Chapter 72 

Are you deal? Do I need to repeat myself? I said your two children are bastards! You’re a slut! If you don’t even know who their father is, then what else could they be?Gloria sneered

Slap!Christy raised her hand and slapped Gloria, angrily scolding. Gloria, can’t you watch your mouth? You won’t even 

the children. Where’s your conscientiousness?” 


Alas, Gloria is actually her children’s aunt!Christy thought, both angry and sad

Christy, how dare you hit me?Gloria exploded in anger and raised her hand to slap Christy in the face

However, Gloria’s hand stopped in midair

It turned out that Terence had appeared by Gloria’s side at some point and had grabbed Gloria’s wrist from the front

She couldn’t continue with the strike

Mr. Spence?Gloria was very surprised

When did Terence come over? How come she didn’t notice

Since the last time, Gloria caused a scene in the company and argued with Christy, Terence had been more cautious around 

Gloria Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Seeing that she hadn’t come to his office for a long time, Terence turned on the surveillance camera

He saw that not only had Gloria turned Stellar Group into her fan meetup, making everyone stop working and crowd around her wherever she went, but she had also specifically gone to pick a fight with Christy

Christy was Joshua’s woman

If Gloria bullied Christy at Stellar Group, Joshua would probably come after him for trouble

So, Terence quickly emptied the planning department and came to the rescue himself

Gloria, are you crazy? If you hit anyone again, I won’t be gentle to you.Terence said coldly

Mr. Spence, you misunderstood. This woman hit me first! I was just defending myself!Gloria said in a sweet voice

That’s because you said something you shouldn’t have and didn’t even spare the children. Your heart is so vicious that you deserve to be hit!Terence said coldly

Christy was surprised to see Terence suddenly appear

She recognized Terence. Wasn’t he the young pilot by Joshua’s side

Yesterday, it was Terence who flew Joshua by helicopter to rescue her son

At that time, Terence was dressed in his pilot’s uniform and looked very valiant

Today, he was wearing a black tuxedo. His handsome appearance and elegant temperament gave people a feeling of being a graceful gentleman

Gloria’s face turned red with anger

Why did Terence protect Christy and her two illegitimate children like this

Terence was Joshua’s person, and he would only bias toward Joshua. The only reason for him to help Christy was that the matter was related to Joshua

Thinking of this, Gloria suddenly felt a little panicked

Could those rumors be true

Christy, do you have a secret relationship with Joshua? I warn you. Don’t seduce Joshua. He won’t like trash like you!Gloria shouted in anger

Gloria, that’s enough! Do you want everyone at Stellar Group to see your behavior?Terence said coldly

His hand was still tightly gripping Gloria’s wrist. Otherwise, the crazed Gloria would have already rushed toward Christy

The more Gloria struggled, the tighter his grip became

Mr. Spence, my wrist hurts!Gloria cried with tears in her eyes and finally calmed down

Terence let go of her and said indifferently, Follow me to the office.” 

Gloria shook her wrist and stared at Christy with resentment. With Terence here today, she would not be able to lay her hands on Christy again

Gloria was determined to get the endorsement contract for the new product, so she didn’t dare go against Terence’s wishes 

Chapter 72 

and followed him obediently

Thank you.Christy thanked Terence

Welcome, it’s what I should do,Terence turned his head and said in a calm voice. But his tone was obviously not as cold as when he spoke to Gloria

Even Christy could feel the difference

Christy thought, What is Mr. Spence’s true identity? Why are all the people around Joshua so handsome

The butler, Rocky, is handsome, and Mr. Spence is even more extraordinary with his unfathomable abilities: Christy had only been working at Stellar Group for a few days and didn’t know much about Terence

However, at the thought of her son’s safe return, Christy was grateful to Terence

Gloria followed Terence to his office

Terence handed Gloria a contract that had already been printed, with a cold expression on his face

At first, Gloria was quite happy, but when she saw the content of the contract, she turned pale with fright

It was not a contract for endorsing a new product but a termination contract for all the endorsements she had made for Stellar Group

Mr. Spence, did you make a mistake? These contracts haven’t expired yet!Gloria asked in a trembling voice

They may not have expired, but Mr. Melendez has decided to terminate them immediately. According to the terms of the contract, we will compensate you with three million dollars,Terence said coldly

Mr. Spence, why did Joshua withdraw all my endorsements? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me, and I will definitely correct it! Please don’t take away my endorsements! These endorsements are really important to me!Gloria cried out in fear

She cried so sadly that everyone who saw her felt sorry for her

However, Terence’s face remained unchanged. He said coldly, That’s because your image has been tarnished, Miss Christy. Mr. Melendez feels that you are no longer suitable to endorse our company’s products.” 

Is it because of those rumors online? Mr. Spence, those are all fake! They were made up. How can you believe such nonsense!Gloria cried out

Terence said with a poker face. Miss Christy, you brought this upon yourself. Mr. Melendez gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you did not cherish it and even made things worse. You know very well what you have done. Do you want us to open the evidence that you hired the media to smear the company’s employees?” 

So Joshua knew

At this moment, Gloria felt like she was falling into an abyss

She was so angry

Who released the evidence and made her suffer

She remembered that those voice and chat records were only saved on her phone and notebook. However, the passwords for her phone and notebook were only known to herself, and no one could access the information inside

However, now that the contract was about to be terminated, Gloria had no time to think too much

But, Mr. Spence, I’ve been with Joshua for so many years. How can he be so heartless to me for an ordinary employee!Gloria roared in despair

Terence said indifferently, Your actions not only affected the company and Mr. Melendez’s image but also caused economic losses to the company. This is unacceptable to Mr. Melendez. If you are smart, don’t provoke Mr. Melendez again. Take care of yourself in the future.” 

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