from her.

“It’s ok, she made uther plans, it’s not important.” Forcing the cheeriness into her voice Kenzi turned back to her work table, she could feel the tears brimming, she didn’t want to burden Maggie with them. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important!

“It never is….there’s always next year right? Isn’t that what you always tell me? That’s the best thing about birthdays, there’s always another one.” Maggie said. She saw Kenzi tense slightly at the thought.

“No, I’m….I’m not gonna has them no more, that’s ok it’s not important it’s jus a uther day.” Kenzi nodded her head, though she was the only one in the room that agreed with that.

“Hey Maggie, um….I has to leaf early tomorrow. There’s a party for the new owner of James’s company in the left city and Teagan asskded me to go” Kenzi said, turning to face her again.

“Sure thing honey child” though Maggie doubted Teagan asked, more like told her she was going.

“Thanks Maggie” Kenzi smiled at her and turned back to the table.

The bell above the bakery rang alerting Maggie to customers and she stepped back out of the kitchen to greet them, leaving Kenzi alone.

“Well, good afternoon boys” Maggie addressed Jackson and Tyler.

“Afternoon Mrs. Wendall, how you today?” Tyler answered, while Jackson nodded his hello.

“I’m doing fine, thank you for asking Tyler. What can I do for you boys today?” Maggie asked,

“We jus lookin. Bakery wasn’t open las time we was in town. Smell good, you can smell it outside.” Tyler replied, causing Maggie to laugh. “How you not eat everthin in here?” Tyler asked her,

“Rule number one don’t come to the bakery hungry” Maggie replied,

“We has lunch, an I wasn’t hungry….till I walk in the damn door.” Tyler commented,

“Well, that’s Kenzi’s baking. It can make this whole town smell good and make you hungry even after you eat. She’s been baking up a storm in the kitchen” Maggie said.

“Lil Kenzi Cakes here?” It was the first time Jackson spoke since they walked in the bakery. “Hello Mrs. Wendall, I shoulda say that firs, that was rude. Truthfully I tryin not to drool, but it not workin for me.” He added, causing Maggie to laugh again.

“I’ll buzz Kenzi up front for you. She could use some more friendly faces today” Maggie said, hitting the buzzer for the kitchen.

“People givin her shit again?” Tyler asked, both him and Jackson stiffened at the thought of someone giving her more problems.

“No, it was her birthday yesterday. Her sister was supposed to celebrate with her but she bailed on her….again.” Maggie explained,

“Her never celebrate her birthday?” That upset Tyler, birthdays are supposed to be celebrated.

“She never gets to celebrate it” Maggie replied,

“That ain’t right! Birthdays are posed to be celebrated” Tyler had to bite back the growl at that. Jackson always made sure he got his birthday celebrated, even if it was just the two of them.

“Her celebrate it, don’t you worry Tyler. We figure it out” Jackson added to the conversation. He was standing near the back by the kitchen door, when it flew open. SMACK!!!

OW FUCK!” Jackson hit the ground hard as the door smacked him in the face. The last thing Maggie and Tyler saw was a surprised Kenzi standing on the other side when the door swung shut.

“Holy shit!” Tyler exclaimed then broke out laughing. “Ha, ha, ha! Big tough guy, got taken out by the itty bitty baker”

“Fuck you Tyler!” Jackson cursed from the floor. “Let her hit you wit the fuckin door”

“Oh no Jackson! I’m sorry Jackson, I’m so sorry. I di-dint see you there and the door got stuck.” Kenzi came out of the kitchen and was now kneeling by Jackson on the floor.

“You din’t see me? Kenzi they’s a window in the door” Jackson said, holding his nose.

“I can’t see out of the window,” She replied. Tyler was still laughing, but they both helped him to a sitting position.

“You can’t see out the window?” Jackson looked at the door then to her as she shook her head.

“I’m too liddle. Here let me see….it’s not bleeding” she said when he took his hand away from his face.

“That don’t make it feel better Kenzi” Jackson replied, Tyler’s laughing wasn’t helping.

