Chapter 29 

Carla frowned Why are you doing that?” 

Adele smiled tenderly I have to make sure she gives me the permission to come in before I do, and these days, her voice seem to be getting low 

Carla frowned the more, not understanding the whole thing Why? I mean, can’t you hear her well? And since when must you have her permission before you go into her room?” 

There are times when she liked to be alone and didn’t want to be disturbed or checked on, I think she’s not over your Dad yetAdele replied 

Oh That was the only word she muttered as she waited patiently

Adele searched her face Did you hear me at all, Carla?” 

*Of course I heard what you said, Adele, I don’t think she would ever get over Dad’s death fully Carla muttered

Okay let’s go in Adele said abruptly and opened the door, motioning for Carla to go in before her. Carla went in slowly, her eyes on the frail woman on the bed. Georgia didn’t look in their direction, she just stared straight ahead, lost in her own world again

Mom?Carla called out softly and and Georgia finally gave them her attention

My baby Georgia said hoarsely and extended out her arms in which Carla flew into

Oh my precious babyGeorgia croaked out and hugged Carla tighter

*Mom Carla trembled slightly under her mom’s cold fingers, Why were her fingers so cold when the room was alive with warmth

Adele wiped the tear that had slid down her cheeks and went out, giving the family a privacy for their reunion

Carla disentangled herself from the hug and took her mother’s hands in hers, squeezing them tightly

Mom? Why are you in the sick bed? What happened? Carla asked anxiously 

Georgia started to speak and when she finished, Carla realized it wasn’t a real sickness, she just missed the old days when her family was whole. She cheered up after seeing Carla and they talked like old friends, sharing some laughs together until Adele came to tell them dinner was ready

Should I bring yours up here?Adele asked, directing her question to Georgia 

Georgia shook her head with a smile Nope, I’ll eat with you guys Turning to Carla, she said Help me up sweetheart” 

Carla did so happily and went downstairs together. Georgia seemed more lively than she had been in the past few days, all thanks to her daughter. Her fast recovery was a miracle, even to Adele and she pointed it out

She snorted You should have made it known to me that you wanted to see your daughter, why did you have to pretend you were sick?” 

Georgia’s nostrils flared You old lady, I wasn’t pretending! I was sick for real!” 

Adele rolled her eyesAnd the miraculous recovery?” 

*That’s because my daughter is here!She replied, glaring at Adele)

It’s the same thing my dear, you should have said you wanted to see your daughter instead of you scaring me to death! Adele exclaimed 

Carla thought it was time to butt in Now now, young ladies. Let’s eat, shall we?” 

Both old ladies exchanged a glare and huffed before eating 

We have a lot to talk about, babyGeorgia said. By that statement, she knew it was about her marriage. This was the Mom she was familiar with, she 


Okay Mom She replied and focused on enjoying the homemade meal Adele prepared for them

They ate their food in silence and when they finished, Carla put away the dishes in the kitchen along with Adele who shooed her away when she offered to do the dishes 

*Go on and meet your Mom baby, you guys have lots of things to talk about. I’ll just do the dishes and head homeAdele said, smiling tenderly 

Carla thanked her and left for Georgia’s room. She was sitting up, as though she was waiting for her. Carla had hardly settled down comfortably on the bed when her mother spoke 

*So you’re getting married Georgia blurted out

Carla took a deep breath and nodded Yes Mom” 

Georgia raised a questioning eyebrow To who?” 

Carla sighed I told you on the phone, Mom Have you forgotten so quickly?” 

I was sick and words hardly stick in my head Georgia said, defending herself 

Was that a real sickness? Carla asked, eyeing her mother 

Georgia’s eyes shot up Of course! What else could it be if not sickness? Or do you think I was pretending too?” 

