“What time is it?” Malik groaned, swatting away the hand that kept shaking him, determined to wake him up.

“It’s just turned six,” Orpheus told him, sounding awfully chipper considering the time of day.

“What are you doing? Why are you trying to wake me up?” he groaned again, turning over onto his side to bury his face in his pillow.

“It’s time for training,” the Alpha wolf stated matter-of-factly.

“Training doesn’t start till seven.”

“Not anymore.”


“Now that I’m back, a lot of things are going to change around here,” Orpheus reached down to pull the sheets off his son, allowing the cold chill to wrap around him. “Starting with training earlier.”

“Do I have to?” Malik whined but very soon after, he learnt that yes, he had to. Not even ten minutes later, Malik found himself out in the training fields sparring with the same warrior that had the balls to make up absurd lies about me and my family – no doubt the doing of Orpheus who was either trying to teach him a lesson or trying to keep the peace. While this warrior had a lot to say yesterday, today, he kept his eyes down and followed the training agenda to a T. A welcomed change.

It appeared that a lot of things had changed in the span of twenty-four hours, not just the mouthy warrior who wouldn’t even look me in the eye. The fifth of the pack that had chosen to turn sides and support Clayton instead of Orpheus had been given a choice last night. To either remain in the pack under Orpheus’ reign or leave while they still had the chance.

Malik wasn’t surprised that all of them chose to stay. After all, where would they go? The Apo to Chaos pack wasn’t known for their kindness and mercy, and nor did they worship the Moon Goddess like all others. Other packs may be kind in passing but Malik couldn’t think of a single Alpha that would accept a worshipper of Lord Erebus into their pack.

They were very misunderstood, and their Lord so much more. It was unfortunate that not more people could be open-minded enough to accept people that believe differently to them. It was even more unfortunate that the wolves that supported Clayton had nowhere else to go. They either kept their ideologies to themselves or they would suffer the same fate as their old leader.

This was where Malik was torn. While he believed that wolves should be able to think for themselves, he also didn’t want an uprising. He had no doubt that would end in the same way Clayton did. With plenty of blood shed and a large audience to spectate.

“Let me help you up,” Malik called out to his opponent, the very same one that he had just knocked off his feet only moments earlier.

“Why are you helping me?” the warrior asked, accepting the hand that Malik held out to him.

“Because I don’t hold grudges,” he helped the wolf onto his feet, the extended hand a s peace offering.

“Thank you, Alpha.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You don’t have anything more to say to me?” he quirked a questioning brow.

“Sorry about yesterday,” the warrior bowed his head in shame, refusing to meet his eyes. “I shouldn’t have been running my mouth like that.”

“Why were you saying all that stuff in the first place?” Malik continued to pester the warrior with questions, determined to get to the bottom of things. Rumours were bad enough but the especially absurd ones were the worst.

“I don’t know.”

“Right,” Malik sighed and pursed his lips, watching as the warrior scurried away from him with his tail tucked between his legs.

As his fight had ended earlier than most others, he stood off to the side lines and watched, waiting patiently until his next opponent became available.

“For a man who was crying about waking up so early in the morning to train, you’re very skilled,” Orpheus murmured in appreciation as he moved to stand next to his son. His hands were clasped behind his back, his eyes dancing all over the fields as he watched the pairs spar; no doubt sizing up the skills of his pack.

“I wasn’t crying,” Malik was quick to deny. “Mars has been training me alongside Clyde,” he told his dad, his lips curling up at the corners at the kind compliment. It had been proved yesterday that he and his dad had very few things in common, including a vastly different view on most things – Orpheus leaning toward punishment whereas Malik favoured a much calmer approach – so he appreciated the effort.

“Mars?” Orpheus questioned in surprise, turning his head to face Malik. “Marcellus?”

Malik nodded, a small smile on his face at the mention of his uncle.

“Marcellus Storm of the Lupum Griseo pack?” the Alpha wolf continued to question, his lips parted in shock. Almost as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Yes,” Malik confirmed with. “Uncle Mars and Aunt Stassie.”

“I told Clayton to keep Marcellus and Anastasia away from you!” Orpheus growled, a dark look in his eyes as he stared down at his son.

“What? Why would you do that?” his eyebrows furrowed together in the middle, beyond confused. “Why would you want to keep me away from Mars and Stassie? They were mum’s best friends!”