“I’m so sorry Jackson, I di-dint mean to. The door got stuck so I kickded it. If I knew you were there I wou-dint has kickded it. If I kn….I di-dint kn….I’m sorry Jackson” Kenzi apologized again, she felt awful for what she did, they could see it on her face.

“Hey, it ok. We call us equal. I scare you an you fell in the bush, you hit me wit a door, rang my bell. Equal!” Jackson was trying to be reassuring.

“You scare her into a bush, her should hit you twice wit the door” Tyler commented,

“Not helpin Tyler!” Jackson barked at him,

“Hi, Tyler Monroe, I Jackson’s brother” Tyler introduced himself,

“Hi! Kenzi Templeton, I hit people with doors” She introduced herself and shook his hand.

“Yeah, that was funny though. He went down hard” Tyler replied with a big grin on his face.

“Shut up Tyler. I hit you wit the fuckin door” Jackson glowered at him.

“Fuck you Jackass! That me, you still be laughin” Tyler shot back, glaring at him.

“Come on let’s get you some ice” Kenzi cut in, trying to diffuse the fight going on between the brothers. Jackson nodded, but they continued to glare at each other as Tyler helped him up. Kenzi went to turn back towards the kitchen door only for a torrent of pain to shoot down her side when she turned too fast the wrong way.

“Kenzi!” Tyler caught her before she completely crumpled back to the floor. Biting back a growl as the movement caused her more pain, he held her to him. Delta protects his Luna!

“How bad this time?” Jackson asked as he crouched down beside her, grabbing her hand to help her work through the pain. Adonis told them what he saw when he got back to the house. She shook her head, she didn’t want to tell them.

“It’s ok Jackson! It was jus a ass-cident” She gritted out between clenched teeth.

Jackson lifted the left side of her shirt, he had to see how bad it was. She tried to pull away and fix her shirt, but he wouldn’t let her and the pain that shot through her stole her breath.

“That not ok Kenzi. That not ok at all.” He said when he saw the edge of the bruise, he looked around the bakery quickly making sure no one could see her. His eyes locked with Maggie’s, the slight head nod she gave him had him curling his top lip. Maggie had been silently watching the whole scene, they saw the bruise and she couldn’t help the small smile on her face when she saw their unhappiness towards it. Adam wouldn’t be touching that girl ever again, he might be lucky if he could touch anything again. She had a feeling whatever lesson was going to happen to him was going to be bad.

“Comeon Tyler help me get her to the back, get some ice on her” He nodded and as gently as they could they lifted her to her feet. Using him for support Jackson helped her into the kitchen and onto a stool, while Tyler went and got them both some ice.

Carrying two bags, Tyler threw one to Jackson and sat beside Kenzi on a stool, gently placing the ice on her side. She stifled a small scream and he bit back a growl.

“It smell real good in here” Tyler commented instead, he was trying to draw his attention from the pain his Luna was feeling and the smells in the kitchen were a good distraction. He thought the front of the bakery smelled good, but the kitchen smelled the best.

“I thought the front smell good, but nuh uh! This where the best smells are.” He added.

“I jus fin-nishded baking brookies,” she replied, glancing at him. She couldn’t understand the look of concern she saw on both their faces.

“What a brookie?” Tyler asked, as he held the ice to her side.

“Well that’s what I’m calling them, but it’s a brownie made into a cookie.” She replied.

“A brownie made into a cookie, that soun frickin delicious. You can do that, jus make somein into a cookie?” Tyler asked, looking at her.

“I tried this morning. I think they smell preddy good, but I don’t know how they taste. I hasn’t had a chance to try them yet. I made cake cookies too, and pie crust cookies.” She pointed to a table by Jackson that had a fresh batch of baked goods on them. “Do you guys wanna try some?” She offered. Tyler looked at Jackson who looked back at him.

“Yeah! Don’t look at me like that when you over there droolin” Tyler stated,

“I’s been droolin since I walk in the bakery. It smell real real good in here” Jackson replied,

“Has a cookie, both of you. You’re hungry, shou-dint come to the bakery hungry” Kenzi took the ice from Tyler and shooed him towards the cookies. “There’s spicy chocolate on the stove. I was going to dip the pie crust cookies in it.” She added as she looked towards the stove.

