Nineteen: The Beta and his Goddess Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


I finally found my mate, and I was happy about it, but shit, she’s a fucking goddess. Like a real goddess. I leave Dustin's office and walk back to my room. I walk in and lock the door behind me. I really just want to be alone right now. I am not sure how to handle this. I am just a werewolf; what is that in comparison to her? I swear I can still smell her intoxicating scent. Chocolate, raspberry, and a hint of coconut. God, she smells amazing! Kylani what a sexy name. She is everything I want, but she is unattainable. I take off my shirt and lay down on my bed, throwing one of my arms over my eyes. I replay the meeting in my head. She came and sat by me during our discussion, making my heart just about burst from my chest. I even felt her hand touch mine and the spark it sent shooting up my arm. I swear by the end of the meeting, she was sitting so close to me that I could hear her heartbeat. Again though, she is completely out of my league. I can't reject her because it would kill me, so we can at least be friends since they will help us out with whatever the hell is happening. As I lay on my bed feeling sorry for myself, I swear I can smell her intoxicating scent in my room, which is impossible. She has never been in my room. I am beginning to think that the moon goddess hates me. Oh, that's right, the moon goddess is her fucking mother. Why would she mate bond me with her daughter when I am way beneath her station in life?

“Kaleb?” I hear Kylani say quietly.

I move my arm, and she is standing by my bed, looking at me with those dark green eyes that fade to hazel in the middle. God, she is gorgeous. She still has on that halter-style summer dress that reaches mid-thigh. I can see her tattoos running down her left side as my hands twitch, wanting to touch them. I am pretty sure I am dreaming or hallucinating. She is not standing by my bed close enough for me to touch. I close my eyes and expect her to be gone when I open them. I had just closed my eyes when I felt a spark shoot up my arm. My eyes fly open, and I look to see her fingers laced into mine. I just sit and stare for a second, my mind not able to process what is happening. I feel her fingers slip from mine and look up to see her look down and start to get up. My mind finally catches up to realize that she is really here. I grab her hand as she stands to leave and pull her back down. I move my hand to her chin and make her look up at me. A single tear falls, and I wipe it away.

“Sorry to bother you, I'll just leave. I can see you don’t want me here.” She says with tears in her voice.

She pulls her hand from mine, gets up, and starts to walk away. I get up and grab her by her hips and turn her around. I claim her mouth and hold her tightly against me. Her skin is so soft, and I want to feel her against me with nothing between us. I pull back to look into her eyes and see the confusion.

“Kylani.” I start to say.

“Don't, I thought there was something between us. I thought I heard you say MATE, but I guess I wasn't who you were talking about. Be happy, at least you can say you kissed a goddess.” She replied, her voice wet with tears. She tries to pull away from me, but I am not letting her go. Guess it's time for me to come clean about why I backed away from her.

“Kylani, I am sorry. You are my mate but I couldn't see how a mere werewolf could be good enough for a goddess.” I explain to her.

“Kaleb, I have been catching your scent around town now for years, but this last month or so, it has gotten stronger. I could never track down the source. When I walked into that room I caught your scent and when I saw you I knew. When our hands brushed I felt sparks but I figured it was one-sided. I figured you would rather have a she-wolf rather than a goddess since all the she-wolves I have seen are so beautiful.” She tells me quietly.

She won't even look at me. That's when I realize I have hurt her heart, which is the last thing I want to do. She doesn't think she is beautiful. She isn't beautiful, she is fucking gorgeous, and no she-wolf can even come close to her. She moves to walk away, but I grab her hand.

"Kaleb please I should go." She says.

I can hear the tears in her voice. I lift her face to meet mine and look into those amazing eyes. I place my hand on the back of her head and lean down and touch my lips to hers. Her lips are so soft and warm, and I realize what an idiot I am. I already know I love her. I wrap my other arm around her waist and pull her back to me. I walk us towards the bed. That's when I ask her.

“How'd you get in here? I locked the door after I came in. I ask.

“I'm a goddess I can go where I please.” She smirks at me.

I lay her down on the bed and pulled her down, so she was straddling me, pulling her back down into a searing kiss and grabbing her ass. I slide my hands up her sides and under her dress, slowly pulling it over her head and tossing it on my floor. FUCK SHE HAS NO BRA ON. I stare at her chest piece and slowly follow the twisting vines down her side. I bring my eye back up and stare at her fucking perfect breast and the bars running through both of her delectable-looking nipples. I slide my hands up and cup both of her breasts. FUCK ME; THEY ARE THE PERFECT HANDFUL. I give each one a squeeze, and I lightly tug on the bars. She lets out a soft moan as her eyes close and arches into my touch.

