Chapter 48 

Lira’s!She exclaimed gleefully while Liam looked dumbfounded 

Why that particular restaurant?He asked in disbelief

I suggested it so that’s where we’re going, isn’t it just great?!She shouted

For someone who doesn’t want to be in the public eye, I’m quite surprised you picked this Liam wondered out loud

It’s perfect, don’t you see? It’s fairly expensiveShe tried to make him see reason but he clearly didn’t, which made it all the more difficult sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

If you picked it because of the money, you can call my mother now and change the location, I’ll take care of the bills He urged her

No way! I like it! She whined

Okay fine, do whatever you want but don’t you come crying to me when something happens He warned darkly

Of course *She said with a huge smile and they went back to his office 

*Thanks for the meal, Mr Blake She said the moment the door closed behind her. She took the seat opposite him and placed her hands on her thighs

He shoved his hands into his pockets and chuckled You’re welcome Mrs Blake, say what, let’s go on a date this weekend” 

She didn’t look surprised, amused maybe but definitely not shocked, Liam concluded as he stared at her calm composure 

OkayShe said calmly and straightened out her dress 

Don’t be late, I’m leaving She said 

He frowned, not liking the ideaYou wanna leave now?” 

She nodded YesShe replied softly 

But your body tells me something different He whispered sexily 

Carla blushed, not finding the right reply for his insinuation. In truth, she didn’t want to leave but there was no way she would tell him that

He continued, undeterred by her lack of responseYour legs for instance, He took a pause and gulped The way you’re pressing your thighs together under the damn table” 

Her breathing came in fast motion now but she still didn’t utter a word

He continued And the change in your breathing, and in your complexion” 

She gulped My complexion? She whispered 

*You’re flushed He smiled slightly 

*That could just be the wine we had back at the restaurantShe said softly, more of trying to convince herself that her body wasn’t reacting to him neither did she wanted him

He smiled at that You really want me to believe that? It’s the adrenaline, Mrs Blake” 

She removed the ribbon which held her ponytail in place and let her hair cascaded down her shoulders, on to her back. He on the other hand, loosened the tie of his suit, allowing him a breathing space. He removed his Rolex wristwatch and laid it on the table, the clicking sound heard in the silence of the 


Carla laid her hands on the table and tilted her head over to a side Let’s say I did stay.She took a pause

He raised his eyebrows, encouraging her to go on

She continued What would happen?‘ 

*First, He said, removing his tie completely now I would help you out of that little dress of yours” 

And?She asked, tempting him, wanting him to lose control over her. Suddenly, she wanted to tease him just like how he found pleasure in teasing her

And I’d be pleased to discover that you’re naked underneath He finished

*Really? * She asked, batting her eyelashes at him

Then I would bend you over He smirked 

*Right here?She asked very softly, placing a palm on the table

YesHe replied without mincing words

*On this table?” 

YesHe said again and they stared at each other longer than anyone Carla had ever seen their partners do

She bit her lower lip in anticipation, staking the odds. A minute passed with none of them talking

Thanks for the meal, Mr Blake Carla said finally and stood up. Her footsteps receded as she walked to the door. Of course he followed her. She paused at the door and looked back 

So we’ll see at home, alright?She smiled

He hummed in reply and brushed some hair away from her faceYou sure I couldn’t make you stay, huh?” 

She didn’t reply, instead she opened the door and they walked to the parking lot. Ben was there waiting as usual. He may as well appointed him as her- permanent driver, he thought to himself

Nah She finally replied with a soft smile

He nodded rather dejectedly Okay I’ll see you later thenAnd he turned to Ben Drive her safely” 

Ben nodded Her safety is my priority sir 

Carla my dear, it’s so good to see you, how long has it been since we saw each other? Diana gushed over Carla in a rather embarrassing way but she didn’t mind the stares she, particularly received from people

It’s good to see you too, Diana Carla replied with an automatic smile

How is it going with Liam? He could be a nuisance sometimes Diana sighed wearily which made Carla laughed, a genuine one this time

*No, we re goodShe replied, her laughter dying down to form a soft, contented smile

Diana read her expression so well and she could guess things were really good between them. She smiled to herself

*And is there a little Liam in there already?She probed further, gesturing to her flat tummy

Carla laughed nervously and her hands shook a little “I wouldn’t know about that, Diana” 

She hoped Diana would leave it that way, but little did she know that Diana had just started her interrogation

*Then go for a checkup in the family hospital, or rather, any hospital you’d like. It’s your choice, have you been feeling strange lately?Diana asked again

Carla shifted a little bit on her seat, feeling uneasy II don’t know, but I’ll go for a checkup like you suggested 

You’re a darling! I’m not making uncomfortable, am 17Diana searched her face for hidden or not too revealing expression

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