“I don’t know which one to try, they all look good.” Tyler said as both he and Jackson eyed the cookies.

“Try one of each, these ones aren’t for sale, those are my samples to see if I could do it and if they’d work out. Monday I’ll has sum for sale” Kenzi said,

“Why they all in the shape of stars?” Tyler asked as he looked back at her.

“It’s The Falling Star Feztisval Monday night, I has to make sum-thing for it.” She replied, she took the ice off her side and sat there for a minute longer before she slowly got to her feet. She threw it in the sink with the other bags she’s used throughout the day. Grabbing the pot off the stove she made her way to the table with it. Sitting on another stool she started dipping the pie crust cookies in it and laid them out on a rack so the excess chocolate can drip off, before offering them one each.

“Holy shit, I can’t even describe that, it’s salty an sweet an spicy. That’s fuckin delicious” Jackson commented, Tyler could only nod his head.

“Really?” She looked back and forth between the two of them. They both enthusiastically nodded again. “Here try this one” She gave them one of the cake cookies.

“That’s fluffy, that’s really fluffy an melts in yur mouth” Tyler said,

“You don’t think it needs sum-thing like a frosting or a filling. Or I could samich it” She went to get up.

“You sit down, what you need?” Jackson asked, getting up from his seat. She breathed in deep for a few minutes waiting for the pain to pass, before she pointed at the containers close to the stove. He grabbed them all, not sure which one she wanted. She put a chocolate spread on two and sandwiched them, dipping the points in the spiced chocolate. Spread a caramel sauce on another two and did the same thing, repeating the same process with the cookie butter.

“Or should it be a fruit?” Again she went to get up but Tyler stopped her.

“I got it, what you need?” He asked,

“There’s a raspberry puree in the fridge” She pointed towards a big door in the back. Tyler was off getting what she needed. He held up two containers when he came back.

“I don’t know which one the raspberry is,” he said, giving her both containers.

“Thank you, this one’s strawberry, it’s a lighter red, but that might be good too….or….wildberry” she replied, getting a clean knife she repeated the same process as before. Spread the filling, sandwich the cookies, then dip the points in the chocolate.

“That jus made it harder,” Tyler said after they finished trying the creations.

“Yeah, I like ’em all,” Jackson agreed. Then she gave them a brookie to try.

“Uh Lil Kenzi Cakes?”

“Yes Jackson!” She looked at him,

“I hope you weren’t hopin we be able to help you decide which ones to make.” He said,

“Well kinda!” She looked at him,

“Well they’s a problem wit that” Tyler said,

“What?” She looked towards Tyler,

“They all frickin delicious an we can’t decide,” Jackson answered.

“Aw nuts!” She huffed,

“Maybe if you weren’t such a good baker it be a easier choice, but you too damn good an it not” Tyler commented. Her face flushed a bright pink as her nose crinkled at the compliment.

“That the cutest lil wrinkle face ever” Tyler gushed, causing her face to darken.

“Told you her frickin adorable,” Jackson added.

“Look her goin even redder,” Tyler teased. The little giggle that slipped past her lips as she turned her ever redding face away from the brothers had them gushing more.

“Only gettin more adorable” Jackson continued,

“Both of you stop” her cheeks were flaming red and she was trying to cover them, but it didn’t stop the megawatt smile she had on her face.

“Ok, Lil Kenzi Cakes, we gotta get goin anyway. Thanks for the cookies.” Jackson said standing up.

“Anytime, thanks for your help.” She said

“Not sure how much help we were. They all good. Jus make ’em all, let people figure out what they like better. My votes the brookies” Tyler suggested giving her a wink as he scammed another one.

“Maybe I’ll do that. Thanks again” She giggled and waved as they both walked out the kitchen door. Jackson did say he would be back sometime next week to fix the door, and to leave it propped open until he could. With the kitchen clean and nothing much to do, Maggie kicked Kenzi out reminding her she had to buy a dress for the party she was attending and she should get to the boutique before it closes.

