Chapter Twenty Four 



With an elbow to the chest, even though I can’t feel it through my pads, Jax attempts to turn my attention from the girl in the stands that has stolen my attention for the majority of the 


“Find her after, man,” he says glancing behind us toward the brown–haired beauty, “we need your head in the game.” 

“I got it,” I tell him, “sorry, I’ll try to do better….there’s just something about her…” I trail off, not finishing my thought when I glance over at my brother and find him glaring at me, 


“Yeah, shit.” I can tell that I’ve irritated him, but I don’t really feel bad. Yeah, there’s a time 

and a place but… 

I nod my acknowledgment of his irritation, but even as we head out onto the field and set up for our next play, all I can think about are the things that I’d like to do to her. Like, run my tongue along every inch of her sexy little body. Listen to her cries of pleasure as she fucks my face. And, how incredible she’s going to feel once I finally get to sink my cock inside of her 

dripping wet pussy. 

Boston!” One of the guys yells as one of the other teams‘ players tackles me, sending me to the ground. 

“Shit!” I shout when I hit the floor, laying there for a moment as I try to separate the dream from reality. 

Where am I? 

“Boston! Fuck, someone is in your room…and you’re in here!” Aspen says in a panic, “We are so fucked! I knew this was a bad idea, but no…God, I’m so fucking stupid!She continues her 


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Chapter Twenty Four 

tirade, pacing back and forth in front of the bed as I continue laying on the floor with a grin on my face at how adorable she is. 

When she glances over at me, she stops, places her hands on her hips, and huffs, “this isn’t funny! This never happened. You need to get the fuck out of here, now!” My stomach sinks at her words, she regrets last night. 


Getting to my feet, I try to close the distance between us, but she backs away from me, throwing her arm in the direction of my room, “Get out!” 

“Baby, please,” I plead, taking another step toward her

“I’m not your baby,” she growls, her eyes shooting daggers at me, “I’m not your anything, now go before you get caught in here and we’re both fucked.” 

“Can we please talk about this?” I ask, my chest starting to ache at how hard my heart is pounding against my ribcage.  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“There’s nothing to talk about. Whatever there could have been between us is done and over with,” She’s not once taken her eyes from me, and every step I take forward, she takes one back, like a lion stalking their prey. I open my mouth to ask about last night, but her next words stop me, “last night should have never happened. Chalk it up to a moment of weakness and forget about it. I know that I will.” 

“You don’t really mean that,” I try, hoping that it’s just the fear of being caught talking. “There’s something between us, you feel it just as much as I do. And if it makes you feel any better, it was likely one of my brothers in my room.” 

She snorts, but there isn’t even an ounce of humor among her features, “Like I’m really going to believe that. But, it doesn’t make a bit of difference if it was.” 

“I’m serious!” I tell her, taking another step and making her take one more back. Her eyes become panicked when she realizes that I’ve backed her against the wall. 

“Get the fuck away from me, Boston!” She snarls, holding her hands out in front of her. 


Chapter Twenty Four 

“I’m not going to hurt you. I swear,” I say in an attempt to try to reassure her, not that I expect it to work. “And Dad stopped coming into our rooms around the same time that us boys discovered girls and that it felt good to stroke our dicks.” 

“I don’t give a flying fuck! Get away from me before I scream!” 

I back away from her, holding my hands out in front of me, trying to show that I’m not a threat to her. I’ve got to find a way to make her forgive me and give me another chance, I think as I chance one last look at her backed up against the wall, still looking like she wants to murder me, before shutting the bathroom door between us. 

As I finish buttoning my pants, Jax sticks his head through the door, giving me a knowing grin before coming in and shutting the door behind him. 

“So, where were you this morning?” He asks, his eyebrow lifted as if he expects me to spout 

some sort of bullshit instead of the truth. 

I can’t help the smile that pulls at my mouth as I think about my night with Aspen, but it quickly falls when I remember how it ended this morning. 

“I knew it!” he says, chuckling, as he raises his hand to clap me on the shoulder in 

congratulations. “So, all’s forgiven?” he asks, his smile slipping. 

At the reminder of how badly we fucked up with my girl, the smile is wiped from my face too. 

“Not even close,” I say with a sigh full of regret. “It’s going to take a lot more than sex to earn her forgiveness,” I tell him, my chest aching as I remember the way she was looking at me this morning, as I turn away from him to pull a pair of socks from the top drawer of my 


Sitting down on the edge of my bed, he scratches the back of his head, thinking through hist words before he speaks. 

“But, she changed her mind?” he asks, glancing at her closed door through our shared 

bathroom, right?” 

“She still fucking hates me.” 


Chapter Twenty Four 

“But she-” he starts, but I stop him with a shake of my head. 

e ever 

“No, she still hates me. Said that everything was a mistake that shouldn’t have happened. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’ve got to make things right. I want her to be mine and I want everyone to know it.” I tell him, sitting down on the other end of the bed, as I slip my shoes on. “I don’t want to hide my feelings from her, or anyone else for that matter when we’re out from under this roof.” 

“And that’s what she wants? You said she still hates you,” he prods, “And I thought she said that there couldn’t be anything between the two of you because of her mom and our dad.” 

“I know,” I tell him, with a shrug I continue, “And trust me, she does still hate me. She made sure that I understood that loud and clear this morning when she was kicking me out of her 


“So what are you going to do?” he asks, unease flitting across his face before he tries to hide. it. 

“Fuck if I know, but I won’t deny that she means something to me. Not again,” I mutter. Getting up, I walk over to my closet, grabbing the first shirt that I find. After removing it from the 

I pull it over my head, “I want her to know that I’m serious about her. That I want her for more than just what’s between her thighs.” 

“So you’re serious about this?” he asks, surprise in his voice at my change of tune since we first spoke about this only a few days ago. 

” “I am.” I answer, nodding my head, “I know that if she ever forgives me that we’d both be 

risking a lot, with our parents. Hell, with our reputations. If it were just about getting my dick wet, I would like to think I would be able to restrain myself, regardless of how hot she is. But, there’s just something about her that draws me in. It’s like I’ve been looking for her all my life. I just didn’t know that I had been, or what I’d been missing, until I found her, and now that I have her, I refuse to let her go.” I probably sound like a pansy to my player brother, but all four of us have always been straight with each other. I’m not about to change that now. 

“Man, this is Dal’s area of expertise, I know anything and everything about sex and pussy, but you start talking about feelings and that love shit and I’m out, man.” As he says this, he stands up 

back to my door. Before opening it back up, he turns back to me and makes his wa 


Chapter Twenty Four 

once more, “Just be careful man. And for both of your sakes, I hope that you know what the hell you’re doing.” 

I nod in understanding and he walks out. 

“I hope to hell that I do, too,” I mutter to myself as the door closes behind him. 

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