“Kaleb, please it feels so good.” She moans out.

The sound goes straight to my cock, and I am instantly rock hard. Painfully hard. DAMN WHAT THIS WOMAN, NO GODDESS DOES TO ME! My mind freaks out. My wolf is having a party in my mind. To say he is excited about our mate is an understatement. I flip us over and prop myself on my elbow, so I don't crush her. I flick one of her nipples with my tongue as I latch on to it and suck. She arches and shoves her chest into my face. I keep licking and sucking at her nipple while I squeeze and tug at her other breast. I stop my assault on this nipple and continue my exploration of her other breast. I give it the same treatment as the first. While doing that, I let my other hand explore further until I run into the tiny thong she is wearing. I slide my hand under her thong and move further down until I get to her centre. I slip one of my fingers in between her folds and rub her clit. She is already soaking wet and unbelievably hot. I keep gently rubbing her clit.

"MMMM feels so good. Please don't stop.” She cries out.

“Don’t worry my goddess. I have no intention of stopping until I have you screaming my name. I plan on making you scream my name while I make you cum using my fingers, mouth, and stretching you around my cock.” I grow! into her ear.

She lets out a loud moan, and thank god all of our rooms are soundproofed. I love the fact that she is vocal. The sounds travel straight to my cock every time. I kiss her hard and deep and slip her shorts and thong off. I return to rubbing her clit with my finger. I trace a finger down her folds and slip it inside her hot channel. She runs her hands up my arms to my shoulders and grips them when I slip my finger into her. She arches and pushes herself down, causing my finger to dive deeper into her. I slowly thrust my finger in and out of her while I tease her nipples with my mouth. I add a second finger and continue to thrust deep into her soaking channel.

"Kaleb I am so close.” She moans as she arches.

When she arches, I take advantage and kiss up and down her neck. I can feel her walls starting to tighten around my fingers. I add one more finger to her, and she screams my name as her orgasm washes over her. I keep rubbing her inner walls through her orgasm. When she comes back down, I ravish her mouth with mine. I then slowly kiss and lick my way down her delicious curves. She runs her nails up my back as I make my way down until her hands are buried in my hair. I flick her clit with my tongue, and she lets out a loud gasp. I take that as an invitation and thrust my tongue deep into her dripping pussy. I have to hold her hips, so she doesn’t move. I roll, twist, and plunge my tongue deep into her depths. I feel her tugging my hair hard, but it just turns me on. I run my tongue back up to her clit. I wrap it around her clit and suck it nice and hard.

“OH GOD KALEB. FUCK YOUR TONGUE FEEL SO AMAZING.” She yells and pushes my face deep into her tasty pussy.

“Cum for me my gorgeous goddess. I wanna taste every drop of your essence.” I command.

Her orgasm hits her, and she opens her mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. She is arching so high off the bed. I keep working my tongue to bring her through her intense orgasm. As she finally rests her back against the bed, I make my way back up her body. I make my way up to her lips and kiss her hungrily. I can feel one of her hands still buried in my hair and the other running up and down my back. I slipped out of my pants while I was eating her delicious pussy. I line myself up with her entrance and am buried to the hilt in her hot, tight channel in one hard thrust. I feel her nails dig into my back. I stay still for a bit to keep myself from cumming right then. She is so wet, hot, and hugging my cock so tight I almost finished then. I start to thrust hard and deep into her.

“Kaleb, harder please, I need to feel you deeper inside of me.” She whispers in my ear.

I let out a deep growl and grab one of her legs and bring it up to my waist and the new angle has me thrusting deeper into her. I can feel myself hitting the entrance to her womb. All I can think about is filling her full of my seed and placing my pup in her belly. GOD, SHE WOULD BE EVEN MORE GORGEOUS HER BELLY ROUNDED WITH MY PUP, my wolf yells at me. I sit up on my knees and start pulling her hips into me as I thrust into her gushing pussy. I look down and almost come with how wide she is stretched around me. I am well endowed as most wolves are. She is taking all of my thick 10 inches with no problem. I look at her gorgeous face; her eyes are an even darker green now. I keep thrusting hard and deep into her. I can feel her start to tighten around my cock. I know she is close to her next orgasm.