Jackson, Tyler and Elijah walked into Joe’s bar a little after eight, heading straight towards Joe who was standing behind the bar.

“Whisky?” He asked not even looking up, he was already pouring two glasses and a glass of scotch for Elijah. Elijah took a seat at the bar across from Joe. He wasn’t supposed to be there, he was supposed to be in the Left City with Adonis, but it was a better idea that he stays behind to keep an eye on the demon brothers. Make sure they don’t go too far past the line they were about to cross. Tyler was watching Adam who was sitting along the far wall furthest from the door. He had two other friends with him and they were joking and laughing about something.

“We crossin the line tonight Joe” Jackson said as he accepted the drink.

“Crossing the line?” Joe arched a quizzical eyebrow at him.

“He put his hands on her for the las time,” Jackson said. Joe looked from Jackson to Tyler to Adam then back to Jackson.

“Do what you gotta do,” Joe replied, placing the glass in front of Tyler.

“$50 say I can hit him from the other side the room wit a dart” Tyler said,

“I’ll take that bet,” Jackson said. Joe’s eyes widened as he looked at them, then looked at Elijah.

“They are not to put a finger on him, and I am just here to make sure they don’t go too far past that line. Thank you” Elijah said accepting the drink,

“Too far past the line?” Joe asked,

“Make sure they don’t kill him” Elijah clarified,

“Yeah….please don’t kill him in my bar” Joe agreed, as he turned back to the brothers

“We won’t kill him, we jus gonna make him hurt a lil bit,” Jackson replied, taking a drink from his glass.

“I get three shots” Tyler said,

“The fuck you get three shots for?” Jackson asked,

“You get three throws in darts” Elijah answered,

“You shittin me?” Elijah shook his head, “Damn it! Fine!” Tyler laughed, took a quick drink and went to grab three darts off the board.

Tyler found a spot on the far side, and took aim. He released the first dart, sending it flying past Adam’s face. Startled, Adam pushed himself back from the table and looked towards Tyler.

“Easy friend!” He said at Tyler,

“Sorry friend, aim a lil off, bet my brother $50 I can hit the target from here.” Tyler replied, he could see the big grin on Jackson’s face.

“Maybe you need better aim” Adam countered,

“Yeah, maybe” Tyler took aim again and released the second dart, once again it flew past Adam’s face, the flight nicking the tip of his nose.

“Hey! I’m beginning to think you’re aiming for me” Adam looked at Tyler again,

“The fuck I do that for? I don’t even fuckin know you. Aim jus a lil off tonight, that all,” Tyler stated, his eyes dancing with merriment at the look of concern on Adam’s face. Make him bleed Tyler, make him bleed! Bal howling with joy in his head.

“Well….friend, maybe you should move closer to the target” Adam replied,

“Maybe, I got one more shot though” Tyler took aim one more time, with his brother watching and $50 on the line, he didn’t want to miss his shot. Adam kept half an eye on Tyler, when he went to reach for his drink. Tyler released the dart fast and hard. The point stuck through the back of Adam’s hand, the start of the barrel flush with the skin.

OW! Fucking son of a bitch. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Adam hollered at him holding his wrist.

“That a accident. Sorry friend din’t mean to” Tyler replied, his smile getting bigger. He could hear his brother laughing standing at the bar.

“I fucking told you to stand closer” Adam hissed,

“Yeah, yeah you did. Here I pull it out” Tyler offered,

“Don’t you fucking come near me” Adam grabbed the dart and slowly began to pull it out.

“You gonna wanna do that faster than that. Like a bandaid jus yank it” Tyler suggested. Adam just glared at him. “Jus tryin to help” Tyler put his hands up and walked back towards the bar.

“You owe me $50” Tyler said as he stood next to Jackson.

“Yeah, double or nuttin say I can hit ’em in the face wit the cue ball” Jackson said,

“Yeah, I take that bet, you only get one shot though” Tyler accepted. Joe had walked over to the table offering Adam a towel and a drink.

“You just going to let him stay here Joe? Look what he did to me!” Adam held up his hand that was dripping blood.

