The Alpha’s Hated Breeder (megan and zade) by didi adeyemi
The Alpha’s Hated Breeder by Didi Adeyemi Chapter 8

Chapter 7

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I turned to see Landon jogging to make his way over to me. He was in jeans and a simple shirt and he looked more rested than he did last night. He smiled as he got to me and the action made me wary because it had been a while since anyone had smiled at me unprovoked.

“Are y

you alright?” he asked. “You looked a little worried as you were walking. Do you need me to call Zade?”

“No!” I said too quickly and I cleared my throat. “I’m fine, I am just out for some fresh air.”

He looked like he didn’t believe me so he took a step closer to me making me take an unconscious one back. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Look, I know you don’t know me and you have no reason to trust me but I know Zade can be difficult and if you need to talk then you can always come to me.”

I nodded slowly, not quite understanding why he offered that but being grateful nonetheless. “I think I should


He smiled grimly. “Just remember my offer.”

“I will,” I assured him and I watched him turn on his heels and leave.

Emergency calls only

Chapter 8

I came to realize that Landon was always at the pack mansion. I knew that he didn’t live here because every night, he left and returned at ungodly hours of the morning but a part of me hoped that I would never have to bump into him again. It proved to be impossible considering that he was at every meal. I had resigned to having my meals a few minutes after Zade just to avoid him and his over friendliness.

I was eating in silence when I felt a presence approach. I tried to ignore it hoping I was wrong when Landon came to sit directly next to him. I avoided his gaze but he kept his eyes pointedly on me.

“If I didn’t know better, I would have said that you were avoiding me,” he drawled. “Is there a specific reason for that? Did I do something wrong?”

“I have to go,” I muttered more to myself than him and I began to rise but he grabbed my arm to keep me in my seat. His hold was firm but not bruising and it could have been considered soft in comparison to Zade. Whenever Zade grabbed me, it was to prove a point and show power but Landon’s hold was almost careful.


“I just want to make you as comfortable as you can be, Megan,” Landon spoke slowly as if he were talking to injured or cornered animal. “You don’t have any friends here and I know how uncomfortable that can be. I’m just trying to look out for you but if you want me gone then say the word.”

I felt bad for the way I had been treating him. He was just trying to be friendly meanwhile I was acting like a stuck-up bi tch. I was just scared that he was like Zade but I knew that Zade would never have bothered to find. out why I was avoiding him. In fact, Zade was perfectly comfortable with allowing me pretend like he didn’t exist. We hadn’t seen each other in two days and I was grateful for it.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “We can start over if you like. My name is Megan.”

I held out my hand to him and he eyed it for a second before taking it. “My name is Landon and unfortunately, I am your mate’s best friend and Beta.” I blanched at the word mate and looked around to make sure no one heard. Zade had not told anyone about our status. “Relax, I know everything. Zade wouldn’t bring home a random girl. I knew you had to be important.”


my Bve anything not to be,” I mumbled then when I realized what I had said, I slapped my hands over mouth. This was one of the reasons I didn’t want to be his friend. I knew it would be impossible for me to control my tongue and I didn’t want him to hear all the things I had to say.

I waited with bated breath for him to get upset and insult me for speaking badly about Zade but instead, he


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Chapter 8

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shook his head and chuckled. “I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Listen, Zade went through a lot after Eva died. I know it may not mean much to you but he is a good person. Just give him some time and he will come around.””

“I have eight months left for him to do that,” I mumbled with a wave at my stomach. “I’m assuming you know about that too.”

He grimaced. “I do.” He opened his mouth to speak but his eyes suddenly glossed over and he went silent. By the time he blinked back to normal, he was rising to his feet. “I have to go but we will finish this later.”

I watched him disappear and I couldn’t help but smile softly to myself. He did seem like a nice y and what I had hoped my

my mate would be like. As soon as the thought landed, I jerked into an upright sitting position. That kind of thinking could have me killed in the wrong place. Those were definitely not the thoughts I was supposed to be having in regards to the best friend of my mate. It was unheard of and it was wrong. I tried to scrub them clean from my mind but the damage had already been done and I couldn’t help but think about a life where Landon was my mate instead of Zade.

“Are you done eating?” a voice thankfully snapped me out of my thoughts and even though I had barely touched my food, I nodded and stood to my feet. I muttered a barely there thank you and rushed out to my room. I only hoped that locking myself in my room would make things a little better.