“Cum for me gorgeous, I need to feel that tight pussy of yours clamp down on my dick,” I say into her ear.

She screams my name, and I swear the entire room shakes when her orgasm hits her. I continue thrusting, and I am so close to my orgasm.

“Claim me, Beta I need to feel you fill me with your cum and make me yours.” She whispers into my ear.

That does it for me, my orgasm surges through me, and I release my thick hot cum deep into her pulsating channel. She is still clamped tight around my dick, and it feels like she is milking every last bit of my seed from me. I am pretty sure I have never cum this much or this hard in my life. Every time I release more of my cum into her pussy, she arches in pleasure.

“You like how it feels when I fill you with my seed, don’t you gorgeous.” I huskily ask.

“Yes, it feels so good.” She moans out.

I lay back down on my elbows, and we stayed kissing like that for a while. I lay there buried in her hot, tight, dripping pussy while I continued filling her with my seed. I finally have to pull out, roll off to the side, and lay on my back. She cuddles right up to me and lays her head on my chest. I drift off to sleep listening to her gentle breath.

I woke up the next morning, and my mind started to replay last night. I began to wonder if it was a dream or not. I roll over to find the bed empty. I ran my hand over the spot where I was hoping Kylani would be, and the sheets were still warm. I roll over and lay on my back. That's when I hear the shower running. I get up and walk into the bathroom, which is full of steam. That's when I see her standing there in the shower. She has her back to me, and I can see the entirety of her back piece. It starts at the top of her shoulders, and I can see the vines trailing forward to become part of her chest piece. I follow the vines down her back, and she turns just enough to see the vines continue down her left leg ending at the top of her left foot with a beautiful plumeria flower covering the top of her foot. All throughout the vines are various hibiscus flowers and plumeria. There are also various animals like frogs, dragonflies, and geckos. I stand there staring when I notice her start running her hands down her chest, and she takes one of her breasts into her hand and squeezes. I watch as her other hand starts sliding down towards her core. That hand is hidden because of how she is standing, but I have a very good idea of what is happening. Suddenly, I hear her release a moan that snaps me out of my staring. I open the shower door, walk up behind her, and grab her hips.

“I was wondering when you were going to join me.” She says with a smirk.

“You knew I was watching, How?" I ask, amazed.

“Again, I am a goddess I can feel and sense things faster.” She retorts.

I start kissing her neck, grab both breasts, and start rolling them in my hands. They fit in my hands perfectly. I hear her let out a soft moan, and I slip a hand down her body. I slip a finger into her hot channel. She pushes toward my hand to get my finger deeper into her body. I feel her grind her ass into my hard cock, and I let out a groan. I removed my finger and turned her around to face me. I capture her lips in a searing kiss and back her up to the wall of the shower. I grab her ass and lift her up as she wraps her legs around my waist and locks her ankles behind my back. I slip my hard dick deep into her slick channel. She has her arms wrapped around my neck and her hand buried in my hair. I am trailing kisses along her neck. I grab the two handles on the shower wall, and I am holding her against the wall with just my body. I am pretty sure she is also using her power to keep her there. I haven't moved yet.

“Kaleb, please I need you to claim me now.” She begs.

I pull out until my head is inside her and slam back into her hard. She screams, and I feel her nails dig into the back of my shoulders. I take her deep and hard against the shower wall. The handles give me more leverage so I can put more power behind my thrusts. She arches and starts to meet me thrust for thrust. She is getting close; I can tell because I can feel her walls starting to hug me tighter. She leans her head back against the wall and shifts to one side. I can't help it, I whisper “mine” in her ears, and I bite her neck and mark her.

"KALEB!!” She lets out a loud scream.

I feel her orgasm hit, and her pussy clenches down so tight that it almost hurts. This brings forth my orgasm, and I am filling her channel with my seed. I swear she feels like she is tightening down even more. We stand there for a while as I continue to release deep inside of her. I finally bring my hands back to her ass, and she lowers her legs to the ground causing me to slip from her body. We are still kissing. I pull back just enough to look at her gorgeous face and smile to myself. There on her neck is my mark. She is my goddess and mine only!! I slide one of my hands around her hip to her belly as I capture her lips in a deep passionate kiss. I bury my head in the spot where my mark is and rub her belly. PLEASE LET HER BE CARRYING MY PUP!

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