“He said it was an accident. And he apologized and bought you a drink. He also said he wouldn’t touch the darts anymore” Joe responded, and he walked away.

Jackson and Tyler were now standing at the pool tables playing, they could feel Adam’s eyes on them, and would catch him glaring every once in a while.

“He got a serious hate for you brother” Jackson said laughing as he lined up a shot and sunk a ball.

“Feelin mutual! Whatcha waitin for hit ’em already” Tyler huffed as he leaned against the wall.

“Simmer down, I waitin for the right time,” Jackson replied, sinking another ball.

“Now a good time. Bal wanna see him bleed more” Tyler exclaimed, Jackson just laughed harder, he could understand that, he had Ko in his head telling him to make him bleed some more as well. He lined up his shot, keeping his eyes locked on his target the whole time. Joe and Elijah watched on from the bar.

“Can he really hit him from there?” Joe asked,

“Guess we’ll find out. If not Jackson owes Tyler $100” Elijah replied, taking a sip of his drink.

“You’re not interested in what they’re doing?” Joe asked, Elijah just smiled,

“I know better to get involved when the demon brothers are playing,” Elijah answered. Joe just nodded, he was slightly curious to see what was going to happen with the cue ball he couldn’t help but lean against the bar and watch on.

“Comeon Jackass hit the ball!” Tyler egged on his brother

“Don’t rush me, don’t rush me, I only get one shot at it” Jackson lined up his shot, one more time. Pulling back on the stick, he released his shot, striking the bottom of the cue ball hard.

DUCK!” Jackson yelled, causing Adam’s head to snap up.

OWW! FUCK!” Adam held his face as his nose gushed blood.

“Bullseye!” Tyler howled,

“That look like it hurt, sorry friend, that wasn’t posed to happen. Now why is it when you yell duck everbody look? Don’t they unerstan that the whole point is to fuckin duck?” Jackson remarked with a grin on his face. Adam was crumpled over holding his nose. He used the cloth Joe had brought over the first time when Tyler hit him with the dart to help soak up the blood.

“Can I get two glasses this time Joe? My lil friend over there needs a real drink. The fuck he drinkin anyway?” Jackson asked as they came back to the bar. Joe poured him two glasses of whisky and one for Tyler.

“Gin and juice” Joe replied, handing him the drinks. Jackson just laughed, he was pretty sure girls mostly drank that, he knew Drea did.

“I thought mostly girls drank that” Tyler said,

“Men like it too” Elijah replied,

“No shit! Tyler said, grabbing his drink as he and Jackson walked towards Adam.

Jackson put the drink in front of him.

“Sorry friend, it a accident” Jackson said, not waiting for an invitation he sat down. Tyler grabbed another chair and sat beside his brother.

“What is that?” Adam asked, still holding the cloth to his nose.

“Peace offerin!” Jackson answered,

“Whisky!” Tyler clarified when he saw the concerned look on Adam’s face.

“You got some bad luck friend!” Jackson said,

“Yeah, bad luck!” Adam looked from Jackson to Tyler, his guard was up. His two friends fidgeted nervously in their seats beside him, not sure what was going to come from this. Jackson and Tyler were very relaxed but their presence at the table definitely dominated.

“Well, this is where the fun begins, Joe” Elijah said, keeping half an eye on the demons.

“The fun begins?” Joe looked at him,

“They were just warming up,” He replied.

“Why did you give me whisky, I’m not drinking that?” Adam said eyeing the drink,

“It a real man drink. You a real man ain’t you?” Jackson asked, taking a pull from his own glass. Tyler cracked up laughing beside him at the look on Adam’s face.

“Yeah I’m a real man” He snarled,

“Well then, bottoms up boy” Jackson said downing the rest of his. They watched as Adam picked up the glass and hesitantly put it to his lips. He took a long drink only for it to burn down his throat and he started coughing. Tyler howled louder.

“I don’t think he a real man brother” Tyler choked out, Jackson started howling as well

“I think you might be right brother,” He said back to him. Adam slammed the glass down on the table, the amber liquid sloshing over the sides of the glass.

