The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker
Chapter 5: Don’t Touch His Junk!

The contract signed and dinner finally ready to be served, they made their way to the dining hall to take their seats. Adonis sat beside Alpha Leon and Elijah immediately took the seat next to him, forcing Kiara to sit somewhere else. This seemed to displease both her and her mother, as Elijah was receiving glares from both. Jackson and Tyler took the seats opposite them at the table forcing his Beta and his mate to take seats further down. They couldn’t keep the wicked grins off their faces at the looks they received from them. Seems the brothers were going out of their way to be difficult.

“Is there a problem, Alpha Leon?” Adonis asked as he caught the look he gave his Beta and daughter.

“No, of course not Alpha Adonis. We are more than happy to be accommodating for you and your men.” Alpha Leon replied, offering the most forced smile he has ever seen.

Plates being placed down in front of them Adonis and Jackson shared a look across the table, he could hear Elijah muttering beside him about the food in front of him. Tyler just looked at it, not entirely certain what to do with it. Yuck! Odin turned his nose up at the food on the plate. Lead by example Odin! After you then! He’s been through some fierce battles, and some tough situations, but eating what was on the plate in front of him, terrified him a little. But he was being watched and scrutinized, picking up his fork and knife he tempted the first bite. I’m really glad I can’t taste that! Fuck you, Odin! Jackson and Tyler watched, as he fought to control his shudder. They watched as he resisted the urge to spit it out. Choking it down, he didn’t understand how this pack was overweight. How could they eat this crap? We’re gonna starve! That would be preferable to eating this!

“The fuck we posed to do wit this?” Jackson asked, eyeing the food on his plate.

“Bury it, that what you posed to do when somein die” Tyler replied, he hadn’t even touched his fork.

“I think mine still movin” Jackson said, still eyeing whatever it was on his plate.

“Both of you shut up and eat it” Adonis spoke to them.

“No thank you!” Tyler fired back.

“So Alpha Adonis, how are you liking the town of Blackwoods so far?” Luna Mara asked, pulling him from his conversation with his Beta and Delta, they were fighting the urge to laugh at the look on his face. He was the only one that attempted a bite, not even Elijah beside him had eaten anything. This was one of those times being an Alpha sucked.

“It was my first day here, I have yet to form an opinion.” Adonis kept his answer simple.

“If you need any help, Kiara would be more than happy to show you around.” Luna Mara offered,

“Thank you, but I think I’ll manage” Adonis declined. What are these idiots not understanding? He has no interest in their whore of a daughter.

“It’ll be no trouble, she knows the town and the area real well, don’t you Kiara” Luna Mara continued. Great, she’ll know the best place to bury herself!

“Absolutely! I wouldn’t mind at all” Kiara readily agreed. Giving him another once over. This was starting to piss him off.

“Great, point us in the direction of the bar” Jackson interjected, sensing his Alpha’s anger rising.

“That would be Joe’s bar, it’s such a trash bar though, only desperate townies go there. If you want a club we have to go to the city” Kiara replied, her snobbish tone was not lost on them as she degraded both the bar and the people that go there.

“Unless we beatin somein wit a stick, we ain’t the clubbin type” Tyler shot at her. She swallowed a small lump in her throat and just nodded.

“As long as it got booze” Jackson stated, which was true, as long as it served alcohol Jackson wasn’t the type to turn down any establishment.

“Of course it has booze, it’s a bar. What are you stupid?” She snapped at him. The whole table fell into silence, as utensils clattered to plates.

“That was completely uncalled for,” Elijah commented, putting down his fork sitting taller in his chair.

“That’s not what she meant” Alpha Leon cut in, glaring at his daughter hoping to diffuse any situation before it starts. The last thing he wanted to happen was to offend The Devil. The rumours that circled the man sent chills down the spine and he wasn’t too eager to see which of them were true.

“What you talkin bout? Her jus call my brother stupid. We been to a few bars that don’t serve booze now that stupid. Member that piss hole in Taber, not a fuckin drop.” Tyler questioned looking at Alpha Leon. Even as a Delta he held more power than Alpha Leon. Power came from the Alpha and Adonis oozed power. In any room no matter the Alpha, Adonis dominated above them all and his ranks benefited from it.

