The Assassin’s Mate
Auction Time

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to thank you all for coming out tonight to contribute to such a noble cause. As most of you know all of our proceeds will go to the rehabilitation program and we are greatly appreciative of any and all donations. Now, let's get on with the auction."

He banged his gavel on the podium and the first woman walked on stage. She was a curvy blonde with tons of makeup and a huge smile. She walked to his side and stood still while several men in the crowd waved their numbered paddles until one was declared the winner. Six other woman took their turn on the stage until my name was called. I walked on shaky legs up the steps and took my place next to the auctioneer. He started the bidding at $500, just as all the other women before me, and soon dozens of hands were raised in the air.

The battle quickly became heated when a man in a dark grey suit kept trying to outbid another man who was hidden in the crowd. They each increased their bids by $100 each until the man who I couldn't see raised his paddle.

"$10,000." There were whispers echoing in the room as the crowd parted and my gaze locked onto a pair of enchanting brown eyes. My body buzzed with anticipation as he stepped forward into the light and the other man sulked back admitting defeat. The auctioneer slammed his hammer down and sealed the deal.

"$10,000 to Alpha Tanner. Alpha, will you step forward and accept your date?"

"Gladly." He said in a deep husky tone.

He met me at the steps and extended his hand to help me down making my mouth go dry and the heat that was burning inside me earlier, ignite again sending flames of delight through my body. We walked towards the balcony of the beautiful two story building in silence with our hands still joined. I turned to see Finn with his jaw tense and his eyes shooting lasers into the Alpha Tanner's back. I couldn't help but feel guilty for just being in a compromising position with him not 1 hr ago and now I'm standing here with another man who looks like he wants to take me right her and right now.

"Well you know who I am now, would you care to introduce yourself?"

"My name is Mila Wade." I said nonchalantly.

"Mila. You aren't from here, are you?"

"No I'm not. I'm from Mexico but I'm just visiting a friend." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He turned back and smirked as he saw Finn giving him the death stare and said "It seems your friend is a little jealous."

My face turned beet red as I tried not to look in his direction but I knew the longer we stood here the more furious he would become. I turned to face the mysterious man and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for your contribution tonight but I'm afraid my date is a little uncomfortable with us being together out here so I will have to take a rain check, if you don't mind?" Turning on my heel I started to walk back inside when he gently grasped my wrist causing a zap of electricity to jump across my skin and pulled me back to his side.

I tried to keep my breathing under control but when his hands ran up my arms I couldn't help but gasp at the slight shiver that had crept it's way through my body. He pushed me up against the brick wall encompassing the terrace that was covered in darkness from the enourmous solid French doors that were propped open. He grabbed me by my neck and placed a kiss on the side of my jaw causing my nipples to harden and my legs to clamp together. I could feel the liquid from my core dripping down my leg and a low growl left his lips.

His eyes dilated with pure carnal hunger and he said "Why don't you ditch your date and come back to my room with me."

Rage was seeping in as the burn inside of me grew, threatening to come out like a ball of fire from my mouth. "I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl." I pushed him away and walked back to the room only to see Finn with his arms around another woman and his tongue shoved so far down her throat I was sure he was going to gag her. I looked away in disgust and strolled right up to the bar ordering a double shot of bourbon.

I felt his presence before I saw him and I had to grip the ledge of the wood the keep myself from punching him in the throat. I grabbed my drink and downed it then walked towards the wall in the corner to sulk.

He followed me and gave me a cocky smile and said "I'm sorry if I came on too strong Mila but you don't" exactly seem like the sweet and sensitive type." He said in a low voice.

"Neither do you?" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh trust me, I'm not." His lips curled up in a mischievous way as he leaned in close to my face.

"Is that a threat?" I said batting my eyelashes while I stared into his deep brown eyes.

"No, more like a promise!" He whispered seductively as he pushed my hair off my shoulder.

He let his hand fall to the small of my back at the open part of my dress where he glided his fingertips along the curve in my spine.

My mouth fell open at his touch and my legs clamped together at the sudden heat emitting from my core. His arm tensed as he gripped my soft flesh running his fingers across my skin leaving a satisfiying sting in the wake of his path.

"I can smell your arousal, woman. So I suggest you let me satisfy your urge before you become a snack to the whole entire unmated crowd in here." His hand traveled down into what little material was covering my ass as he softly kneaded my plump bottom. I tried to keep from drawing attention to us as he continued his descent downward in between my legs.

My anger dissolved slightly at his words which caught me off guard. I wasn't the type to forgive so easily so what was it about this guy that had me wanting to pull him to his room and show him how bad I really was?

I whimpered at the feel of his big strong hands sliding in between my ass causing him to squeeze my cheek hard. He made his way to my center and wasted no time slipping his fingers through my wetness. He leaned in and nipped my earlobe causing me to quiver from his bite.

"So fucking wet my little wild one." He whispered and his words echoed in my head. Oh you have no idea how wild I am.

I gasped as he pinched my pussy lip sending delicious sensations to my clit before he plunged a finger inside me. I clenched around his deft digit and gripped his shirt practically cumming from the intrusive action.

He must have sensed someone coming becaude he pulled his hands from my panties and out my dress then licked it clean before he walked away leaving me in shambles against the wall. What the fuck? Not again!

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