“I am a real man!” He snapped,

“Nah! You ain’t.” Jackson said shaking his head,

“What the fuck are you talking about? Cause I don’t like your stupid drink” Adam yelled at him,

“Real men don’t put they hands on a girl. Toll you I was gonna fine the son bitch that did that to her face” Before anymore could be said Tyler kicked the table into Adam’s chest hard taking him off his chair. He rolled onto the bar floor coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

“Oh! That look like it hurt! Damn!” Jackson laughed. Adam’s friends backed away from the table, they looked from Adam to Jackson and Tyler who were still sitting in their chairs laughing at the pain Adam was going through. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“He look like he need a chair, here friend” Jackson kicked one causing it to collide with his head. “Sorry, thata accident

“You boys might want to sit down, they’re not interested in you, but they could be” Elijah warned the two men still standing near Adam, they looked back at Jackson and Tyler and slowly backed off. Adam had rolled on to his stomach and was slowly getting up. His nose was dripping blood again and he was still breathing hard from the table he took to the chest.

“I don’t have a problem with you two” Adam sputtered,

“We gotta problem which you though. Lil Kenzi Cakes our friend. We don’t like whatcha did to her. You put your hands on that girl, you ain’t gonna do that no more. In fact you gonna leave her the fuck alone from now on. You ain’t gonna talk to her an you ain’t gonna come nowhere near her” Tyler said,

“She’s my girlfriend” Adam glared at him,

“Not nomore” Jackson replied,

“I really wanna kick him in the face” Tyler said,

“Me too! But we ain’t allowed to touch him. We has to get creative” Jackson replied,

“Creative!” Tyler repeated, they still hadn’t got up from their chairs yet.

“$50 says that stay intact if I hit ’em wit it” Tyler says pointing at a napkin dispenser.

“You already owe $100” Jackson looked at him,

“Yeah I know, I want my money back” Tyler said,

“Yeah aight, I take that bet” Jackson agreed.

Downing his drink Tyler finally stood from his chair grabbing a napkin dispenser from the nearby table. He held onto it like it was a football. Testing his wind up.

“You gotta throw it hard though.” Jackson said

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I throw it hard. Left side right?” Tyler asked,

“Yeah left side ribs” Jackson nodded, Tyler wound up and released the napkin dispenser. Smashing into Adam’s ribs on the left side he released a yelp and hit the ground again holding his side.

“Oh, fuck that look painful.” Jackson howled,

“Still intact!” Tyler said victorious he at least got half of his money back.

“Huh! Them things are sturdy” Jackson said, picking another one up off the table. “How hard you think we gotta throw one before it break?” He asked as he wound up and threw it into Adam’s side. He gasped in pain as the dispenser made contact with his ribs again.

Joe you gotta do something. You gotta stop this” One of Adam’s friends yelled, they were now on their feet, trying to figure out what they were going to do.

“No! Stop! Not in the bar! Take it outside! Huh, they’re not listening.” Joe replied back to him,

“Valiant effort Joe” Elijah said, putting his empty glass down on the bar. Joe refilled it and wiped the bar down some more.

“I could have gone the stop what, I don’t see anything route” Joe replied, Elijah just smiled and nodded his head.

Adam had gotten back to his feet and was slowly moving towards the exit when Tyler noticed the bowling ball above the bar.

“That a nice bowlin ball Joe” he said looking at it,

“You like that? Here take a look” Joe reached up and pulled the ball down for Tyler,

“Yeah that nice, I always like bowlin. Somein bout chuckin a ball at thins is relaxin. Hey Jackass watch this” Tyler brought the ball back and released it sending it towards Adam it crashed into his ankles causing it to split his legs and he hit the ground one more time.

“What you call that?” Tyler asked,

“I’d call it a strike” Joe replied, Tyler was howling with laughter

“Nah! That more like a three nine split” Jackson broke out howling as well,

“Well he split something” Joe commented, they only got louder with that comment. Joe and Elijah watched as Tyler and Jackson found numerous items to hit Adam with, from chairs to tables to more napkin dispensers, pool cues to the pool balls. Neither one ever coming in actual contact with him. Elijah let out a whistle, Jackson and Tyler looked in his direction, he told them to cut it and pointed towards the lights. With one more chair kicked into Adam’s face they took seats at the bar.