“Apologies Tyler, she is just a silly stupid girl” Luna Mara exclaimed, she too glared at Kiara.

“Delta Tyler,” Tyler corrected her,

“Apologies Delta Tyler” Luna Mara said again

“She owes my Beta an apology!” Adonis demanded,

“Of course! Kiara, apologize now!” Alpha Leon commanded,

“Daddy, it was a stupid comment!” Kiara complained, she didn’t see why she had to apologize, it was a stupid comment, clearly Alpha Adonis’s Beta was dumb as a post.

Kiara, now!” Alpha Leon raised his voice. Looking at the others around the table it was clear Alpha Leon held no power, just the title.

“But, daddy!” Kiara whined. Time to show them how it’s done! Odin puffed with pride. A smile hit Adonis’s face, his ranks knowing what he was about to do automatically bowed their heads.


It started low and began to build, before Adonis released it.

NOW!!” He roared. Every head at the table bowed in submission. ….eeeeeek…. The startled shriek escaped Kiara’s lips as she felt and heard the anger emanating from his voice. Her body shivered at the power he exhibited, and her want for him only increased. He might be terrifying, but he was the Alpha of the demon species, he embodied power. The only one who may be more powerful than him was The King, but that was open for debate. Demon’s don’t bow before normals, and The Devil commands respect.

“I’m sorry Beta Jackson. I’m so very very sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you and I won’t do it again.” Kiara begged him for forgiveness, but Jackson sat there saying nothing to the girl, he picked up his fork only to push his meal around the plate some more. They all went back to their meals, but the conversations never continued. Elijah’s phone went off, and he breathed a sigh of relief thanking the Moon Goddess he wouldn’t have to eat any more, not that he ate anything to begin with. Apologizing for the interruption he left the dining room to accept the phone call away from the others.

“I think a drink at Joe’s after dinner sounds good, my men deserve it. Would you care to join us, Alpha Leon, Luna Mara?” Adonis said after a bit, still poking at his food. They might also need to stop by the diner for a bite, there was no way he was eating what was on his plate.

“No, thank you for the offer. You and your men are free to have whatever drinks are available here if you would like” Alpha Leon offered,

“Thank you, that is very generous, but we would like to see more of the town. We are to be living here, we should get familiar with it.” Adonis politely declined the offer of drinks at the house. He wanted the fuck out of there and the empty chair beside him was starting to make him uneasy. Where the fuck is Elijah? Hiding from the succuwhore! Where do you come up with this stuff?

“As you wish, from what I understand Joe’s is a decent place to go for a drink” Alpha Leon said to him,

“That’s good to hear.” With his attention on Alpha Leon, he didn’t notice Kiara slip into Elijah’s chair until it was too late. When he felt her hand on his thigh moving closer to him ….grrrRrrrr…. he let out a warning.

“Is everything ok, Alpha Adonis?” Luna Mara asked, alarmed by the sound he made.

“If you do not want to lose your hand you will remove it from my thigh immediately ….grrrRrrrr….” He growled again deeper this time. His body stiffened, his agitation increasing, Odin growling in his head.

Not heeding his warning she ran her hand over the length of him. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Releasing another growl he grabbed a hold of her hand squeezing it tightly. She whimpered struggling to pull her hand back. Pushing away from the table, with Kiara in tow.

“I warned you ….grrrRRRrrrr….” Adonis slammed her into the wall grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at him. With her free hand she scratched at his trying to get him to let go. His grasp on her hand getting tighter and tighter, Kiara whimpered more and more at the pain he was inflicting.

“Her shouldn’ta touch his junk” Jackson commented,

“$50 say he break it” Tyler replied, nodding beside him as they both watched on doing nothing to stop it. Alpha Leon and Luna Mara watched on as well, both too afraid to stop Adonis from doing anything.

“You insult me, you insult my men.….grrrRRRrrrr….I do not want you touching me. EVER! Get that through your thick fucking head. Touch me again I will rip your fucking arms off. Do you understand me? ….grrrRRRrrrr….” He growled, eyes glowing the colour of burning fire. Kiara nodded, whimpering, fear flowing from her in waves.