“They weren’t your mum’s best friend!” Orpheus spat in disgust. “I was her best friend. They were nothing but a bad influence on her.”

“Are we speaking about the same Mars and Stassie?” Malik asked, his mind befuddled with what his dad was saying. He appeared to be especially passionate about this case, something which Malik failed to understand.

“Don’t worry about it,” his dad waved is hand in the air dismissively. “Get back to training. We can talk about this later.”

Malik did just that but his head wasn’t in it. How could it be when his father insisted on speaking in riddles? He fought a few more wolves and after that, he led a hunt in the forest. They captured a few deers which they would be able to take back for the cooks to serve for dinner tonight.

“Malik,” he heard his father call out to him from behind.

“Hey dad,” he greeted him, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“It looked like a successful hunt. Congratulations!” Orpheus clapped him on the back.

“We’ve had better,” Malik shrugged.

“And sometimes the forest is a cruel mistress,” he chuckled. “I’ve got a lot of stuff to catch up on so I’ll see you at lunch.”

“I’ll join you after I shower. I won’t be long.”

“Don’t worry about it. There’s no need,” Orpheus shot his son a smile before moving to head into the pack house, his strides long and determined. Excited.

“I used to help Clayton with pack stuff all the time,” Malik called after his dad. “It was good preparation for when I will take over the pack one day.”

“Like I said, a lot of things are changing around here!” Orpheus grinned over his shoulder before disappearing into his pack, no doubt heading to his old office. It hadn’t been in use in fifteen years but now, all of that was changing. Just like everything else.

Why does he keep treating us like a child? his wolf asked when he was under the sprays of the shower later.

I don’t know but I don’t like it.

Neither do I, his wolf replied before they broke out into a prolonged silence. I think he still sees us as a three year old.

That’s not possible. I’m very much an adult right now, Malik snorted.

It might take him some time to get used to that.

And it’ll take me some time to get used to having him around, he murmured as he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel to wrap around his waist. Do you think he seems different?

Yes, his wolf answered. But that’s expected. We haven’t had any connection with our father since we were three.

So, you’re saying that all of this is normal?

Yes, and all of this was pass, too. It’ll just take some time and getting used to.

I hope that’s all there is.

What? You think there’s more going on? his wolf asked curiously.

I think there’s something he’s keeping from us.

There’s probably a lot of things he’s keeping from us.

And that doesn’t bother you? Malik frowned as he asked his wolf.

Not really, his wolf denied. He is the Alpha, after all. And even though we’ll be taking over the pack one day, there’s just going to be some stuff that he wouldn’t be able to share with us.

Malik hummed as he got dressed, not quite agree with his wolf but it appeared that he didn’t have much choice in the matter.

As Orpheus had all but declared that he didn’t need his help, Malik suddenly found himself with a lot of spare time on his hands and nothing to fill it. As he wasn’t very good at cooking, didn’t have many friends – he had a lot of friends, but not many close ones – and none of his usual Alpha duties, Malik resorted to hanging out in the pack living room. At this time of day, it was mostly full of pups and their parents that weren’t currently working but Malik didn’t mind. After all, beggars couldn’t be choosers.

By the time lunch came around, Malik had done more fingerpainting in that one session than he had ever done in his life. His hands, arms definitely clothes and even some of his face was stained but he was far too hungry to care.

“Thank you, James,” Malik smiled warmly at the cook that set a full plate in front of him. By this time, the dining hall was filled with hungry wolves but the seat to his right t head of the table remained empty. Usually by this point, Clayton was sat and ready to enjoy lunch with the pack but his dad was still nowhere to be seen.

Dad? he called out to his father through the mind link, very aware that everyone was waiting for the Alpha to arrive so they could eat.

Malik? Do you need something? Orpheus answered through the mind link after a few moments.

It’s time for lunch.

I’m not hungry, he answered hurriedly.

The whole pack is waiting for you.


Because we always have lunch and dinner as a pack.

I’m in the middle of a very important meeting right now. I haven’t got time for a tea party.

What important meeting? Malik asked but instead of receiving a response, his question bounced off the wall his dad had put up.

“Feel free to start eating everyone,” Malik called out to the pack with a warm smile on his face. “My father won’t be joining us today.”

Despite how hungry he was earlier, Malik now felt like his appetite had disappeared. Or perhaps he was no longer hungry for food and instead, too occupied wondering what was going on.

One day back and his dad was already keeping secrets from him?


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Layla Knight


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