“What’s going on tonight Joe?” The Chief asked as he sauntered in.

“Nothing, quiet night” Jackson and Tyler started laughing again, as they sat at the bar, drinks in hand.

“Got a call that a fight broke out in the bar” the Chief said as he looked at Adam lying on the floor.

“Nope, no fight” Joe looked at the Chief,

“No fight huh? What happened to him?” The Chief asked. Both Jackson and Tyler looked over at Adam and started laughing all over again.

“I accidentally hit him in the hand wit a dart” Tyler choked out between fits of laughter. “I say sorry an bought him a drink, but I don’t think he like me.” The Chief nodded,

“What happened to his face?” He asked,

“That was my bad. I accidentally hit him in the face wit the cue ball, tryin to make a jump shot. I mean I gave a duck warnin an it not my fault he look. Say sorry, bought him a drink, but he can’t handle his whisky, fell from his chair. I offered him another one, but he fell over it. Hell he been fallin all night, some people can’t handle they liquor” Jackson replied, taking a drink from his own glass.

“So nobody touched him?” The Chief asked,

“I din’t put a hand on that boy” Jackson declared,

“Not a finger” Tyler added in agreement,

“No Chief, nobody touched him” Joe confirmed,

“Are you crazy? Those two did that to him” one of Adam’s friends jumped into the conversation. Jackson and Tyler both looked over at the man, and he visibly swallowed at the look on the brother’s faces.

“Did you see them physically touch him?” The Chief asked,

“Well no, they didn’t put a hand on him” he replied,

“They threw napkin dispensers at him” his other friend interjected,

“Napkin dispensers? I don’t see any damaged napkin dispensers. If they didn’t lay a finger on him and there’s no damage backing up your claim then I can’t do anything, my hands are tied. The damage I see supports their claim, he’s had a little too much to drink and has been falling all night” The Chief shrugged, “Have a good one Joe, you boys stay out of trouble” he added, patting their shoulders as he walked past them heading towards the door.

“We ain’t causin no trouble” Jackson said, a grin spreading across his face.

“You ever find yourself in legal trouble Joe, give me a call” Elijah wrote his number on a napkin and handed it to Joe. “You could have sold us out, we wouldn’t blame you if you did. You could have stopped them, but you didn’t. Call it a debt of gratitude” He added when he saw the look on his face.

“He had it coming” Joe replied,

“Seems to be the consensus around town amongst a few people.” Elijah agreed, Joe nodded, he knew a few people that will be extremely happy when they hear what happened.

With the Chief gone, Jackson and Tyler turned again to Adam’s friends, they both audibly gulped. Jackson got up from his seat and they were already backing away from him.

“We didn’t do anything, please don’t hurt us” one said,

“You din’t do nuttin is right. You all saw what he doin to that girl an you all did nuttin. Lil Kenzi Cakes….her off limits from now on.” He said

“Yeah, yeah she’s off limits” they both nodded their heads,

“I hear any more shit bout her, I’ma come fine you both an make it hurt….twice. Now clean up the bar, yur friend made a fuck of a mess” Jackson said, again they nodded their heads. Joe handed one a mop and the other a rag.

“Hey Jackass, I think he dead,” Tyler said. Jackson looked down at Adam laying on the floor.

“Nah, he still breathin. Hey….hey” they heard him moan,

“Open your eyes an look at me, come on open your eyes” Jackson said as he crouched down and leaned over him. Adam’s eyes barely fluttered open, one was swollen almost shut and the other had slight swelling, but he looked at Jackson.

“This jus the lesson, an we did it witout touchin you. You put yur hands on that girl again, an I put mine on you an show you what it really mean to hurt. Stay the fuck away from Lil Kenzi Cakes.” With his warning given they thanked Joe paid for their drinks and the damage and left the bar.

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