“Yes?” Adonis growled,

“Y-ye-yes!” She stuttered,

“Yes what?” Tightening his grip even more on both her face and hand,

“Y-ye-yes A-Al-Alpha!” Tears streamed down her face, the pain was immense but her fear of him was greater. He threw her to the ground, then faced the others. Gasps were heard around the room as others backed away from the tables.

“Jackson, Tyler get our things, we are not staying here. Get your house in order Alpha Leon and teach your daughter some fucking manners” Adonis moved towards the front door.

“Who’s stupid now?” Jackson asked, as he walked past Kiara still lying on the floor, her mother trying to soothe her. They could see the discolouration in both her hand and the marks he made on her face starting to form.

“You owe me $50” He said to his brother and held out his hand.

“That bullshit,” Tyler huffed as he paid up.

“My sincerest apologies, Alpha Adonis. We did not mean to offend you in any way, she is a stupid girl and will be dealt with accordingly. Please reconsider staying” Alpha Leon was talking fast as he followed Adonis out of the dining room.

“Black Shadow will adhere to our end of the contract when you deliver on yours, but I will not spend a night under this roof. The south belongs to us, further conversations regarding compensation for your daughter’s reprehensible behaviour will need to be discussed at a later date. We’ll be in touch!” Adonis snarled,

“Of course!” Alpha Leon bowed to him and moved aside to let him pass.

Stepping into the evening air, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself, now more than ever he wanted his mate. I want her, NOW! Calm down Odin! YOU CALM DOWN! Don’t yell at me! Stupid succuwhore, touched us! A shudder ripped through him, still feeling her hand on him, he felt dirty, his flesh crawling. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Come on Adon, Eli’s waitin” Jackson came out and clapped his back urging him towards the vehicles, where indeed they saw Elijah standing there.

Where the fuck were you?” Adonis barked,

“I felt your anger rising and packed our rooms, figured we weren’t staying. What happened?” Elijah asked, opening the back door for him.

“Get us the fuck out of this piss hole, I’m in need of a drink” Adonis said shutting the door behind him. Looking to Jackson and Tyler for answers.

“Her touch his junk!” Jackson explained, getting in the next vehicle, Tyler was already in the driver’s seat.

“Stupid girl!” Elijah replied, shaking his head, getting in the driver’s seat. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Pulling out of the drive for the packhouse they headed for the highway to bring them back into town. When they were far enough away, did Adonis let out a frustrated growl.

The fuck Elijah? You left me alone at that table, with that fucking succuwhore.” Adonis barked at him again ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Jackson informed me of what transpired. My apologies Alpha, the phone call I received was from the real estate agent” Elijah apologized, the agent kept him on the phone longer than he wanted to be.

“And?” Adonis was still angry, furious. His flesh still crawled, and he was starving. How could they eat that shit?

“The camp is yours, construction can begin immediately.” Elijah replied,

“Good!” Was all Adonis said, he leaned back against the seat, he waited for this day for a long time. He found his mate, his true mate, though there were complications, it didn’t matter to him he found her. The complication would be dealt with. He also found his home, somewhere he and his pack could finally belong.

“Where are we headed?” Elijah asked pulling him from his thoughts

“The hotel I want to get the smell of that whore off me, then food I’m fucking starving, then to Joe’s bar for a drink” Adonis replied.

It was a little after seven that evening when Kenzi stepped out of the bakery to lock up. She had most of the prep work done for tomorrow morning, but she still had a few more things to do. She could have stayed later, but she promised Maggie she wouldn’t stay too late today and it’s bad juju to break a promise. Normally she stayed until ten or eleven to get things finished up and ready, but she was also at the bakery every morning by three, three thirty the latest. Except on Sunday’s. Sunday was the only day she didn’t open the bakery, it was her day off. Not that she actually took one, she took the opportunity to bake new treats and try different recipes she was working on through the week. Plus stock needed to be taken and a million other little things that she was too busy to do during the regular week. So not much of a day off, she was always busy. Maggie often suggested hiring more help, but everytime they tried, no one ever applied, the ads would run for weeks, until Maggie would get frustrated and take them down. It was because of her, she knew that, and it saddened her. If there wasn’t something wrong with her then Maggie would have all the help she needed. She might wear her headphones all the time, but it doesn’t mean the music was always turned on. She heard the comments and remarks of the others in this town. She would only turn the music on when she needed to silence the noise. They all knew something was wrong with her, and nobody wanted to be near her, let alone talk to her. How could she expect them to want to work with her? She just wished she knew what it was so she could fix it.