Carla smiled Of course not, you were real sick 

Georgia rolled her eyes, she knew her daughter was just humoring her 

*So who are you getting married to? She asked again, bringing them back to the main subject

Liam Blake Carla replied and sighed again

Georgia frownedThat name rings a bell” 

That’s because I told you about him on the phone!Carla said, getting exasperated

Georgia shook her head No, not even that. I feel like I’ve heard the name somewhereReally? That’s because he’s quite famous in the business world Carla said with a shrug 

Something clicked in Georgia’s head and she snapped two fingers as though she remembered what it was

Yes that’s it! He’s quite popular, right? Georgia asked, wide eyed

Yeah, why?Carla asked with a small frown

Georgia didn’t reply, instead she brought out her phone and started typing on it. A few minutes later, she looked up with wide eyes and turned the screen of the phone to Carla 

Is this him?!She asked in shock

Carla nodded Yeah it’s him” 

Georgia sucked in a sharp breath You’re marrying a big man, Carla!

Carla grimaced, not sharing her excitement Really?” 

Of course! How did you manage to get a guy like him?! Did you fall for his looks and charms? I heard he’s quite notorious Georgia started to panic

Calm down Mom Carla said, laughing

Georgia’s eyes widened the more I should calm down?! We’re talking about your future, Carlal 

Mom, calm down and let me explainCarla coaxed her mother and Georgia eyed her warily

Okay little lady, I’m all earsShe said finally 

I love him, Mom Carla said dreamily and smiled

He has been so good to me and he loves me too * She added 

Georgia huffed That’s it? Even if you’re in love with each other, why are you getting married so fast?” 

She added Are you carrying his baby?!She whispered but it was loud enough for Carla to hear

She blushed furiously Oh Mom, stop!And she laughed

Georgia raised her eyebrows If not that, then why are you getting married with little or no notice?” 

Carla closed her eyes briefly, praying her Mom would be convinced this time Mom, we love each other and we’ve gotten to know each other, so why should we wait any longer and waste our time?” 

She added Besides, I want to carry his baby so bad that I’m dying out of the hunger” 

Georgia blinked her eyes You wish to carry his baby?” 

Of course Mom Carla answered, smiling 

Carla, are you sure about this? I’m okay with anything you decide, I just want you to choose the right partner Georgia said pleadingly

Mom, I’ve never been so sure about the man I want to make my life partner Carla said softly. Thank goodness for her act, her Mom did buy it and she believed her. So sad everything would have to end two years from now 

As if on cue, her phone rang and it was Liam. She picked it eagerly, her Mom raised her eyebrows in surprise and watched her daughter

HeyShe said softly

Hi baby, how are you?He asked from the other end

I’m okay, thanks for everything babyShe said sweetly, she needed to reassure her mother that she made the right choice

If Liam was surprised, he didn’t show it and played along with her, he could guessed her Mom was with her 

You’re always welcome, I’m a yours forever, you know that He replied playfully and Carla laughed. She knew he had caught on to her act and decided to play along with her. She was grateful for that

How is Mom?He asked 

She’s okay, better than she was before I came so I guess her sickness was just due to the fact that she missed me Carla replied, laughing. Georgia hit her lightly on the arm  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She’s here with meShe added, still laughing 

*Okay cool, can you put her on the phone?He asked politely

Carla informed her mother in a whisper and Georgia collected the phone eagerly Carla rolled her eyes inwardly, so much for acting all cool and strict

She watched as her mother got so smitten by Liam’s charm. He succeeded in convincing her mother completely that he was right for her. By the time Georgia handed the phone back to her, she was so excited that she started jumping on the bed like a kid

Hey She said into the speaker 

Your Mom is cool Bella, I love her alreadyLiam said, laughing

Carla snorted You think so?! She’s quite strict, if you must know” 

Of course Georgia heard her and she exclaimed I’m not!” 

Of course not, Mom, no one said you are!Carla said sweetly and of course, she was being sarcastic

Liam laughed from the other end Let her be, Bella, I think she’s cute” 

Carla huffed and looked back at her mother Cute?! You think this old lady is cute?!” 

Georgia’s eyes widened and she blushed He think I’m cute? Whoa, I’m loving him already!She said excitedly

Carla rolled her eyes Thanks for lighting up her mood Liam, I really appreciate it” 

It’s nothing baby, I’ll arrange for her to come to the wedding He said thoughtfully

*For real?! Thanks sweetheart Carla said softly 

It’s nothing, I have to go now Take care, huh? I love youHe said 

I will, I love you more. Bye honey Carla said and hung up

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