I heard who I assumed was Landon knock twice but I pretended to be asleep each time. I could see my guard, whose name I still refused to learn watching me each time and I could tell that she had something to say each time. It was when the maids called me for dinner and I requested for it to be brought to the room that she finally spoke.

“Is there a reason you don’t want to step outside?” she asked and I realized this was the first time that she had initiated conversation. “Don’t look at me like that, anyone would be curious.”

“Do you even know my name?”

“Everyone knows your name. You’re the Alpha’s breeder. Even the pack members know you, Megan. It doesn’t matter how big the pack is, news travels very fast. So, is there a reason?”

“I don’t even know your name.”

“I know and I prefer it that way. Will you answer my question?” I stayed quiet and she sighed before taking a seat on the chair in front of the vanity. “I sleep on a pull-out couch in your room because you tried to run away from the most feared Alpha in the world. The least I deserve is some gossip because I should be enjoying a bed in my

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Chapter 8

own home.”



“Will he ever let you return home?”

“Maybe,” she shrugged. “He told me it was a potential long-term job and the pay is good so I don’t really care. I have a family that needs it more than they need my presence.”

I couldn’t help but realize how out of touch with reality that I was. I was so concerned with my own problems that I didn’t realize that a lot was happening around me. I felt like a terrible person for it so I couldn’t help but let spill about my conversation with Landon and how worried I was that he would tell Zade everything I said. When I was done, she just stared at me blandly like I was the stup idest person on the planet.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Landon is cool. He is more likely to bother you with stu pid jokes than tell on you,” she said before rising to her feet and going back to her usual position on the couch. I didn’t expect her to say anything else but she spoke in a soft voice. “The name is Kaya.”

My food came at that exact moment so I couldn’t say anything but I couldn’t help but feel a surge of victory my chest. Once I was done eating, I decided to take a walk. Kaya’s words had put my heart at ease and I decided to go to the terrace. It was on the fourth floor and from what I heard, people rarely visited it so I figured it was the best place to gather my thoughts.

The sun was a beautiful splash of watercolor. The air was crisp and cold and I couldn’t help but just close my eyes and bask in it. It was so silent and for a second, it was like I had no other problems. For a second, I could pretend like I wasn’t someone’s breeder and I was just Megan Armstrong. It was so relaxing that I didn’t hear the footsteps until it was too late.


“What are you doing here?” Za de’s voice was a low growl and I could hear the anger in his voice. I was annoyed that he had interrupted my peaceful moment and that was what had me crossing my hands and refusing to face him.

“I was having a moment of silence. I didn’t realize that was against the rules.”

His hand came to my shoulder and he turned me to face him immediately. It was hard to hide my terror but ! thought I did a good job especially when his eyes narrowed at me and I could feel his annoyance growing. I felt a surge of pride that I was able to elicit some sort of reaction from him but I was also scared that he was going to react in a way that would hurt me like he did in his office the day he strangled me.

“You will spes

to me with respect,” he spat as he took a step closer to me. “I don’t care how things were done in your former pack but here, you belong to me.”

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Chapter S

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I ignored him and made to walk away but he grabbed my arm in a fierce grip and stopped me in my tracks. He stepped in front of me so his face was bearing down on mine and when he spoke, it was in a voice filled with



“I own you, Megan Armstrong,” Za de’s voice was a deadly whisper. “You are mine to use as I see fit.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I will never be yours in any way that matters. My heart remains my own.”

“I’ve already taken your body and I have taken your freedom, I have no use for your heart.”

I wanted to slap the stu pid smirk off his face but I knew he was right. He had taken everything of consequence from me and I was just a pawn in his game. He chuckled darkly and just when I thought he was going to let me go or pull back, he moved even closer so that I could feel the heat from his body searing into mine. With every rise and fall of his chest, his clothes brushed mine and the close proximity had me feeling lightheaded. I clenched my thighs tighter wondering how I could possibly be attracted to someone as horrible as Zade Blackwood. It made no sense because he was a monster.

His lips brushed mine as he spoke his next words- no, promise. “I will enjoy breaking you, Megan Armstrong. It will give me immense pleasure.”


I did the most stu pid thing I could have in that moment. I said, “Good luck.”


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