Maybe that wasn’t entirely true, one person seemed to want to talk to her, at least he did until Maggie brought up taking her to dinner. A tinge of pain struck her when she saw the look of panic cross his face at the thought of having to take her anywhere, even though he spent over an hour talking to her. Adonis Bradshaw the tower of a man, that made her skin dance and tingle when his fingers brushed hers. She kicked herself all night for not pulling her hand back when he first did it. She had a boyfriend, but his touch even small and barely there brought something inside of her to life. Adam’s touch never did that, she never felt tingles, never felt electricity course through her like that, or at all. The only other time she has ever felt something like that was in the woods of Algonquin Park three years ago. She remembered the whole encounter like it happened yesterday. His arms around her held so many promises. How his body moved with hers, like they were one person. His rich, deep, silky smooth voice, how it enticed her, captured her sending shivers up her spine. His hand and the electric currents she felt through her. Then he kissed her, and she felt a fire burn wildly inside. Then he was gone and she never saw him again. Took over a month to get him off her mind and she never even saw him, though she’s tried to picture him many many times. She never told anybody about the encounter with the strange man in the woods, she kept that her little secret. It was dangerous and many things could have happened, but she never felt scared once, the opposite she felt safe, protected. Something inside of her told her he would never hurt her.

Shaking her head at the ghosts of the past, she made her way across the parking lot to her car. With any luck she would make it home in time to do some gardening before she called it a night. Checking her pockets for her car keys, she felt a little bubble of panic surge through her when she couldn’t find them. Checking again and again her keys were not there, looking in the window there she saw them sitting on the driver’s seat. Biscuit eaters! Scowling at her car she pulled out her phone. There was only one person she could call.

“Hi Frank!” She said as soon as the phone pickup

“Yes! They’re sidding on the seat” She replied,

“Ok! See you in a bit” hanging up the phone, she rested her head against the cool glass of the window on the driver side door.

That’s the third time this week that she has locked her keys in the car. Another tick on the tally board at the garage. She has done this so often that Frank set up a board just for her, if she gets to fifty she owes him a cake, she’s sitting at forty two right now, this would put her at forty three. Harvey has one at the hardware store as well, they thought having a door that automatically locks behind her when she closes it was a good idea, since she forgets to lock the door all the time, they wanted her to be safe. It is a good idea, except when she leaves her keys in the house. She had a hide a key in the rock, but she kept throwing it in the lake, because rocks aren’t good in the garden soil. So much for gardening when she got home, with nothing else to do she sat on the hood of her car and waited for Frank to show up and rescue her again.

Stepping out of the hotel after he got the smell of Kiara off of him, a sight caught his attention. His tiny dancer was moving her body in the parking lot beside her car. What is she doing? I don’t know! He was tempted to go over there and find out what she was up to, but thought better of it. Maybe she’s hungry? Could invite her for that dinner! Odin suggested. I would rather do that when it could just be us! You just don’t want to share her yet! Call me selfish!

“Well that ain’t somein you see everday!” He heard Jackson claim, as he stood next to him on the sidewalk.

“No, it’s not!” He and Elijah shared a knowing look and turned to head towards the diner down the block. It’s not what he wanted to do, it took everything to fight the urge to go over there. Maybe just give in, you want her, I want her! Not right now! Then when! Soon Odin, I want to know more about her first! You want to know about the boyfriend! He needs to be out of the way completely. If he does what I think he does, then he and I need to have a chat! And when he’s taken care of? Then it’s time to make a move! Careful little baker The Devil’s in town, and he has his sights set on you! Yes I do!

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